American exorcist god.

Chapter 410 Crystal of Dark Power

Chapter 410 Crystal of Dark Power
"I'm just providing an idea. Whether to adopt it or not is completely up to you." West responded with a smile in the face of Xu Yi's scrutinizing gaze.

Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at Pennywise the Clown. The powerful power of the magic circle only compressed the clown into a ball of flesh and did not really hurt the opponent at all.

It's not that the magic circle isn't powerful enough. Even if Xu Yi were to arrange it, it wouldn't be much stronger than the magic circle in front of him.

Xu Yi frowned. He knew very well that it was impossible to suppress the dark power just by relying on the power of the magic circle.

Pennywise the Clown was too powerful, especially after devouring the unknown skin tissue.

Xu Yi tried to call the Black Void Gate, but unexpectedly there was a reaction. It seems that the divided soul can also summon the Black Void Gate.

When he made this move, it meant that his heart was moved.

"There's no time!" West suddenly said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the lines of the magic circle were like an overloaded fuse, breaking with a "bang", the effectiveness of the magic circle dropped sharply, and the clown's body spurted out.

But that's not all bad, black ashes scattered from the clown's body, and the clown's body seemed to have burned out dead branches, and he was collapsing.

Two unimaginable forces collided, and the aftermath spread. Xu Yi felt like he had fallen into an incinerator and was about to be burned up.

West snapped his fingers, and Xu Yi's eyes suddenly widened with an expression of disbelief.

A figure suddenly stood in front of him. It was West. Xu Yi glanced at West's back with complicated eyes.

The surrounding alchemical machinery sent power to the magic circle together, "throwing" the clown Pennywise towards the center of the vortex.

The surging power acted on the Heixu Gate like the sky was falling. The Heixu Gate refused to give way, and a rich black light burst out from the door.

When he said this, it meant that he agreed with West's plan.

The clown Pennywise screamed miserably. He tried to escape from the whirlpool, but was pulled back again and again.

West immediately took out three high-quality soul essences and placed them in front of Xu Yi, obviously well prepared.

There is indeed no time. If a decision is not made immediately, when the clown is annihilated, there will be no way to suppress the dark power.

This pleasing scene definitely contains unimaginable terrifying power.

An armor of the Red Devil Army was rolled up into the sky. There was no doubt about the strength of the Red Devil's weapon, but it fell into the whirlpool and was instantly shattered.

The moment the Black Void Gate appeared, the entire mirror world trembled violently, and the Soul Gate seemed to express his anger.

The soul essence burned, and the symbol of the Black Void Gate appeared between Xu Yi's eyebrows. The heavy fog came quietly, and the dark door was looming in the fog.

More and more small black whirlpools appeared, like a drizzle falling on the lake, and the lake was completely empty.

A small black vortex appeared in the air. The vortex was only as big as a thumb. It seemed to be rotating very slowly and without any power, but that was definitely an illusion.

Xu Yi was already prepared before summoning the Black Void Gate. Unexpectedly, West did not backstab him, but fulfilled his promise!

Just by being affected, Xu Yi's soul is in danger of collapsing. It's hard to imagine what kind of powerful oppression the Joker needs to face as he is at the center of the conflict.

Xu Yi summoned the Black Void Gate, and he was actually very curious about what West was going to do with the Black Void Gate.

"I don't have any sacrifices to summon the Black Void Gate." Xu Yi suddenly said.

This is not an illusion, his soul is slowly dissipating.

West is right. If you want to suppress the dark power from the clown, you may only have something at the level of the original gate.

The clown's body was shattered by the whirlpool, and a palm-sized black spider rushed out of the body, but it only escaped half a meter before being sucked into the new whirlpool.

The origin of the clown was exposed. Different from what he had seen before, the black spider was covered with dense pupils. It seemed that the origin of the clown had not escaped the fate of distortion.

The ink-colored spider struggled wildly, but to no avail. After realizing that it could not escape, the spider huddled up and tried to carry it over.

Under the influence of the vortex, the "ink ball" became smaller and smaller... A faint purple light flickered. Xu Yi became excited instantly, and he felt a familiar aura on the purple light, which was the aura of Anli!

The dark power in front of me is much more pure than what can be squeezed out from the UFO magic point.

"Continue!" West took out five soul essences again.

Things have come to this point, and Xu Yi can't back down no matter what. Seeing that there is hope of suppressing Anli, how can he give up?

Even if West is betrayed, that will happen later. The top priority is to suppress the dark power first.

If this opportunity is missed, it may be difficult to find such a powerful extraterrestrial creature again.

The five soul essences burned instantly. After the Black Void Gate received a new sacrifice, the heavy door slowly opened, and the vortex in the air doubled in size in an instant.

Powerful force acts on the clown, and the "ink dots" are compressed to the extreme, bursting out with dazzling purple light.

The light slowly dissipated, and the bright purple crystal floated in the center of the vortex. The crystal actually withstood the pressure of the vortex.

"This is the real source of dark power!" Xu Yi stared at the crystal stone, excited.

But the next second, West suddenly rushed out, and Xu Yi was suddenly shocked. Could it be that West wanted to snatch the "Dark Crystal"?
He subconsciously wanted to rush out, but stopped abruptly. Even the clown Pennywise could not survive the collision between the two doors, let alone his clone.

West's target was not the Dark Crystal, but the Black Void Gate. He rushed into the Black Void Gate and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yi secretly smacked his tongue. West should have some understanding of how terrifying the world behind the Primordial Gate is.

However, with West's ability, it is difficult to tell whether the person entering the world behind the door is the original body.

As West entered the door, the Black Void Door began to close, and the whirlpool in the sky caused by the conflict between the two doors slowly dissipated.

After all, this is the inner space of the Soul Gate. As the energy of the sacrifice is exhausted, the Black Void Gate is naturally unwilling to stay here and fight against the Soul Gate.

Xu Yi suddenly became nervous and looked around.

Although West has left, the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction is still here. In his current situation, there is no way he can be an opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that the alchemy machinery around him had no intention of taking action.

"West actually intends to help him!" Xu Yi was a little stunned.

Even a blind person can discover the preciousness of "Dark Crystal". The alchemy machine in front of them turned a blind eye, obviously getting West's signal.

Now West's status in the Ring of Destruction is not ordinary.

Seeing that the dark crystal was about to be obtained, Xu Yi felt hot in his heart, but for some reason, he felt uneasy in his heart.

The bad premonition came true, and a face suddenly appeared on the dark crystal, the face of a smiling clown.

Pennywise the Clown is not dead!

As expected of the ancient evil god of the universe, his ability to survive is simply jaw-dropping. Under such circumstances, he can still retain a trace of his origin and cling to the Dark Crystal.

But that's all. It can be seen that Pennywise the Clown is extremely weak.

The whirlpool all over the sky dissipated, Xu Yi rushed towards the dark crystal, and the clown on the dark crystal had a look of panic on his face.

In the clown's view, Xu Yi and the Ring of Destruction are on the same side, otherwise why would the alchemy machines around him help Xu Yi?

He is now trapped in this unknown space, and with his current condition, it is obviously impossible to escape.

The clown's Pennywise glanced at the Black Void Gate, and he made an instant decision.

(End of this chapter)

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