American exorcist god.

Chapter 397 The coming of the divided soul

Chapter 397 The coming of the divided soul
Among the submarine bases.

The UFO Magic Point was sleeping quietly in the furnace, but its top suddenly began to surge, and a face gradually emerged, that was Xu Yi's face.

He used the help of his main soul to jump from the dream world to reality.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly. Although he had expected it, he only knew how terrifying the furnace was when he truly felt it.

The surging heat rushes towards the face, and the high temperature in the furnace can directly target the soul.

Xu Yi's face began to become blurry, like melted wax, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because only the surface layer was dissolved, the origin was not harmed for the time being.

The reason why his soul origin is so strong is not only due to soul crystallization, but also because of Freddy.

As a domain soul, Freddy's ability of "origin constancy" alone is powerful enough, not to mention other things.

Fortunately, when he met Freddy, Freddy had been forgotten for many years and could not absorb energy from other people's dreams, otherwise it would be more difficult to deal with.

Xu Yi activated the perception ability inherited from the Lord of the Black Abyss. The black water ripples penetrated deep into the UFO's magic point, and the ripples seemed to touch something.

At the same time, he also needs to do two things at once, dealing with the UFO magic spot.

The battle started, Xu Yi controlled the ghost warrior and cooperated with Annabell to deal with the black hound.

The metal tentacles on the back of the black hound danced, and the violent blue current was like outstretched wings. It carried a huge momentum and rushed towards Annabelle.

That is the origin of UFO magic point.

When the fusion is completed, you don't have to worry so much. The soul can easily jump from dream to reality.

Dark golden flames lit up again in the ghost warrior's pupils.

"We have to speed up!" Xu Yi was secretly anxious.

The invisible chain should be a mythical holy weapon. It goes deep into the interior of the UFO magic point and firmly locks a purple "slug".

When the divided soul comes to the real world, it relies on the power of the main soul. Once time passes, the main soul will be unable to bear it. After all, it has not been completely swallowed and fused.

"No wonder I can't escape!"

The surface of the golden coffin is engraved with complicated lines, and the faint light of the magic circle flows quietly.

The chain turned red, and the melting speed of the UFO magic point increased in vain.

The reason why the weird things falling into the furnace melt quickly is that the high temperature of the furnace is only the superficial reason. The chain is the real killer.

The origin is locked, and it is impossible for the UFO magic point to escape from the furnace, which is why it is so desperate.

Xu Yi stared at the silver chain and suddenly understood.

He exerted his perception ability to the extreme, the water ripples became intense, and the invisible chains gradually appeared.

Because of the isolation of the dream world, Xu Yi was unable to connect with the ghost warrior. Now that the separated soul has arrived, he can certainly control the ghost warrior again.

Annabelle did not retreat, the purple air curtain opened from her body, the toy space was released, and a "pencil box" continued to expand, and finally turned into a thick gold coffin.

The chains can transmit high temperatures and act directly on the source, which is why those weird things look so vulnerable.

The coffin lid slid open automatically, and a red figure appeared in front of Annabelle. The crystal red long knife held the tentacles of electric light coming from the sky.

"The power of the furnace is terrifying, but this is not a good thing!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

If you want to obtain dark power, you must "squeeze" the strange demon to the extreme, so a "high-pressure environment" is essential.

Generally speaking, if you want to build a qualified "high-pressure environment", you need to arrange an extremely complex array.

But the furnace in front of me reduced the difficulty by more than half.

Although the difficulty has been reduced, with the conditions in front of them, there is simply no way to arrange the magic circle. At this time, the benefits of Xu Yi's many abilities were revealed.

He has the ability to replace the magic circle, although it is a weakened version.

The golden coffin was not closed, and another black shadow flew out from inside. Xu Yi's body was suspended in the air, his eyes closed tightly.

Of course, the body has not "come alive". If the separated soul wants to return to the body, it still needs to survive "rigor mortis".

Three years have passed, and "rigor mortis" has reached a very terrifying level. Only the main soul that has evolved to the "soul master" level can survive it.

The reason why the body flew out of the golden coffin was of course because of Annabelle's evil control ability.

Annabell is suspended next to the golden coffin. It only needs to cast spells and does not need to fight hand-to-hand like the ghost warrior, so it can also assist Xu Yi in doing things.

The ghost warrior broke out in vain, slashing out the fierce flaming sword energy and repelling the black hound.

It pulled back to the body and cut with all its strength. The arm of Xu Yi's body was cut.

Even the body of a demigod, without soul support and having been "dead" for three years, the body's defense has become worse than before.

The blood flowed out, and the blood was still fresh, glowing with a light white gold color. This was the power of the demigod's body.

The blood did not fall, it floated in mid-air and condensed into thin blood-colored lines.

This is the Soul Binding Thread, one of the abilities of the "Soul Jade" entry.

Xu Yi prepared to use the furnace in front of him and at the same time cooperate with the method of suppressing the "soul jade" to forcibly squeeze the dark power from the UFO magic point.

The soul-binding thread entered the furnace, and a faint blood-colored mist evaporated from the surface. There was no sign of dissipation. The powerful blood withstood the high temperature of the furnace.

The bloody thin line flew towards the UFO Magic Spot. At this moment, the UFO Demon Spot, which had been sleeping, suddenly woke up. Its jelly-like body surged up and wrapped around Xu Yi's face.

It wants to seize Xu Yi's body!
Although its origin is bound by chains, as long as it can be ruthless and forcibly separated, some of its origins can still escape.

But the question is, how to survive after being separated from the original source?
You must know that it is now in the furnace, and taking the initiative to separate from the origin is undoubtedly the way to death.

But now that Xu Yi appears, there is a solution to the problem. As long as it can seize Xu Yi's body, it is possible to escape from here.

Facing the "backstab" from UFO's magic point, Xu Yi didn't show any panic on his face.

Weird and treacherous, how could the experienced Xu Yi not be aware of it, and how could he be unprepared?

The UFO magic point suddenly froze. It controlled its body to wrap Xu Yi's face, but a new face suddenly appeared next to it.

It quickly controlled its body and wrapped the newborn's face.

But it soon discovered that this was just the beginning. More and more faces grew, densely packed, covering its entire body.

The UFO magic spots kept wrapping around those faces, but those faces kept reborn, seemingly endlessly.

This is the ability of Os's "Infinite Face". What Xu Yi inherited is not just Freddy's ability. As he continues to devour and digest it, the abilities he masters will become more and more.

The UFO magic point suddenly twisted painfully and kept hitting the inner wall of the furnace.

In order to seize Xu Yi's body, it isolated the calcination in the furnace and wanted to show the best condition.

But this approach has sequelae, that is, once the isolation fails, it will suffer more serious backlash.

Isolation is also time-limited, otherwise it would not need to fall directly into deep sleep in order to escape pain.

After realizing that he could not seize Xu Yi's body, UFO Demon Point felt desperate, causing the isolation to expire prematurely.

"good chance!"

Xu Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly controlled the soul-binding thread to weave into a web and shrouded it towards the UFO magic point.

(End of this chapter)

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