American exorcist god.

Chapter 416 Another owner of the Kingdom of God

Chapter 416 Another owner of the Kingdom of God

After stepping through the door, Xu Yi came to the ruins of flesh and blood again.

The huge pupils are still hanging above, but unlike last time, there are more building debris around them, and they should be near the center of the ruins.

A shadowy figure emerged, Xu Yi clenched the handle of the knife and counted the power of the sub-god in his body.

After so many days of hard work, he refined a total of seven rays of the power of the Second God.

"With such a small amount of demi-god power, I don't know if I can withstand this fight?" Xu Yi was filled with worry.

The dull bell sounded, like the horn of the beginning of war, and the fallen monster roared excitedly, echoing the bell in the sky.

Xu Yi looked around vigilantly, a brutal battle was about to break out.

As soon as the fighting started, Xu Yi felt something different.

The average strength of the fallen monsters is much stronger than last time, and it is not a fuel-saving lamp.

The sharp machete was lifted up, and the blade suddenly turned, cutting an ant with a human head in half.

As Xu Yi continued to kill enemies, his power became stronger, and the annihilation effect attached to the knife became more and more terrifying.

But there were too many centipede tentacles, and Xu Yi's body was tightly entangled.

The black jellyfish was also created by the other party, and its identity is the same as Xu Yi's current triangular head.

Xu Yi stood with a knife in his hand and took a short rest.

Although Xu Yi was mentally prepared, the actual situation was worse than he imagined.

In the last melee, Alessa could only occasionally help out and make a difference.

He turned his head sharply and looked.

Xu Yi once again killed a powerful enemy, but there was no joy in his heart.

There is a mark engraved on the man's eyebrows, with two triangles overlapping each other.

The other party should be a similar existence to Alyssa, both controlling the Kingdom of God.

A strong desire to kill surged into his heart, and he burned a ray of sub-god power before the desire to kill dissipated.

But the next second, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, feeling that he was being targeted by something terrifying.

Centipede tentacles filled the sky, and Xu Yi slashed them with a knife, causing the tentacles to break.

Xu Yi stared at the man warily, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The demigod's power was being consumed much faster than he imagined.

It was a huge black jellyfish, floating in mid-air as if it had no weight. The jellyfish has piranha-like mouthparts all over its body, with sharp fangs exposed.

Xu Yi's attention was not on the jellyfish. There was a man on the jellyfish's back. His skin was as black as ink, he had no hair, and his facial features were particularly prominent.

But now it's no longer possible. She must go all out to prevent Xu Yi from losing.

The other party gave him a familiar feeling. He glanced at Alessa on his shoulder and suddenly understood.

After fighting until now, he only has two strands of the power of the Second God left.

Alessa stood up from Xu Yi's shoulders and stared at him with a serious expression.

She felt mortally threatened.

Jellyfish tentacles all over the sky fell like a rain of arrows, and Xu Yi charged against the rain of arrows.

At this time, the benefits of wearing a metal triangle head are revealed. The sturdy triangle head resists most attacks.

He jumped up suddenly, drew a semicircle with the sharp blade, and chopped off half of the black jellyfish's body with a powerful and heavy stroke.

The flesh and blood at the jellyfish wound surged, but due to the annihilation effect of the cut, it could not heal.

The mouthparts on the black jellyfish open, and what they spit out is not venom, but a substance like spider silk.

The black "spider silk" was woven into a web and instantly enveloped Xu Yi. Xu Yi was like a small insect trapped in a spider web, unable to break free.

Xu Yi was thinking hard about how to escape. At this moment, flames ignited on the blade, and those flames came from Alessa.

Flame is simply the nemesis of "spider silk", and the spider web is burned by the flames. Xu Yi danced the flaming blade, and among the black spider webs, the blade was like a fire dragon dragging in the air.

Flames, long swords... This gave Xu Yi the illusion of a ghost warrior in his dream. He tried to control the flames, and he sensed Alessa's will in the flames. Alessa felt something, glanced at Xu Yi, and then handed over the control of the flame to Xu Yi.

At the beginning, Xu Yi was not able to manipulate those flames skillfully, but as he went on he became more skillful and smoother.

It's hard to imagine that a big man could swing a heavy machete so dexterously.

The blade danced faster and faster, sometimes like a rotating hurricane, sometimes like a meteor sliding across the night sky... Soon he reached the highest state of sword skills: the integration of man and knife.

Xu Yi let out a deep roar, slashed out with the blade, and a dazzling fire burst out. The flames flowed freely, and the half-moon-shaped flame sword energy spurted out, cutting off the tentacles of the black jellyfish in one go.

The battle that was originally evenly matched changed because Xu Yi used the flame sword energy.

In the flaming sword energy that looked like splashing ink, the black jellyfish screamed miserably, and the man on the jellyfish also had half of his head cut off.

"The so-called owners of the Kingdom of God are nothing more than that!"

Xu Yi's mentality is slightly inflated, but his combat strategy is very conservative.

In this ruin of flesh and blood, the creator of the Kingdom of God cannot borrow the power of the Kingdom of God, and is no more powerful than ordinary fallen monsters.

But he soon learned that he was wrong, and terribly wrong.

Xu Yi cut off the connection between the man and the jellyfish with a knife, exposing the bloody spine.

Xu Yi's heart jumped suddenly, and he thought of a question.

If black jellyfish is the creation of men, why do men connect their bodies to jellyfish?

You must know that connecting the two will be eroded by the desire to kill.

Xu Yi realized something was wrong, but it was too late. He was too close to the other party.

The man who was dying suddenly exerted his strength and pounced on Xu Yi.

The man's flesh and blood split open, revealing his true form hidden inside.

It was an unknown alien species with a slender and curved head, like a hooked sickle.

There is only a thin layer of black flesh on the surface of the alien species, and the bones are densely covered under the flesh. A long tail extends from the end of the bones, with a sharp barb at the end.

Xu Yi couldn't dodge and was hugged by the monster on the back.

The sharp long tail fell like a spear, and Xu Yi's strong body only blocked it for a moment before being pierced.

The long tail penetrated deep into Xu Yi's heart area and crushed his heart into pieces in an instant.

Xu Yi was shaking all over because of the severe pain.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Aretha kicked off her feet and jumped away from Xu Yi's shoulders.

This series of movements is smooth and smooth, and perfectly interprets what is meant by "flying separately when disaster strikes".

Logically speaking, Xu Yi, as a monster with a triangular head, could still move even if his internal organs were hollowed out, not to mention just having his heart smashed.

But now he couldn't muster any strength, and it was difficult to even lift his arms.

Xu Yi felt waves of coldness in his heart, and the coldness continued to spread.

He suddenly understood that the long tail not only penetrated his body, but also injected some kind of poison into his body.

A body that is “invulnerable to all laws” also includes resistance to toxins.

But now it has no effect at all, because those toxins are higher than physical toxins and mental toxins... rule-based toxins.

The power of the monster was completely beyond Xu Yi's expectation.

Because the other party and Aresa were not walking the same path at all.

The opponent did not let his creation kill the enemy on his behalf, but actively absorbed the energy brought by the fighting to strengthen himself.

Under the circumstances, he is certainly better than Alessa.

Alessa floated in the air, ready to escape.

It's not that she doesn't want to save Xu Yi, but in her opinion, Xu Yi is done playing at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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