Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 736: Will Zeus be unprepared?

Chapter 736: Will Zeus be unprepared?
This is a bit nonsense!
The next move of Cronus is not unreasonable at all, on the contrary, it is full of ferocious meaning!

How did he get to the position back then?
Gaia got Uranus drunk, who had turned into a grumpy old man. None of Uranus' children dared to attack him, except Cronus.

How did such a big sky-type Titan become a slaughtered lamb?
The answer lies in the word "get drunk"!

It was the wine made by Gaia, the goddess of the earth, fermenting the grains on the ground and then fermenting the grains. It just so happened that this trick was also passed on to Cronus, the god of agriculture.

When this wine, which could even make a Titan drunk, filled the body of the gaseous Uranus, a subtle reaction quickly occurred in his body.

A large part of Ouranos's seemingly invisible body was forced to materialize.

The next scene looks a little funny.

Ten kilometers long and so big, Uranus actually looked like a recycled big cockroach kite. It was grabbed by Cronus's bloody left hand and then thrown over his shoulder in a gorgeous way. , fell to the ground hard.


The ruins of the temple of a certain god, Zeus, were ravaged again!

Without negative teaching materials, he would never win the heart of this mature and intellectual goddess. Although he didn't say that he had to get Hestia's heart, it was better to get it than to only have a divine body.

This time it's from his great uncle!

As the first-generation God-King, how could Ouranos simply sit back and wait for death? A biochemical muzzle suddenly opened at his belly button, which looked like a scabbed and pus-filled thing, and suddenly a large cluster of lightning spewed out.

Ren found that even though Artemis, a goddess who was still young in terms of gods, even Hestia, a veteran goddess, was trembling slightly.

It’s really not that I, Lei, am lustful, it’s just that I felt compassion when I saw the homeless goddess.

It's hard to persuade someone who wants to die with good words.

well! I can only say that it all depends on the support of my peers!

Before Cronus's scythe could be struck, his big, inhuman face was hit in the face by a bright ball of lightning.

Ren just wanted to say that Aphrodite's fall... came at the right time.

Originally it was just flattened by Cronus, but now when it fell, it sunk directly into a small basin.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, this bus goddess who once knew no god in the Olympus world and was most likely to be fucked by almost every male god, has completely fallen like this. Even if someone one day brings her back If it's cut off, it probably won't be restored.

As for the former Olympus gods such as Artemis and Hestia who had surrendered, a deep sense of sadness arose in their hearts.

When Cronus pressed his father's ten-kilometer-long divine body to the top of the holy mountain with the momentum of 'really rebelling against Tiangang', he raised the black sickle in his right hand high, exhaled and shouted: "Go to hell——"

It seems that in the life-and-death game of "father is kind and son is filial" between two generations of god-kings, both sides suffered losses in the first round?
Of course, as bystanders, Wren Downs and the others gained psychological discomfort.

At the same time, with an earth-shattering scream, the sickle slashed down equally viciously, with the great power of an unfilial son attached to it. The poor carving of Aphrodite exploded completely on the spot, turning into blood foam and minced flesh all over the sky, and then fell one after another, like a bloody rain.

Cronus was not having a good time either. His big face was surrounded by thick smoke, and countless escaping thunder snakes were twisting and twisting in the air, gradually dissipating.

Ren comforted himself shamelessly and immediately returned his gaze to the battlefield.

how to say?

The fight between two Titans really lacks beauty. If you take away the power that can easily cause mountains to collapse, and take away the lightning brought by the highly concentrated wind element that dazzles onlookers, these two indomitable giants look like two thugs fighting together.

Every move is full of the flavor of Wang Ba Quan.

You punch me, I'll chop you.

The only thing both sides can praise is their exaggerated destructive power!
With every punch, a mountain and river must change its course.

With every kick, there must be a mountain peak that breaks into pieces.

Every second of this god-king-level fight is the best interpretation of the term "destruction".

Just looking at it, Downs said: "Why do you think this so-called god-king level battle is boring?"

As the mouthpiece of the Physics School, Flora immediately corrected him: "Senior brother, you are wrong. Master once said, "A heavy sword has no edge, and a heavy sword has no skill." What he means is - even if the sword itself is not sharp, it will pass through. The user's strength and skill can still defeat the enemy, but the skill is so subtle that it seems to be beyond the realm of superficial skill."

Feng Da Ke pondered for a moment and agreed: "Junior sister is right. Titans' moves are crude, but we have to see through their crude moves to see their application of elements and divine power, even if it is their innate instinct. "

On the contrary, it was Harry who had a clear perspective: "Don't you think it's more advanced to be like Master, who first reasons and then convinces people with reason if it doesn't work? This is the true meaning of [order]. These two people opposite are too ' Chaos!"

The gods all claimed so.

With a group of disciples to support him, Ren found that the eyes of several goddesses around him flickered, and he knew at a glance that they had triggered a plot similar to [favorability level up].

The corner of Ren's mouth twitched: Sure enough, after I have reached a certain level in the world of gods, I don't even need to speak for myself, there will be great gods who will defend me.

Most people in China believe in two gods, one named Kong Ge and the other Meng Ge.

Brother Kong is both elegant and cruel, while Brother Meng is both cruel and elegant.

If there is any obvious difference between them, they are:

Brother Kong will first reason with you and then beat you up.

Brother Meng will give you a good beating first, and then beep with you.

In this way, compared with this so-called god king who only uses the king's eight fists to declare his status, he is immediately higher than anyone knows how many levels.

To be honest, Clash of the Titans looks a bit miserable once the so-called divine filter is removed.

Not only the two former God Kings, but also their younger brothers rushed forward, and most of the blows were bastard punches.

There is no way, the Titans are a race that relies more on body and instinct than skills.

Of course, the momentum is building.

If it were written by a bard, this would be 'The battle of the titans tore the sky, moved the mountains and rivers, changed the rivers, and overturned the sea'.

But than this, Ren was more concerned about what Zeus was doing.

Just when everyone was watching with gusto, Ren said unexpectedly: "Do you think that guy Zeus would have the courage to wait until his father and grandfather are exhausted and commit suicide even though he knows that I am watching from the side?" Someone jump out and take care of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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