American exorcist god.

Chapter 403: Lying in the corner

Chapter 403: Lying in the corner

The door of the "Red Machine Room" has been broken open, and a dozen Black Abyss surrounded the clown. They activated some kind of alchemy product, and a pale red light shrouded it.

The light does no harm to the human body, but the surrounding space is imprisoned, obviously to prevent the clown from escaping.

Seeing that the terrifying battle was about to break out, Bob should have found a place to hide instead of running away, but he suddenly rushed towards the Black Abyss Army like crazy.

The Black Abyss Army glanced at Bob coldly and swung out a punch, heading straight for Bob's heart.

With the huge power of the Black Abyss Army, Bob would definitely die if he was hit in the heart.

Seeing the fist approaching, Bob's body suddenly dodged to the side, and the fist hit Bob's arm, which shattered instantly.

Bob's whole body was thrown away like a sandbag and hit the wall.

"What happened to me just now?" The black airflow in Bob's pupils dissipated and became clear again.

He was really stunned just now, he actually wanted to attack the Black Abyss Army!
His temples suddenly tingled, and then he heard a voice appear directly in his head.

Couldn't the other party see that he was being manipulated by the clown? Of course they could tell, but in order to avoid trouble, they still planned to get rid of him casually.

Bob scrambled back.

He didn't dare to gamble at all.

The Black Abyss Army is like this. Will these more powerful Red Devils in front of them be kind enough to let him go?

"Boss, can you be more reliable? My hands are gone!" Bob cried sadly.

Bob felt his scalp numb as he watched the horrific battle in the field, and retreated again.

The goal of the supporting Red Devils in front of them was of course to capture Pennywise the Clown, but they had no time to do it because another group of people intercepted them.

"The souls are connected. If you have anything to say, just think about it in your mind and don't say it out loud!"

But no matter what, this was a good thing after all. Just as he was about to crawl out from the door, there were sudden and dense footsteps outside the door.

"Boss, stop playing tricks on me. Can I leave in this situation?" Bob was about to cry.

The support from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization arrived. There were only five people, but they were all wearing higher-level Red Devil weapons.

"Okay!" Xu Yi agreed simply.

"Don't make a fuss. It's just a broken arm. There are more ways to regenerate the arm. If I hadn't protected you just now, you would have gone there to see how stupid you are!" Xu Yi comforted.

"Boss, you'd better let me go!"

He can only leave through the door. When the time comes, these intruders will definitely not be stingy and will casually deal with him, a member of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

The leader wears black-rimmed glasses and always has a vague smile on his face. Behind the man are strange alchemy machines, each of which is astonishingly powerful.

Bob was stunned for a moment, why did this devil suddenly become so easy to talk to?

If he was the one sacrificed by the ancient gods, he might still have a chance to survive, but the group of people who just appeared were obviously intruders.

"Aren't you leaving?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

Xu Yi then explained, "You were controlled by the clown's psychic ability just now. This was my mistake. I didn't expect that the other party's ability was so obscure. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Bob's face changed slightly. Although he was a member of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, if he hindered the actions of the Black Abyss Army, the other party would not hesitate to take action.

"Stop talking! See that corner on the left? Climb there quickly!" Xu Yi said urgently.

Bob, being a talkative man, did not dare to speak anymore this time and crawled to the corner of the red computer room.

The next second, the red machine room shook violently, and the aftermath of the battle was like a passing hurricane, with violent energy remaining scattered everywhere.

A little bit of spilled energy flew over, and Bob suddenly realized that Xu Yi had no intention of protecting him at all, and allowed the energy to fall on him. He was seriously injured instantly and almost died.

"!" Bob wanted to question, but he was too weak and did not have the strength.

"Relax, I will ensure that your soul does not dissipate and your body retains some vitality. It would be strange for you, an ordinary person, to be able to thrive on such a battlefield." Xu Yi comforted softly.

He cannot be exposed yet, otherwise the plan will definitely fail. In this state, his concealment ability is very strong.

Bob gradually felt relieved. Indeed, as Xu Yi said, although there was something wrong with his body, his consciousness was still awake.

Bob is really too weak. Not to mention these monsters who have mastered super strength, even among humans, Bob is a scumbag.

To those present, such a person is no less than an ant on the roadside.

Everyone present was caught up in a tense fight, and no one paid any attention to him.

Xu Yi acted as a spectator and watched the battle.

The Red Devil's weapons are naturally very strong, and he controls red flames like a flaming beast.

But the Ring of Destruction is more fully prepared, with alchemy machinery cooperating with each other, plus West, whose strength is bottomless, and the clown Pennywise assisting.

In the battle before them, the Ring of Destruction side clearly has the upper hand.

But Xu Yi knew very well that this situation would soon be broken.

The sound of thunder suddenly came from outside the corridor, and West frowned slightly. On the contrary, the Black Abyss Army and the Red Devil Army had their morale boosted and accelerated the pace of their attack.

A huge figure stepped into the red machine room. He was taller than the Red Devils, reaching three meters, and he was also armed.

The weapon was different from the others. It was completely blue, and its surface was densely covered with dazzling lightning. The lightning penetrated the air, and the solid metal ground was burned black.

Here comes the top person in charge of the ocean base, Inason.

The reason why he came so late was to activate his weapons.

The "God's Wrath" weapon is the strongest weapon currently possessed by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

Inason rushed towards West, of course he could see that West was the leader of the intruders.

The idea of ​​catching the thief first is similar in the East and the West.

With the addition of the "Wrath of God" armed forces, the situation was instantly reversed. Amid the terrifying power of thunder, West was defeated step by step.

"Boss, I really can't understand! How can an ordinary person like me participate in a battle of this level? Why do you have to let me come?"

Bob had never seen such a violent battle. He was on the edge of the battlefield and felt every second was so painful.

"No! Being an ordinary person is an advantage." Xu Yi replied softly.

Bob felt that Xu Yi had gone crazy, but as a grasshopper on a rope, he could only hope that what Xu Yi said was true.

"What are we going to do now?" Bob asked.

In this case, lying in the corner and playing the dead man is also a very stressful thing.

"Don't do anything, just lie here! Something will help us open the door later!" Xu Yi replied.

Bob stared at the end of the red computer room, where there was a simple red copper door, which was tightly closed.

There is no doubt that these people gathered here because of what is behind the door. The Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is here to protect it, while the intruders are here to rob it.

He really didn't understand what Xu Yi meant. Could it be that when the door was opened, they would have the power to join the fight? Doesn't Xu Yi still have some trump cards?
If Xu Yi is really that powerful, why does he need an ordinary person to enter here?

(End of this chapter)

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