He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 51: A 40-point difference is not enough, I have to get beaten up! ?

Chapter 51: A 40-point difference is not enough, I have to get beaten up! ?

LeBron James' fig leaf has been completely torn apart by Ryan.

This game really fulfilled the saying "You only know who is swimming in Luoyang when the tide goes out."

All of Nike's first-stage publicity and all of Ajan's tough talk were ruined at this moment.

Ajan is like an Internet celebrity whose beauty filter has been turned off, and his true colors are revealed.

And the most shameful thing is that Ryan knocked James back to his original shape in just half a game!
The little emperor, who was so praised by Nike, was guillotined by Ryan in the first half.

Judging from his performance in the first half, James was simply beaten point-to-point by Ryan.

And because most of Ryan's goals are direct dunks, this feeling of complete explosion is even more obvious.

Cavaliers fans: James plays the one position and Ryan plays the three position. They don't play either position, so it doesn't count as a complete success!

Ricky Davis is in the same situation as James. Most of his strikes are on Ryan's head.

The enthusiasm of these two guys before the game was completely eliminated by Ryan's yellow urine.

It also woke them up completely.

Now James and Ricky Davis both have a consensus, that is, there is a high probability that the game will not be won.

But we must not be the only ones who are in trouble!

At the beginning of the second half, Bzdelik was interviewed by reporters and asked whether the team would completely open the score in the third quarter.

Bzdelik spread his hands in embarrassment: "I used my simplest tactics in the first half! I don't have any simpler tactics than that! The simplest tactics are all like this, you say in the third quarter Will we continue to pull apart?”

Since having Ryan, Bzdelik can't speak a human word anymore, it's all bloopers!

The game continued, and although the game was likely to be entered into garbage time, Denver fans became more and more excited.

Ryan had no intention of stopping.

Winning today is not enough, Ryan also has to open up the score as much as possible!

If you want to be slapped in the face, then you have to slap it hard and loud!
So in the first attack of the second half, Ryan decided to repeat his old trick and beat Ajan without the ball in the low post.

Ryan once again sat back to the basket without the ball and used his strong body to push James away.

After being pushed away, Ajan immediately reattached, but Ryan suddenly rose up on the spot and dunked directly across James who was attached!

18 points!
Ryan's personal score and point difference both reached 18 points!
There is no way, the Nuggets' tactics are too weak for this Cavaliers.

As long as the Cavaliers center was more mobile, Ryan wouldn't dare to do whatever he wanted under the basket.

Ryan, a heavy-weight three position, played like a violent power forward today. James, who has not yet gained weight, is simply unable to resist.

The first few rounds of the third quarter were no different from the first half.

Ryan kept catching the ball in the low post and attacking hard, and the point difference was quickly widened.

20 points, 22 points, 24 points.
Cleveland fans want to turn off the TV, it’s not that they can’t lose, but don’t be so disrespectful!

Reebok was laughing so hard. When Ryan signed the contract for 1.2 million yuan, Nike deliberately used a rhythm to say that Reebok was paying an IQ tax.

Now, it’s clear who is the one paying the IQ tax!
The point difference was stretched to 24 points, and the Cavaliers paused the game again.

Budenholzer smiled at the head coach: "The coach on the opposite side also knew that Ryan was tired from the abuse, so he called a timeout to let Ryan rest and continue the abuse. Others were surprised."

Although Budenholzer was mocking, it is true that Cavaliers coach Silas' current timeout is meaningless.

With only those few cards in his hand, he couldn't reverse the situation even if he tried his best.

It's like fighting a landlord. You only have two 3s and two 5s in your hand. You can't beat one-two-one-king even if you want to die.

The Cavaliers head coach really couldn't stand it anymore, so he called a timeout to let the players take a breath.

During the timeout, James sat on the bench in frustration.

To be honest, if his temper was based on his temper 20 years later, he would probably have left the show early.

Just when Ajan was in despair, Ricky Davis grabbed James' arm:

"what are you doing!?"

James was stunned for a moment, what should I do?No matter what I do, I can't do it to Ryan!
His style of play is so shameless!
Seeing James' confused look, Ricky Davis squeezed his shoulders hard:

"Have you forgotten what we said? Confrontation! Confrontation! We can lose, but we can't let him humiliate us like this, do you understand what I mean!

