American exorcist god.

Chapter 406 Solution to Dead End

Chapter 406 Solution to Dead End

The battle in the red computer room has reached a fever pitch. Thunder and flames are flying, and the whole room is filled with hot steam.

The solid "Red Bronze Door" was still broken open by the World Tree. The clown Pennywise found the right opportunity to get rid of the besieging Red Devil Army and rushed behind the door.

Pennywise the clown laughed excitedly, he finally saw what he had been longing for.

The ink-colored spider is trapped in the magic-forbidden box, which is his origin, the "death light" from the deep space of the universe.

West frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong, but he still threw a silk thread towards the magic-forbidden box.

The translucent silk thread fell on the box lock and slid into the keyhole quickly. Hot light burst out from the thread. The thread was self-destructing, and at the same time, the internal structure of the lock was also being destroyed.

With a "click" sound, the lock was opened.

The clown Pennywise rushed to the magic box and opened the lid. The ink-colored spider quickly ran towards him, and the excitement on his face suddenly stopped.

There seems to be something wrong with the origin.

The metal hill was blown open, revealing the "patch" underneath. The melted and solidified metal was incompatible with the surroundings.

Yes, this is the place he chose for the "decisive battle".

After several Red Devil soldiers were stunned for a moment, they quickly chased after him.

As Evani is a famous mythological holy weapon, he naturally knows the effect of this holy weapon.

His right eyelid twitched suddenly. Although he didn't know the meaning of the left eye twitching and the right eye twitching, he still punched casually and lightning flew out.

The clown always had a faint smile on his face, even when he was under siege. Now he stopped smiling and stared at Inason coldly, with anger flashing in his bright yellow pupils.

"Evani!" West said slowly while looking at the scimitar in Inason's hand.

The scimitar flew towards Inason and was caught by Inason.

He was a little confused just now, how could something so important to the origin of the clown be placed in a magic-forbidden box?

Before the clown could react, the spider suddenly turned into a weird black scimitar, leaving a long and narrow wound on the clown's face.

He was very happy at first, but for some reason, he vaguely had a bad feeling.

Inason was secretly happy that Pennywise the clown left the red machine room, indicating that the other party was not aware of the hidden treasure trove.

Inason's heart jumped suddenly, and he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Just when everyone was confused, the clown's figure suddenly appeared outside the door and ran towards the lower level.

He returned to where he was before, next to the crusher where Annabelle was hiding.

"That's all!" Xu Yi's face fell off Bob's body.

The split soul has no medium, just like the earth-bound spirit. It cannot move around freely in the real world, but he doesn't need to go there anymore.

Black air flowed around the clown, which was obviously some kind of big move brewing, but the next second, the air flow dissipated, and the clown suddenly turned his head and looked out the door.

His eyes naturally fell on the pair of metal hills in the corner.

Now it seems that it is indeed fake.


"You should have memorized the route, right? It's hard for you to escape by going back the same way. You go from the Bone Burial Ground, Annabell is waiting for you there." Xu Yi told Bob.

Violent explosions came from above from time to time. The focus of Kawakami Tomie's attack was the tunnel above, where the Black Hound and most of the Black Abyss Army gathered.

The place has become a battlefield in dire straits, and it is impossible for Bob, an ordinary person, to return to the sea.

"how about you?"

He didn’t know whether he had developed feelings along the way or was afraid of running away alone. Bob asked softly.

"Of course I'm here waiting to be besieged." Xu Yi replied.

Bob thought Xu Yi was joking, but in fact, he was telling the truth. "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave later." Xu Yi frowned.

Bob hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran towards the lower level. The battlefield was above, so this was the safest place.

Xu Yi stared at the box that sealed the clown's origin.

The box can temporarily isolate the clown's original breath, but as time goes by, more and more original energy overflows, and there is no huge magic circle to draw away the energy, and the box will eventually be unable to hold it.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before the clown's origin was discovered.

Once the clown's origin is exposed, he will not only face the clown.

Neither the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization nor the Ring of Destruction would let him go.

Not to mention that he is just a split soul, even if he uses all his power, he cannot be his opponent.

It can be said that this is almost a dead end.

The reason why it is "almost" is because after thinking hard, he finally thought of a way.

The crusher exploded. The explosion destroyed the energy supply system of the crusher, as well as the bearing above. The sharp blades slowly stopped rotating.

This is the miniature bomb that Annabelle left inside earlier.

How could they do nothing after being inside the crusher for so long?

Xu Yi glanced at the box on the ground, then resolutely opened his mouth and swallowed the box in one gulp.

This time he doesn't want to swallow the box into a different space, but to swallow it. He wants to swallow the origin of the clown!

Xu Yi's face gradually became distorted with pain. Not to mention that what was here was just a split soul. Even the main soul might not be able to swallow the clown's origin.

But it is precisely because he is the origin that he can act boldly, even at the risk of sacrificing the soul in front of him.

Once the ghost dies, he can only stay in the dream world for a long time.

Xu Yi also hesitated for a long time before making this decision.

After he devoured the clown's origin, he didn't stop there. He got into the crusher non-stop.

With the power of his split soul, he cannot be the opponent of the original clown. When the box is dissolved, he will most likely be devoured in turn, so he must bring in "foreign aid".

He took a deep breath, prepared his mind, opened his mouth, and swallowed the skin tissue in the grinder.

The skin tissue carries strong radiation, and swallowing it into the mouth is no less than swallowing hot magma.

This was not the most uncomfortable thing. Those skin tissues also had an indescribable smell. Even if he cut off his sense of taste, it had no effect. This was the first time he encountered a smell that could be used directly on the soul level.

He wanted to spit it out several times. It felt like he drank soy juice mixed with stinky tofu, and then added the smell of fermented rotten vegetable leaves.

But he still suppressed his nausea and swallowed all the skin tissue.

He never wanted to experience this kind of thing again.

When he swallowed the last mouthful of skin tissue, a white figure quickly approached. Pennywise the clown slammed into the crusher, and his face was squeezed against the outer glass wall, making him look even more ferocious.

"You ate something that doesn't belong to you!" The clown stared directly at Xu Yi's face.

The sound of dense footsteps came, and people from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization and the Ring of Destruction arrived one after another, and their eyes fell on Xu Yi.

West saw clearly the face that belonged to Xu Yi and frowned.

Xu Yi regarded West as a difficult opponent, and West was not like that. Based on his understanding of Xu Yi, it was impossible for the other party to just let him go.

"With so many people here, it's enough to have a party!"

Xu Yi's face was extremely pale, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I wish you all a wonderful night!"

(End of this chapter)

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