He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 149: 58 points is only a team honor, individual honors must also be arranged for you!

Chapter 149: 58 points is only a team honor, individual honors must also be arranged for you!
The second game of the Finals will continue as scheduled at the Pepsi Center.

Although the 58-point tragedy in the last game was shocking, it embarrassed the Cavaliers and Ajan to the whole world.

But the ratings for the second game were surprisingly still good.

Because everyone really wants to see if it was an accident that the Nuggets won like that in the first game.

I want to see if the knight is that weak.

I really want to see if James can bottom out and rebound.

After all, what James said is true. Just looking at the 98-point loss by the Jazz in the 42 Finals, you would think that the strength gap in that round must be huge.

But in fact, part of the reason why Danzi's 98 championship is legendary is because the Jazz are really difficult to beat.


In almost every game, both teams fought hard until the last minute, leaving fans with a deep sense of what suffocation is.

Jordan's last shot in G6 that passed Russell has become a classic.

As long as there are some discrepancies in these games, Jordan's sixth championship with a perfect ending may no longer exist.

Therefore, fans are still looking forward to it.In a best-of-seven series, one game really doesn't represent the whole story.

James' words yesterday, "But fortunately, we won't have that kind of game again" directly heightened this sense of expectation.

A basketball game is no better than an art movie. You can't just watch one side attack and the other side suffer.

It's more fun to fight back and forth.

No matter who loses or wins in the end, for fans, the anxious and intense series is the most exciting.

Seeing that James was so confident yesterday, the fans really expected the Cavaliers to show some performance today.

I don’t know if the Cavaliers’ game will bottom out, but James’ self-confidence has already bottomed out.

Ryan, don’t be arrogant!

The finals are often one in Hedong and one in Hexi. Don't bully young people into being poor!
If you dare to let me shoot again today, I will definitely give you a bloodbath at home!
Bird also reminded everyone not to take it lightly, the Cavaliers will never give up.

On the contrary, because they suffered so much humiliation in the last game, they will definitely fight back very hard today.

We are all men. No matter which man loses face in public, he will want to get it back immediately.

When the live broadcast of the game started, the camera first showed Mike Breen and Kevin Harlan in the commentary box.

Mike Breen held a newspaper in his hand and pointed the newspaper title at the camera. The title above was what James said:
"Fortunately, we won't have to do that again."

After showing this title, Mike Brin also started talking:
"LeBron is right, the Cavaliers in Cleveland can't give up on themselves and get slaughtered twice in a row.

In the last game, it must be admitted that the Nuggets were quite good in terms of strategy and player performance.

But that is not the norm in the finals.

Today, I hope the Cavaliers can really provide a wonderful game for everyone. "

As soon as Mike Breen finished speaking, the game officially began.

And on the first goal of today's game, the Cavaliers scored strongly and successfully!
The Nuggets will continue to use yesterday's old strategy of shrinking all players and letting the Cavaliers shoot.

The Cavaliers couldn't score in the last game, but today Larry Hughes was very competitive and hit his first three-pointer!

At the scene, Cavaliers fans cheered.

In many Cleveland bars, fans raised their glasses high, and the beer foam flashed under the lights like celebratory fireworks.

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy, and they shouted to each other and congratulated each other.

On the TV screen behind the bar, the wonderful moments of the goal are being played repeatedly.The clear pictures and exciting moments made the whole bar boil again.People chanted the players' names and praised their skills.

And shouted "Cavaliers Championship" in unison!
For those who didn’t know this scene, they thought the Kacun fans were watching the World Cup finals!
Some of the guests in the bar who don’t watch basketball were speechless. No, it’s just a goal in a basketball game. You are so excited and mad!

are you crazy!

It feels like just holding the goddess's hand, but you losers have already leaked your crotch!

No way, in the last game, it can be said that the Cavaliers did not have a smooth offense throughout the game.

As soon as the game started today, we saw Larry Hughes score 3 points so smoothly. Can Cleveland fans be unhappy?
And most importantly, this goal seems to indicate that James's sentence "We will never play like that again" will become a reality!
Mike Brown also roared excitedly. He was not only happy because the team scored a goal.

But because after the team scored, the Cavaliers could finally defend their position with peace of mind!

In the last game, there were too many irons, so the team gave the Nuggets countless counterattack opportunities.

The Nuggets counterattacked almost the entire game and didn't even grind out a few positions.

This rendered the Cavaliers' tight defense useless.

But today, as long as the Cavaliers can guarantee a certain shooting percentage, the Nuggets won't have much chance to counterattack.

You can only fall into the quagmire of hand-to-hand combat!
Needless to say, the Cavaliers' position defense is worthy of being the best in the league.

Because the Nuggets didn't get any chance at all in their first attack.

