He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 148: In the most humiliating finals in history, Ryan showed his face and Ajan was embarrasse

Chapter 148: In the most humiliating finals in history, Ryan showed his face and Ajan was embarrassed!
The most humiliating and humiliating game in the history of the NBA Finals took place in the summer of 2007.

Fans all over the world can't believe the result in front of them. This is the NBA Finals. It is supposed to be a showdown between the two strongest teams this season.

As a result, the Nuggets won by 58 points without their main force in the fourth quarter?
Millsap, a guy who can't even make a stable rotation, scores more points in a single quarter than the opponent's star scores in the entire game?
How weak must the other side be! ?

That's right, fans' first reaction is not how strong the Nuggets are, but how weak the Cavaliers and James are!
Because in a basketball game, if you are just strong, it is enough to beat the opponent by [-] or [-] points.

One side must be very strong and the other side must be very weak to achieve such an exaggerated point difference.

Therefore, everyone is really curious about how weak the knight is!

There is no doubt that this game has become a hot topic around the world in a short period of time.

The level of shock is no less than that of Germany's 14-7 victory over Brazil in the 1th World Cup in the original history, and no less than that of the old worship lamp.

Because Ryan and James are both very popular and well-known, the popularity of this year's finals is inherently more popular than in previous years.

And this means that if you lose face, you will also be thrown out of the circle!
For a time, there were many questions like this on the Internet in various countries:
"It's not bad, I want to ask you sincerely, what is the concept of losing by 58 points in the finals of a basketball game?"

The most classic reply is: "Let's put it this way, it's almost the difference between you and your son under 10 years old fighting."

Emphasizing the necessary requirement of "under 10 years old" is very humiliating.

Because this reply spread so widely, James got a new nickname-Little Prince.

Ryan beats his son under 10 years old, the king's son, isn't he a prince?
From a little emperor to a little prince, if I continue to lose, I might be called a little princess!

Prince said he was very embarrassed. In the past, when Serena Williams roared "Come on, my little prince" on the bed, Prince couldn't stand it.

But if Serena shouts this again in the future, he will feel like she is shouting at someone else!
A'Zhan, you can steal my Eastern Conference championship, why can't this guy steal it too?

The grand occasion of the first game of the finals made Nike completely dumbfounded.

The traffic is indeed there, and James has never been so popular in any game.

But this traffic is worse than not having it!

He could lose by 58 points in the finals. How did Ajan do it? ?

No, who will buy James' shoes from now on?
The reason why AJ is popular is not only because of its good design, but also because Jordan always wins.

If Jordan lost completely in the 90s, he had no choice but to announce his joining the SuperSonics on a national live broadcast, and then went to Kemp and Payton's team to win the championship.

So Jordan's shoes can still be so popular?impossible.

When it comes to basketball shoes, the reason why major manufacturers are willing to spend big bucks to sign spokespersons is because they have such great star power.

Just like men's toys, those toys endorsed by female art film stars are always more expensive and better.

No matter how well-designed and beautiful a pair of shoes are, if the person who endorses them is too bad, no one will buy them.

And James was slaughtered by 58 points in the finals, and he has been labeled a "weak"!

So the question is, who would buy a pair of weak shoes?

Nike doesn’t even know how it will sell these shoes in the future?
We, Nike, are almost being turned into a low-end brand!

I had been looking forward to James playing in the finals and making a counterattack from the lower position.

It's okay now, the more we counterattack, the further down we go!
Cleveland fans are even more embarrassed at this moment. They don't dare to go to the basketball forum tonight or watch any sports news.

Tonight, there are more patients in the emergency departments of major hospitals in Cleveland. All of them are suffering from high blood pressure due to watching football!

In fact, Cleveland fans also have reasons to say, what team does Ryan lead?Is the defending champion!