He's not winning, he's peeing on his face, and it's sugar-free!

you are a man!
Are you just going to let him humiliate you? ? "

James clenched his fists, and the fire in his heart was instantly ignited.

No. 23 of Kecun didn't say anything, just nodded.

Yes, you can lose, but you must not be humiliated like this by Ryan!

After the timeout ends, the game continues.

The Nuggets still have the main lineup, and it seems that Bzdelik is also determined to make Ryan win beautifully.

But for the first time on defense after returning, Ryan discovered that something was wrong.

When Ricky Davis made an offensive breakthrough, he deliberately hit his chest with an elbow.

Why did Lane decide that Davis did it on purpose?Because in order to hit this elbow, Ricky Davis did not hesitate to walk with the ball.

And after being called for a walk, Davis looked at Ryan proudly, happier than scoring a goal.

Ryan didn't think much and continued to attack.No matter what you do, you can't save this point difference.

But who knew that on the offensive end, Ajan would also use tricks on Ryan!

This time, when Ryan was fighting James in the low post without the ball, he knocked James down with just one head.The moment James fell to the ground, Ryan felt his legs being held by someone, and then pulled him to the ground forcefully!
To be honest, those who say James only knows how to flop are simply being embarrassed.Because Ajan. He can also really fall!
This time, James simply fell to the ground on purpose, and then directly grabbed Ryan's leg with one hand, and grabbed Ryan's jersey with the other hand, dragging Ryan down!
This was not over yet. After throwing Ryan to the ground, Ajan stretched his legs and pressed on Ryan's torso, making it difficult for Ryan to get up quickly.

Seeing this, Ryan roughly pushed away James' leg that was pressing on him, then stood up and prepared to return to defense.

Unexpectedly, just as Ryan was about to start, James, who was also getting up, "accidentally" tripped Ryan with his hand on the ground.Ryan stumbled and almost fell again.

Although he did not fall again, Ryan also missed the opportunity to pursue defense.

This time Ricky Davis rushed into the paint with the ball and easily dunked with both hands!

Ryan turned to look at James, and then yelled at the referee: "Are you sure these actions are allowed?"

Ajan also immediately looked at the referee and spread his hands!

To be honest, few people playing in the NBA are completely clean.

But the most interesting thing about Azhan is that he can pretend to be innocent and spread his hands to no one.

What?You mean Rodman?Rodman indeed likes to manipulate his mentality by pretending to be innocent, and this approach is indeed disgusting.But Hua Da Chong will not package himself as an upright fool, and others will admit that he is an asshole.

A Zhan is different. He does disgusting things while packaging himself in a high-spirited way.

Ryan watched Zhan innocently spread his hands after hugging and tripping him. For the first time, he realized that this action was so disturbing.

Suddenly I understand Stewart a little bit!You are pretending to be your own horse!
Don't tell me, the referee didn't foul Ajan in the end.

Because from the referee's point of view, it is not easy to determine whether the two blows were intentional or unintentional.James looked as if he had actually fallen and accidentally pulled Ryan.

James and Ricky Davis worked continuously, and Ryan probably knew what his brothers were planning.

This Chun Chun was desperate to lose, but unable to save the situation, so he started to feel disgusted.

So Ryan didn't look very angry, because he knew that James and Davis were waiting to see his angry expression.

I don't!

Let’s see who is disgusting today!
Ricky Davis was snickering on the sidelines at this moment. At this moment, he looked at Ajan with admiration!
You kid, if you have this special skill, use it early!
Davis really didn't expect that Ajan was so talented. Even if he hugged Ryan and threw him, he actually acted as a showman and set up a memorial. Oh no, he actually showed such a high basketball IQ.

Ricky Davis was overjoyed to see Ryan suffer a loss.So he decided to increase his efforts!
In a subsequent attack, while Davis was protecting the ball on the spot, he "accidentally" elbowed Ryan.

Although he was called for a foul, Davis still felt that he had earned it.Then, Ajan used his diving stunt again. Ryan didn't move his arms, but just blocked James' chest, and James sat on the ground.

