American exorcist god.

Chapter 408: Prophecy of Destruction

Chapter 408: Prophecy of Destruction
The moment the World Tree appeared abnormal, the clown Pennywise immediately seized the opportunity and teleported to escape from the constraints of the roots.

West frowned. The reason why the root was vibrating just now was not because of the ability of Pennywise the Clown, but because there was something wrong with the World Tree itself.

Xu Yi has a separate soul in the World Tree. He knows the situation of the World Tree better than West, so he immediately switches his perspective.

Outside the submarine base, in the high-pressure water, the World Tree floats quietly.

The World Tree and the Ring of Destruction only have a cooperative relationship. It can appear here only for the sake of providing nutrients.

It was kind enough to help with the rhizomes, and it didn't want to get into a narrow room.

At this moment, a huge shadow fell from above the sea, looking like a huge diving aircraft carrier.

But as the shadow got closer and closer, Xu Yi finally saw clearly that it was actually an island, a pure black island.

There are huge marks engraved on the bottom of the island: flames, lightning, and ancient monuments.

That is the symbol of the ancient god's sacrificial organization.

The surroundings were dark, and Xu Yi felt that he was falling continuously. He sighed in his heart, knowing that the plan was over.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. He felt the aura of the realm among the golden thunder and lightning.

This is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap.

So it made a decisive decision, retracted its roots and fled quickly. It was really fast and disappeared under the sea in the blink of an eye.

Of course, what West summoned was the Soul Gate. When the Soul Gate opened halfway, everyone present was sucked in.

Reinforcements from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization have arrived. If they stay here any longer, they may be wiped out.

He already knew what West was going to do, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

The soul essence on the ground burned at the same time, and the surging soul energy surged towards the door, and the heavy door slowly opened.

Everyone present felt a strong suction force and could not break away.

But it is only ten meters long now, so for it, it can only be regarded as a "larvae".

West looked around, but he didn't give an order to retreat. Instead, he took out a sack.

If the World Tree is in its full state, or even just an "adult body", it can easily destroy the island above.

In the factory at the base, West frowned. Without the strong support of World Tree, it would be difficult for them to deal with the deformed clown.

If the ocean base was invaded, of course they would call for support, but they didn't expect that the support coming would be an island.

At this stage, its only goal is to grow, and it doesn't want to waste energy on such a place.

The only one who could escape was the deformed clown, but he had completely lost his mind. After smelling the essence of the soul, he actually wanted to snatch it away.

Thunder and lightning fell suddenly, hitting the World Tree below. The World Tree suddenly shook, and its branches and leaves trembled.

The sack was opened, and the contents were poured to the ground. Xu Yi saw those things clearly, and his expression suddenly changed. They were precious soul essences.

To make matters worse, he also discovered islands in the sea.

Gray mist suddenly swept across the entire place, and the ancient door emerged from the mist.

Golden thunder and lightning gathered under the island, and the boiling seawater was instantly pushed away. In an instant, a vacuum appeared around the island.

In this situation, it is simply impossible to continue to squeeze Anni Power.

Even this split soul has to be explained here.

Behind the three original gates, there is a world. He entered the gate of truth twice and narrowly escaped death.

It can be imagined that the world behind the Soul Gate must be extremely terrifying.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the Ring of Destruction is still able to control the Soul Gate to a certain extent, which extinguishes the last glimmer of hope.

Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes and did not see the clown. The core of his consciousness should have been in the clown's body, but now that he can't see the other party, it must have been separated.

He looked around and saw tall mirrors in all directions, like a maze of mirrors.

His figures are reflected in the mirror, and each one is different. Some are him in childhood, some are him in youth...and some are him in his twilight years, with gray hair.

They were lined up in the mirror, like a microcosm of his life.

Xu Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, because what was reflected in the mirror was "Xu Yi's" life, not him before time travel.

He was thinking about what terrifying abilities this mirror world would have.

At this time, he suddenly disappeared in the mirror, and was replaced by a violent tsunami.

The tsunamis simply covered the sky and the sun. They kept pushing forward, and in front of them was the land that stretched for thousands of miles. However, no matter how vast the land was, it could not compete with the ocean, and the land was crushed under the tsunami.

Cities on land were destroyed and people fled in terror.

Xu Yi looked far away. At the end of the land, a huge magma column rose into the sky. The magma scattered down, revealing the huge red arms inside.

The scene stopped abruptly, and there were footsteps behind him. Xu Yi turned his head and saw that West was slowly walking towards him.

Xu Yi neither launched an attack nor put up a defensive posture because it was not necessary.

People are knives and servants, and I am fish and meat.

If you fail, you have to admit that this time it is someone else's territory and resistance is futile.

Of course, the reason why he is so "dead pig is not afraid of boiling water" is because what is here is just a divided soul. After death, he can only stay silent in the dream world for a period of time.

West actually had no intention of attacking. He walked to Xu Yi and the two stood side by side.

"Do you know what the picture in the mirror is?" West said softly, with a gentle tone, like two good friends chatting.

Xu Yi shook his head. He couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in West's gourd.

"It's a prophecy, something that will happen in the future."

No need for Xu Yi to ask, West immediately explained, "The Soul Gate has the ability to predict. Through these mirrors, you can occasionally glimpse fragments of the future. The picture you just saw is what will happen in the future. "

"In other words, will this continent be submerged by seawater in the near future?" Xu Yi frowned.

West shook his head, "Not this continent, but the entire world will be submerged by sea water."

"Just like the legend says, God launched a great flood to destroy the world?"

Xu Yi felt heavy because he knew that what West said was very likely to happen, and the sea level was rising every day.

"Absolutely, but it is not God who wants to destroy the world, and the current God is not that powerful."

West stared at the image in the mirror with a serious expression.

Xu Yi instantly understood that the person who wanted to destroy the entire world was the owner of the arm in the picture.

He asked curiously, "Why are you telling me this?"

West did not answer directly, but instead talked about another topic.

"I have been lurking in the Well of Eternal Life for a long time, which is the core of the Ring of Destruction. I once had the opportunity to destroy the Ring of Destruction, but I gave up and joined them later. Do you know why?"

"Is it because of these prophecies?" Xu Yi could probably guess what happened.

"That's right! The concept of the Ring of Destruction is to kill the Destroyer and save the world, at all costs!"

West suddenly turned his head and looked into Xu Yi's eyes with a sincere expression, "Join us! Together we may be able to change everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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