American exorcist god.

Chapter 412 Killing March

Chapter 412 Killing March
Xu Yi dragged the heavy machete forward. He had only walked a few meters when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

He tightened his grip on the hilt of the knife and looked ahead warily, but he soon relaxed.

Appearing in front was a little girl who looked to be only eight or nine years old, with black hair sticking to her forehead.

The little girl stared straight at Xu Yi, with faint blood-colored eye shadow surrounding her pupils.

There is no doubt that Xu Yi's image at this moment is extremely terrifying and ferocious, but there is no trace of fear in the little girl's eyes, and there is a hint of curiosity in her looking eyes.

In such a weird place, and with this kind of behavior, the little girl in front of her is obviously not an ordinary person.

"My name is Alessa." The little girl suddenly said.

An inexplicable message poured into Xu Yi's mind. He knew the identity of the little girl in front of him, and he was immediately frightened.

The other party is actually the "Creator"!
Of course, it is not the God who created the world in mythology, but the strange world in front of me was born because of the little girl.

Even the triangular head he incarnates at this moment is the handiwork of a little girl.

The metal door creaked open, and Alessa stood by the door, waiting quietly.

Xu Yi's eyes came into contact with that pupil, and his body trembled involuntarily.

He suddenly understood that the ruins in front of him were the world behind the Black Void Gate, and the foggy town he was in before was just an outpost to enter here.

In front of him was a vast ruin, with strange-looking architectural remains everywhere.

At the end of the corridor is a heavy metal door with complicated patterns engraved on it, which is incompatible with the simple metal corridor.

He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the two-headed man who rushed towards him. The other hand swung the heavy machete and instantly cut off the blood intestine connected to the lower part of the deformed man.

Only darkness could be seen through the door, and weird murmurs kept coming. The place behind the door was naturally not a good place, but Xu Yi had no right to choose at all.

Those who enter this ruins of flesh and blood are without exception fallen monsters, so densely packed that there is no end in sight.

Bloody light shone down from above. The source of the light was not the sun, but a huge pupil, staring indifferently at the flesh and blood ruins below.

Aretha jumped up. Xu Yi's incarnation had a triangular head, broad shoulders, and thick arms. Aretha was petite. Aretha landed firmly on Xu Yi's shoulders. Xu Yi could hardly feel the weight.

The two-headed man who manipulated the intestines suddenly rushed towards Xu Yi, his huge open mouth full of sharp fangs.

Aresha walked forward silently, and Xu Yi followed subconsciously.

The boundless darkness enveloped him, and he didn't know how long it took before his vision gradually recovered.

Xu Yi no longer hesitated and strode behind the door.

Boundless anger mixed with violent bloodthirsty thoughts came to his mind. He exerted force with his hands, and the intestines wrapped around his body broke inch by inch.

A dull bell suddenly sounded above his head, and Xu Yi discovered that there was a dark ancient bell connected by a chain below the blood pupil. The sound of the bell spread in all directions.

He had a premonition that if he didn't get behind the door, he would die.

More and more figures appear in this ruins of flesh and blood, including giant snakes made of human skulls; ferocious spiders with baby faces; two-headed men crawling on the ground dragging their flesh and intestines...

"He" was created with the mission of protecting Alessa.

All the wreckage was covered with a layer of sticky black-red flesh. The flesh was alive and surging like a wave.

Before Xu Yi had time to react, a piece of flesh and blood intestine climbed down from his feet and wrapped around his body and arms.

The two-headed man let out a shrill scream.

Alessa, who was squatting on Xu Yi's shoulders, glanced at the bicephalic man. The two heads spontaneously ignited without fire and turned into charcoal in an instant, and were crushed into powder by Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was suddenly stunned for a moment. As the bicephalic man died, an inexplicable energy poured into his body.

He felt that he had become stronger, both in terms of strength and physical sturdiness. Xu Yi looked out and saw fierce fighting everywhere.

There is no such thing as a camp at all, because all they see with the naked eye are enemies, and their only purpose is to kill the fallen creatures they see.

The entire ruins have been turned into a meat grinding ground, and Xu Yi is one of them.

He kept swinging the machete in his hand to chop up the fallen creatures that rushed towards him.

He roared excitedly, and every time he killed an enemy, the bloodthirsty desire in his heart was satisfied.

He was completely immersed in the fighting, because he found that every time he killed an enemy, he could swallow up part of the opponent's power.

This feeling of growing stronger was simply intoxicating. He was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

Of course, not all fallen creatures are weak. He encountered powerful enemies several times, the most dangerous of which was his.

He encountered a monster with half of its body charred and half of its body a beautiful woman. He was engulfed by the blue flames spewed out by the other party.

Those flames were highly corrosive, and he saw with his own eyes that the fallen monsters melted away one by one under the flames.

He originally thought he wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, how could a reckless man like him, who only knew how to kill people with a knife, be the opponent of a "mage"?

Unexpectedly, the flames could not corrode his body at all, but only made him extremely uncomfortable.

He suddenly realized that the triangle head he transformed into had an ability similar to "invulnerability to all laws".

He successfully killed the opponent, and the surging power pouring into his body made him excited.

Only then did he realize that Alessa was also a high-level existence in this flesh-and-blood battlefield. The triangular-headed guardian created by the opponent will naturally not be weak.

Xu Yi is at ease in the melee, which is entirely due to his ability as a sword master.

Although the person who transformed into Triangle Head is just a split soul, he cannot use the power of system entries.

But for entries like Sword Master, the more important thing is experience and skills, and he can naturally use them.

His rich knowledge of swordsmanship is very suitable for this kind of chaotic battlefield.

Continuously fighting and devouring, Xu Yi became stronger and stronger, with a violent and bloodthirsty aura like the devil from hell.

"Looks like I'm going to create a new one!"

On his shoulder, Alessa looked at Xu Yi quietly with regretful eyes.

After all, it is rare to create a triangle head with such high qualifications.

Any dark creature chosen by the Black Void Gate will be unable to resist entering this battlefield.

If you want to survive here, you must keep fighting.

Logically speaking, every time you kill an enemy, your own abilities will become stronger. This is a temptation that no dark creature can refuse.

But after Alessa entered here, she never took the initiative to kill a fallen monster. Only when Triangle Head is in trouble will she help a little.

Could it be that Aretha didn't want to become stronger, or couldn't bear to harm the creatures around her?
This is obviously impossible. Alessa looked at the fighting on the battlefield with cold eyes.

The limbs of the fallen creature were scattered in all directions, and the sticky blood was splashed on him. Xu Yi was so excited to kill, so selfless, and completely immersed in it.

His eyes glanced at Alessa on his shoulder, and a strong murderous intention surged up, and Xu Yi shuddered violently.

Something's wrong! Something is definitely wrong!
Xu Yi's heart rang with alarm bells, and he suddenly woke up.

How could he inexplicably have murderous intentions towards Alessa?

(End of this chapter)

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