American exorcist god.

Chapter 399 Ability God 1-time Sexual Experience Card

Chapter 399 Ability God One-Time Experience Card
The black and purple pupils suddenly went out, Xu Yi's awe-inspiring power disappeared, and the imprisoned black hound resumed its action. It carried terrifying electric tentacles and rushed towards Annabelle.

Fortunately, the next second, Xu Yi's pupils lit up again, and the black hound froze in the air again.

Xu Yi's ability just went out of control!

Dark power, domain soul, body...these three seem to be integrated together, but in fact there is a big gap, like strangers living under the same roof.

There is still something very important missing between the three of them before they can be truly integrated. Xu Yi doesn't know what it is yet.

This information can be said to be worth thousands of dollars. The information provided by the Gate of Truth does not mention this item.

It's not because the Gate of Truth is obstructing it, but because there are too few samples of Ability Gods, and it makes sense that the Gate of Truth information is incomplete.

Of course, it may also be because none of the three conditions are met.

"I'm afraid this power can only be used once!" Xu Yi clearly understood this.

But the question is, how to use this power?

After killing this black hound, more black hounds will be needed.

He can also use this power to send Annabelle away.

Violent energy erupted from his body and struck in all directions.

There is more than one such stand-in, and several spare ones are placed in the toy space.

At the same time, the elevator rumbled down, and the Black Abyss Army was about to arrive at the undersea base.


"Requesting support! District b502 is requesting support!"

The power of the "pulverizer" is far greater than that of the furnace, otherwise it would not be possible to cut those terrifying biological tissues, but it is a machine after all, and as long as it is a machine, there will be dead spots.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he knew where this one-time power should be used.

There is no point in using it to kill the black hound in front of you.

Amidst the howling wind, Xu Yi looked up warily as the blades rotated at high speed, forming a violent hurricane.

Annabelle made herself the size of a grain of rice and firmly attached to the outermost ring of the grinder, just enough to avoid being cut by the blade.

The Black Abyss Army rushed to the scene and breathed a sigh of relief.

But time passed by and nothing happened.

The Black Abyss Army heard calls for help, and they all turned around and rushed to another battlefield.

The location where he and Annabell are is in the "Crusher" seen before.

A puppet was torn to pieces by the black hound, and the remains were scattered all over the ground. The black hound returned to its original form, its red pupils flashing continuously, and no hidden enemy was found.

Annabelle was intact, for the Black Hound had torn apart nothing but its double.

But they managed to get in here with great difficulty. If they leave now, their work will be in vain.

Xu Yi's perception became extremely strong at this moment. He had already sensed the approach of the Black Abyss Army, and he didn't have much time to think.

The moment the elevator door opened, the Black Abyss Army felt a sudden chill in their bodies. They clenched their weapons and stood ready.

The reason why Xu Yi was nervous was not because of the amazing cutting power of the blade, but because of the skin tissue in front of him.

As long as these skin tissues have a certain amount of activity, there is no need to actively attack. Just the radiation emitted can completely paralyze Annabelle.

Fortunately, these skins were really dead, and he was secretly relieved.

The cover of the crusher is "glass" similar to the magic-proof box, but it does not have the magic-proof function because its base is metal.

Xu Yi originally wanted Annabelle to collect some skin tissue, but as soon as the idea came up, his sixth sense suddenly took effect, and he felt a palpitation in his heart.

He immediately told Annabelle to stop. His soul was about to grow into a "soul master", and the sixth sense could really serve as an early warning.

The entire crusher is close to a closed state, and it is not easy to get inside. Annabelle was able to enter here, of course, because of Xu Yi's "Pseudo God" one-time experience card.

He forcibly stopped the high-speed rotating blade, allowing Annabelle to slip in through the gap in the shaft.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Adhering to this concept, Xu Yi made the risky decision to let Annabelle hide in the crusher.

In fact, he had this idea as early as when he saw the skin tissue.

The magnetic field emitted by these skin tissues can definitely interfere with the black hound's perception, because the original owner of the skin tissues was really terrifying.

The result was as he expected.

If the power of the "pseudo god" is just to stop the blade and send Annabell in, that would be too childish.

In fact, when Xu Yi was in the "pseudo god" state, it didn't take much effort to do these things.

What that force can do is far more than that.

"Night is the time to really exert your strength!" Xu Yi secretly expected.


Late at night, Kaidin lay tiredly on the bed, not wanting to move.

After attending Bob's banquet, he happily returned to the base and prepared to take a good rest for a few days. Unexpectedly, an intruder appeared in the base.

That guy is really tough!
It's not that the other party is scary, it's simply that they are too slippery. They spent a lot of effort to defeat each other.

"I didn't know that that stupid guy actually let the other party sneak in!"

Kaidin complained in his heart, not knowing at all that he was scolding himself.

Drowsiness overcame him, and Kaidin fell into a deep sleep. Half asleep, he heard a knock on the door.

"What are you doing at this late hour?" After being woken up, Kaidin got up very angry and asked angrily.

"I received an urgent order from my superiors. There is another suspected intruder. Search the entire base!" A cold voice came from outside the door.

Since it was an order from his superiors, even though Kaidin was full of resentment, he could only get up.

"Where's my briefcase?" Kaiding glanced at the bedside and was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that before going to bed, he clearly placed the briefcase next to the bed, but why was it missing now?
Just when he was wondering, he suddenly discovered that the briefcase was at the corner of the bed.

"Why didn't you notice it just now?" Kaidin whispered.

But he didn't think too much about it, thinking that he had just woken up and was still a little confused.

Kaidin held the briefcase in his hand. The briefcase suddenly "came alive" and melted like wax, spreading to Kaidin's body. After a moment, he was completely wrapped in armor.

In terms of style, the armor is very similar to the Black Abyss Clothes, but it has a lot more red flame patterns on it.

This is a new type of combat weapon: "Red Devil".

Kaidin was wearing a red magic weapon and went out to the corridor outside the room. He felt that something was not right around him, but for a moment, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

After a moment, he put this thought behind him. Wearing the Red Devil Arms, he would not be affected by hallucinations, and his weird abilities would not affect him at all.

But what Kaidin didn't know was that what he was wearing was not the real Red Devil weapon at all.

He was in a dream at the moment, and his body was still lying on the big bed in the room, sleeping soundly.

Tonight, Kaidin was not the only one who fell into a dream in the base, most of the Black Abyss Army also had a dream.

They all woke up in the base, but their dreams were not exactly the same. Some were patrolling, some were transporting supplies, and some were repairing equipment...

The reason why they fell into a dream at the same time was naturally because of Xu Yi.

Xu Yi used that power to expand the "Dream Realm" and bury "Dream Seeds" in everyone's bodies.

The ability of "dream seeds" is very common in the dream world. Many dream lords have it, not to mention Xu Yi at this moment.

It's just that there is no dream lord who can implant the dream seeds through the black abyss clothes.

Xu Yi also achieved this with the help of a one-time "pseudo god".

(End of this chapter)

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