American exorcist god.

Chapter 407 Distortion

Chapter 407 Distortion
Xu Yi's face suddenly cracked, fine cracks spread across the entire face, and rich purple-black light overflowed from the cracks.

The sealed box is dissolved, and the Joker's origin is finally revealed.

The faces of the people in the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization changed drastically. They all knew the terror of the complete clown, but they still suppressed the fear in their hearts.

Pennywise the Clown is able to absorb the fears of others.

The more fearful Pennywise is, the stronger he becomes.

The origin of the Joker appeared, which should be good news for the Ring of Destruction, but West's brows furrowed even more tightly, and things were getting worse.

Xu Yi's face suddenly turned pale. It was not ordinary pale, but like a large amount of white oil paint.

His lips suddenly turned blood red and he gave a weird smile, looking like a clown.

What Xu Yi expected happened indeed. The split soul was no match and was instead invaded by the clown's origin.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" Pennywise the clown danced crazily, and anyone could see his excitement.

If he hadn't been decisive enough to abandon most of the divided souls, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to preserve even the last bit of consciousness.

These skin tissues are to them what the dragon's blood is to ordinary people.

He has allowed his soul to enter a state of "return to silence", retaining only the core consciousness. In this state, his soul is the strongest.

Pennywise the Clown is an extremely crazy and dark existence, but when he saw those pupils, his body trembled involuntarily.

He has been imprisoned for too long. Looking at the origin right in front of him, how can he endure this temptation?
West was vaguely uneasy. Based on his understanding of Xu Yi, it was impossible for the other party to capture him without mercy.

Dragon's blood is an extremely terrifying poison to real ordinary people.

To be able to successfully swallow dragon blood would require various chances or coincidences, or the person himself would have a strong bloodline.

At this moment, the people from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization should step forward to arrest the clown, but they retreated silently, their bodies shaking uncontrollably.

The face swallowed all the skin tissue before, and now those skin tissues should be in the clown's body!

Their only end is usually to be corroded by dragon blood and transformed into Deadpool or other weird creatures.

A huge purple pupil appeared on his chest, staring coldly at the people present.

Pennywise the Clown is about to leave this place. Although he also wants revenge, he is also very aware of the power of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, otherwise he would not have been captured before.

The clown returned to his roots, and his exaggerated laughter echoed in the factory.

Xu Yi's face flew out of the crusher, and Pennywise the Clown opened his arms and hugged that face. The two merged, and turbulent purple air flowed out of the clown's body.

"Fortunately, I gave up early!" The moment Xu Yi saw the purple pupils, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In various myths, there are many examples of mortals gaining powerful powers after swallowing or bathing in dragon blood.

He suddenly noticed something abnormal in his chest. He looked down and was stunned.

He was originally the evil god of the universe who was in charge of fear, but now he was actually afraid.

The reason why Xu Yi gave up resistance and took the initiative to be captured was because this was part of the plan.

In fact, the word "mortal" needs a big question mark.

They found that the grinder was empty, and all the skin tissue was gone!
Only they know best how terrifying and violent the skin tissue itself is.

The situation before us was similar. The original owner of the skin tissue was too terrifying. Even a monster like Pennywise the Clown could not compete with him.

The clown Pennywise's pupils suddenly turned red, and he grinned at the people present, like a bloodthirsty beast that saw a group of prey.

He forcibly suppressed the bloodthirsty impulse in his heart, but this situation could not last forever. Under the influence of those skin tissues, he was gradually losing his sanity.

This is Xu Yi's plan, to use the skin tissue to make the clown deform out of control and attack the people present.

Suppressing the power of darkness requires the clown to be in a "high-pressure environment."

For the Joker, neither the furnace nor the soul-binding wire is enough to provide strong enough pressure. Xu Yi suddenly changed his mind and thought that many alchemy machines from the Ring of Destruction were gathered here, as well as the top combat power of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization branch.

Is there any better way to create pressure on the Joker than to challenge this group of people?
Of course, Xu Yi doesn't know whether this method can squeeze out dark power.

Because this is simply impossible to predict.

Dreams cannot achieve things outside of cognition, and no one knows what will happen if you swallow those skin tissues.

But compared to the previous dead end, it finally provided Xu Yi with a chance.

The clown's deformation continued, with sarcomas emerging on both sides of his shoulders. The sarcomas quickly deformed and turned into two heads, with faces exactly like the clown's.

It's just that the face on the left is as cold as ice, but the face on the right has an exaggerated smile.

His back suddenly split open, and one arm after another stretched out from the crack, with sharp nails.

But in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a monster with three heads and six arms.

He let out a beast-like roar, unable to restrain the raging murderous intent in his heart any longer, and rushed towards the nearest silver giant ape.

The Silver Giant Ape belongs to the Ring of Destruction. In this case, the clown actually attacks his "partner". It is obvious that he has lost his mind and does not distinguish between friend and foe.

The arm suddenly flew into the air, and a large number of metal parts flew away.

Everyone present was shocked. They all saw how strong the silver giant ape was, but now, in just a moment, the arm was torn off.

As the clown Pennywise took action, the scene instantly fell into chaos.

At first, the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization wanted to annihilate all their enemies, but they soon realized how naive they were.

The clown shuttles among the people, with wind, fire, thunder and lightning, beckoning.

Every casual blow carried unimaginable power, but in just a moment, three Black Abyss soldiers were torn apart and died tragically on the spot.

Under pressure from the clown Pennywise, the two hostile forces, the Ring of Destruction and the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, temporarily joined forces.

But even so, they are still no match for the Joker.

The deformed Joker is terrifyingly powerful, and the pupils on his chest burst out with bright purple light from time to time. Wherever the light goes, the space is imprisoned, and the imprisoned object can only become meat on the chopping board.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Xu Yi, who was secretly observing, was horrified. Even if the clown regained his origin, it would not be so terrifying.

This is all the effect of those skin tissues.

The more they came into contact, the more frightened Xu Yi became, and a shadow cast over his heart.

The ring of destruction is also difficult to get off at this moment.

Now the Joker is not only out of trouble, but also has his own origins back, and can immediately be used by them.

But this requires a prerequisite, which is to get rid of the out-of-control clown.

The eyes of the alchemy machinery fell on West. West was an extremely decisive person and he made a decision immediately.

Roots all over the sky suddenly surged down from the ceiling and instantly enveloped Pennywise the Clown.

The clown wanted to use his teleportation ability to escape, but a green light ignited on the root, and the clown was imprisoned in the root.

In this ocean base, the only thing that can deal with the deformed clown is the World Tree.

West didn't want to give up on Pennywise the Clown, so he borrowed the power of the World Tree.

But the next second, the roots of the World Tree suddenly shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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