Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 737 Zeus is completely opposed

Chapter 737 Zeus is completely opposed
The Physics School now has more than a dozen gods, large and small, regardless of whether they were taught by Ren himself or were surrendered. Looking at the entire Kaos god system, this is a large god system. Counting alone, it can hold down a major god system like the dwarf god system.

After all, Ren, Apollo, and Artemis are definitely top-notch ruthless characters. Tangs and other direct disciples, who were notorious even before they were mortals, can fight even gods with medium powers like Susanna.

Rennes said something, and everyone felt more than fright. After a brief period of shock, Towns stepped out.

It can be seen that this kid is obviously trying hard to suppress his inner excitement: "Master, do you mean that Zeus may have decided to sell the space coordinates of our Kaos continent in order to ensure his position as God King?"

Rennes said calmly: "I can only say that I do not rule out this possibility."

There was no panic, no wavering, instead the gods let out short cries of excitement.


"It's been a long time coming."

"If they don't come, I thought I would have to wait until this war is over."

Not to mention the disciples of the martial arts school who are actually convincing people with their theory through writing, not to mention the disciples of the martial arts school who are eager to prove themselves through meritorious service, and even the goddesses next to them have a lot of eyes on them. Shining with a strange divine light.

Ren met those eager eyes and smiled: "I have been preparing for so long, and I really should practice. Don't worry, when the time comes, I will not let in the enemy's main force in the early stage."

Artemis, Ai Lei, and Ishtar are well aware of their situation. Without the initial freshness, they will never be able to match those professional canaries in serving Ren. Instead of leaving fate to Renn and hiding under Renn's wings and trembling, it is better to actively attack.

Ryan turned his gaze back to the two former Olympian kings who were fighting fiercely, as if he was talking to himself: "Zeus, are you really going to take this step? If you leave, you will be standing on the opposite side of [Order]."

Ren's voice was very soft, but none of the goddesses around him had a perception lower than 100 points.

Apart from Susanna, Charis and Hathor, who are destined to be canaries, who has no idea? They have been following Renn for so long, and they have figured out Renn's temper - as long as they can fight and dare to fight, Renn is very generous, and he will give priesthood and godhead fragments without hesitation.


Ren and her judgment were entirely based on Zeus's life story.

Anyway, Renn said that he would keep it all, and if he couldn't beat him, he would come back with [the trump card], what a damn thing he was afraid of!

"Yes!" Downs' and others' voices were full of high spirits.

Hestia's delicate body trembled. She knew that Ren's words were not meant for her.
She sighed deeply: "Zeus...he will probably do this."

The three generations of Olympus God-Kings are not good people:

Ouranos was rude, perverse, and willful;
Cronus was well aware of the power of his Cyclops and Hundred-Handed brothers, and considered their existence to be a potential threat to his throne. Therefore, Cronus devised a poisonous plan to capture them and imprison them in Tartarus. After that, he still couldn't rest at ease, because the curse Uranus made before he got out was always echoing in his ears: "You will also be overthrown by your own son like me." In order to avoid this curse, Cronus made a cruel move. The decision: to eat all the children after birth.

After arriving at Zeus, Zeus poisoned Cronus. After that, in the Titan War, based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is an ally, he released the Hundred-handed Giant and the Cyclops, who were not doing much better. It can be said that achieving cooperation with the enemy's enemy and ultimately winning is a wonderful operation by Zeus.

Humans and gods often have a lot in common when it comes to path dependence.

Zeus relied on intrigue to rise to power. Once he encountered an enemy that seemed difficult to deal with, he would instinctively take advantage of the situation.

Renn never overestimates Zeus's lower limit.

In the past, Renn pretended to be sure, but this time, Renn was really confident.

Almost at the same time, Zeus reconnected with his good brother Poseidon and his wife Hera.

Zeus finally revealed his Olympian version of the clam-shell fight plan.

Athena immediately raised objections: "Father God! There is a serious problem - what about Ren Tesla and his Chaos God System? He will be a huge variable."

Athena had chosen her words very carefully.

"Variable? What variable?" Zeus sneered cruelly: "How could I ignore such a disgusting guy who would threaten the entire Olympus God System? Believe me, he will not be a problem soon."

Athena's face suddenly turned pale. As smart as she was, she immediately thought of a terrible possibility: "Wait! Father God, are you trying to take advantage of the Chaos Lord?"

Zeus suddenly became violent, thunder and lightning lingered around him, and violent thunder snakes shuttled through his hair and beard, making his head of white hair suddenly fluffy, like an angry lion.

"Use? He is the despicable traitor who used the Lord of Chaos! Do you dare to say that he didn't deliberately lure the Chaos Demon here? Look at those crazy Aztec gods, they are all mad dogs serving Ryan. What crazy gods? Everything is Ryan's trap. Everything! All! All the disasters are Ryan Tesla's conspiracy!"

When he combined his imagination with some of the facts and vented them out, Athena was stunned for several seconds before barely finding an angle and said: "We have no evidence to accuse him of directly reaching a behind-the-scenes deal with the Maharaja! "

"I don't need evidence! His performance is evidence! I checked. He is the biggest beneficiary after the collapse of the Aztec world. The biggest beneficiary is often the mastermind in the conspiracy. I don't need to teach you such a simple truth. You!?" Zeus waved his arms fiercely and roared with gritted teeth.

Athena's body trembled slightly, and she argued for the last time: "I don't see the cause and effect of cooperating with Chaos in him. It is not wise to force such a powerful existence that could have reached an alliance into the opposite direction. And we are not optimistic about Chaos. The understanding of the Maharaja’s strength is limited…”

"Enough!" Zeus's anger finally came to Athena.

The terrifying power of the God King was like a heavy rain composed of thunder, pouring on Athena, forcing Athena to hide behind her aegis to survive the wrath of her old father.

"He took away my beloved daughter! This is a declaration of war against me! I will not let go of anyone who dares to challenge my divine power! Any one!"

(End of this chapter)

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