He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 50: Both offense and defense were completely abused!Ryan is crushing LeBron!

Chapter 50: Absolutely abused on both offense and defense!Ryan is crushing LeBron!

On the first attack, the Cavaliers felt extremely suffocated.

Although it was only one round, in this round, the three outsiders of the Cavaliers all felt the malicious intent.

Bzdelik's defensive matchup arrangement is indeed very thoughtful.

Budenholzer on the side gave a thumbs up to the head coach: "Okay, Bu, the Cavaliers' offense has languished in every round."

Bzdelik did not feel proud, but waved his hand:
"Come on. What we are facing is just a team with 0 wins and 4 losses. Isn't it normal to be able to defend them? I figured out this matchup as soon as I smoked afterward. It's nothing special."

On the court, the Cavaliers players all turned to look at Bzdelik.

Didn't you say that you don't have to carry these things?Why are you talking so loudly?
Contempt, the Cavaliers felt deep contempt!
After all, we are also a 0-win team heading towards the playoffs!

Ricky Davis was very angry. Being humiliated by Ryan was enough to make him angry, but he was also humiliated by the other team's head coach.

His fist became harder and harder, and he was already on the verge of exploding.

You guys, don’t bully others too much!

Soon, it was the Nuggets' attack.

On the Cavaliers side, it is James who is responsible for defending Ryan.

Cavaliers coach Paul Silas didn't have any expectations for the other two.

Ricky Davis?People with a brushing personality like him hate defense the most, because it is difficult to get data on defense.If he is asked to defend Ryan, Ryan may not be able to score 40 points.

Darius Miles?His defense is not as good as Garnett's toes.Let him guard Ryan, which is simply asking Ryan to practice shooting.

Don't ask why this guy who can't play CIC or defend is called Little KG. Anyway, it's not a scam to go head-on.

Neither Davis nor Myers can do it, so the heavy responsibility of defending Ryan can only be left to Ajan.

James followed Ryan closely. The importance of this game is self-evident to James, so he defended extremely seriously.

And very aggressive!
James made up his mind before the game that no matter how crazy he ran, he would try his best to keep up and never give Ryan any room to take action.

But today, when Ryan played James, he didn't run the entire half like before.

Instead, he was directly near the free throw line, leaning against James without the ball, and then crazily sitting back and squeezing back without the ball!

Because Ryan's strength attribute is higher than that of rookie James, and he is 2-4 kilograms heavier than rookie James.

Therefore, Ajan, who is famous for his body, was pushed back by Ryan, and was pushed to the basket by Ryan in a few seconds!

Without any extra skills, Ryan was like a bulldozer, pushing to the depths with brute strength!

At the same time, Brother Ji at the top of the key lobbed the ball steadily to Ryan.After Ryan caught the basketball, he sat back hard and completely pushed away James.

Only then did James realize that his inside teammates were all pulled apart.

Boozer was pulled near the three-point line by Posey, and Big Z was also pulled to the mid-range by Nene.

There is no one around who can help Ajan defend!
Just like that, Ryan roughly pushed away Ajan and then jumped directly on the spot with his back to the basket, completing a back dunk!Ryan is equivalent to starting from the free throw line and directly beating Ajan with his back without the ball!
The audience stood up and cheered. This simple and crude violent ending simply made the Denver fans roar!

Looking at history, James' physical fitness is also quite explosive?What Ryan eats is your body!

James and Nike have no shame in their faces. To be honest, if Ryan still runs away from James and hits the mid-range shot as usual, James will not be so humiliated.

But damn, this is a direct force to buckle on the back, it is simply not leaving any face to Azhan!

This simple and crude attack without the ball is exactly the new tactic Budenholzer tailored for Ryan.

Budenholzer thought that with Ryan's Hulk-like body, it would be a waste to keep going around in circles for mid-range shots.

Moreover, there is no way to fully utilize the Nuggets' advantage in offensive space.

As an epee, Ryan should exert the destructive power that an epee should have.

Although Ryan's cutting and attacking frame is already very destructive, Budenholzer feels that it is not enough. Ryan's potential is definitely more than that.

So, he began to think of a way for Ryan to easily occupy the opponent's third position.