This wave of non-physical performances, teacher Chen Peisi had to reply: 6.

At the scene, Denver fans booed.

But Ryan doesn't care, just do it, this is your last carnival!
In the next few rounds, Ryan did not get distracted and continued to focus on scoring, and the score continued to widen.

But in the meantime, Ricky Davis repeatedly used hidden elbows on Ryan during the attack.

Like he said at halftime, he started giving Ryan crazy contact.

James also throws and dives at every turn.

It can be done in one go.
Davis and James found out that it was useless, and they were the ones to be ashamed of!

At this time, the point difference has been widened to 38 points!
Ryan has also scored 32 points!
The two of them jumped up and down, but Ryan was not affected at all. This made them look like a pair of clowns!
Moreover, while Ryan has already scored 32 points and 8 rebounds, Ajan has only scored 2 points in the third quarter.

In other words, the current score ratio between the two sides is 32 to 9!

James swallowed, it seemed like nothing would change if he continued like this!
Ricky Davis also gritted his teeth. He told Ajan: "Intensify the intensity!"

At this time, the Cavaliers have the ball.

Ricky Davis' mid-range shot was once again interfered with by Ryan, but during the previous breakthrough, Davis' elbow hit Ryan's chest hard again.

After this time, Davis retreated and deliberately told Ajan loudly:

"Chinese players are all weak when they are bullied casually! Look at Yao Ming last season. After being pushed by Stoudemire, he didn't even dare to let out a fart. Arenas had to help him stand up.

This guy of ours is also a piss-taker! "

Ryan listened to everything and then looked up at the score.

38 points difference. With another 2 points, we can almost start something else.

After Nene grabbed the rebound and handed the ball to Miller, he heard Ryan say in his ear: "Don't mind your own business later."

After that, Ryan continued to attack.

This time he was more ferocious on the offensive end than before. After leaning on James, he hit him with several big elbows.

After knocking James down, Ryan turned around and dunked.

At that moment, the Grameen fans in front of the TV were ashen as dead.

The score difference is 40 points!
Ryan has also scored his 34th personal point!
Ryan looked at the 40-point difference with satisfaction. The score of the game was settled, so what's next...
It’s time to think about something else!

But as soon as Ryan landed, James, who was lying on the ground, repeated his old trick and "accidentally" tripped Ryan with his hand.

Ryan was tripped, and at the same time, the Cavaliers took a baseline kick.

After James received the basketball, he dribbled directly over Ryan who was lying on the ground!
Ryan originally planned to settle the score with James and Davis after narrowing the point difference to 40 points. Now James actually stepped over him. Ryan then reached out and grabbed James' ankle directly and pulled hard!
James fell and the referee immediately blew the whistle.

After falling down, James was secretly proud.Hahahahaha, I finally broke your guard!
James was about to admire Ryan's angry expression, but the next second, what caught his eyes was a large shoe sole of size 48!
After Ryan stood up, he stepped hard on the chest of Ajan who was lying on the ground, and there was a serious war trampling!

You like lying on the ground, right?You like to play tricks like hugging and wrestling with me, right?

I will satisfy you now!
With a hard kick, Ryan stepped directly on James' chest.At that moment, Azhan felt that his chest was so tight that he couldn't breathe, and his CPU was also burning.

No, Ryan, are you serious? ?

After stepping on Ajan, Ryan sat down, sat on James, clenched his hands into fists, opened his arms directly, and hit James' head with two fists like a sledgehammer!
Everyone around was shocked. Ryan was actually riding James to deliver face-to-face output!
The reason why Ryan didn't take action before was not because of cowardice, but because he wanted to score a humiliating score first.

Now, 40 points is shameful enough.

Ryan, who had no worries, decided to let James add breasts to his breasts!

Ryan still remembers his previous life. When he saw Chinese players being provoked or bullied but doing nothing, the aggrieved mood would be so frustrating.

For example, Bennett pushed a Chinese player hard, but the person who was pushed just lay on the ground, and the others did not ask for an explanation, allowing Bennett to leave in a grand manner.

Although the head coach Du Feng went up and grunted a few words in the end, it was useless?You don't fight back when you are beaten, and even if you win the game, people still look down on you.

