American exorcist god.

Chapter 396 UFO Demonic Spot

Chapter 396 UFO Demonic Spot
There was a factory in front of him. Xu Yi could not see the workers, only the mechanical arms that were constantly rising and falling, and the robots walking around.

This kind of fully automated factory could not be fully realized even in Xu Yi's era. The technology mastered by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization has completely surpassed this era.

A huge furnace hung in front. The outlet of the furnace suddenly opened, and black gelatinous liquid flowed out and fell into the "glass pool" below.

The "Glass Pool" is made of the same material as the magic-forbidden box, and is several times thicker than an ordinary magic-forbidden box.

If Annabelle hadn't been able to destroy the "glass pool", Xu Yi would have asked her to take away the black gel inside.

The sticky glue exudes a familiar and intoxicating smell. They are used to make black abyss clothes.

Needless to say, the preciousness of Hei Yuanyi is so precious that it is impossible for Xu Yi not to covet it.

"How are these colloids made?" An idea suddenly came to his mind.

It is said that teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish.

Since there is no way to steal these colloids, it would undoubtedly be more gratifying if we could know the secret of the production of Heiyuanyi and reproduce it.

In the process of dealing with the black hounds, he has already seen that these black hounds have very powerful perception capabilities.

"What the hell is this?"

After the divine bones are cut, the divinity will evaporate at an accelerated rate, so it must be used as soon as possible.

The sharp blade rotated rapidly, constantly cutting the contents inside. It was a reddish skin tissue that looked like it had fallen off from some giant creature.

Xu Yi kept taking deep breaths to relieve the panic in his heart.

There is no way to escape the pursuit of the black hound by simply hiding.

Xu Yi felt creepy, and the skin tissue gave off an extremely ominous aura.

Skeletons cut into sections line the production line.

Xu Yi suddenly understood why the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization took great pains to build the factory in the deep sea.

The chasing black hound failed to escape, and Annabelle followed the production line all the way up, trying to trace the source.

He asked Annabelle to go all the way up the production line. In addition to prying into the secrets of the manufacturing of Heiyuanyi, he also had another purpose, which was to find a way to escape.

The shell of the crusher is transparent and made of the same material as the magic ban box.

He has never encountered such a terrifying thing. Even skin tissue that has completely lost its activity can bring such a strong sense of oppression to people.

That's why they were discovered as soon as they came in.

He stared at the skin tissue, and suddenly his heart moved.

The extremely precious and extremely precious divine bones were placed on the assembly line like this, giving people an inexplicable sense of shock.

This material has so many advantages that it is widely used.

It's not an ordinary sensory perception, it's probably a soul-type perception. This kind of perception is very difficult to avoid.

When Xu Yi saw these skin tissues, he already had some ideas in his mind, but he felt it was too risky and could not make up his mind.

Annabelle continued to move forward, and Xu Yi suddenly held his breath and stared at the circular "crusher" that appeared in front of him.

Annabelle moved on and they came to the source of the production line.

Xu Yi stared at the huge furnace above, and suddenly understood why the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization wanted to transport the captured weirdos here.

The furnace has a semi-hollow design, and the scene inside can be seen through the magic-forbidden glass.

Whether it was a ferocious three-headed snake or a devil in red, after they fell into the furnace, they were dissolved in just a few moments.

The dark brown solution flows out and is transported downward along the transparent pipe.

Weirdness is also one of the raw materials for making Heiyuanyi.

The furnace shook violently, and a huge drop of jelly fell into the furnace. Xu Yi was a little dazed, staring straight at the weird one.

Other weird things fell into the furnace and were dissolved in a moment without causing any waves at all.

But the jelly monster in front of him kept changing its shape, hitting the furnace crazily, trying to escape.

Although it showed signs of dissolution, the dissolution rate was very slow, which showed how powerful the monster in front of him was.

"Is this... the UFO magic spot?!" Xu Yi finally determined the identity of the other party after searching for information in his mind.

As long as such a powerful creature has appeared before, it is impossible that no record has been left.

The UFO Magic Spot was a terrifying creature that once destroyed three towns, but then disappeared. Unexpectedly, it would appear here.

Xu Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter, because the UFO magic point came from outside the territory and was also a strange demon.

In other words, he can smelt dark power from the UFO magic point!

Although it will be very rare.

Unexpectedly, strange monsters that are rarely encountered in the outside world would be encountered one after another here. The Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is really a big business.

A roar suddenly came, and the black hound tore apart the tunnel made of special metal and ran wildly.

It was thoroughly outraged.

The red line on the back cracked, and dense metal tentacles spewed out, with blue current flowing on the tentacles.

Xu Yi could feel the terrifying energy contained in those currents, and his face changed slightly.

His peripheral vision glanced at the UFO magic spot in the furnace, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Annabelle! Do it!"

Xu Yi ordered in his mind, he didn't have much time to think, he planned to fight hard.

Annabelle flew rapidly towards the furnace, spraying white powder. There are vents on the top of the furnace for heat dissipation, and the powder spreads through the vents.

The powder burst into colorful light, and Xu Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God!

Fortunately, the furnace did not destroy the powder, allowing the powder to take effect. Of course, it may be that this furnace only targets weirdos.

Those powders are sleeping pollen prepared by Xu Yi using sleeping flowers as the main ingredient.

Xu Yi's original intention of letting Annabelle carry pollen was to deal with those who did not wear black abyss clothes, but unexpectedly it was used here.

The colorful light enveloped the UFO Magic Spot, and the UFO Magic Spot suddenly stopped and fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, the effect of sleeping pollen is not that powerful. Rather than the effect of sleeping pollen, it is better to say that the UFO magic point chooses to actively fall asleep.

Falling into the furnace and watching oneself being dissolved is an extremely painful thing.

So UFO Magic Point chose to escape.

It would rather die in its sleep than endure this torture.


In the dream world, Xu Yi withdrew his mind from Annabelle and observed the river of dreams wholeheartedly.

After he controlled the Black Abyss to arrive at the Dream Gap River, he stayed here just for moments like this.

With the ability inherited from Freddy, he quickly found the UFO magic spot in the river.

He jumped out, plunged into the river of dreams, and invaded the dreamland of the UFO Demonic Point.

Generally speaking, even if he invades the dream of the UFO Demonic Point, he can't do anything. After all, dreams are illusory.

But as time goes by, more than two-thirds of the "sun" suspended above the black abyss has become clear.

It's not far away from Xu Yi absorbing all the soul power.

As the main soul continues to grow stronger, he has mastered new abilities.

The "sun" suddenly emits a dazzling glow, and the glow is projected onto the dream water drop, making the water drop sparkle.

In fact, Freddy's "dream" ability has a second stage, which is to use the dream as an anchor to jump from dream to reality.

Xu Yi is going to let the soul descend to the underwater base, and then taste what it's like to become a "god".

(End of this chapter)

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