American exorcist god.

Chapter 395 When disaster strikes, we all fly away

Chapter 395 When disaster strikes, we all fly away

West's lower body turned into a slippery snake body, while Annabelle was suspended in the air. They moved forward in the narrow passage without making a single sound.

After leaving the eighteenth floor platform where the Joker was, they found a hidden access hatch.

They got into the inspection hole and went all the way down, preparing to reach the burial place of the gods first.

I don’t know how long I have been walking in the dark maintenance road, when a bright light suddenly came.

There is a "glass window" inlaid on the side of the maintenance road, which is made of the same material as the magic box. Only in this way can it withstand the heavy pressure of the deep sea.

It should be dark in the deep sea, and the sun cannot shine in here at all, but several huge lights float in the sea, illuminating the bottom of the sea.

Huge skeletons lie on the seabed. Judging from their shape, they should have been giants tens of meters tall when they were alive. Their orderly sternums are like the arches of a monastery.

There was more than one skeleton, they overlapped in a twisted manner, forming a huge mountain of bones.

Xu Yi stared at the bones and frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that what is in front of them is the bones of the gods, and they are about to arrive at the burial ground.

But soon, he became faintly excited.

West opened his mouth and spit out fluorescent green liquid. A hole was corroded out of the solid metal plate, and West and Annabell filed out.

If you think about it, you can understand that if it were really that simple, God's body would have been everywhere long ago.

In addition to Xu Yi's body, there are also ghost warriors in the golden coffin.

West and the Annabelle dolls continued forward, and after a while, they reached the end, where the front was welded shut.

He just used the magnetic field of the burial place of the gods to fuse his body with the ghost warrior, thus transforming into the body of a god.

The person performing the stunt on stage may seem effortless, but God knows how much effort the other person put in in private.

Because as long as the golden coffin is secretly buried under the Bone Mountain, the plan will be completed.

Only forces at the level of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization can build it.

So many gods gathered together, but eventually fell together. Who are their enemies, and how powerful should they be?
Xu Yi suddenly thought of a question and felt heavy.

Even after being dead for so long, these skeletons still maintain considerable pressure.

According to the normal excavation progress, by the time the golden coffin is discovered, his body should be promoted to the body of a god.

The golden coffin has its own hidden effect and is difficult to detect.

It sounds a bit incredible to find the burial place of the gods and bury the body in it, and then it can be transformed into the body of the god.
But if others imitate his approach, it will definitely be a waste of time.

The circular metal tunnel leads directly to the seabed, looking like a needle that fixes the sea. Below the tunnel is connected to a large-scale undersea base.

Building such a base in the deep sea requires unimaginable technology and resources.

Without ghost warriors, simply burying them here would be useless.

The same goes for Xu Yi. The reason why it is so simple is because he has already completed the prerequisite by chance, that is, he is a ghost warrior.

The burial place of the gods is just a medium, a melting pot.

After they left the maintenance road, the fluorescent green liquid evaporated, and the corroded metal actually began to recover. After a while, it returned to its original state, with no flaws visible.

When they entered the undersea base, what they saw was a highly integrated mechanical creation. The base's technological level was ahead of the real world by who knows how many years.

The base was very deserted, almost like walking into a tomb, not even a ghost could be seen.

Xu Yi was secretly happy because the fewer people there were, the better it would be for his actions.

But soon, he understood what it means to be extremely happy and sad.

A black shadow appeared quietly behind them, looking like some kind of canine creature, wrapped in pure black armor.

The material of the armor is similar to that of the Black Abyss Clothes. The only difference is that the fiery red lines run from the top of the head to the back.

Xu Yi was secretly shocked. It didn't matter that he failed to detect these hounds. After all, the ability of the Symbiotic Eye was limited, but even West didn't notice them.

The "black hound" in front of him has extremely powerful stealth capabilities. The black hound's pupils glowed scarlet, constantly scanning West and Annabelle.

"The white list search failed! It is judged as an intruder and will be destroyed!" The black hound made a cold mechanical sound.

While the black hound was searching, West had already taken action. He still looked like a man with the head of a snake and his slender snake body suddenly rolled up and wrapped around the black hound.

The snake's body continued to tighten, and the huge force could easily crush the copper, but the black hound's body remained motionless and terrifyingly strong.

The black hound suddenly opened its mouth and breathed out a faint blue breath. Those auras contained terrifying coldness, and white frost spread rapidly on the snake's body.

West's expression changed slightly. At this rate, within a few minutes, his entire body would be frozen into an ice sculpture.

He chose to "cut off the tail to survive", and the frozen snake body fell down and shattered to pieces on the ground.

More and more black shadows were running towards here, and Xu Yi's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

He took a cursory glance and saw no fewer than seven black hounds running towards them.

One black hound is so difficult to deal with, let alone seven!
No wonder there is no Black Abyss Army in this undersea base, because these black hounds are the best guards.

The Black Abyss Army is inert as human beings, and these black hounds are creations similar to alchemy machines. They never sleep and work twenty hours a day.

West knew very well that he could not stay here for long, and it had already been discovered, and the Black Abyss Army might arrive at any time.

When the time comes to be surrounded, it will be even harder to escape.

The remaining half of his snake body suddenly slapped the ground, and was ejected with his head, more than ten meters away in an instant.

"Sure enough, we will all fly away when disaster strikes!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

West's escape was so fast that Annabelle couldn't possibly keep up.

But the good news is that most of the black hounds have gone after West, and only one hound remains.

In terms of strength, West poses a much greater threat than Annabelle. These black hounds are very intelligent.

The remaining black hound rushed toward Annabelle as fast as lightning.

The white dress on Annabell's body moved and danced, bursting out with awe-inspiring power, and a mysterious spell appeared in its blue pupils as it stared at the black hound.

The black hound suddenly fell down and hit the ground hard with a loud noise.

Densely packed incantations spread across its body, and the incantations were connected to each other, like vines covered with flowers.

This is the power of the "cursed pupil". Annabelle is not standing still. After these years of learning, its spell has reached a very astonishing level.

Instead of pursuing the victory, it fled away at full speed.

The blood-colored light in the black hound's eyes flashed, and the spell on his body was torn apart.

After all, what Annabell is facing is the secret weapon of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, and no matter how powerful the spell is, it can only be used to delay time.

Annabelle ran around in the undersea base, trying to get rid of the black hound behind her, but unfortunately she was unable to do so.

Xu Yi became more and more anxious, because the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for them.

When the Black Abyss Army arrives, the difficulty of their escape will increase exponentially.

After rushing out of a ramp, Xu Yi looked back and saw that the black hound had not caught up for the time being, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Annabelle used her ability to shrink her body to lure the Black Hound into a narrow passage, temporarily trapping him.

But this situation was only temporary. Xu Yi had already heard the sound of metal being torn apart, and the black hound could not be trapped in the aisle for long.

"Where is this?" Xu Yi looked around.

Without a map, and with the pursuit of the black hound, they could only focus on running away, completely panicking and choosing the right path.

Coincidentally, they seemed to have arrived at the core area of ​​the submarine base.

(End of this chapter)

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