American exorcist god.

Chapter 394 The Evil God of the Universe "Death Light"

Chapter 394 The Evil God of the Universe "Death Light"

Xu Yi forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, pricked up his ears, and eavesdropped on the conversation between West and the Joker.

He once read information about the "Death Ray" in an ancient book.

"Death Light" comes from another world. It is a terrifying existence living outside the Black Tower and a powerful evil god of the universe.

The reason why Xu Yi is so excited is because "Death Light" belongs to the strange demon!

When he was searching for information, he did not include "Death Ray" at all. It was not that "Death Ray" was not powerful enough, but because the other party was too powerful and had disappeared long ago.

The "death light" originally fell on Delhi, which has now disappeared in the long river of history.

If Xu Yi wants to become a god, he has three basic conditions: domain soul, body of god, and dark power.

And the alien demon is the key to dark power.

It was really unintentional. I didn’t expect to have such an unexpected joy before going to the burial place of the gods!

"Are you sorry that I didn't die?" Xu Yi asked softly.

Xu Yi knew very well that this cooperation could not be happy.

"Before discussing this issue, let me solve a small problem."

West frowned slightly. If it was an ordinary opponent, he would not care at all, but if the opponent was Xu Yi, things would become difficult.

Although he is much stronger than before, has Xu Yi just stayed in the same place all these years?
He specifically investigated Xu Yi and found out that the other party's growth rate was extremely astonishing.

West suddenly turned his head and looked at the Annabell doll, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

West shook his head, "I never thought you were dead. You are not such a weak person. You must have hidden powerful cards that no one knows about."

But soon, Xu Yi couldn't laugh anymore.

Xu Yi saw West's hesitation and quickly struck while the iron was hot, "We can cooperate for the time being. I need to enter the burial place of the gods. I think it does not conflict with your plan."

West was stunned for a moment. Although the sound was from a puppet, he still heard a familiar tone and asked in confusion, "Xu Yi?"

West thought for a moment and nodded with a sincere smile on his face, "I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation this time."

He has seen Xu Yi's terror, holding the ultimate weapon in his hand to shake the half-decayed World Tree seed.

"What on earth do you want to find me for?" Pennywise the clown had a weird smile on his face, and his voice was particularly high-pitched and feminine.

Xu Yi's heart thumped. Although he was now in the forbidden magic box and could not exert 10% of his previous combat power, even so, Annabell could not be West's opponent.

Annabelle's toy space still preserves his body, so no mistake can be made.

Xu Yi sighed secretly, as expected, the people who know you best are not the people around you, but your opponents.

Although he didn't know West's purpose, he thought that the other party needed to use the power of Pennywise the Clown, and for his dark power, he needed to "smelt" the other party.

West was getting closer and closer, Xu Yi completely took over from Annabelle, and said in a deep voice, "Long time no see, West!"

The more anxious he felt, the faster his brain worked.

So it might not be a wise choice to start a fight with Xu Yi here.

He is just a melon-eater and can't help.

So they are bound to have a moment when their bayonets see red.

The transparent silk thread drilled out from the mechanical arm, wandered over the magic-forbidden box, came to the lock, and inserted it into the keyhole. After a moment, there was a "click" sound, and the lock was opened.

This kind of efficiency is something that even the best locksmiths can only sigh at. Xu Yi was worried about how to leave the magic-forbidden box before, but he didn't expect that he could easily achieve it with West's help.

The door of the magic-forbidden box is closed again, the metal arm above vibrates, the box begins to rise, and Guitang, the leader, will return to his platform No. 05.

In this way, the chance of being discovered will be greatly reduced.

West came to the clown's magic box, and the transparent thread jumped out of his hand and jumped onto the lock of the magic box, intending to repeat the same trick.

But just as the thread touched the lock, a pale golden symbol emerged from the surface of the magic-forbidden box.

The thread jumped back to West's body instantly like a loach that had been electrocuted.

West frowned, and with his knowledge, he could barely identify that those symbols were Essano writing from ancient times.

It is extremely difficult to break the taboos of these ancient texts.

"There is no need to try again. This magic-forbidden box is specially made, and once it is opened, the alarm will be triggered immediately. In my current state, it is impossible to escape from here."

Pennywise the Clown has a warm smile on his face.

He was naturally excited about the hope of escaping from this hellish place, but his smile was not enough to be described as spooky and terrifying to ordinary people.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" West really didn't try again.

"Find the origin! As long as you can find my origin, I can take you out of here!"

The clown Pennywise licked his lips and let out a weird laugh:

"Even if I can go out now, with my fragile appearance, I can't help you, right? As long as I find the source, I can restore most of my strength."

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. He had already guessed that even the core of Guitang, the leader, had been dug out, let alone such a terrifying existence as the clown.

Seeing West's silence, Clown Pennywise quickly added, "I can sense that my origin is nearby, not more than ten kilometers away."

"Is there an accurate location?" West kept thinking and began to layout in his mind.

"At such a close distance, I should be able to feel it even through this annoying box. The feeling is so blurry now, if I am not wrong..."

The clown's orange pupils flashed with a cunning light, "It must have been disturbed by the aura of the divine skeleton."

Xu Yi was stunned, but he didn't expect that after going around in circles, he would actually return to the burial place of the gods.

The origin of the Joker is also hidden there.

West still didn't speak. There was too much unknown information, and he didn't like to do things he wasn't sure about.

"I can sign a soul contract with you!" Pennywise the Clown knew that without a little sincerity, it would be impossible to impress the man in front of him.

He has been trapped here for too long and he wants to escape from here too much.

"I'll find a way." West finally responded. He took out a parchment contract and handed it to Pennywise the Clown, obviously prepared for it.

Xu Yi said nothing during the whole process.

In his current state, he has no qualifications to ask for conditions.

But he had secretly vowed to get the origin of Pennywise the Clown before West did.

Once the clown gets his origin, he will inevitably become extremely difficult to deal with.

And the current clown Pennywise is an empty shell. Only by finding the source can it be possible to smelt the dark power.

(End of this chapter)

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