And now that Ryan himself has become a Chinese basketball player, he will never let such a thing happen!
James?The photo is correct!

Facing Ryan's face-riding output, James could only hold his head to protect himself.

But there were still many punches that penetrated the defense and hit Ajan's head hard.

In his previous life, Ajan made crazy tricks, dived, and then pretended to be pitiful. Many people did not dare to beat him directly because of his status and fear of the pressure of public opinion.

And tonight, Ryan undoubtedly did a lot of things that others wanted to do but couldn't!
Seeing James being violently beaten by Ryan, the whole place was in chaos. No one expected that Ryan would suddenly explode.

A Zhan was still protecting his head at first, but because his head was beaten so hard that his consciousness was a little blurry, his hands gradually loosened his grip, and later he spread his hands out, completely unable to defend himself.

Seeing this scene, the on-site commentator swallowed: "Ah!? LeBron is still spreading his hands now!?"

Damn, what a great spirit!
It’s quite a job to be dedicated to this job!
Seeing Ajan almost being beaten to death by Ryan, Ricky Davis was the first to react from the shock and rushed forward, trying to kick Ryan away.

Little brother, big brother is here to save you!
But just as he raised his leg before kicking Ryan, he felt someone grabbing his collar from behind, and then pulled him back, knocking him to the ground!
It's Nene!
When Ryan said that just now, the Brazilian roughly knew what Ryan wanted to do.

But, how could he ignore Ryan?

He said that no matter what happens, he will be by Ryan's side!

He said that if anything happened, he would be by Ryan's side!
After Davis was knocked to the ground by Nene, he was just about to get up when he was pushed down by Nene again and fell next to Ajan.

Ryan glanced at Davis who was lying aside, hesitated for a second, and then decided
Let someone else ride!
It's rare to have this kind of opportunity to ride two, I must make it comfortable for you!
Ryan quickly moved sideways, rode from James to Davis, waved his fists and unleashed another round of hammer blows.

Davis looked at Ryan who was straddling him and clenching his fists, and swallowed.

Oh no!

I didn't want to save A Zhan in this way!You'd better go back and beat him up!
Unfortunately, it was too late, Ryan's fists had already hit Davis' head like raindrops.

Although Ryan has never practiced fighting, a man can do this kind of thing while riding on others. This is something engraved in the DNA of men!

While hammering hard, Ryan yelled at Davis: "Are Chinese players soft!? Are they soft!?"

Davis shouted reflexively: "Dad! Dad!"

The referees on the side were stunned. You kid is very good at playing!

Next to Davis, Arjan covered his face and felt as if his head had been blown open.

People only saw a dark red blood stain immediately appearing on the wooden floor, and the area of ​​​​the blood stain was still expanding!

Just when James thought everything was over, he saw Nene appear in his field of vision, raising his fist high.

Ajan:? ? ?
Ah, no. It also collects residual blood!


With a punch from Nene, Ajan fell into a baby-like sleep.

The Cavaliers immediately controlled Nene who was frantically taking shots, and then pulled away Ryan who was beating Ricky Davis violently.

When Ryan was pulled away, his fists were stained red with blood.While struggling, he yelled at Davis on the ground: "Who is the weakling now!? Stand up, you idiot!"

Ricky Davis was completely unrecognizable, his right eye was swollen like a goose egg, his lip was split open, and he met James in his sleep.

The Cavaliers team doctor immediately threw a white towel up to cover Ricky Davis' terrifying face.

The court was covered in blood, and the Katsumura duo, who had been extremely arrogant just now, were lying on the ground, curled up in pain.

Ricky Davis was stunned like the admiral who was elbowed by Malone.

James, who was originally in a coma, woke up from the pain. He held his head that was bleeding everywhere, looked at the lights of the Pepsi Center dome, his nose felt sore, and he remembered his previous sentence "I will not lose if we compete on the same field."

The score difference was 40 points, and he was beaten violently despite his hard work.
Damn it, we both lose now!

 Thanks to Momo Taylor and other big guys for their rewards, and the 5K big chapter is presented. I am begging for monthly votes, reading, and rewards. Thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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