American exorcist god.

Chapter 420 Wind Fury

Chapter 420 Wind Fury

Xu Yi came to the entrance of Silent Hill with a feeling of surprise and uncertainty. The wide suspension bridge extended into the depths of the mist.

The iconic ashes are floating in the sky, and there is no doubt that it is still in the daytime stage of the world.

Xu Yi could only act in the other world before, but after becoming the controller of this world, there is no such restriction.

A figure slowly walked out of the fog, and Xu Yi's eyes widened.

Whether it was clothing or temperament, the other person was different from Alessa, but they looked so much alike.

Even twin sisters cannot be similar to this extent.

Xu Yi was still on the other side and felt the same aura of Alessa.

He soon understood that it was the kind-hearted Alessa, and the other party actually entered Silent Hill!
The other party's name in the real world should be Sharon.

Is it really such a coincidence? Xu Yi had a bad feeling in his heart.

Xu Yi had seen this kind of uniform before, in the church of Silent Hill.

This means that Aretha has the possibility to supplement her power.

The anklet rubbed against the ground, making a thumping sound.

The dark figures gathered towards the entrance of Silent Hill. Those were the only monsters that could appear in the surface world.

These "trapped people" were attracted by the movement here.

Alessa stood up straight next to her, with piercing anger and hatred in her eyes.

That burnt black figure is Alessa's true form.

The body of the man in the suit was arched, and the large hole in his chest spurted out black liquid. The liquid was not only corrosive, but also extremely hot.

Xu Yi's heart kept sinking. The person in the trap was not very strong, but when they gathered together in groups, it was not easy to solve them.

Cultists from the outside world? Xu Yi frowned.

Sharon moved slowly, with handcuffs on her hands and heavy anklets on her feet.

When the time comes, it will not be impossible to erode the rules of the church and complete the revenge in the church.

But these people responded in an orderly manner and were obviously well prepared.

Their hands were cut off and they moved with difficulty, as if they were wrapped in black film sleeves.

But no matter what, Sharon's appearance here is a good message for him.

He never expected that Alessa's body and another part of her soul would appear in Silent Hill at the same time.

The cultist's team numbered more than twenty people and they were pulling a trailer. A hospital bed was welded to the car, with a charred human figure lying on the white sheets, being kept alive by a ventilator and an infusion set.

Xu Yi did not step forward rashly, because something was obviously wrong with Sharon.

Xu Yi felt passionate. If the three could be integrated, Alessa would become stronger.

More figures came out of the mist, all wearing the same black uniforms with circles and crosses connected on the collars.

Facing the sudden appearance of the trapped person, the cultists did not show the slightest panic on their faces, but instead had a sense of being accustomed to it.

These people did not come here by mistake, but came prepared.

This is not good news for Xu Yi.

The cultists took care of the trapped man and were about to move on. At this time, they heard the sound of metal rubbing against the ground, and an oppressive figure stood in front of them. The pyramid-shaped triangular hood had a cold breath.

How could such a terrifying monster appear in the surface world of Silent Hill?

The cultists were very confused.

Xu Yi stared at the cultist in front of him, feeling equally puzzled.

Although he appears in the outside world, his power will be weakened and not as strong as in the inner world.

But it doesn’t mean it has no deterrent effect at all, right?

The cultist in front of him looked confident.

Xu Yi took a step forward, the machete cut through the air, and the blade drew a semicircle.

Facing the awe-inspiring sword power, the cultist's expression changed slightly, but he was still calm. He took out a metal medal from his arms and handed it to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was stunned, that was actually the Metatron seal. He had just seen this thing in the church not long ago, why did it appear here?

Could it be fake?
The next second, a strong force acted on Xu Yi, and he was pushed out. The soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, making two deep dents on the asphalt road.

Only then did Xu Yi notice some details. The two Metatron round cards were not exactly the same, and the directions of the edge bayonet were opposite.

Two round cards can be combined together! It dawned on him.

Xu Yi stood on the edge of the road and watched the team leave.

Although he was not in the church, the Metatron seal could not exert its full power and could not directly expel Xu Yi, but Xu Yi could not get close either.

"It's so frustrating!"

Xu Yi was extremely depressed. Although he had become the controller of the Silent Hill world, why did he feel like he couldn't do anything?

The cultists and the group walked in the direction of the church, and Xu Yi felt heavy.

In this kind of battle, you can guess the opponent's purpose with just a little thought.

The cult organization probably wants to use the true body and the good Alessa as a medium to seize the remaining power of Samael.

It’s really because the house is leaking and it rains all night!

Xu Yi sighed deeply in his heart.

He didn't have a clue about regaining the power in the church, but bad news came from there.

If the cultists really got hold of the other half of Alessa's power, and they wanted to get it back, the difficulty would have to be increased many times.

"Hurry up! Go faster!"

The leader of the cultist suddenly urged him. He looked back frequently and looked towards the entrance of Silent Hill.

Is there anyone else?
Xu Yi became interested instantly.

None of these cultists were so panicked when they saw him. Who on earth was here?

Shortly after the cultists left, a burly man walked out of the fog, wearing a carefully tailored suit and his silver-gray hair neatly combed back.

The corners of the man's eyes were densely covered with wrinkles, and he looked very old, but he didn't look like a sluggish old man at all.

There is burning passion in his blue pupils, and he is more energetic than a young man.

"It's actually him!" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect to see his former colleague under such circumstances.

Xu Yi used to be an honorary teacher at Isolt College. He hasn't appeared for so long, and I don't know if he will be expelled.

The principal chosen by Isolt College has been unable to come to the school for various reasons.

Therefore, Xu Yi has never seen the real person, only the picture of the other person.

Legendary title exorcist, wind rager: René Gasol!
The reason why Ren appeared here was most likely to track down the group of cultists.

Xu Yi and Aretha hid.

Although Xu Yi and Ren En can be regarded as half "fellows", he doesn't have the feeling that fellows burst into tears when they see fellows.

When he looks like this, if the other person sees him, he will most likely draw his sword and kill him.

Ren looked around and recognized the direction in which the cultists were heading from the traces of battles everywhere, and chased after them.

At this time, the rapid air defense siren suddenly sounded, and Silent Hill was about to darken and enter the other world.

"You try to hold him back and don't let him go directly to church."

Xu Yi turned to look at Alessa aside and communicated with her thoughts.

Although Renn is powerful, the church is the home of the cult after all. Cultists with Metatron's seal can borrow the power of the world of Silent Hill.

If Ren entered rashly, something might easily happen. After all, it was a fight between colleagues, and Xu Yi certainly couldn't just sit idly by.

Xu Yi stared at Ren's back, his eyes flashing.

The appearance of Ren gave him new ideas about regaining Alessa's power.

(End of this chapter)

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