American exorcist god.

Chapter 401 The Ring of Destruction takes action and Wang Zha

Chapter 401 The Ring of Destruction takes action and Wang Zha
West was floating in the sea. At this moment, he only had one head left, and his black-rimmed glasses were gone, but he still had the iconic smile on his face.

"It really failed!" West sighed.

It was indeed the base of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. Even he spent a lot of effort to escape.

The surrounding seawater suddenly surged, dots of light lit up in the sea, and the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction appeared behind West.

Among them were Xu Yi's old acquaintances, the eight-headed sea snake, the silver giant ape, and the snake-faced man he had just seen.

Of course, there are also bats with pupils that have never been seen before, and metallic rose flowers that spit out blue cold mist.

The alchemy machines bowed slightly and surrounded West, as if they were guarding their king.

Xu Yi would definitely be very surprised if he saw this scene.

West is not as simple as joining the Ring of Destruction, but more like becoming the leader of the Ring of Destruction.

West looked out. The bottom of the sea was as dark as ink, but his vision was not affected in any way. He crossed the deep sea and looked at the undersea base of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

At the same time, he also felt the breath of the same soul, which was his other split soul.

What happened? Xu Yi was a little confused.


The growth of the World Tree requires energy. It is unimaginable how much effort and resources it takes to make the World Tree grow to this extent.

Now that there are signs of collective awakening, it can only mean one thing. Something big is happening at the undersea base!

In the dark abyss, Xu Yizheng was happily collecting information through dream exercises, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Through the symbiotic eye, his attention returned to Annabelle.

He has only two souls. Apart from the one in front of him, the other one is in the World Tree.

The signs of the dreamer's awakening were getting stronger and stronger, and Xu Yi could no longer suppress it. He quickly deleted everyone's dream memories.

The people in the dream collectively showed signs of waking up!
Generally speaking, under the influence of dream seeds, even if there is any small disturbance, they will not wake up and sleep worse than pigs.

The World Tree has arrived, just outside the undersea base!
Because the distance between the split souls is close enough, Xu Yi can barely switch to the perspective of another split soul.

"Execute according to the original plan!" West's eyes flashed.

But the next second, his expression suddenly changed.

No longer the small sapling it used to be, the World Tree is ten meters tall with lush branches and leaves.

The five major alchemy machines bowed to accept the order and swam towards the base in the deep sea.

Sneaking into the undersea base and rescuing the clown Pennywise, he didn't think this plan could succeed from the beginning. It was just a low-cost attempt.

His vision changed again, appearing in the deep sea, and he saw the World Tree again.

It's good to succeed, but it doesn't matter if you fail.

"Perhaps it was not a good thing not to get the World Tree at the beginning!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

The rapid whistle sounded suddenly, and Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. He had just heard this sound during the exercise in the dream, but he did not expect it to actually appear in reality.

As soon as he adapted to the change in his vision, he felt the crusher shake suddenly, and then he found that it was not just the crusher that was shaking, but the entire submarine base was shaking.

If he were allowed to come, it would probably be difficult for the World Tree to grow to this point.

You must know that Xu Yi owns "original shares" in World Tree. The split soul that exists in the World Tree grows with the World Tree, and is actually not much weaker than his current main soul.

Although when the main soul swallows all the energy, it will definitely be stronger than the split soul in front of you.

But one thing must be clear. Apart from the initial invasion, he didn't spend any effort on the growth of the clone soul. The most terrifying thing is that as the World Tree grows, this part of his soul will continue to grow.

"Choosing the right potential stocks is better than ten years of hard work!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Forced investment counts as investment!

The roots of the World Tree slapped on the tunnel of the base. Under the huge force, the ocean base shook violently.

The Ring of Destruction took action, and it was a blast as soon as it took action.

Xu Yi frowned. He was actually worried about the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. He didn't know if the other party could handle it.

Of course he doesn't care about the life and death of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. To be precise, he also hopes that the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization will perish.

But one moment after another, after so many days of collecting information, he had already figured out a plan to steal the origin of Pennywise the Clown.

If the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is no match, causing the origin of the Joker to fall into the hands of the Ring of Destruction, the difficulty of obtaining it will probably increase by several dimensions.

World Tree increased its attack intensity, the ocean base was shaken violently again, and the lights in the base went out in an instant.

"Quick! Get out of here!" Xu Yi's eyes lit up and he quickly ordered to Annabelle.

The lights in the base went out because the base's energy supply system was affected. The high-speed rotating crusher cut off "power" and the blades slowly stopped rotating.

Annabelle dodged the slowing blade, returned along the original path, and slipped out through the gap in the rotating shaft.

Their luck was also quite good. The next second after leaving the crusher, the energy supply was restored again and the blades began to continue rotating.

Red gelatinous substances suddenly dripped from the cracks in the ceiling. They squirmed on the ground and transformed into human beings after a while. They were Xu Yi's acquaintances.

Tomie Kawakami was wearing a crimson evening dress, walking slowly around the base, looking left and right, not looking like a infiltrator at all, but like he had arrived at some tourist attraction.

The black hound rushed towards Tomie Kawakami, opened its huge mouth, and bit off Tomie Kawakami's neck with its sharp fangs.

Xu Yi quickly asked Annabelle to hide behind the crusher. The next second, black light filled the air and a violent explosion swept through.

The solid metal floor was destroyed in the explosion.

Xu Yi secretly smacked his tongue. The power of Tomie Kawakami's self-destruction had increased by many levels compared to before.

"Are you going to the Bone Burial Ground? Or the Red Machine Room?" Xu Yi was a little hesitant.

There is no doubt that now is the best time to bury the golden coffin in the burial ground.

Ring of Destruction's attack on the ocean base has muddied the water, and only fish can be fished in muddy water.

But he was afraid of missing out on the fight for the clown's origin, which was in the red computer room.

After thinking for a moment, he came up with a solution.

After these days of information collection, Xu Yi is more familiar with the situation in this base than at home.

He is fully aware of the problems that may be encountered on the way to burying the golden coffin.

Now that the Black Hounds and the Black Abyss Army have been attracted away, the biggest resistance has disappeared. They only need to pay a little attention to the patrolling mechanical jellyfish in the Boneyard. Everything else is just a minor problem.

He had already made a detailed plan. All Annabell needed to do was follow the plan and bury the golden coffin quietly. It shouldn't be difficult.

So he decided to split up with Annabelle.

"The things that Maria was asked to prepare before should be delivered now!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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