American exorcist god.

Chapter 414: Nowhere to be found after wearing iron shoes

Chapter 414: Nowhere to be found after wearing iron shoes

After passing through the door, Xu Yi returned to the previous metal corridor. The walls and floor of the corridor were smeared with black blood, but in Xu Yi's eyes at this moment, it actually felt a little warm.

"In five days."

Aretha jumped off Xu Yi's shoulders, left a word, and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Xu Yi felt heavy, and he understood what Alessa meant.

Five days later, this kind of fighting will happen again. No, it should be even more brutal.

Because after the last round of fighting, those who survived were all powerful beings.

The opponent is getting stronger and stronger, and what's more terrible is that he still has no way to solve the problem of the desire to kill.

Is it possible that we can only let our souls degenerate and completely lose our minds?

Xu Yi returned to the previous room. Before he could explore more, it suddenly dawned outside the window.

He tried to actively fuse the Dark Crystal, but it had no effect at all.

Amidst the harsh sound of metal friction, Xu Yi pushed open the door. As soon as he stepped across the threshold, a large number of shadows came from both sides.

The large shadow is a swarm of cockroaches, each one is the size of a fist, and the head is a human face, looking ferocious and hateful.

Outside the door is the same corridor, but the difference is that there are metal cages on both sides. Inside the cage were charred human figures. When they heard the movement, they all rushed to the door, stretched out their hands to grab something, and howled in pain from their mouths.

However, in such a weird place, the appearance of this kind of cockroach is actually a reasonable thing.

But the question now is, how can we fuse the Dark Crystal?

Since he was unable to move, Xu Yi could just calm down and think about his next plan.

That hatred appeared for no reason, as was given to him by this world.

The human-faced cockroaches surrounded Xu Yi and walked forward. Xu Yi did not feel threatened by the human-faced cockroaches, but instead felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Xu Yi stared at the charred human figures, feeling an inexplicable hatred in his heart.

The door at the end of the corridor has changed and turned into a simple metal gate.

The moment he cut off those arms, he felt a gaze, with a sense of familiarity.

He raised the machete in his hand, raised the knife and cut off the outstretched arm in one go.

And this has another benefit. If the split soul can fuse with the dark crystal, it will save the fusion step when it returns to the main soul.

Drifting ashes and thick fog appeared again, and he lost the ability to move again and was imprisoned in place.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yi heard the urgent air-raid siren again. The ashes floating outside the window disappeared, and thick darkness fell. He regained his ability to move.

After thinking about it, I think it is probably because of the incarnation of the triangle head.

Only in this way can we obtain more power of demigods and survive the next battle in the ruins.

He stood up, dragging his heavy machete with him. Go into the previous corridor.

Xu Yi tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, but quickly let go.

There is no doubt that the top priority is to find a way to integrate the Dark Crystal.

Xu Yi walked out of the prison and went up. The surrounding buildings were covered with a layer of black and sticky flesh, but he could still tell from the scattered signs that this was a school.

The sound of his footsteps was heavy, and things in the school were attracted. They were also a group of charred human figures, but they were shorter in stature. They were most likely students in this school.

The charred human figures came over and Xu Yi swatted them away.

He walked straight towards a corner of the school, where something attracted him.

He stood in front of a door with a sign for the women's restroom on the door.

In this case, there was obviously no need to worry. He pushed open the toilet door. The blood stain inside was worse than other places, and blood was dripping from the ceiling.

The door of the toilet cubicle was suddenly knocked open, and the ferocious mummy was squirming in pain inside. The mummy's eyes were blindfolded, its tongue was sticking out, and its whole body was entangled with thorns and wires, and it was tortured. Xu Yi stared at the mummy, and the inexplicable hatred appeared again, and it was a hundred times stronger than before.

There is a work badge hanging on the chest of the mummy, and the name "Colin" can be vaguely seen, followed by the other person's position in the school, which is a cleaner.

The moment Xu Yi saw the other person's name, the hatred in his heart suddenly broke out. He raised the machete and split the other person's head in half.

The mummy let out a shrill scream, and thick black blood was splashed. Xu Yi suddenly froze on the spot. His eyes seemed to penetrate the long river of time and see what happened here in the past.

Colin, the cleaner, was cleaning the toilet when a figure pushed open the door and rushed in with a look of panic on his face.

Xu Yi looked at the other person in surprise. It seemed to be Alessa, but he was not sure for a moment because the two were completely different in terms of clothing and temperament.

But he quickly realized that this world was born because of Alessa, and the memory picture he saw was probably Alessa before she became possessed.

An extremely infuriating scene happened. After hesitating for a moment, Colin, the cleaner, slowly walked towards Alessa, with a hungry light in his eyes.

Alessa, who has not yet become the "Lord of the World", is just an ordinary little girl. She was dragged into the toilet cubicle by Colin...

The memory picture disappeared, Xu Yi looked at the monster still struggling and squirming in the toilet, and walked forward hurriedly.

He suddenly understood why this monster appeared here. Out of revenge, Alessa trapped the perpetrator here and suffered torture.

Xu Yi suddenly felt that killing the other party like this was too advantageous. Fortunately, the other party did not really die.

He dragged the other person out of the toilet and tortured the other person in every possible way.

During this process, Xu Yi felt the gaze again.

He wasn't 100% sure before, but now he was sure that the one who was paying attention was Alessa.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel Alessa's affection.

"I'm afraid this world was created by Alessa just to take revenge on those who had done harm to him."

Xu Yi suddenly felt something in his heart.

It can be guessed that Aretha must have had an extremely miserable life before becoming the Lord of Darkness.

Under Xu Yi's extreme torture, the mummy died in pain.

Xu Yi's body suddenly shook. His feeling about the world changed. The world seemed to accept him.

If they were strangers before, they are now acquaintances who can be called by their names.

He was accepted by this world, and it was not just as simple as feeling changed, he also gained more authority in this world.

He can borrow the power of this world.

Xu Yi felt with his heart that the power of the world was like a thin black snake crawling up his body.

He suddenly became excited, feeling that he could not find anything without trying hard to find anything, and it took no effort to get there.

Because the Dark Crystal, which had been unable to fuse before, suddenly showed signs of fusion!
Unexpectedly, the key to fusing the Dark Crystal is actually this world.

That’s right! Creating a world with the power of individuals, what is this but the Kingdom of God?
Although the "Kingdom of God" created by Alessa is very different from the Kingdom of God in the traditional sense.

Previously, he had fused a low-end version of "dark power, domain soul, and body of god", and the resulting god's power was extremely unstable.

At that time, he realized that something seemed to be missing, and now it seemed that it was indeed the case.

One of the signs of becoming a true god is to have your own kingdom of god.

Although alien gods are different from true gods, they also need the power of the Kingdom of God to complete the integration.

There is no doubt that this world has consciousness, and that consciousness is Alessa.

If you want to borrow more power from the world, you need to gain Alessa's trust.

If the ambition is bigger, it will be to devour the other party and seize the Kingdom of God.

(End of this chapter)

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