American exorcist god.

Chapter 393 1 fish 3 eat

Chapter 393 One fish and three meals

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Xu Yi could already see the figure of the "Silkworm Chrysalis". The black armor gave people a huge sense of oppression.

That armor is called the Black Abyssal Style Combat Clothes, or Black Abyssal Clothes for short, and is the combat weapon of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

It is said that there are more advanced combat weapons, but that is top secret, and Bob does not know about it.

"My dream country is called Black Abyss. Shouldn't this weapon be mine?"

Xu Yi felt sour in his heart. This Hei Yuanyi was really too buggy. It was impossible not to be greedy.

Maria's knife was already halfway out, ready to strike at any time. Bob suddenly stretched out his hand to signal Maria to calm down.

Maria hesitated and sheathed the knife.

Bob took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and held it in his mouth without lighting it.

With a look of disdain on his face, he walked straight towards the Black Abyss Army.

Black Abyss Army looked around, said nothing, picked up the key and turned to leave.

"Brother, I have already made an agreement with your manager."

Bob took out a key from his pocket, "But it's up to the beholder. This key can open the safe No. F1803 at the Swiss Bank headquarters."

After Bob got the safe, he reached out and tried to close the metal door.

After a series of events today, Xu Yi felt a little ruined.

Bob, who had been carrying the safe, suddenly threw the box at West.

Good guy! Quite polite! Xu Yi looked at Bob, his stomach full and he had nowhere to spit.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, what was he going to do?
"Brother wearing glasses, help cut some of Guitang's flesh and blood, put it in a box, lock it, and then help throw it out."

Seeing everyone staring at him, Bob quickly added, "Thank you!"

"These weird flesh and blood can be sold for high prices on the black market. The Black Abyss Army often uses them to make some small money." Bob explained.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything!" Bob made an OK gesture.

He thought Bob was just making up a lie to deceive the Black Abyss Army, but he didn't expect it to be true.

The Ancient God Sacrifice Organization can be said to be the most powerful force in the world, but it gives him the feeling that corruption is everywhere in Korean politics.

"That's enough, that's enough. Thank you very much. I'll treat my brother to tea another day!" Bob said with a righteous look.

"How will we get out then?" Xu Yi finally couldn't hold back anymore and used Annabelle's body to speak out.

I don’t know if this is an exception, or if this is the case for all ancient god sacrificial organizations.

He handed over the key, "This is a little thought, I hope you like it."

Forget about "carpooling", this guy actually came up with "one fish and three meals"!
West opened the box, which contained blue ice crystals.

Xu Yi couldn't help but admire that Bob was also reliable at times. This trick came out of nothing and was used very cleverly.

"Is this enough?" West really had no pretensions and asked with a smile.

He actually cut a piece of meat as big as a palm from the dragon head. According to Bob, the dragon head in front of him should be named Guitang.

Xu Yi felt unreliable no matter what, but the heavy metal door slammed shut, and his eyes fell into darkness.

Xu Yi and West acted in the dark. They came to the huge dragon head Guitang and cut a hole in the broken neck to hide.

The dragon head Guitang roared in pain, but it could only watch helplessly and could do nothing.

The movements of one person and one puppet are almost the same. After sprinkling a special potion on their bodies, they get into the body of Longtou Guitang.

No one spoke in the darkness. The transport plane took off with a rumble, and after a long time, it began to land slowly.

Xu Yi heard the sound of waves hitting solid objects. They should have arrived at the sea base in the Arctic Ocean.

The metal box jolted again. After an unknown amount of time, the metal box was removed, leaving only the transparent magic-forbidden box, and the light finally returned.

Xu Yi asked Annabelle to hide, and he used the ability of the symbiosis eye to carefully peek out. What comes into view is a black circular tunnel. Above the tunnel are patrolling Black Abyss troops. At a glance, there are more than thirty people.

With such a powerful force, even if the devil comes here, he can't escape easily.

A metal arm is connected to the top of the magic-forbidden box, and its eight claws firmly clamp the magic-forbidden box.

The metal arm suddenly vibrated, carrying the magic-forbidden box all the way down.

The light in the tunnel was very dim, and Xu Yi could barely see clearly. There was a huge arc-shaped platform built at the edge of the tunnel.

There are densely packed magic-forbidden boxes stacked on those platforms. Without exception, they are all large-scale magic-forbidden boxes. They are priceless treasures when placed outside.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this, because the magic-forbidden box was originally manufactured by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

Each magic-forbidden box contains a strange thing, including ghosts and giant beasts.

What is the purpose of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization capturing so many weird things? Xu Yi was very curious.

The magic-forbidden box continues down, and a platform will appear after every few hundred meters.

Xu Yi discovered a pattern. The lower the platform, the more powerful the strangeness in the magic box.

Arriving at the 05th floor platform, the metal arm shook in vain, preparing to move the magic-forbidden box to the open space on the platform.

The platform is divided according to strength. In other words, Longtou Guitang is the weird one who belongs to this range.

But West suddenly stuck his head out and stared above, and the thread lurking outside the magic box began to squirm.

It was a nearly transparent thread, only as thin as a human hair, so it was difficult to detect.

It was obviously what West had left outside the magic-forbidden box before, and the thread spread onto the metal arm.

The metal arm paused suddenly, seeming to be stuck. After a moment, it continued downwards with the magic-forbidden box.

The mechanical arm is also an alchemical product. If West really joins the Ring of Destruction, with the alchemy technology mastered by the Ring of Destruction, it is not a problem to invade the metal arm.

"What is the purpose of West coming here?" Xu Yi became more and more curious.

The situation in front of him is undoubtedly favorable to him. The burial place of the gods is in the deep sea. The further down, the closer he is to his goal.

The magic-forbidden box whizzed downwards, and they reached the 17th floor platform.

There were a lot less magic-forbidden boxes on the platform. Xu Yi glanced around and was secretly shocked.

The king of fishmen wearing a crown of thorns, the ferocious fallen angel with black wings on his back, and even the unicorn that exudes holy light... These weird powers are not inferior to the title of exorcist.

But the magic-forbidden box is still going down.

The metal arm vibrated loudly and reached its maximum stretch. They reached the deepest part of the tunnel, the 18th floor platform.

There is only one magic-forbidden box on this platform. There is a clown sitting in the box, wearing a retro European performance costume, with thick white paint on his face, and bright yellow eyes like a severe hepatitis B patient.

The ferocious-looking clown noticed the movement, raised his head, glanced briefly, and then looked away.

There is no doubt that the target West is looking for is the clown in front of him.

But Xu Yi was a little confused. The clown in front of him was weirder and weaker by more than one level. He seemed to be more suitable to appear on the third or fourth level platform.

"Hello, Mr. Pennywise!"

West got out from under the faucet, walked to the edge of the magic box, and said hello through the "glass".

The clown seemed to be a little interested, but he still sat on the ground and just turned his head to stare at West.

"Mr. Pennywise, if you don't like this title, maybe I can call you another name, Death Ray." West had a faint smile on his face.

Suddenly being called his real name, the clown suddenly jumped up from the ground and hit the wall of the box before stopping. He stared at West with a ferocious expression.

When Xu Yi, who was far away in the dream world, heard the name "Death Light", his eyes instantly lit up and his heart beat loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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