American exorcist god.

Chapter 405: Rookie beats master

Chapter 405: Rookie beats master

Bob's heart jumped to his throat. He was concentrating on everything going on around him. Time passed by and nothing happened.

Bob breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed.

"Is it really that simple?"

Bob picked up the box on the ground, still feeling a little unbelievable.

How could such an important thing be left here without protection?

This is like throwing priceless gems on the street.

What Bob doesn't know is that the room he is in is a dangerous machine room. If any mechanism is triggered, he will die without a burial place.

Those mechanisms are hidden behind metal walls and are inactive.

This is actually easy to understand. Once the mechanism is activated or semi-activated, there will definitely be energy overflow.

The only sensor system that posed a threat to Bob was gone, so Bob was naturally at ease.

This is one of the reasons why Xu Yi must let Bob come over.

The simpler, the more effective it is.

The designer of the treasure house probably never expected that the mechanism room he had put so much effort into designing would be destroyed by an ordinary person and ordinary hot steam.

Not to mention how ordinary people can enter the tightly guarded ocean base, and how can they know about this hidden treasure house.

He tried many times in his dream before finally coming up with this method.

If a place is heavily guarded, even ghosts will know there is a problem.

This is actually caused by misunderstandings in thinking.

The inactive state is like a police officer wearing civilian clothes, and the chance of being discovered is greatly reduced.

This is like when arresting criminals, the police are wearing uniforms and holding weapons. When they gather together, they may be discovered by criminals just a few kilometers away.

So before Bob went in, Xu Yi let the hot steam spread throughout the room.

Even if they all did it, it would be impossible to break the "red copper" on the surface of the treasure house.

The activation condition of the mechanism is the detection of abnormal energy.

People worked hard to design a cage, which was originally used to prevent weasels. Who would have thought that what came in was an ant?
Maybe this is the legendary "rookie who beats the master"!

The "treasure house of true and false" drama is also purely useless.

Although everything has been previewed in the dream, who knows if it will go wrong in reality?
Until he saw Bob's figure walking out of the thick fog, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This creates a bug. What will happen if a creature with too low energy enters the room?
During the dream exercise, Xu Yi tried again and again, and finally determined one thing.

But then again, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter here.

Of course, it's not real red copper, it just looks similar. It's an extremely solid material, far superior to the "glass" of the magic-forbidden box.

If an ordinary person enters here, most of the mechanisms will not be activated, except for the heat induction system.

Xu Yi stood at the end of the corridor and looked out, like a stone watching his husband.

That is, only an unreasonable thing like World Tree can destroy "Red Copper" in a short time.

In the final analysis, it can only be said that the method of the dream exercise is too ungrateful.

No matter how difficult a game is, as long as you keep trying, you will eventually be able to pass it.

Moreover, he can also steal the "strategies" in people's heads through dream seeds.

Xu Yi looked at the box in Bob's hand, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

In fact, it cannot be said that an ordinary person can crack the entire machine room by adding hot steam.

That "fake box" is also one of the keys.

The material used to make the fake box is "Deceiver's Clay", a very rare substance that can only be found on underground mud monsters.

Xu Yi sought help from Maria and others by falling into a dream. Maria and the others mobilized all their connections to find the fraudster soil in just three days and create a fake box according to the template provided by Xu Yi.

The function of Deceiver Mud is simple, that is, it absorbs the target's energy and then camouflages the target.

This function is similar to that of the sacred vessels of the ancient gods' sacrificial organizations.

The difference is that Deceiver Mud has a very short duration, only about three hours.

"This thing is too cold for your hands!"

Seeing that Xu Yi had not moved, Bob quickly put the box on the ground, rubbed his hands and breathed hot air on them.

The box has a powerful aura masking effect, but the origin of the clown is too powerful. If the spilled energy is not extracted, the box will soon be unable to hold it.

Xu Yi spit out flames towards the box, and the cold box warmed up slightly.

However, this approach can only provide temporary relief, and will lose its effect over time.

Xu Yi opened his mouth, and the suction force emerged again.

He wanted to swallow the box into the alien space inside his mouth, but a resistance came from the box. As expected, the box could not enter the alien space.

Of course, this is not the work of the ancient gods. They are eager to hide the box in a different space. This is all because the clown's origin is at work.

Xu Yi's face jumped back to Bob again, and Bob could only pick up the box and stuff it into his pocket.

"Boss, what should we do now, return the way we came?"

Bob is in trouble. If he returns the same way, can their group of "thieves" not be discovered?

He shuddered as he thought of the group of monsters above.

This is like stealing a treasure from an exhibition hall, and then taking the treasure to the police for a tour. Who can stand this?
In his opinion, returning the same way was simply courting death.

"What can we do!" The more Bob thought about it, the paler his face became, and his body even started to tremble slightly.

"Did you see that button on the wall? Press it." Xu Yi's faint voice came.

Bob was stunned for a moment, and sure enough he saw a button on the wall, and he pressed it subconsciously.

The heavy door slowly opened.

"If there is no door, how do others get in and out?" Xu Yi said softly.

The corner of Bob's mouth twitched. He had also entered into a misunderstanding. No matter how strong the door was, it was to defend against foreign enemies. Walking out of the house was of course a very simple matter.

He poked his head out. There wasn't even a guard outside the door. The room was full of clutter, and it looked like a utility room.

The entrance to the treasure house is located in a place like this? He was a little confused.

Xu Yi's expression did not waver at all. He had known this for a long time. In order to deceive others, of course he couldn't send a bunch of people to guard the outside.

In fact, no one in the entire base except the top leader Inason knew that there was a treasure house here.

The door closes automatically and fits tightly. From the outside, it looks like a wall without any flaws.

"How do we leave now?" Bob looked excited.

"Go back to the factory just now." Xu Yi replied softly.

Bob was stunned, because the factory was at the bottom of the base, and that was not the direction to leave at all.

"We've got everything, shouldn't we leave quickly?" Bob was full of doubts.

Xu Yi didn't explain. It wasn't that he didn't want to leave with the clown's origin, but that he couldn't.

The clown Pennywise is so dangerous, why does the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization place its origin near the clown?
Are you afraid that the clown won't be able to get his origin back?

The reason is actually very simple. Once the origin is too far away from the clown, it will self-destruct.

That's why the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization adopts the method of extracting energy to continuously weaken the clown's origin.

Xu Yi stealing the origin of the clown is only the first stage of the plan and the simplest part. The next step is the big challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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