American exorcist god.

Chapter 404: Treasure House of True and False

Chapter 404: Treasure House of True and False
The situation was very unfavorable for the Ring of Destruction. West was seriously injured, and the eight-headed sea snake only had one snake head left.

Xu Yi felt that this scene seemed familiar. The injured one was always the eight-headed sea snake.

The turbulent seawater suddenly poured in and instantly submerged the instep. Somewhere in the submarine base was destroyed, and seawater poured in through the gap.

More and more seawater poured in, but it soon changed. The turbid seawater turned blood red, and the blood-colored seawater almost filled the entire house.

"It's an illusion created by the clown!"

Xu Yi realized instantly that there could not be so much blood in the deep sea.

But what surprised him was that these illusory sea waters actually showed signs of "turning reality into reality".

You must know that "turning the void into reality" is the power of the true God.

This is because the clown has lost his origin. If the opponent was in his prime, wouldn't he be able to manipulate elements and even time and space at will?

He became more and more determined in his plan to never let the Joker regain his origins.

The root emitted green flames, and the metal was melted to create a hole half a meter in diameter.

Those are the roots of the World Tree.

He didn't have time to think and subconsciously followed Xu Yi's words.

Xu Yi knew very well that the clown used the illusion of blood and water just to deceive others, and the real killer was about to come.

The rhizome fell, but the target was not Bob, but the metal ground next to it. The metal ground was broken layer by layer, and after a foot deep, red copper-colored metal was revealed.

"Quick! Jump in!"

This is the "Painful Fire" inherited from Os. The high temperature takes effect inside the metal, and the metal melts without a trace of heat escaping. This is the characteristic of the Painful Fire.

There is absolutely no doubt about the solidity of the red copper door, but when it encountered the World Tree, its roots burst out with bright green light, and the red copper door gradually melted under the light.

"How dare you!" Inason sensed Rhizome's intention and roared angrily. He wanted to stop him, but was tightly entangled by West.

The roots ignited green flames, and Bob thought he was finished now. Even the solid red copper door could not withstand these flames, let alone his fragile body. Even Xu Yi could not protect him.

Another root swung and whipped against the wall next to it. The wall was shattered, and large pieces of metal fell over, covering the hole.

"get ready!"

Bob looked nervously at the two spreading roots. He couldn't figure out why these roots came to them.

Bob fell, but was not hurt at all. Xu Yi protected him.

Everyone present was focused on the red copper door, except Bob and Xu Yi.

His body was already dying and unable to move, but a sudden surge of power surged into his body, and he moved again, suddenly getting in through the hole.

Bob, who was full of questions, was still in a daze, and suddenly Xu Yi's shouts came to his ears.

Snake-like slender shadows were sneaking in the sea water, with more than one long shadow. They did not attack anyone present, but went straight to the red copper door at the end.

Xu Yi's voice sounded in Bob's soul, and Bob's spirit was instantly shaken.

Xu Yi's face bulged at Bob's body, he opened his mouth and spit out red air. The airflow acts precisely on the metal debris at the entrance of the hole.

The World Tree broke through the ocean base, and its roots spread here.

As the fire of pain receded, the metal quickly solidified, the hole was blocked, and the seawater no longer followed.

In the red computer room, Inason looked at the corner where Bob was before and frowned slightly. A collapsed metal hill was stacked there.

Due to the turbid sea water, the illusion of the blood sea created by the clown, and the fact that his attention was attracted by the large number of roots on the red copper door, he did not notice Bob's movements.

He didn't find anything unusual. Xu Yi was cautious to begin with, and there was also interference from the energy of the World Tree.

He looked there, but it was a subconscious action, because there was a secret in this red computer room that only a few people knew.


"How did you know this secret?" Bob's eyes widened in surprise after listening to Xu Yi's story.

After Xu Yi injected energy into him, his broken body began to heal quickly. Except for the arm that was destroyed at the beginning, there was nothing serious.

"Of course I have my method, so you just need to do what I say to ensure that you get what you want."

The reason why Xu Yi bothered to explain was to give the other party confidence.

Because for the next thing, you can only rely on Bob.

There is a secret in this red computer room, and Xu Yi only discovered it through dream exercises.

Behind the door in the red computer room, there is no origin of Pennywise the Clown!

The reason why the clown sensed something wrong was, firstly, because of the magnetic field interference in the burial place of the gods, and secondly, because of the mythical sacred artifact.

There is a mythical artifact behind the red machine room that can simulate the breath of all things.

The origin of the Joker is not in the red engine room, but rather below.

I have to say that the person who designed this "treasure house of truth and falsehood" is really a talent.

If someone opens the copper door above and discovers that they have been deceived, they will inevitably become furious, never realizing that the real thing is beneath their feet.

It's easy to see why the roots of the World Tree would help them.

It's because of the divided soul within the World Tree.

It would be a foolish dream for a divided soul to control the entire World Tree, but there is still no problem in controlling two roots.

Xu Yi opened his mouth and spit out flames at the water on the ground. The seawater was evaporated and the hot steam drifted towards the corridor.

After a series of events, Bob's confidence in Xu Yi greatly increased, and he didn't even ask Xu Yi why he did this.

Steam enveloped the entire room, and Xu Yi spit out a box from his mouth, the same one that Bob had brought in before.

"Have you remembered everything I told you?" Xu Yi looked at Bob solemnly.

Bob picked up the box on the ground and hesitated, "Is it really that simple?"

"Don't worry, everything is according to my plan."

A look of pain suddenly appeared on Xu Yi's face. He forcibly broke away from Bob Xu, and his face fell to the ground.

Bob took deep breaths, adjusted his condition, and walked into the white mist of the corridor.

Xu Yi looked at the walls around the corridor nervously, but there was no reaction. He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then breathed out flames from time to time to maintain the steamy state of the room.

Bob walked along the metal tunnel. He was worried at first, but after walking more than ten meters, he found nothing.

His courage gradually grew and his pace quickened.

About three minutes later, he arrived at the end of the corridor, where there was a metal pillar. There was a box suspended above the carved pillar, exactly the same as the box he was holding.

Purple mist spread around the box, and the mist was drawn away by the pillars.

Even if Bob has no further vision, he still knows that the pillar is devouring the energy of the object in the box.

Bob swallowed nervously. He walked up to the pillar, held the fake box tightly with trembling hands, and held it close to the corner of the real box.

The purple mist spread towards the fake box, and by the time the mist completely enveloped the fake box, Bob's hands were already covered in sweat.

He took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and pushed the real box hard with the fake box, squeezing the real box out.

He subconsciously wanted to catch the real box, but because he was too nervous and his muscles were tense, his movements were a beat slow.

The box fell to the metal ground with a crisp sound, and Bob's heart suddenly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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