For the Cavaliers, James directly defends Ryan from the outside, while Big Ben and Big Z are waiting behind him at any time.

Of the five people on the court, the Cavaliers sent three to contain Ryan.

Although driving a large car with one hand is something that Ryan and Daddario do often, it is not a problem at all.

But even Ryan would find it difficult to drive three large cars with one hand!

After Ryan broke through, Big Ben was responsible for blocking the mid-range, while Big Z stayed at the basket to protect the frame.

Three-pointers, mid-range and at the basket, the Cavaliers blocked all opportunities!

The Cavaliers were defeated by the Nuggets during the regular season position battle because they gave Ryan too many three-point opportunities.

Facts have proved that no matter where you give Ryan a chance, Ryan can win the game.

So in the finals, the Cavaliers didn't give Ryan any openings!

Ryan also saw that the Cavaliers were determined to lock him down. In desperation, he gave the ball to Kirilenko, who was left open.

But AK's three-pointer came out of the frame.

Anyone who has played AK knows that the long-distance accuracy of this thing is indeed worrying.

He can occasionally hit from beyond the three-point line, but AK's long-range shots must not be used as the main offensive method.

Seeing the AK47 shooting and hitting the iron, countless bars in Cleveland are boiling again!

The shouts of "Cavaliers championship, Ajan FMVP" are endless.

The celebration scene was as fierce as a tiger, and if you look closely, the score difference is not even less than 5.

However, in the opening attack and defense, the Cavaliers did have an extremely good state and performance.

At least it's much better than the last one.

The ratings of the game have also become higher. Now everyone really believes that the Cavaliers can cause some trouble for the Nuggets today!

The Cavaliers' second offense, James also decided to take advantage of the momentum and do it himself.

Officially announced the resurrection of the little emperor with a beautiful goal!
But today, when James took the ball beyond the three-point line, he realized something was wrong.

Ryan actually came up to defend Ajan at close range today, and did not give Ajan much room to shoot!

Ryan is not stupid. Now that the Cavaliers are gaining momentum, if they really let Ajan shoot, he might really be able to score.

So today, I can no longer smile at James with my hands behind my back.

It is appropriate to put a little pressure on him and give him a little respect.

James cursed secretly, but you continued to let me go, damn it!
You can continue to disrespect me!

At this time, Ajan was a little hesitant.He was afraid that if he failed to make a shot under Ryan's defense, it would interrupt the team's momentum.

But don’t vote, it seems to be timid.

So Ajan started to make fake moves outside the three-point line, the kind of fake moves that make people feel stiff at first sight.

This person who relies on his body to break through eight points, facing Ryan who is no worse than him, wants to pass by dribbling.

But, this dribbling is not as good as the media made it out to be!

I'm still struggling, and I can't dribble past people.

So, Cleveland fans saw
As if making a piston movement, James dribbled into the three-point line, found that Ryan blocked it just right, and then withdrew again.Then he dribbled into the three-point line again, found that Ryan was still in the right position, and had no choice but to withdraw.
James just went back and forth several times, making people like Mike Breen, who has been a basketball commentator for decades, at a loss for words!
He simply couldn't describe the scene in front of him!

In the last 7 seconds, James retreated directly to the midfield line, opening up a large sprint distance.

It seemed that James was determined to break through Ryan's defense this time.

But when he ran outside the three-point line, he found that Ryan was also taking the initiative to meet him. He dribbled the ball in and out for more than 20 seconds. At the last moment, Ajan chose to pass the ball!

Larry Hughes was ready to wave the flag and shout "Boss Liu Bie V587", but suddenly the ball was in his hands!

Ah no. A Zhan, here you go again! ?

The corners of Mike Brindou's mouth twitched. You were going to pass the ball early, but you suddenly passed the ball at the last moment. What the hell is going on?
Just like that, the media has the nerve to say that he is "the best organizer besides Nash and Kidd"?
Don’t your consciences feel any pain when you blow?

Ajan: How come passing the ball to the person with the best touch is not considered an organization?

Larry Hughes had no choice. Time was running out, so he had no choice but to shoot directly.

Ryan made up for it in time and interfered with Hughes' shooting. After all, Hughes was not an elite shooter. The interference coupled with the hasty shot meant that the second shot did not hit!

After this, there was a rapid counterattack that was both familiar and painful to Cavaliers fans!
The Denver Athletics team started running. After receiving the basketball, Miller once again boldly passed a long alley-oop to Ryan.

What makes this shot bold is not just the distance of the alley-oop.

And because James is next to Ryan at this time, he is very likely to win the ball!

Miller's pass was simply audacious!

James and Ryan jumped up at the same time, but in the air James discovered that he was actually a little shorter than Ryan!
After all, Ryan has a better run-up and is in a better position to jump to catch the ball.

