American exorcist god.

Chapter 415 The “cancer” of the Kingdom of God

Chapter 415 The “cancer” of the Kingdom of God

Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes, feeling the purple-black light in his body, and the mountain in his heart finally moved away slightly.

He just used the power of the world to fuse the dark crystal and successfully refined the power of the sub-god.

With the power of a sub-god, there is hope that one can withstand the invasion of the desire to kill and not fall completely.

"But it's not enough!"

Xu Yi looked at the three extracted strands of secondary god power. Each strand was no thicker than a hair.

Want to rely on such a tiny bit of sub-god power. Getting through the next melee in the ruins is absolutely a fool's errand.

Moreover, the power of a demi-god is not only able to reduce the desire to kill, it also has many uses.

The simplest one is to let him burst out with powerful power in a short period of time.

Of course, Xu Yi would not do this if it was not a special emergency. The most important thing right now is to deal with the desire to kill.

The machete rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound.

He left the school and came to the empty streets.

Of course, Alessa could not have formulated such rules that placed such great restrictions on herself.

There was an invisible barrier in front of him. He tried his best to break through, but the barrier didn't move at all.

There are obviously enemies of Aretha in the church, and they are the kind of blood feud.

When passing by Aretha, Xu Yi glanced at her. There was overwhelming hatred hidden in Aretha's deep pupils.

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the center of the town.

Xu Yi became interested and followed the location of the light.

If he wants to mobilize the power of the world, the key is how much authority Alessa gives him, so the next step is to increase Alessa's favorability.

Xu Yi thought of a plan.

There is someone else who makes the rules, and that person also controls the power of Alessa's origin.

In this dark world, there is actually a light on, which seems out of place.

Aretha heard the footsteps behind her, but did not look back. She stretched out her hand and pointed forward.

There is a rule around this church, and neither Alessa nor the monsters he created can enter.

Xu Yi was a little confused. As the creator of this world, why didn't Alessa do it herself but instigate him?
But no matter what, this is an opportunity. If you can avenge Alessa, are you still worried about not being able to increase your favorability?
Xu Yi's feet landed on the steps in front of the church, and then he found that he could no longer move forward.

Xu Yi understood what the other party meant. He dragged the machete and walked straight to the church.

The streets are eerie, with charred human figures flashing from time to time. He suddenly stopped, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him. Alessa turned her back to him and looked at the church in front of her.

"It seems that we need to be a good guard next time!"

He suddenly understood that what was in front of him was not a barrier at all, but the power of the rules of the world.

Ashes were falling all over the sky like catkins, and Xu Yi looked out. On the high mountain in the distance, there stood a worn-out metal sign with the words "Silent Hill" vaguely written on it.

"I knew it wasn't that simple!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

If you think about it, you can understand that if Alessa had been an ordinary person, she would have become like this. It was obviously caused by other energies.

"For example...the evil god is born!"

Xu Yi looked at the unknown sign above the church and had a guess in his mind.

The symbol on the top of the church is not the well-known cross of Jesus, but an unknown symbol, a circle and a cross connected.

Xu Yi began to remember.

Because he was only separated from his soul, he could not mobilize the memory palace. Fortunately, he had read a lot of related books before.

He recalled for a long time and finally found the relevant information.

That mark is called the Metatron Seal, and it is the mark of the fallen angel Samael.

Although his name contains the word "angel", Samael is an out-and-out evil god.

Aretha looked at Xu Yi who couldn't make any progress, disappointment flashed in her eyes, and she was about to turn around and leave. "Should we try it or not?" Xu Yi began to hesitate.

In fact, he still has a trump card, but he doesn't know if it's worth using it now.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to give it a try and turn his bicycle into a motorcycle.

Because the church in front of her is of great significance to Alessa.

The church not only contains Alessa's enemies, but it is also the key to Alessa becoming stronger.

It is a kingdom of God, but it has a place that even the creator cannot enter. This church is obviously Alessa's biggest weakness and a cancer of the kingdom of God.

As long as the church in front of her can be captured, Alessa's Kingdom of God can become complete and gain stronger power.

The melee in the ruins was not only aimed at Xu Yi, but also put great pressure on Alessa.

Seeing that Alessa was about to leave, Xu Yi felt hard and made a decision.

If you are reluctant to let go of your children and cannot ensnare the wolf, where will the return be if you don’t invest?

His so-called trump card is naturally the three rays of sub-god power in his body.

Only with this level of power can it be possible to break through the rules and restrictions of the Kingdom of God.

A ray of demi-god power burned silently, and Xu Yi felt like a bomb was stuffed into his body. The bomb exploded, filling his entire body with powerful energy.

He took three sudden steps, and then slowly stopped. The feeling of barrier appeared again.

The steps to enter the church are about 30 meters in length.

One ray of demi-god power was obviously not enough to allow him to break through the entire blockade. If he wanted to enter the church, he would need at least ten wisps of demi-god power.

Xu Yi did not continue to burn the power of the sub-god because his goal had been achieved.

Alessa stared at Xu Yi's back with fiery eyes.

This was the first time she had seen that the monsters in Silent Hill could penetrate to such an extent.

Although there is still some way to go before entering the church, this undoubtedly gives her hope.

"At least I didn't lose money!"

Xu Yi felt happy because Aretha's favorability towards him had improved a lot.

At the same time, he gained more authority over the world of Silent Hill and was able to mobilize more of the power of the world.

In this way, he can fuse the Dark Crystal again and gain the power of a subgod.

Xu Yi glanced at Alessa, feeling a little tacitly aware of it.

It was obviously not a coincidence that Alessa gave him permission to open the world. The other party must have seen through his mind.

The other person looked like a little girl of eight or nine years old, but that was just her external appearance. Maybe the other person was older than him.

Scattered ashes fell from the sky, and Xu Yi felt in his heart that the darkness was about to recede, and that foggy world was about to come.

He turned around and found that Alessa had left. Dragging the machete with him, he returned to the room where he had been.

In the following time, as soon as Xu Yi resumes action, he will search for "hateful" monsters in Silent Hill and torture them to gain Alessa's favor.

He also discovered something strange.

Every time you go from the foggy surface world to the dark and strange inner world, some monsters will be "refreshed", the most typical one being Colin in the toilet.

I think it was because Alessa wanted them to suffer so much that they would never be able to escape.

Every time Xu Yi resumed action, he would go to the toilet cubicle and torture the monster.

But the further you go, the less favorability you get from Alessa. This is a matter of course, after all, Arese is not a game NPC.

Five days passed quietly.

The flowery iron gate appeared again, and they were about to enter the world behind the Black Void Gate again.

(End of this chapter)

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