American exorcist god.

Chapter 398 This is what God feels like!

Chapter 398 This is what God feels like!

The UFO Demon Spot was bound by a dense net. Under Xu Yi's control, the bloody net continued to tighten, and the UFO Demon Spot's body was continuously compressed.

UFO Demon Spot tried to break free, but to no avail.

As time passed, Xu Yi's face had escaped from the UFO magic point and was suspended in the furnace. His eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

An emerald-like bead appeared in the center of the soul-binding line, shining with crystal color. The UFO magic point had been pressed into a soul jade.

But the soul-binding thread did not loosen, it continued to tighten.

The soul jade was exceptionally strong, and Xu Yi found it very difficult to control the soul-binding thread.

At this moment, the chain that bound the origin of the UFO magic point became red and shiny, as if it had been fished out of magma.

The entire furnace shook violently. Sensing the difficulty of UFO's magic point, the furnace turned on the hidden mode, and the temperature increased by one dimension.

Xu Yi also felt the pressure, and his avatar's face was greatly dissolved, but he still managed to hold on with his tenacity.

A crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded, and the soul jade completely shattered. As soon as those fragments flew out, they were incinerated by the high temperature, leaving only a fingernail-sized piece of dark energy suspended in the air.

In fact, before taking action, Xu Yi didn't have high hopes at all, but he didn't expect that it actually succeeded.

That light gives people an extremely deep and suffocating feeling.

The instrument detects strong energy and is ready to suck it away and transport it to the bottom of the assembly line.

Xu Yi could feel the extremely unstable energy above. The current dark power was like a time bomb that could explode at any time.

The strength of the UFO magic point is limited, and the dark power that is squeezed out is only such a small amount.

Dark power changes between extreme heat and extreme cold. This contradictory feeling of "ice and fire" can drive people crazy.

After all, the furnace is an automated machine. It is not as intelligent as a human being and will only work according to established procedures.

The high-speed rotating furnace, the red sacred chain, the ever-tightening soul-binding thread... Under the strong pressure of the three parties, a crack appeared on the soul jade, and the crack continued to spread.

A powerful suction force suddenly erupted from the bottom of the furnace.

Xu Yi suddenly became excited because he saw a black-purple light in the cracks of the soul jade.

"The dark power that is not extracted through orthodox methods is indeed unreliable!"

But the next second, the high temperature disappeared and was replaced by extreme cold, and his face was almost frozen.

Dark power! There's no mistake, the black-purple light in front of you is dark power!

After entering Anli, the terrifying high temperature hit, and Xu Yi's face twisted in pain. The feeling was like an ordinary person swallowing a bright coal ball.

His face began to twist and change into threads, trying to get out of the furnace's vent hole.

But that's not the worst. As the temperature changes, the dark energy flickers between red and blue light.

Fortunately, he had been prepared and was waiting beside the soul jade. The moment the soul jade shattered, he pounced on it and swallowed the dark power in one gulp.

Xu Yi knew that he had to hurry up. Once the dark power detonated, they would be the first to suffer.

Xu Yi worked so hard to "squeeze" out such a trace of dark power. If it were sucked away by the furnace, he might be depressed to the point of vomiting blood.

No accidents occurred, and Xu Yi escaped from the furnace safely.

"Success or failure depends on this!" Xu Yi stared at the body in front of him, secretly encouraging himself.

Because he didn't know what would happen next. The divided soul carries the dark power and crashes into the body.

Just like a drop of water falling into the ocean, the separated soul merges into the body without any hindrance.

A severe chill swept over him, and his soul seemed to be frozen, but because he had been devastated by the dark power before, he actually felt that he could still accept it.

But he knew very well that this was only temporary.

If the separated soul stays in the body for a long time, it will definitely be frozen and then annihilated. Resurrection from the dead is not that simple.

Xu Yi's soul suddenly shook, and he felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling. In Xia Guo's words, it was "the unity of heaven and man."

The sporadic dark power the size of a fingernail, the split soul is equivalent to a low-end version of the domain soul, and the body is only the body of a demigod... Every condition is one level lower than becoming a supernatural god, but for this reason, inexplicably adaptation.

The three began to merge, and Xu Yi, who fell into the state of "unity of nature and man", screamed.

He felt terrible, as if he was sleeping soundly in a warm bed on a cold night, but in the next second, someone stripped him naked and threw him into a cold lake.

But this level of pain is just the beginning. The pain is still increasing, and it has exceeded the level of the previous divine jump.

This is simply not a pain that living things can bear!

A face suddenly appeared on Xu Yi's body. The face was distorted by pain. The face suddenly fell off, and Xu Yi inside the body breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Es!" Xu Yi praised in his heart.

Os is the dream lord in charge of pain. Xu Yi inherited the ability to "transfer pain" from Os, which allowed him to endure it.

The black hound suddenly stopped attacking and stared at the ghost warrior indifferently.

This is not a good thing, because it has been unable to break through the ghost warrior's blockage, and it was completely angered.

Its body was completely torn apart, and dense tentacles poured out, dancing crazily in the air. The terrifying electric light was like a blue sun.

The Black Hound is completely liberated and becomes its most primitive and strongest form.

The "Blue Sun" crushes towards the Ghost Warrior. Even if the Ghost Warrior and Annabell join forces, they will not be able to defeat the completely liberated Black Hound.

A terrifying current swept through, but at this moment, the "Blue Sun" suddenly hovered in mid-air, unable to move forward.

Even the dancing tentacles were still, the space seemed frozen, and the black hound was like an insect fallen into amber.

At some point, Xu Yi's body suspended in the air suddenly opened its eyes.

The pupils are no longer black as before, nor are they the white gold with "Blood is Holy" turned on, but black and purple, with magnificent patterns looming in the depths of the pupils.

Those pupils were mysterious and mysterious, filled with supreme majesty, as if everything in the world were nothing but ants in front of him.

Dark power, domain soul, demigod body...the three forces finally merged in his body.

"So this is what God feels like!" Xu Yi sighed leisurely.

He was completely immersed in the powerful power. The black hound that he had previously felt was invincible now seemed to be easily destroyed.

He made the black hound freeze in the air. It was just the remnant power of God, and he hadn't really taken action yet.

But he suddenly frowned, and he felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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