Any Millsap on the Nuggets is a giant. He scores more points in one quarter. What is this if he isn't a giant?What's so great about him, Ryan, hugging the thighs of a bunch of giants to win?
What about me, Ajan?Big Ben is playing the starting center position, can he play?You can’t even make free throws. You don’t have that ability, you know?
But Cleveland fans had second thoughts.
To say that Millsap is a giant is to say that James is inferior to James, because it is equivalent to saying that James is not even as good as a rookie.

It's insulting to say that Ben is not worthy of being the starting center, because Ben is a serious DPOY!

DPOY can’t help you, so what excuses do you have?
Good guy, Cleveland fans were quite happy when Ben defeated Ryan in the DPOY selection.

I didn’t expect that this damn thing is also a boomerang!It turns out that A Zhan was just waiting to come back!
If Big Ben takes DPOY, he cannot be issued CBA.And James and DPOY can't win the game together, which makes Cavaliers fans even find excuses!

So at this moment in the online forum, there are no Cleveland fans at all.

Because even they can't win this game!

When the whole world was shocked by the result of this game, no one dared to imagine how James himself felt at this moment.

At this time in the Cavaliers locker room, James put a towel on his head and said nothing.

He has remained like this since he returned to the locker room until now, and he is still in a state of disbelief.

James doesn't dare to face the world anymore.

Ryan didn't defend himself, but he shot a three-pointer.

The final scene of losing by 58 points.

And before the game started, he deliberately said sarcastically, "I don't understand why we lost so many points in the playoffs."

All these memories made James so embarrassed that he almost broke the soles of his shoes.

Now it's embarrassing for James to close his eyes, and it's also embarrassing to open his eyes!
Especially the scene of interviewing Ryan before the game. Every time I think of it, James wants to slap himself to death!

Why do you think I beep so much?

Ordinary people find their previous QQ space embarrassing. At worst, they can just delete it and talk about it or lock the space.

But James, he said those words in front of a national live broadcast, and he will never take them back in this life!
What's the difference between this and pooping in public! ?

Before the game, he mocked the Suns for losing by 41 points, but ended up losing by 58 points!
This is simply a story more social than social!
The whole team was silent, everyone was really stunned.

Da Ben was the most confused.

In the past, when I played in the so-called civilian Pistons, my teammates were not geniuses in the traditional sense, but they could still win the finals.

But now playing in a team with the so-called "little emperor", there is no way to play in the finals!

Ben admitted that he couldn't help the team on the offensive end, but he was undrafted that year.

How come some people's third-round talent can play almost as well offensively as me?
The Nuggets leave you such a wide open space, but you can't make a shot?
After comparing with James, Big Ben discovered how terrifying the talent of the Pistons is!
At this time, head coach Mike Brown returned to the locker room after attending the press conference.

He looked at the demoralized players and sighed.

"You have to win four games in the finals to be considered a winner. Come on, guys, it's not time to give up yet."

Da Ben was also very unwilling:
"The coach is right, the Jazz also lost to the Bulls by 98 points in the 42 Finals, but the final average point difference in that series was not even double digits.

We lost today, but we haven’t lost in the finals yet! "

Everyone on the Cavaliers heard this and finally had the strength to stand up.

James also stood up in a daze, preparing to walk out of the locker room and get on the team bus.

But as expected, as soon as Ajan came out of the locker room, he was surrounded by reporters!
James also knew that he could not escape this disaster.

If I don't accept an interview, I won't be able to leave the Pepsi Center today until I spend the whole night.

So James stopped and was interviewed.

"LeBron, what do you think of this huge 58-point loss? Does the team still have a chance to save the situation in the next few games?"

"We will continue to work hard. This is indeed a very, very sad loss, creating the largest point difference in the finals. But we will not give up until the series is over."

James thinks that his answers are spot-on. Now the reporters can’t find fault with me, right?
Unexpectedly, the reporter smiled:
"Uh, LeBron, I have to remind you. 58 points is not the largest point difference in the Finals, it is the largest point difference in the entire playoffs!
And the last time a team lost by more than 50 points in the playoffs was in the 70s.

LeBron, this game broke many historical records. "

You are a very good person, you also know how to remind me of historical records!

