American exorcist god.

Chapter 400: Predicting the trump card

Chapter 400: Predicting the trump card
In the dream world.

Xu Yi was silent as he looked at the changed world of Black Abyss.

The waves rolled, and a huge metal platform floated on the sea surface. Under the platform was a circular tunnel that connected the submarine base.

There is no doubt that what is in front of you is the ocean base of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization in the Arctic Ocean.

Everything in the ocean base is confined to a long box. The edge of the sea is cut vertically, and not a drop of sea water spills down.

The person inside the box cannot observe the outside world, but Xu Yi can sense everything inside the box.

The "translucent sun" is suspended above the box, which is where Xu Yi's main soul is, and its cool glow is scattered.

Constructing and dominating dreams is originally the ability of dream lords, but few lords do this because it requires a lot of soul power.

But seeing that he was about to become a soul master, Xu Yi also became rich and wealthy.

Moreover, "replicating" marine bases is of great significance.

For some unknown reason, the seeds didn't work.

Kaedin lay on the comfortable big bed and yawned loudly.

He is preparing to conduct a "real combat exercise" in a replica of the ocean base.

"It's time!" Xu Yi stared at the ocean base in the black abyss and took a deep breath.


Xu Yi didn't notice West's dream, but when he first opened up the dream realm, he clearly felt West and planted the dream seeds in him.

As the number of dreams increased, even the details were almost the same as reality, but it was not enough. He still lacked some "core information".

Of course he couldn't remember that before they left the dream, Xu Yi would spend a lot of effort and use the power of the main soul to erase their memories in the dream.

But it doesn't matter. As base personnel enter, a large amount of information is collected, and more and more details are added, the submarine base will become more and more realistic.

He didn't know why, but he felt very tired after waking up every day recently. He felt as if he had dreamed something, but every time he woke up, he couldn't remember it.

He did not think that West was solved by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. He had to admit that West was very capable in all aspects, whether it was strength or wisdom.

The sea base built by Xu Yi is, of course, just an empty shell, because he cannot construct anything beyond his cognition.

This is another effect of dream seeds. Of course, this requires the support of the main soul power.

The dream seeds steal the thoughts of the dreamer, while the main soul materializes the missing things.

People come and go in the ocean base. Those people are not illusory, but real.

Everyone in the base felt a strange phenomenon. A certain "disappeared" object did not exist one second, but suddenly appeared again the next second, as if they were suddenly confused.

This is one of the abilities of dream seeds, which can pull people into the dream world without anyone noticing.

After all, knowing where there is a stool or a pot of flowers in the base is of little use.

Spending so much effort to build an ocean base in a dream seems to be a thankless task.

Three days passed quietly.

But what if you knew the combination of every lock, every secret passage, and every hidden room?
"I don't know where West ran to?"

If people at the base are dreaming for three consecutive days, a blind person can see the problem.

The harder Kaiding sleeps at night, the more he wants to sleep. It can be said that he is trapped in a vicious cycle.

He thought about it and fell into a deep sleep.

A sharp and piercing siren suddenly sounded. Kaidin woke up suddenly and subconsciously went to get the briefcase beside the bed. The base's alarm was sounded.

The alarm is not sounded randomly. The alarm will only be sounded if a first-level attack is encountered that may endanger the entire marine base. The last time someone infiltrated the base, it was only a level four attack.

"Weird riot in the tunnel! All personnel please prepare for battle!"

As soon as Kaidin put on the Red Devil combat uniform, he heard the dispatcher's urgent voice.

He threw open the door and rushed out.

Roars mixed with gunshots came from time to time, and the entire base was filled with sounds of fighting.

Kaidin's heart sank to the bottom. This large-scale battle showed that the strangeness of the escape was not just one or two, but a large group.

He was very confused. Considering the situation at the ocean base, there should not be such a large-scale bizarre escape.

But he soon had no time to think about these things, as the dispatcher's increasingly urgent voice reached his ears.

"Attention everyone! Pennywise the clown on the 18th floor is out of trouble! Repeat, Pennywise the clown on the 19th floor is out of trouble!"

Kaidin's face changed slightly. He knew very well how terrifying the clown Pennywise was. In order to capture Pennywise, the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization paid a heavy price.

Pennywise the Clown is also the base, the scariest weirdo.

"Please pay attention to the Red Devil's combat sequence! Pennywise is heading towards the origin. The opponent intends to take back the origin. Please go and guard the Red Devil's combat sequence!"

Kaidin turned around subconsciously.

The Red Devils' combat order can also be regarded as the lower level of the organization. They all know the original location of the clown Pennywise.

Kaidin ran wildly in the corridor. Just as he was about to speed up, he bumped into an acquaintance.

The opponent was also wearing a Red Devil combat uniform with a corresponding number on the collar, and he recognized the opponent's body type.

Meeting an acquaintance, Kaidin suddenly felt a little more at ease. His desire to talk was overwhelming at the moment, and he couldn't help but ask, "What on earth is going on? Could it be that the Holy Master has done something strange again?"

Of course, Kaiding was in a dream. Xu Yi observed the dream throughout the whole process. When he heard the word "Holy Lord", he was stunned for a moment.

The title "Holy Lord" is not uncommon and appears in many cults.

But now the people who say this title are the senior officials of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, and usually those so-called evil gods are just their hunting targets.

"Is the Holy Master the mastermind behind the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization?" Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

He suddenly thought of the shed skin tissue in the crusher.

"The last time the Holy Lord moved, it caused sea levels to rise around the world. What's the reason this time?" Kaidin was very panicked.

This panic goes far beyond the destruction of the ocean base.

Fear exploded in Xu Yi's heart. He didn't expect to hear such explosive information.

The sea levels around the world are rising because of the Holy Lord behind the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization!
He simply could not imagine what kind of power it was that could change the structure of the whole world.

Xu Yi wanted to use the dream seeds to learn more about the Holy Lord.

But the next second, the dream seeds in Kaidin's body began to fail. Xu Yi was startled and stopped quickly, not daring to pry anymore.

There is a taboo in Kaidin's soul, which will be activated once it involves the Holy Lord's information.

Xu Yi could only hide this panic in his heart. The most important thing now was to deal with what was in front of him.

The dream exercise continued, and this time Xu Yi obtained a lot of information, some of which was extremely precious.

Including the location of the origin of the clown Pennywise, the hidden power of the base, and the traps... Xu Yi's eyes sparkled.

This information is of great significance, which is equivalent to knowing all the opponent's cards before the game begins.

(End of this chapter)

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