American exorcist god.

Chapter 411 I became a triangular head?

Chapter 411 I turned into a triangle head?
Xu Yi looked at the clown on the dark crystal, and his eyelids twitched. He could already tell what the other person would do next.

He burst out at full speed and rushed towards Dark Crystal.

The Black Void Gate is full of unknowns, and it is obviously not a safe place behind the door, but for Pennywise the Clown, this is not a multiple choice question at all.

If you stay here, you will definitely be captured. Rather than doing this, it is better to enter the door, which will still have a chance of survival.

Pennywise the Clown controls the Dark Crystal and flies towards the Black Void Gate.

Xu Yi secretly screamed that something was wrong. He was still a little far away from the dark crystal. He suddenly opened his mouth, and a strong suction force came out of his mouth.

I don't know if the clown was too weak or did it on purpose. He was sucked into Xu Yi's mouth without any resistance.

"Thank you for the wonderful meal!"

The clown suddenly burst into laughter, unable to conceal the excitement in his voice.

He never expected that he would have a chance to make a huge comeback!
The big meal in the clown's mouth naturally refers to Xu Yi's soul, and he is ready to devour Xu Yi.

Half an hour ago, the Arctic Ocean was the burial ground.

Whoever has a higher level is the winner!
As the "Death Light" of the evil god of the universe, he didn't think that Xu Yi's soul could be at a higher level than his, so he didn't resist and was swallowed by Xu Yi.

But before Xu Yi had time to rejoice, a suction force suddenly erupted from the Heixu Gate that was very close at hand. Xu Yi was unable to resist and was sucked into the door.

"It's really an unparalleled blessing!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart

"Discover the owner of the mark and begin to assign an identity."

Annabell walked through the huge skeleton, avoiding all surveillance and arriving at the central area.

In a series of screams and pleas for mercy, the clown Pennywise's consciousness gradually disappeared.

Pennywise the Clown’s move is no less than sending a sheep into the tiger’s mouth.

Suddenly, a cold voice came to his ears. Xu Yi had heard it before. It was the voice of the Black Void Gate.

identity? What status? He was a little confused.

But he soon realized that something was wrong. The origin of Xu Yi's soul was actually a crystal!
You must know that even for the "Death Light" clan who are known for their souls, their souls are only in liquid form.

Although he got the Dark Power Crystal that he longed for, he also fell into the Black Void Gate, and he didn't know if he could come out with the Dark Crystal.


In this case, what is at stake is the original level.

If it were a human soul, it would definitely be far inferior to Pennywise the Clown in terms of level, but his origin is the soul master.

"It's too late to escape now!" Xu Yi sneered in his heart.

He didn't have time to think more, as overwhelming sleepiness surged into his mind, and he gradually lost consciousness.

When Xu Yi got closer, he discovered that the other party was in the same situation as him, with his soul power exhausted and only his original consciousness left.

He seemed to have fallen into the deep sea, with only endless darkness in all directions. The coldness hit him one after another. He could do nothing but let his soul sink.

Xu Yi's soul enveloped the clown, and his devouring power was activated.

Pennywise the Clown was terrified and subconsciously wanted to escape.

Its body shrunk to the size of a fingernail and rushed towards the seabed. Its whole body shimmered with silver light, which was the activation of some kind of magic weapon.

The hard seabed couldn't stop it, and it went all the way down.

After traveling for about two hundred meters, the purple air curtain opened, and a miniature golden coffin appeared in the air curtain, continuously enlarging it.

The golden coffin made of special metal squeezed away the surrounding earth and stone and was embedded inside. The golden coffin shook slightly, and the magic circle took effect silently. Xu Yi's body and the ghost warrior in the coffin simultaneously bloomed with a faint golden light.

The two begin to merge.

Annabelle retraced her steps, leaving behind tiny wormholes that were quickly covered up by loose soil.

It returned to the exit under the ocean base in accordance with Xu Yi's instructions. Through the gap, you could see Bob jumping up and down anxiously.

Annabell picked up Bob and swam toward the deep sea in the distance. At this moment, golden thunder and lightning illuminated the bottom of the sea, and a huge shadow descended from above. Bob trembled with fright and kept urging Annabell to speed up.

As long as they got some distance away, they were safe, and Maria was there to meet them.


Xu Yi didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but he was awakened by the piercing sound of air raid sirens and opened his eyes suddenly.

He subconsciously checked his memory. Although the abilities of the three original gates were different, there should be no such thing as the Lost Soul Ice Crystal behind the Black Void Gate, but he had to guard against it.

After a moment, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

His memory had not been tampered with because he could still see the system's panel information.

Although because it is just a divided soul, many abilities cannot be used, including resurrection coins.

Xu Yi sensed the familiar breath in his body and felt slightly relieved.

The dark crystal is still in the body and has not been lost.

This is great news for him.

Xu Yi wanted to move his body, but found that he couldn't do it. His soul seemed to be sealed in a sculpture, unable to move.

His vision was so bad, it was as if someone had put a doll's hood on his head. He could only vaguely see the scene outside, an iron table covered in blood.

He desperately wanted to see more things. His body suddenly shook, as if a certain ability was activated, and his "sight" changed.

It was a strange feeling, as if the eyes suddenly moved to the top of the head and gained a panoramic view.

Everything in front of him was covered with a faint layer of bloody light. It took him a while to adapt to it before he realized that the bloody light did not come from the environment, but that there was something wrong with his "eyes".

He finally saw himself clearly and froze.

In the claustrophobic room, "he" stood in front of the narrow iron window. His upper body was naked, his muscles were taut, and his lower body was wrapped in a brown leather apron used by butchers.

He is nearly three meters tall, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

What he wears on his head is not a doll hood, but an extremely heavy and sharp triangular pyramid. The pyramid is densely covered with surging blood vessels and blackened blood.

He turned into a triangle head?
Xu Yi was stunned for a long time, and suddenly remembered what he had heard before. Did the identity grant mentioned in the Black Void Gate refer to the triangular head in front of him?

What is the purpose of Black Void Gate doing this?
Xu Yi thought again of the Sugar Plum Fairy who gave him the door mark.

The triangular head in front of me is full of twisted and ominous atmosphere just like the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Xu Yi felt heavy because he had learned from the Sugar Plum Fairy that he might be twisted into a monster who only knew how to kill.

The so-called Gate of Black Void is the Gate of Fall. It is not surprising that this happened.

If it was just a split soul, it would be gone if it was gone. But now the split soul still carries the dark crystal in its body, and it must find a way to take the dark crystal out no matter what.

The air raid sirens were getting louder and louder. Xu Yi looked out through the narrow iron window. The retro town was shrouded in fog, and ashes were floating in the sky all the time.

A cold feeling suddenly spread from his body, and at the same time, changes occurred outside.

A few seconds ago, although it was foggy outside the window, you could still see a trace of skylight, but now, boundless darkness swept in.

Xu Yi felt like he had entered another world from one world.

But the good news is that he found he could move.

On the blood-stained metal table, there was a heavy machete, about two meters long and 30 centimeters wide, with a sharp blade.

He grasped the handle of the knife, suddenly lifted the machete, and put it on his shoulder

This series of movements was particularly smooth, as if the machete belonged to him.

Although he has turned into a monster, when he comes to a strange place, it is better to have weapons to defend himself.

(End of this chapter)

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