American exorcist god.

Chapter 392 Fighting for "car"

Chapter 392 Fighting for "car"

“I didn’t expect it to be so easy to get in!”

Maria walked towards the empty cabin and sighed leisurely.

There was no thrilling lurking or twists and turns. She just changed into her workstation uniform, put on her mask, and dragged her oil gun to the back door of the plane.

When no one was paying attention, she slipped in so easily that it seemed unreal.

Annabelle crawls out of Maria's pocket and can shrink as small as she wants, which is a really convenient ability.

Xu Yi looked around the cabin. The lights in the cabin were dim, illuminated only by the small orange-red light above his head.

There were several huge metal boxes placed in the cabin, which were unlocked but covered with a layer of black glue.

The gelatinous substance was still squirming, which was creepy. You could tell with your toes that these gelatinous substances were not easy to mess with, so trying to open the metal box easily was a fantasy.

Each metal box has a number on it. Maria followed Bob's instructions and walked all the way, and finally found the target, metal box No. 9407, in the deepest part of the cabin.

She will never forget that if West had not betrayed her at the critical moment, Xu Yi would not have been involved in the dream world, nor would she have been separated from them for three years.

Three years have passed, and West's appearance has not changed at all, but Xu Yi can feel that the other party has become stronger and more majestic.

No. 9047 is the only box without black glue, it is just locked.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet Miss Maria here!"

When West was swallowed up by the sword, he knew that the other party was not killed, and now this idea has come true.

The opponent turned out to be the alchemy machine of the Ring of Destruction, with a snake face and a human body, and the metal scales on its entire body were red.

Xu Yi stared at the man in black, frowning.

There was tension in the field, and Xu Yi seemed to be able to smell the smoke.

West still had a faint smile on his face, as if he was meeting a friend he hadn't seen for a long time, rather than an enemy.

It was naturally not an ordinary lock, but some kind of alchemy product. But compared to those black gelatinous substances, the lock in front of me was undoubtedly much easier to solve.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she would have already drawn her sword and cut him off at this moment.

While they were observing the alchemical lock, footsteps suddenly sounded in the darkness.

The man in black behind West stepped forward and stared at Maria coldly, with a cold light flashing in his silver pupils.

"West?!" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

Two figures walked out slowly, the orange-red light illuminated the face of the person in front, and the black-rimmed glasses reflected a ray of light.

The moment Xu Yi saw the box, he knew why Bob wanted them to find this box.

Her muscles were tense all over her body, and she looked warily into the darkness. Her hand tightened on the handle of the "arrogant" katana, ready to switch to Aylan at any time.

Xu Yi was slightly startled. The voice coming from the darkness was particularly familiar. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here.

He had only met West before entering the dream world, so he didn't feel like he was in another world.

Maria was suddenly startled. With her perception, she could not find anyone in the corner!

"Why are you here?" Maria's tone was cold, and the long knife was slightly unsheathed.

"Don't do it! Calm down, you are in the same group!" Bob suddenly rushed in and appeared between the two of them.

"What do you mean by that?" Maria stared at Bob, her eyes as sharp as a sword.

Bob's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He knew that if he couldn't give an explanation, things might not get better.

"You all have the same goal, to enter the deep-sea base. What are these other than accomplices?"

Bob is now embarrassed. He originally wanted to earn double the reward, but he didn't expect that the two parties actually had a grudge. But it had to be done even if it was difficult, so he could only explain it forcefully.

Xu Yi was speechless. It's like you thought you were taking a special car, but not far away, the driver told you that there were also passengers who were sharing the car.

Maria's long knife slowly unsheathed, and the light of the blade illuminated Bob's face. The corners of Bob's eyes twitched, and he was ready to escape.

"Miss Maria, after all, this is not a good place to resolve things. How about I apologize to you after I leave here?" West said softly.

Maria sheathed the knife, knowing very well that now was not the time to act impulsively.

She did all this just to warn Bob that if she really wanted to take action, she would have switched to Aylan.

"That's right! There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom, peace brings wealth!"

Bob was sweating profusely. He quickly took out a key from his pocket. The key was very simple. After inserting it into the keyhole and twisting it, metal box No. 9407 slowly opened.

The icy mist rushed towards his face, and Xu Yi saw a huge dragon head in the mist. It was not a dragon from the Xia Kingdom, but a dragon from the West, but it was different in some details and looked more ferocious.

The faucet's head is completely icy blue, like an ice sculpture, and the mist is diffused from the faucet's head.

But the "Ice Sculpture" suddenly opened his eyes, and his golden vertical pupils coldly scanned the people present.

It is alive.

"Don't worry! It's just a look-alike, its core has been dug out, so it's not offensive at the moment!"

Bob said this, but after he opened the box, he quickly ran out a few meters away and hid behind everyone.

No wonder there is no vinyl in box 9047! Xu Yi suddenly understood.

Vinyl should be a very precious material. Even the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization does not have many. The dragon in front of us does not pose a big threat, so there is no waste of vinyl.

"Whoever wants to enter the deep-sea base should hide in this faucet. Others don't have to go in, and it's not a good place." Bob suddenly coughed and reminded everyone present.

West turned his head and looked at the smuggler next to him, "You should leave first! I will find fault if something happens."

The snake-headed man bowed respectfully and retreated into the darkness.

Xu Yi frowned when he saw this scene.

West also worked with Ring of Destruction, but at that time he was more of a pawn.

The feeling given to him by the snake-headed man in front of him was no weaker than that of the crow man, but he actually saw respect in his eyes. The actions of the snake-headed man also showed that the other party completely obeyed West.

What happened in the past three years that caused things to change like this?

West stepped into the metal box. Annabell followed closely behind. In its toy space, there was a golden coffin engraved with a magic circle. In the golden coffin was Xu Yi's body.

Carrying a golden coffin around would be too big a target, but luckily there is Annabelle.

As soon as Annabell entered the metal box, she instantly fell from the space and was unable to maintain her floating state.

"Magic Forbidden Box?!"

Xu Yi looked around and saw that there was a layer of transparent "glass" inside the metal box.

No wonder after the box door was opened, Long Tou didn't even think about escaping. With the core dug out and the existence of the magic-forbidden box, there was no possibility of escaping at all.

As soon as they entered the box, footsteps suddenly came from outside the cabin, and Xu Yi was instantly startled.

The sound of footsteps was particularly crisp, which was the sound made by the "Silkworm Chrysalis Man" when he walked.

Maria immediately tightened her grip on the handle of the knife, and West also frowned.

Xu Yi screamed in his heart that it was bad, but at this time, it was already too late to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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