Stop talking, stop talking!
A noble person like me has no interest in historical records!

What are you reminding me to do at this time?Do I need to know such a historical record?

Seeing Azhan's face full of embarrassment, the reporters asked again:

"LeBron, before the game you said you didn't understand how it felt to lose by 41 points in the playoffs. Now, can you share how it feels to lose by 58 points?"

This wave, this wave of reporters are no longer playing side shots, they are playing straight shots.

It was a slap in James' face.

James glanced at the security guard. This was the time when the security guard was most valuable.

This is Denver, and the security guard is also a Nuggets fan, so he's here to watch the fun!
He wished he could watch it for a while longer!

Seeing that the security guard was indifferent, James could only wave his hand: "I don't want to answer this question!" "Then, how do you respond to Ryan saying that the reason for not guarding you with all his strength is because he is afraid that everyone will think you are on the same level as him."

This question made James clench his fists.

What a shame!
Azhan really couldn't swallow this breath, so he repeated what Ben had just said:
“In the 98 Finals, the Jazz lost one game by 42 points, but in the end the average point difference in the entire series was single digits.

The Jazz are not helpless.

What I want to say is that one game cannot mean anything.

Ryan said that he and I are not at the same level as players, so we will see. "

After that, James forced his way through the crowd and walked towards the parking lot.

This is definitely the most humiliating night of James' career, but he still has a chance to change his fate.

James admitted that his shooting is indeed not stable yet.

But today's hand feel was too bad.

Not only his own touch was poor, but his teammates' touch was also abnormally bad.

But if the Nuggets dare to continue to defend like this in the next few games, James feels that he is still capable of punishing this kind of defense.

It's normal to feel bad in a game occasionally, but it's impossible to feel bad in several games in a row, right?
Now, the best way to escape humiliation is to win the game!
Only a championship can make people forget this 58-point night!
James has absolutely no way out.

But no matter whether the fans will forget this 58-point night in the end, at least the day after the game, everyone will definitely not forget it.

The next day, coverage of the NBA Finals was almost universal.

Even in Europe, which is not very interested in basketball, the headlines of its major sports newspapers are closely related to the number 58.

When old Londoners go out to say hello today, in addition to asking about the weather, they will also add:
"Old man, did you watch the game yesterday when Ryan kicked James' ass with his boot?"

This time, Ryan showed his face and James was embarrassed!

Both go to the world!Bigger and stronger!
What is an international superstar?Don't worry about positive or negative news, at least people know you!
As for the United States, it is even more lively.

Barkley danced with joy:

"James doesn't need my respect, and I don't need to respect James!

It’s true that I didn’t win the finals, but the total points I lost in the finals didn’t add up to 58 points!
At this point, I admit, James is far ahead!

I still say the same thing, it's not a question of whether the Cavaliers can win the championship, they couldn't win a game in the finals!Not even one is possible!
Because the stars of both sides are not at the same level at all, this game is impossible to play! "

Barkley was even more happy than he was when he won the championship. He was very upset when James criticized him so much before, but now he is fine and proud!

Godfather Xie Lai makes the decision for me!

Kenny Smith also shook his head:
"This is really a tragedy, and I think the media must bear a certain responsibility. LeBron is very capable, but it has been exaggerated by many media!

If you look at him as an average fourth-year player, he is undoubtedly better than 99% of his peers.

But if you have to let him touch a Grand Slam player like Ryan, he will end up with 58 points!
Remember last summer?The media has been boasting about reviving the glory of the American men's basketball team and boasting that James can lead the team to win the championship.

The results of it?Wasn't he also eliminated by Ryan in the World Championships in the end?
Some of our media should stop praising players so much, otherwise they will really believe it!

LeBron believes it!

He really thought he could beat Ryan and made sarcastic remarks before the game.

And this is undoubtedly a major reason for this tragedy! "

Not just TNT, almost all media are crazy about Ajan.

Cleveland media?The headline in their newspaper today is global warming.