Since both Nene and Posey can shoot, is it possible that they can directly open up the penalty area, which is equivalent to letting the opponent's defense directly open its legs, allowing Ryan to do whatever he wants inside?
But Ryan's post-up ability is not very good. Even if the space is opened for Ryan to hit behind near the three-second zone, Ryan may not be able to finish.

After thinking about it, Budenholzer came up with such a way to play behind the ball without the ball!

And this trick is very useful against a team like the Cavaliers that has a heavy center and poor inside defense capabilities!

Seeing that Ryan easily handled Ajan, Bzdelik also gave a thumbs up to his chief assistant: "This tactic is really good."

Budenholzer waved his hand: "It's nothing special. I figured it out in the time it took me to take a shit."

The substitute center birdman next to the two coaches was speechless. One of them smoked and the other took a shit. You two had to think of tactics in this situation!
So dirty!
The "break the leg and go straight in" tactic of digging in made Ajan lose his face.

One round later, Ricky Davis' shot was blocked again due to Ryan's interference.

And James also encountered Ryan's strong attack again.

This time, the Nuggets didn't let Ryan continue to play in the low post without the ball.

If the same tactic is used twice in a row, it will be easy to be defended.

Therefore, this time the back attack in the low post became a double-handed turkey.

Ricky Davis thinks he has seen countless butts, and feels that there is no butt that can disarm him.

But Chicken Brother's butt still makes it a little difficult for him to stand up.

When Big Z was considering whether to flank Miller, Ryan, who was originally in the corner, suddenly cut into the basket along the baseline.

Fortunately, James stayed close to Ryan from beginning to end, and Ryan had no chance to catch the ball.

But when Ryan walked to the basket, he pushed Ajan hard and pushed Ajan away!

At the same time, Miller passed the ball to Ryan under the basket at the perfect moment when Ajan was pushed away.

Ryan took advantage of the gap where James was pushed away to catch the basketball, then jumped up on the spot with both hands to abuse the frame again!

Once again, Ryan relied on his body to forcefully eat Ajan on the off-ball end, beating him until he had no temper at all!James is about to cry, Ryan, stop dunking, just shoot a few!
You make me look so soft!
After Ryan got off the basket, he did not forget to whisper in Ajan's ear:

"If you can't lose in the same game, you have to keep your word, LeBron. Otherwise, how will others see you and that 9000 million contract?"

Ryan's violent cut really made James uncomfortable.

In fact, even though Ryan seems to be playing very easily, not all players can execute this kind of violent cut.

First, the finisher must have speed, strength, and athleticism.Otherwise, if people can't resist you, how can you attack the basket without the ball?

Secondly, the feeding point must be good.

Because no matter how much space is gained through confrontation, it can only open up a little space for catching the ball. It is impossible to directly push others five or six meters away, unless the opponent dives!

If the ball feeding point cannot seize the moment when the end point is pushed away in time, it is impossible to successfully assist.

Miller and Lane happened to meet these demanding conditions.

Ryan has excellent strength and athletic ability, and at least he can complete a violent cut against Young James.

And Miller feeds the ball accurately.

What does this equate to?It's equivalent to a combination of Jokic + Aaron Gordon!
Aaron Gordon, a heavy-weight third position, struggled in other places, but was instantly activated under Jokic, who can organize in the low post.

Mike Breen, who was commentating the game, saw James being forcefully eaten again and again, and felt a little pitiful for James:
"Ryan is not winning the game, he is humiliating and crushing his opponents! He wants the whole world to see how helpless LeBron is when facing him!"

After that, James also began to work hard to fight.

But when he started to have a head-on confrontation with Ryan, Ryan's style of play changed to a smart running without the ball and then a mid-range shot after catching the ball!

Ajan, who pays too much attention to confrontation, can easily be thrown away by Ryan's sudden counter run in this situation!

Ryan's biggest feature on the off-ball end is that he can play almost all off-ball offensive roles except for the three-point shooter!

Air cutting and frying the frame?Violent cut?A running jump shot?It will be all right!

Switch the rhythm at any time to make you unpredictable!
In this way, Ryan played vigorously on the offensive end.James' defense is of no use in front of Ryan.

On the defensive end, Ryan continued to prevent Ricky Davis from finding his crosshairs.

James was right before, Ricky Davis was indeed very serious today and really wanted to win.

Facing Ryan's defense, Ricky Davis' personal ability is not enough!
His favorite finishing method is a mid-range shot, but Ryan can interfere with his mid-range shot in time almost every time.

