American exorcist god.

Chapter 417 Desperate Situation

Chapter 417 Desperate Situation
The heavy body of the triangle head fell to the ground, and the machete fell aside. Xu Yi felt that he was drying up quickly. Behind him, the alien species was extracting the power of his flesh and blood.

Aretha glanced at the hopeless Xu Yi and prepared to leave.

The moment she turned around, the alien lying behind Xu Yi suddenly raised his head and stared in the direction of Alessa.

The alien seemed to be dealing with Xu Yi, but his attention was always on Alessa.

As the owner of the Kingdom of God, it certainly knows which dish is the main course and which dish is the snack.

Its eyebrows suddenly split open, spitting out a black shadow.

The speed of the black shadow is extremely fast, and even the afterimage cannot be seen. It is like traveling through space.

A black shadow instantly appeared in front of Alessa. It was a mutant that had shrunk countless times.

It spread its slender limbs and hugged Alessa's head. The front ends of the limbs also have sharp barbs, which are firmly embedded in Aretha's head.

The alien species repeated its old trick, swinging its long tail and stabbing into the back of Alessa's head.

He and Alessa share the same fate at the moment. Once Alessa dies, he will be done with it.

The battlefield of flesh and blood ruins is so cruel. You may have the upper hand one second, but you may be killed the next second.

A ray of sub-god power in his body burned quietly, and the powerful power dispelled the poison, and Xu Yi regained his ability to move.

The aliens behind him were all focused on Alessa at the moment, which was a good opportunity for him to take action.

He grabbed the alien's neck with his backhand, and before the alien had time to react, he pulled out the long tail that had penetrated his body.

It was a monkey-like monster that looked petite and not threatening. But the monster that can survive until now is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Xu Yi jumped up and kicked away the fallen monster that tried to sneak attack Alessa.

Xu Yi grabbed the alien on Alessa's head and exerted force suddenly. The monster was crushed into pieces, and the minced flesh and bones were burned away by the purple-black light.

Black blood spurted out, and the heart fragments were still hanging on the barbs of its long tail.

Xu Yi grabbed Alessa's shoulders and ran towards the edge area before the last bit of the demi-god's power was exhausted.

Even the owner of the Kingdom of God like Alessa may die here.

Alessa's eyes were horrified, because there were more than just the two of them in this battlefield. There were powerful enemies everywhere. She fell from the sky and was simply a living target.

Aretha's head was in severe pain, and her whole body was on fire, resisting the invasion of toxins.

The reason why Xu Yi was able to kick the opponent away was because he still had the power of a sub-god in his body.

Xu Yi lay on the ground, unable to move. His consciousness became increasingly blurred, and he knew very well that if he didn't do anything, he would die here.

Her body was paralyzed and unable to move.

He had no intention of pursuing the victory, so he turned around and ran towards Alessa.

Xu Yi stood up and violently threw the alien species away. Because he knew very well that with his current ability, he couldn't do anything to the other party.

The only ray of demigod power left in the body burned, and the purple-black light erupted from the palm like a raging flame.

His thinking was very clear. With his own strength, it was impossible to kill the alien species, let alone get out of here alive.

Once the extremely precious dark crystal is lost, the probability of finding it again is infinitely close to zero.

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away, the alien was completely angered. It rushed towards Xu Yi and let out a piercing scream.

The scream was like some kind of decree, and Xu Yi and the two people who were running wildly were instantly frozen in place.

The alien's body suddenly cracked open, and its bones were broken inch by inch.

The broken bones did not fall and began to grow rapidly. But in the blink of an eye, the bones were woven into a monster with a small head and an extremely huge chest.

The monster leaned down and surrounded them. Xu Yi raised his head and saw layers of bones in all directions.

He wanted to rush out from between the bones, but a thick black liquid suddenly secreted from the bones.

They seemed to fall into the black sea, and the water would drown them in an instant.

The black and red flames spread, forming a flame barrier, cutting off the black water and protecting Xu Yi and the two. Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Alessa. Saving her was indeed useful.

But the next second, Xu Yi's heart suddenly jumped.

The flame barrier is collapsing!

Xu Yi yelled at Alessa. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak, but he couldn't.

After he became Triangle Head, he lost the ability to speak. The flame barrier was still collapsing further. Alessa's face turned pale, her body was trembling slightly, and she was about to lose her strength.

No way? They are both owners of the Kingdom of God, so how come the gap is so huge?
Xu Yi complained secretly.

But he knew that he couldn't blame Alessa. After all, the opponent's power was missing half, and he was unwilling to swallow the fallen energy in exchange for growth.

If she is not defeated, who will be defeated?
"Think of a way!"

Xu Yi suddenly heard Alessa's voice, but Alessa didn't open her mouth at all.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was soul transmission, and his mind was connected to Alessa.

In other words, he can now communicate with Alessa.

Xu Yi's mentality was a bit broken. He saved Alessa in the hope that Alessa could explode the small universe and kill the alien species.

But now the other party actually asked him for help?

What can he do? He is just a creation of the other party!

A gap suddenly opened in the flame barrier, and thick black water poured in, quickly covering Xu Yi's calves.
Xu Yi felt desperate. It seemed that he was destined to be unable to send Anjing away.

"It would be great if we were in Silent Hill!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

If he was in Silent Hill, he could ask Aretha to open more world permissions for him, thereby mobilizing the power of the world and integrating the Dark Crystal.

If you have enough demigod power, you may be able to turn the tide of the war.

He turned to look at Alessa. The black water had reached her neck and was about to cover her head.

No! wrong!

Xu Yi suddenly had an idea flash in his head, and he felt that there was something wrong with his thinking.

You don't have to return to Silent Hill to borrow the power of the world.

As the creator of Silent Hill, Alessa contains a rich world power.

In other words, he only needs to fuse with Alessa to borrow the power of the world from her.

"Do you want to live?"

The desperate Aretha heard the voice of Xu Yi's soul, and the flame of hope ignited in her eyes.

She turned her head and stared at Xu Yi, waiting for Xu Yi's next words.

"Lend me your power! Become one with me!"

Xu Yi conveys his method of survival through the voice of his soul.

Xu Yi originally thought that Alessa would hesitate for a long time, but she didn't expect that the other party just hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

Xu Yi didn't know that all the monsters Alessa created were based on her own desires.

She desires revenge.

So those who spread rumors and slandered him were imprisoned in underground prisons.

Colin, the cleaner who had hurt her, was trapped in the toilet cubicle. Tortured.

At the same time, she also longs for protection.

She has not had a father since she was a child, so she feels that she will be hurt because she does not have a father.

Based on this desire, Alessa created the Triangle Head.

The triangular-headed man is tall and full of strength. He is what Alessa imagined her father should be.

Because Alessa has never seen her father and doesn't know what her father looks like, that's why the triangular head wears a metal pyramid with no face visible.

Alessa agreed so decisively because she had natural trust in Triangle Head.

Xu Yi's behavior of constantly improving his favorability also played a certain role.

Of course, the most important thing is that Alessa has no other choice.

She can't die yet, she hasn't completed her revenge yet!

(End of this chapter)

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