As a result, Ryan directly overwhelmed James in the air and completed a violent alley-oop dunk!
After landing, Ryan didn't even look at James. He pointed to the sky with one hand and quickly retreated, his attitude of contempt was full!

The Cavaliers fans who were cheering just now suddenly felt unhappy again.

Mike Brown also frowned. This is the most thorny problem for the Cavaliers now - once they don't score, it will be difficult for the defense to succeed.

Although Brown has told all players not to compete for offensive rebounds today, they will all retreat the moment one of his own takes the shot.

But as everyone saw just now, even so, sometimes the Nuggets' fast break can't be stopped.

So today, the Cavaliers must ensure their shooting percentage.

Once there is too much iron, the Nuggets' counterattack will flood the Cavaliers like a tide.

At this moment, James is pushed to the forefront again.

Countless fans pointed fingers at the screen:

"LeBron's attack just now was too hesitant. What on earth was he doing?"

"Didn't you promise that you wouldn't do that again?"

"Damn, I'm so angry. James is basically an undercover agent!"

Even some Kacun fans couldn't help but complain about Ajan.

James clenched his fists in embarrassment. Will there be another scene like this tonight after Ryan stops letting himself shoot?

In the next few rounds, the Cavaliers and Nuggets played back and forth.

The Cavaliers' shooting feel is indeed much better today, at least they are not completely open and unable to make any shots.

But they still know how to strike, so the Nuggets' counterattack is still impressive.

The score was deadlocked for a while. It seemed that the Cavaliers did have hope of winning today.

James' participation in this process was extremely low, because the first quarter was almost over and he still hadn't scored a point!
詹姆斯打到现在,已经 3投0中2失误,3摊2闹1走步。

Although Ryan came up to defend James today, the rest of the Nuggets were still shrinking.

So it is still difficult for James to score in the penalty area.

The team played well, but it had nothing to do with its star player.
This is even more embarrassing!

In the last round of the first quarter, the Cavaliers trailed by 3 points.

James felt that he needed to stand up and score at least one goal.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable for everyone to perform so well and I could not get any points from them.

I lead everyone, not everyone leads me!

James also waved his hand, signaling everyone to pull away first.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you pull it apart or not.Even though the Cavaliers shot well in the first quarter, the Nuggets still chose to shrink.

Except for Ryan who stepped up to defend James, everyone was still huddled at the edge of the penalty area.

James received the basketball and faced Ryan. He took a stance and seemed to be making a triple threat move.

Just when all Cavaliers fans are looking forward to James helping the team get closer or even equalizing the score, and looking forward to what moves he will use to deal with Ryan next.
But James was holding the ball and circling under the leg that was stretched forward!
The Cavaliers fan's waist was broken. What kind of triple threat action is this?

That might as well pass the ball!
This is indeed not a triple threat move, but James is really at his wits end.

But you can't just stand still holding the ball.

So, he made such an action that no one had ever seen before.

Ryan almost couldn't hold it back, the tactic, this must be Ajan's tactic.

He wanted to make a sudden breakthrough while he was laughing!
Mike Breen shook his head. James was really forced to do nothing by Ryan today, and even did this kind of action!
Finally, Ajan suddenly made a pull-up jumper after this legendary triple threat action, trying to steal a ball in this simple and crude way.

But Ryan didn't give Ajan a chance. He jumped up the moment James took off, and finally successfully blocked the basketball!

James' single at the end of the first quarter still didn't score!

After this block, Ryan scored another counterattack dunk.

Not only did the Cavaliers' star player fail to help the team close the point difference, but the point difference was once again widened to 5 points in the final round that belonged to the Cavaliers!
So far, James has made 4 of 0 shots in the first quarter and has not scored a point!
As the star player, James' performance in this game was still very impressive.

At this time, Mike Brin finally saw it:

"The Cavaliers may indeed never play such a game again, but James is very likely to play a hip-pulling game again!

LeBron is completely helpless in defending Ryan!
God, I really hope he doesn't come up with any exaggerated data again. "

Mike Breen's words are also what Cavaliers fans want to say.

I think back when Ajan was defended by Ryan and scored 9 points in a single game, it is still praised by countless enthusiastic fans.

In the finals, it can't be lower than 9 points in a single game, right?
That's enough for Ajan. 58 points is already amazing. We don't want to see you hit any more god-level data!

Ryan looked at Ajan, still gearing up.

58 points is just a collective honor.

Regarding personal honors, one should be arranged for Azhan, right?

Ryan smiled slightly.

Won't that happen again?That's not your decision!
 Today’s second update is here!I have updated 50 words for [-] days in a row. I am so conscientious that I beg for monthly votes!Thank you stepfathers!

(End of this chapter)

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