The efficiency is so high.

breakthrough?Ryan's incredible lateral movement and strong body are even more capable of keeping Davis at bay.

And every time after a successful attack or defense, Ryan never forgets to taunt Davis or Ajan: "Did you just use too much force?"

With Ryan's excellent performance, the score gradually widened.

By the time half of the game was over, the Nuggets already led the Cavaliers by 16 points!
Ryan made 11 of 8 shots in the half and scored 16 points. James couldn't guard him at all!
In addition, Ryan also limited Ricky Davis to only 7 points in the half!
Although James' defense is good, his offense is useless.

He also only scored 7 points in the half. Under the entanglement of the old Miller, James could not find the rhythm at all.

Although he also grabbed 6 rebounds and sent 4 assists, his 7 points were indeed quite eye-catching compared to Ryan's 16 points.

The on-site commentator shook his head:

"Ryan defeated James and Ricky Davis at the same time by himself!
I have to say that the strength gap between the two sides is really too big!
How dare LeBron say he won't lose in the same game?
Compared with high school, the situation has not changed at all, Ryan is still crushing LeBron!

The game can end early, the Cavaliers have no chance of winning!
Of course, I'm not saying that LeBron is bad, he is a very good rookie.But Ryan, he's on another level!
It can only be said that it is not unreasonable for the Nuggets to select Ryan as the No. [-] pick.

But Nike’s 9000 million for LeBron is really unreasonable! "

Nike: Stop talking, stop talking!I spend money and still get laughed at!
Nike now feels like the kind of personal trainer who paid 1800 but only had 3 minutes. The money was spent, but he was not happy at all, and even started to doubt himself!
In the stands, the fans waved the signs composed of Nike and delirium more vigorously.

Those words that were said were like slaps in the face of Ajan and Nike.

James and his leading brother rushed back to the locker room, and the atmosphere in the entire locker room was particularly solemn.

Ricky Davis and James were both quite frustrated. Both guys didn't speak and both lowered their heads.

It can be said that they were humiliated by Ryan in the first half, and in the second half, there was almost no possibility of a comeback.

It's not that the 16-point difference can't be overturned, but it's that the Cavaliers have no strategy at all.

What can be expected is that in the second half, Ryan will continue to brutally kill James and Davis, without any suspense!
Big Z felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he comforted Ajan and Davis:

"It doesn't matter, think on the bright side in everything. At least, LeBron, you didn't let Ryan score 20 points in the first half!
Ricky did not allow Ryan to score a clean sheet in the first half.

You guys are already great!
In the end, as long as we don't lose by more than 30 points, we will consider it a win! "

Arjan: .
God, if you don't lose 30 points, you will win. Stop comforting me. What you say makes me look like a waste! Damn it!
At this moment, the whole team heard a loud "bang".

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Ricky Davis who had hammered the locker door, and veins popped out on his forearm.

This normally ungrateful guy buried his head and told everyone in a vicious tone:
"Don't Ryan like to play with his body? Okay, let's play with his body in the second half!
On both ends of the offense and defense, give me more movement!
LeBron, you are responsible for guarding him, so you have to be tough first!
Rough, tough, confrontational, you know! ?

Even if there is no game and no hope, we cannot lose with such dignity!

If he dares to enter the restricted area, he will pay the price!If he dares to defend himself, let him try the power of his elbow!
We can't let him be humiliated anymore! "

Ajan looked at Ricky Davis and nodded thoughtfully.

Yes, we can’t lose so cowardly!

Even if he loses, Ryan must pay the price and disgust his hands!
Fake, yin and yin, no matter how disgusting it is!
Anyway, being embarrassed is a foregone conclusion, so why not find a way to vent your anger!
Ricky Davis clenched his fists as he recalled Ryan humiliating him again and again today.

Damn it, if that bastard kid dares to yell at me again in the second half.
I'll just beat him up!
Damn it, you can't win the game, but you can't beat anyone! ?
The boomerang duo of James and Ricky Davis had dug their own holes and almost buried themselves in the first half.

But they have no intention of stopping.

Instead, he began to dig a bigger hole tirelessly.

Obviously just losing is enough, but after they prepared to test on the verge of death, the result may not be as simple as losing.
 Another 4K chapter is presented to me. I am a conscientious friend, begging for reading, monthly tickets, and rewards!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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