American exorcist god.

Chapter 419 Xiao He is defeated

Chapter 419 Xiao He is defeated
In the pitch-black world, the only bright light came from the church. On the long steps in front of the church, Xu Yi held a machete in his hand and was filled with murderous intent.

One day has passed since I returned from the Ruins of Flesh and Blood.

On this day, he only did one thing, and that was to mobilize the world power of Silent Hill. Fusion of Dark Crystal.

The results are very significant, and now the fusion progress of Dark Crystal has reached 2/3.

But this is already the limit, and the further the integration goes, the harder it becomes.

Compared with before, Xu Yi is much stronger, but it is not enough, because the next melee will definitely be more dangerous.

Only by completely integrating the Dark Crystal can he be guaranteed to come back alive.

With heavy footsteps, Xu Yi walked towards the church step by step. Aretha stared at Xu Yi's back with hope in her eyes.

Almost all of the world power belonging to Alessa in Silent Hill was borrowed by Xu Yi.

If you want to continue to integrate the Dark Crystal, you need more world power. The best way now is to regain the other powers that belong to Alessa.

The female cult leader Chris Bertala took out a metal round card from her pocket, and Xu Yi recognized it. It was the mark of Metatron.

It was a middle-aged woman with slightly curly hair, dressed appropriately in a special robe, which was in sharp contrast to the sallow and skinny believers around her.

Now entering the church is not only as simple as avenging Alessa, but also a life-saving medicine for Xu Yi who wants to survive in the ruins of flesh and blood.

Xu Yi stepped on the ground hard and started to accelerate, hitting the church like a cannonball. The familiar feeling of barrier appeared again, the power of the demigod in his body burned, and the violent energy broke through the barrier.

The bloody smell mixed with the strong wind rushed in, and a large number of candles were extinguished. The believers subconsciously looked towards the door and were stunned for an instant.

Everyone retreated in panic, except one person.

Since its birth, the church has never been invaded by monsters, so there is not even a guard.

Believers perform rituals such as Mass, holding white candles and holding them in front of their chests. The flame of the candle illuminated their sunken-eyed faces.

That mark contains part of Aretha's missing power!

For a moment, they thought they were having a nightmare. It wasn't until the screams rang out that they all woke up from a dream.

The believers in black robes, holding magical instruments, hurried forward and recited prayers.

The believers ran away in fear, some shouting hysterically; others huddled in corners and prayed constantly... The scene was a mess.

"Master Cult Leader, save us!" The surrounding believers begged in unison.

The crowd became increasingly frightened and screamed.

The moment Xu Yi saw the mark, a strong sense of desire arose in his heart, and he was extremely eager to get the mark.

Xu Yi ran headlong into the church.

After Xu Yi and Alessa merged, they became one of the world masters of Silent Hill. He could feel that part of Alessa's power was in the church.

There was no trace of fear in the female leader's eyes. Xu Yi didn't know where the other party got such courage. The other party's strength was comparable to that of a great exorcist.

A ferocious monster stood at the door.

Xu Yi ignored the power of the magic weapon, raised the machete, and swung it wildly, causing the residual limbs to fly together with blood.

Xu Yi also recognized the other party at the same time, Krisbetala, the female leader of the cult.

Xu Yi walked towards the female leader with a knife, and the terrifying thoughts of killing swept over her like a tsunami. The female leader was not afraid and just touched the metal medal lightly with her finger.

"Expulsion!" the female cult leader chanted softly.

A powerful force acted on Xu Yi, and Xu Yi stopped in place, unable to move.

He burned the power of the demigod in his body, trying to break free from the confinement, but it didn't work.

The direction of the force changed in vain, and he was instantly ejected and flew away from the church.

The female leader stared at the place where the triangular head disappeared, her eyes flashing.

The appearance of the triangle head made her feel a strong sense of crisis.

"It seems that we need to speed up!" The female leader thought silently in her heart. …………

Xu Yi stood up from the collapsed house, feeling very distressed.

This feeling of having all the power but not being able to use it is really uncomfortable!

As one of the controllers of the Silent Hill world, he also masters the powerful power of the minor gods.

Logically speaking, it is a simple matter to solve a great exorcist.

But success is also Xiao He, failure is also Xiao He.

Most of his power comes from the power of the world of Silent Hill. As a vested interest in the power, he abides by the rules of this world more strictly than others.

If you violate it forcibly, it is likely to lead to the collapse of this world.

The other party holds the Metatron mark, which means that the other party has mastered some of the rules of this world, at least the rules in the church.

That's why he was expelled so easily.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way."

Xu Yi softly comforted Aretha who was waiting outside.

Since Alessa became one with him, she no longer appears and disappears. Instead, she often stays by his side, and she doesn't know why.

Aretha didn't respond, her eyes were dull, and she couldn't tell if she was disappointed.

Many times Xu Yi felt that Alessa was like a puppet with very few emotional fluctuations.

"It would be nice if we could get in touch with the outside world."

Xu Yi sighed secretly in his heart.

Now he can only appear in the outside world and the inner world of Silent Hill, and has no way to go to reality.

He also couldn't connect with the main soul of the dream world and provide dreams to Maria and the others.

Alessa does have two channels to contact the outside world, but they are better than nothing.

One of the channels is the ontology to contact the outside world.

Unfortunately, his body was severely burned and he could only lie on the hospital bed. He couldn't even speak, let alone do anything else.

Another channel is "Kind Aretha".

This involves the origin of Aretha.

The one in Silent Hill should be called "Evil Aretha", or "Avenger Aretha" would be more accurate.

In order to better revenge, the main body separates the evil side and the good side in his body.

In this way, the revenge plan will not be hindered by the weakness of the character.

Today's "Good Aretha" lives peacefully in the world outside Silent Hill.

In the past, Evil Alyssa could still call each other telepathically, but one day the telepathy suddenly stopped.

It is possible that the exorcist used some means to isolate the induction.

Silent Hill was also blocked by the local government because it was too dangerous, and no one has come in for a long time.

In the following time, Xu Yi explored everywhere in the world of Silent Hill, trying to find a way to break the situation, but in the end he was unable to do anything.

Three days have passed like this, and there are only two days left before the battlefield of flesh and blood ruins begins.

"It seems that the plan to regain the power can only be put on hold for the time being!"

Xu Yi was planning to prepare for the battlefield of flesh and blood ruins. What he didn't expect was that at this time, someone actually entered Silent Hill, and there were more than one.

(End of this chapter)

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