American exorcist god.

Chapter 413 The aftermath

Chapter 413 The aftermath
Xu Yi felt cold all over as he recalled the previous scenes.

What he saw in front of him were all the fallen dark monsters, so Xu Yi naturally felt no psychological burden when killing them.

But being so immersed in it, so violent and bloodthirsty, is not his character at all, it feels like he is a different person.

Xu Yi looked at the origin of his soul, and his heart kept sinking.

His clear soul was covered with a layer of black mist, his spirit was being polluted, and his soul began to deteriorate.

Xu Yi's heart suddenly trembled when he came into contact with Alessa's eyes. It was like looking at a dead person.

"The murderous intention just revealed was definitely noticed by the other party!"

Xu Yi instantly understood the cause and effect.

If his soul had not been contaminated, he would never have done such a stupid thing.

The triangle head was Alessa's creation, so the other party naturally had ways to restrict him. Moreover, the other party has no conflict with him. Instead, they are grasshoppers in the same boat.

He wanted to kill the other person because he was crazy.

"If you continue like this, you will die!" Xu Yi realized the seriousness of the problem.

The other party created the Triangle Head to avoid doing it himself and then inhaling too much abnormal energy, which would lead to the corruption of the soul.

"No! We must find a way to remedy it!"

Xu Yi glanced at Alessa on his shoulder with envy in his eyes. He suddenly understood what the other party was doing.

He no longer kills fallen creatures, but chooses to wander around and avoid fighting as much as possible.

Whether they are humans or dark creatures, once they are completely corrupted by the Black Void Gate, they will become the lackeys of the Black Void Gate.

He can overcome it this time, but what about next time?

But it didn't go well.

He tried not to kill the monsters around him, but this idea was obviously too naive.

Xu Yi couldn't copy Alessa's approach, so he could only try another plan.

New energy poured into his body. Before, he felt that the energy was as sweet as wine, but now it was like poison, and he was afraid to avoid it.

In this kind of meat grinder-like battlefield, either you die or I die. You can imagine how difficult it is to become a compassionate monk.

At the beginning, he could rely on his "invulnerable body" to resist, but the further he went, the more terrifying monsters he encountered.

The strong desire to kill surged into his heart again. Xu Yi relied on his strong willpower to finally get rid of those desires to kill.

The triangle head takes the path of strength, not agility.

Moreover, there were too many fallen creatures present, and he was quickly surrounded.

"Invulnerability to all laws" was obviously just an exaggeration, which could only allow him to achieve a certain degree of "demon immunity", and his body soon became dripping with blood.

But he knew very well that this was simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

But he soon had no time to think about this. The fallen monsters came in like a tide. He subconsciously waved the machete in his hand, and sticky black blood dripped along the blade.

Xu Yi knew that he could not continue like this, otherwise there would be only one end waiting for him, and that would be to be "cleaned out" by Alessa.

The only way to become stronger here is through fighting. He is still in the first echelon for now, but as he continues to avoid fighting, he is standing still while other monsters are getting stronger. In the end, he will definitely be eliminated.

Alessa glanced at Xu Yi in surprise, a little surprised by the other party's performance.

But she didn't say anything, just sat quietly on Xu Yi's shoulder.

"This is a dead end!"

Xu Yi looked at the constant flow of fallen monsters, feeling desperate.

If you want to survive here, you must keep fighting. But the more they fight, the more abnormal energy they absorb, leading to the corruption of their souls.

A terrifying human-faced rose came over. It was no weaker than Xu Yi. He could only temporarily put aside other thoughts and concentrate on facing the enemy. The bright silver sword light flashed, and the human-faced rose quickly dodged. Although it had strong regeneration ability, it was unwilling to be hit.

It seemed like the simplest chopping, but every cut had an annihilation effect.

The two were very close in strength, but Xu Yi had the "assistant" Alessa, and in the end he had the upper hand.

The flaw was exposed in the rose on the human face. Xu Yi's eyes lit up. He subconsciously jumped up and swung the decisive sword with all his strength.

The moment the knife was slashed out, he regretted it, but unfortunately there was no way to withdraw it.
The human-faced rose was split into two and gradually annihilated. Turbulent energy poured into Xu Yi's body, and he became stronger, but his desire to kill also reached its peak, and he let out a bloodthirsty roar.

The desire to kill came like a bursting mountain fire, and was about to burn away his sanity.

A sudden chill came over my heart, like an unexpected rain extinguishing a mountain fire.

Xu Yi's sanity gradually recovered.

He looked for the source of the coolness and was stunned for a moment. The coolness came from the dark crystal in his soul.

For some unknown reason, Anjing actually showed signs of merging with his soul.

The fusion of the two is no less than thunder from the sky and fire from the earth. Although it still lacks the catalysis of the body of a god, the power of the fusion, even if it cannot be called the power of a god, is at least the power of a sub-god.

Xu Yi stared at the faint purple-black light, and his heart surged.

Just a sporadic amount of subgod power extinguished the desire to kill caused by the Black Ruins Gate.

It’s hard to imagine how powerful he would be if he became a real power god?
Alessa looked at Xu Yi in surprise. She didn't know how the other party did it. Most of the desire to kill in her body was actually dissipated.

The light in her eyes flashed. This was the first time she encountered such a special triangular head.

"Perhaps we can use the other party's power to complete revenge!" Alesha suddenly had an idea in her mind.

The battle was still going on. The appearance of the power of the subgod made Xu Yi feel a lot more relieved, but he still did not dare to commit more crimes because the power of the subgod was too rare.

After resolving two corruption crises, the power of the minor gods was exhausted.

Xu Yi had no time to think more, and another powerful enemy appeared, a huge heart covered with pale hands and feet.

The opponent is the most difficult enemy he has encountered since entering here.

The battle lasted for a long time, and finally the heart exploded in mid-air, and sticky flesh and blood rained down like a rainstorm. Xu Yi stood in the rain of blood holding a knife.

As a weird creature like the Triangle Head, he had no concept of fatigue at all, but after killing the heart, he felt weak.

Energy poured into his body again, and the terrifying desire to kill almost annihilated him. He subconsciously wanted to fuse the Dark Crystal and gain new powers of a minor god.

But the next second, an accident occurred, and Dark Crystal could not continue to fuse.

If he couldn't fuse the Dark Crystal, he wouldn't have the power of a demigod, so he could only choose to resist.

Washed by the violent desire to kill, he wanted to give up countless times, but in the end he persisted.

Xu Yi gradually regained consciousness, and what he saw was the dazzling wall of fire. He glanced gratefully at Alessa on his shoulder.

When he was fighting against the desire to kill, he was naturally unable to face the enemy. Fortunately, Alessa was willing to help and temporarily withstood the siege of the fallen monster.

After enduring it again, Xu Yi couldn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

Because he knows very well that this time is his limit, and next time, it may be difficult to handle it again.

Just when Xu Yi was despairing, the dull bell rang again, and the fallen creatures in the ruins stopped one after another, even at the critical moment of fighting.

Alessa on her shoulders let out a sigh of relief, and the familiar door appeared in front of them again, which seemed to be the only one they could see.

The monsters in the ruins disappeared suddenly. It seems that every monster has a corresponding door to leave here.

"The battle is over?"

Xu Yi stared blankly at the door in front of him, feeling lucky to have survived the disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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