American exorcist god.

Chapter 409: The picture shows the dagger

Chapter 409: The picture shows the dagger
Facing the invitation from West, Xu Yi fell silent.

It is impossible to agree. After all, different ways do not work together.

He was just thinking, is the other party lying? Does the Destroyer really exist?

Xu Yi's heart was heavy. Although there was no clear evidence, he had an inexplicable hunch that the other party did not lie to him.

Is the world about to end?

Neither of them spoke. After a long silence, Xu Yi shook his head and said, "I will not join the Ring of Destruction."

Is it right or wrong to sacrifice one person in order to save ten people?
Xu Yi didn't want to think about this kind of moral dilemma. He just felt that to save the world, the Ring of Destruction might not be reliable.

"Come on! Hurry up and give me a knife!"

Xu Yi was already prepared to face death. Since he refused the Ring of Destruction's "recruitment", it was naturally impossible for the other party to keep him alive.

West stared at Xu Yi and sighed, his eyes full of disappointment.

But he didn't kill him. He waved his hand and the dense mirrors in front of him separated, revealing the battlefield behind.

"Do you think the current clown is still useful to us?" West asked.

"I'm helping you this time to express my apology. It was indeed my fault last time." West added.

"What do you mean?" Xu Yi became more and more confused about West's thoughts.

Inason controlled the "Wrath of God" weapon and punched out one punch after another, causing the surrounding glass mirrors to shatter.

"Didn't I say that? As long as we can kill the World Destroyer, we will pay any price!" West replied softly.

"Why do you want to help me?" Xu Yike didn't believe that there would be pie in the sky.

West smiled and did not answer directly, "The World Destroyer is not just targeting us, but the entire world, so we are not enemies, but refugees sitting on the same ship."

Inason became more and more anxious. He smashed so many mirrors, but the mirror in front of him did not decrease at all.

But the next second, he was stunned.

Xu Yi glanced at West in confusion. What was the purpose of letting him see this instead of killing him?
Could it be that he wanted to be tortured and then killed?
It’s completely impossible to tell that West actually has this kind of hobby.

The clown's deformation continues, dense barbs grow on his body, and his aura becomes more and more terrifying, but this is not a good thing.

He had no intention of fighting, he just wanted to escape from here.

The battle has entered a fierce stage. The deformed clown held the head of a Black Abyss soldier, and exerted force with his thin palms. The helmet and the head inside were crushed together, and the brains were mixed with blood and spattered.

Xu Yi and West, as melon-eaters, stood on the edge of the battlefield, but Inason seemed not to see them, and his eyes never stopped on them.

Obviously because the other party's perception is blocked.

The Joker is overdrawing his power and gradually heading towards collapse.

The strongest combat power of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is like this, so the battle situation is naturally one-sided.

"Did you see any future scenes in the Soul Gate?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"Do you want to get something from Pennywise the Clown? I can help you." West said softly.

"Why not reuse things that are destined to be useless?" West said with a smile.

Although West's eyes were sincere, Xu Yi was not a three-year-old child. He would believe someone who said a few words of apology.

But he spoke anyway, "I need to compress Pennywise the Clown to the extreme."

Just saying something casually, nothing will be lost. What if West really changes his ways?

"In that case, let's get started!" West suddenly snapped his fingers.

Six figures suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes, distributed around the battlefield. They were the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction. Xu Yi knew very well that they had been here for a long time. The reason why he had not seen them was because the Soul Gate misled his perception.

Six major alchemy machines suddenly spewed out scorching steam, and turbulent energy was injected into the ground. Complex lines lit up from the ground. The lines formed a complex magic circle, and the magic circle enveloped the entire battlefield.

No! Art, are you serious? Xu Yi looked at West in surprise.

As the master of the magic circle, he could naturally tell at a glance that this magic circle had the ability to "compress".

"How does West know that he needs to 'compress' the Joker to prepare the magic circle in advance?"

New questions popped up in Xu Yi's mind.

West seemed to see through his thoughts and explained, "Thousands of magic circle types have been carved here in advance. The ones you need to use just need to be activated."

Xu Yi suddenly understood. He was suddenly very curious about what the Ring of Destruction could do. You must know that this is the inside of the Soul Gate.

But he didn't ask, because he knew very well that the other party wouldn't be able to answer.
The people of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization are like headless flies. They only feel that the oppression around them is getting stronger, but they cannot see the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction, nor can they feel the magic circle under their feet.

Unable to escape, they become the tool men that haunt the clown.

Xu Yi was secretly frightened, and at the same time thinking in his mind, if the Ring of Destruction used this trick to deal with him, how should he respond?

There were severed limbs and remains everywhere, and the blood dyed the clown's costume red. The Black Abyss Army and the Red Devil Army died one after another, leaving only Inason wearing the "God's Wrath" weapon.

Inason's body couldn't stop shaking. Ever since he obtained the "Wrath of God" weapon, he had never thought that he would be killed one day.

The clown's face was covered with cracks, and those cracks suddenly opened and turned into octopus-like mouthparts. The highly deformed clown completely lost his human shape.

Inason seemed to have a premonition of his own death and made his final call.

He took the initiative to pounce on the clown, and the weapon of divine wrath flashed with rich thunder. The thunder became brighter and brighter, and finally exploded, like a sun of thunder and lightning rising in front of his eyes.

Xu Yi could only see a patch of blue, which was a blue ocean of thunder and lightning.

Inason detonated the weapon of God's wrath and tried to die with the clown Pennywise.

The blue light of thunder and lightning gradually faded, and West suddenly stretched out his hand and shook it into the void. Only then did Xu Yi see clearly that there was a blue bird of thunder and lightning in the distance, fleeing quickly.

The Thunder Bird suddenly let out a scream, which was the voice of Inason. He did not want to die together at all, but wanted to use the weapons of divine wrath to self-destruct and escape from here.

Naturally, West couldn't let Inason leave here alive.

The light of thunder and lightning completely dissipated, revealing the power of the God's Wrath Arms, which could easily level a country, but the clown looked like he only suffered superficial injuries.

The clown took a step forward. He suddenly became unable to move and hovered in mid-air.

The bright red light illuminated the clown, and the clown's body began to shrink, as if it was put into a compressor, and its limbs folded inward.

The light came from the magic circle at the feet, and the lines outlining the magic circle became red and shiny, shaking violently. This was a sign that the magic circle was pushed to the extreme.

A strong oppressive force acted on the clown, who transformed into a ball of flesh, only the size of a football.

But if you want to squeeze out the dark power, this level is far from enough.

"The magic circle can only achieve this effect at most. If you still want to continue, I have an idea." West said slowly.

"What can be done?" Xu Yi asked subconsciously.

"Summon the Black Void Gate! Use the powerful force generated when the Black Void Gate and the Soul Gate clash to oppress the clown." West replied softly.

Xu Yi turned his head suddenly and stared at West.

Now Tu Qiongdiao met, and the other party helped him, probably for the sake of the Black Void Gate!

(End of this chapter)

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