American exorcist god.

Chapter 402 The clown comes out of the cage

Chapter 402 The clown comes out of the cage
Bob opened his sleepy eyes, rubbed the gum from around his eyes, and stretched.

He looked out of the small window of the plane and saw that he had arrived at the marine base in the Arctic Ocean.

For a good "broker", it is not difficult to find someone to help and temporarily transfer to this marine base for a period of time.

“Sister Maria is so unkind, she actually drugged me!”

Bob cursed in his heart, but he had to say that he had a very sweet sleep.

As soon as he got off the plane, the platform of the base shook suddenly.

"Do you want to play so big?"

Bob saw the Black Abyss troops running wildly on the platform, heard the sharp whistle coming from inside the base, and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

He subconsciously rushed towards the plane, wanting to escape from this dangerous place.

"Have you forgotten the purpose of coming here? Your grandma is still waiting for your medicine?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Bob came to the back of the cargo box, and there was no one around for the time being. He took out a palm-sized iron box from his pocket, with unknown ancient texts engraved on it.

In order not to waste everyone's time, Xu Yi decided to use a more convenient method.

Bob was stunned and looked completely ruined.

Xu Yi opened his mouth, a suction force came out of his mouth, and he swallowed the box in an instant.

"Damn! I misjudged you. I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Bob cursed angrily.

"It sounds like I'm a heartless person."

Bob was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked towards his abdomen, because the source of the sound was in his abdomen.

"Calm down, it will be terrible if someone finds out!" Xu Yi looked around. The base was in turmoil, and Bob's strange scream did not attract much attention.

"Aren't you just people? How can you do this?"

"Don't belittle yourself, you have great potential, I'm very optimistic about you!" Xu Yi comforted casually.

On the side of Bob's abdomen, there was a sudden face, which looked exactly like Xu Yi's.

Seeing how talkative Bob was, Xu Yi quickly interrupted him: "Stop yelling! Where are the things I asked you to bring?"

He said hurriedly, "I'm just an ordinary person, how can He De participate in the incident of a big shot like you!"

Such comfort was obviously useless, and Bob looked unconvinced.

"Ghost!" Bob screamed suddenly.

Bob recognized Xu Yi and calmed down a little.

"I never said I was a just person! Besides, who said that just people can't use these methods?"

This is an ability inherited from Os. There is a strange space in the human face and mouth. The volume is very small and can only hold some gadgets.

Xu Yi said leisurely, "You don't want another floating corpse in the Arctic Ocean, right?"

"If you don't do what I say, I will forcefully control your body and make you jump into the Arctic Ocean."

The reason why Maria gave Bob a sleeping pill was to put Bob into a dream, so that Xu Yi could invade his dream and then forcibly jump to reality.

"As long as you obey my command and fulfill everything I promised you, I can also help you step into the extraordinary and gain powerful power." Xu Yi began to draw the cake.

Bob suddenly became honest.

Xu Yi thought to himself that it was not bad. It seemed that his painting skills had improved.

"Brother, no, boss! After completing the mission, you must not kill anyone and silence them!" Bob said cautiously.

"Why do you have such thoughts?" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

"Boss, let's tell the truth! Are you actually some kind of evil organization?" Bob looked horrified. "How can any decent person have these abilities?"

He was actually frightened by his own abilities!

Xu Yi was speechless, but it had to be said that whether it was the way he appeared or his ability, he was now closer to the evil god.

wrong! The three guys he devoured can also be said to be evil gods.

"Shut up! If you keep talking, I'll eat you up!" Xu Yi simply exposed his "nature".

This time Bob was completely honest. After a while, he even asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"Enter the undersea base."

"But I'm not qualified to go in at all!" Bob was in trouble.

"You just need to do what I say!" Xu Yi completely entered the role of the "evil god". …………

"Did you design this undersea base? You must be too familiar with it!"

Bob looked at the factory outside the elevator door, dumbfounded.

Along the way, he has gained a lot of experience. Every time he feels that there is nothing he can do, Xu Yi can always find a way to overcome various bugs and let him pass successfully.

"Go straight! Then turn right!" Xu Yi gave new instructions.

Bob had just taken two steps when the front was shaken. Two Black Abyss soldiers worked together to press one of the Black Abyss soldiers against the metal wall. The dagger was thrust out, aiming for the throat, obviously aiming for the other's life.

"Is this internal strife?"

Bob was stunned. He had never heard that the Black Abyss Army would fight among themselves.

It's not that the controllers are so united, but because Heiyuanyi is "networked", any act of betrayal will result in Heiyuanyi's permission to use being revoked.

Just when he was wondering, the powerful Black Abyss Army suddenly began to change and transformed into a clown.

"Sure enough, I can't fool you!" The clown smiled strangely at the two Black Abyss troops.

The moment Xu Yi saw the clown, he frowned.

Pennywise the Clown has actually been released!
But after thinking about it, he felt that this was a normal thing.

The Ring of Destruction dispatched the World Tree, and West also knew the clown's situation in advance, so it was not difficult to rescue the clown.

But this is the worst news for Xu Yi.

The people facing the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization and the Ring of Destruction were already stretched thin, but now there is another cosmic evil god.

But there is only one step to take and one step to look at.

Although the two Black Abyss troops captured Pennywise the Clown, they were facing a formidable enemy and did not dare to relax at all.

The next second, they suddenly discovered that the clown in their hands disappeared and then appeared in the corridor a few meters away.

"It's teleportation!"

Xu Yi knew the clown's ability, and only with this high-level ability could the opponent easily escape from the Black Abyss Army.

Xu Yi was secretly shocked. After his origin was dug out, the clown Pennywise could still use this level of ability!

The two Black Abyss soldiers didn't even bother to look at Bob and chased after him.

Bob swallowed guiltily, but the next second, his heart suddenly lifted, and a group of Black Abyss troops rushed out.

The two people just now were just the vanguard. Of course, it was impossible to deal with Pennywise the Clown with only two people.

The large army left, but one Black Abyss soldier was left behind, striding towards Bob.

"It's over!" Bob's back was instantly soaked.

"Don't worry, just face it with a normal attitude. I'll leave for now."

After Xu Yi finished speaking, the face disappeared from Bob's body. In order to avoid any flaws, he chose to go offline temporarily.

Bob became even more flustered by the second.

But what he couldn't understand was that the other party just collected a little of his blood, conducted a simple examination, and left quickly without even asking him a word.

The Black Abyss Army left, and Xu Yi's face reappeared on Bob's body.

He was not surprised by this result. Through the dream drill, he had already known the Black Abyss Army's response strategy in an emergency.

The other party only needs to make sure that Bob is not mentally affected by weirdness and is a member of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

As for whether they are non-staff personnel or regular personnel, they don't care at all.

This is one of the reasons why Xu Yi needs Bob.

In fact, if Bob were not from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, this journey would not have been so smooth at all.

For Xu Yi's split soul to come to the real world, there must be a medium. If it is someone from other ancient god sacrificial organizations, it is impossible to obey his command.

But once the opponent's mind is plundered, it will be detected again.

Bob followed Xu Yi's instructions and continued moving forward.

After a moment, a red metal house appeared in front, which was the "Red Engine Room", where the core of Pennywise the Clown is located.

(End of this chapter)

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