The people of Greater Cleveland care about the world and the future of all mankind.Who would take basketball seriously?
Even Mike Manning, the dead dog, couldn't write an article today.

He really couldn't find Chun's angle!
If you want to say that the Cavaliers were beaten by 58 points but James' personal performance was okay, then Mike Mainin could write an article and praise James as a hero who is glorious despite defeat.

But James himself had extremely loose stools yesterday, and he couldn't move.

No matter how much someone likes Chun, at least he must be clean before he can have sex, right?Only when basic hygiene is ensured can you taste the flavor.

But James was beaten so much that no one could stop him yesterday!

The current James has an image of "overestimating his own capabilities + the media overexaggerating".

In fact, Ryan just restored Ajan's true level.

His level is indeed not low, but he is also overhyped.

If Ryan is not there, James will definitely be blown away when he leads the team to the finals this year.

This is how the so-called surpassing Kobe without a championship and surpassing Jordan with one championship came about.

What?You said that Wade, who was also in the 03 class, not only defeated James, but also won the championship?
It's useless. Wade has so much traffic. Some media and fans will choose to ignore Wade's results and praise James as the No. 03 player in the [-] class.

But now that Ryan is here, everyone has discovered that James doesn't seem to be either, as the media has boasted.

Ryan just restored a real James for basketball fans around the world.

He's certainly a young, promising player, but dominating the league?Forget it, it’s not even close!
The 58-point incident is still fermenting crazily.

On the Internet, James' dull-eyed expression while sitting on the bench when he lost by 58 points was directly made into a meme.

Some netizens used the photo of Chamberlain with 100 points to post a photo of James holding up the number "58", which became a classic.

Paul wasted his time on Silly Le. He didn’t know that the biggest wave of traffic in his life, the most precious treasure in his life, no longer belonged to him.

The 58-point incident was extremely lively. The whole world was watching James' joke. James was simply ruined.

But James still has a chance to redeem himself.

In the next few games, even if he wins one or two games and performs well enough in one or two games, he will be able to get out of his current predicament.

In fact, this is exactly what Ajan planned.

At the end of this afternoon's training, James looked a little more determined:
“One game cannot reflect my true level. The first game really hurt the whole team, but this pain will make our counterattack even more fierce!
I still say the same thing, the Jazz also lost by 98 points in the 42 Finals, but that series was actually very intense!
We don't necessarily lose.

The Nuggets may also be in trouble!

We did lose miserably in the last game, but fortunately, we won’t do that again! "

Soon, reporters relayed this to Lane.

After Ryan heard this, he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud:
"Reply a trace, repay a trace, a little bit out of character.

Did he mean a violent counterattack?
Hahaha, I have been waiting for him for so many years from high school to now, but he has not completed the counterattack.

But I still look forward to the performance of James and the Cavaliers in the next game.

Because the last game made me sleepy! "

Ryan launched another wave of humiliating attacks at the camera. This bloodthirsty lion showed no mercy.

Ryan's attitude towards James at this time is a bit like Jordan's attitude towards Drexler.

Many people say that Barkley forced out the best Jordan in the Finals.

In fact, this is not the case. Drexler also forced out the best Jordan.

It's just that Barkley is too strong, so Jordan has to take out his final form like Frieza.

Drexler, on the other hand, was blown too hard by the media, so Jordan felt that he had to be beaten to make the media and the world realize who is the boss!

Sure enough, after that round of the finals, no one would compare Drexler to Jordan.

And this is the mentality of Ryan now.

In this year's finals, he must seize the opportunity to let the whole world see the gap between James and himself!

The 03 class is not about two heroes competing for hegemony, or about James and Ryan conspiring together.

But one super and many strong!
It’s Ryan who dominates the world!
It is Ryan's obligation as a strong man to give the world a real James.

Bird on the side sighed. Although Ryan was strong, he was actually quite pitiful.

Because he couldn't even experience what it was like to have an evenly matched opponent like a magician.

 Thanks for boiling the kettle to make tea, and thank you all for the rewards from Xiao Cao and other big guys!
(End of this chapter)

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