He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 85: The defending champion has become a loser. Is 56 points a lot?

Chapter 85: The defending champion has become a loser. Is 56 points a lot?

115 to 73, this number hung bloody on the big screen of the ATT Center.

Ryan exercised his "right to first cum" on the defending champion!
The championship ring still belongs to the Spurs, but the Spurs' dignity is gone!
With a 42-point difference, the defending champion has lost the most in the opening game, bar none!

And Popovich, who looked aloof before the game, was now beaten green by Ryan!
Especially after Ryan trash-talked him, his dignity as the godfather of the Spurs was shattered to pieces!
Spurs fans are also confused. Because today is the opening game and there is a championship ring awarding ceremony, the ticket prices are much more expensive than usual.

As a result, Nima showed us this! ?

This is equivalent to spending money to buy a hamburger, even though there is no meat in the bun, but there are two pieces of mouse poop in it!
It’s just disgusting to spend money!
But for Denver fans and Chinese fans, tonight is simply so happy!

At first, I thought that if I could beat the Spurs, it would be a New Year.

As a result, as soon as the fourth quarter started, Ryan widened the point difference to 30 points!
Later, I thought that beating the Spurs by 30 points would be enough happiness.

Unexpectedly, Ellis, who had a life-long friendship with Ryan, was so impressive. He scored 11 points in a single quarter in his NBA debut, which opened the point difference to an astonishing 42 points!
This is truly called revenge!

The total point difference between the Spurs and the Nuggets in the playoffs last season was only 42 points!

Now, I finally no longer have to look at Popovich's self-important face, and finally see the hope of defeating the Spurs in the playoffs!
The press conferences held by the two teams after the game were extremely lively, and the press conference was packed with people.

When Popovich walked into the press conference, his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

Can this old man not be angry?He had already thought about wearing three of his rings to show off at today's press conference.

By the way, I want to ridicule Ryan's overestimation.

But now, he is too embarrassed to wear a ring on his hand!
It's obviously my ring, but I always feel extremely ashamed to wear it.

He was obviously the defending champion, but he was beaten like a lost dog!

Who can bear this feeling!

Popovich: Who knows about my family?

Previous defending champions: We really don’t understand losing the opening game by 42 points!

Popovich sat on the stage, his mouth flattened into the shape of an arch bridge.

A reporter raised his hand: "Coach, what happened on the court today? Why did we lose by 42 points? What's wrong with the team?"

Popovich replied angrily: "The team's problem is that all the basketballs they throw hit the basket. It's that simple."

"So...the Spurs set a record for the biggest loss in an opening game for a defending champion. What do you want to say?"

"Looking forward to the next person to break the record! Well, can you ask some questions that people ask!"

The reporters finally figured out that Popovich would not be able to be interviewed honestly today.He is now a powder keg, and whoever touches him will suffer.

There is a saying circulating among NBA reporters: "There are two kinds of people in this world that you cannot touch: 35-year-old women and Popovich after losing."

After losing, Popovich is like a 35-year-old woman. As long as they seize the opportunity, they will release everything they have held back!

The Spurs' press conference was depressing and tense. Every reporter was afraid of saying the wrong thing and being scolded by Popovich.

On the other side, the Nuggets' press conference had a completely different atmosphere, extremely cheerful.

A local reporter from the holy city shouted dissatisfiedly:
"Larry, the game has entered garbage time, but the Nuggets are still attacking with all their strength. Isn't this a bit disrespectful to the opponent?"

Facing the reporter who deliberately provoked trouble, Bird showed a surprised expression, and then looked at Ryan:
"Damn, they can't even guard the high school students on our team, and they actually blame me for disrespecting my opponents?
God, Ellis is already the least powerful player I can field!
How else can I respect you?Calling 42-year-old Jordan and 46-year-old Magic to play with their beer bellies? "

For a moment, there was a burst of laughter at the press conference.

Although the Nuggets post-game press conference, the head coach's pretense has become a repertoire.

But it should not be said that the gap between professional players and amateurs is still huge.

Before the game started, Bird looked like he was facing a formidable opponent, but now he acted like a natural.

The Holy City reporter was blushing. Now, it’s the Denver reporter’s turn to ask:

"Larry, the team's offensive system this season is very gorgeous. But as we all know, the more complex the tactics, the more difficult they are to execute.

But the problem of difficulty in executing tactics has not been reflected in the Nuggets.

What is the secret to the players' tactical execution rate being so high? "

Bird shrugged:

"Complicated tactics? Our offensive tactics are nothing more than active running without the ball, and those with the ball constantly looking for open teammates, that's all.

No way?Is there any team that can't even implement this elementary school tactic?

To be honest, I didn't expect that such a simple tactic could actually beat the defending champion by 42 points.

All I can say is that my players are too strong.

I just clicked lightly, and they launched a flood-like offensive. "

Bird's words are equivalent to Jordan telling you, "My offense is very simple. Just jump up and wait for others to land before taking action. To be honest, I didn't expect such a simple trick to defeat the best defensive player."

The beeping index is simply full!
It's not hard to imagine how Popovich's blood pressure will soar when he hears this tomorrow.

Later, the reporters turned their attention to Ryan:

"Ryan, this game must make you proud, right? It was such a good show on the night of the Spurs' championship ring presentation. How does it feel?"

Ryan deliberately imitated Popovich's words before the game:

"Before the game, many people said they wanted to beat me, but now, they probably can only silently measure their rising blood pressure in the dark."

The reporters laughed again, and the entire press conference was filled with joy inside and outside.

The reporter from the Holy City couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only helplessly shout:
"How can things in the regular season be considered a loss!? The playoffs are where true strength is tested!"

Bird nodded:
"Yes, but don't worry about us. We still have half a year to beat the Spurs in the playoffs."

At that moment, the reporters in the Holy City probably wanted to shout: "Which one of you is going to beat him up? I'll pay the fine!"

In this way, the opening game immediately ignited the entire basketball world.

Who would have thought that the defending champion could be beaten into such a bear shape.

You know, the Spurs' lineup hasn't changed much, and they haven't experienced injuries.

As a result, while retaining the complete championship lineup, they were beaten like this.

This made almost all the mainstream media marvel at the Nuggets' combat effectiveness and praise everyone on the Nuggets:


"11 points in a single quarter! Monta Ellis, another talented high school student emerges?"

Of course, Ryan is the one who is touted the most:

"38 points in the opening game! Ryan keeps his word and takes revenge on the Spurs!"

"Ryan: Pepsi Center will soon have a championship banner."

"Starting the third season, Ryan is still far ahead among the 03 rookies!"

"Three-pointers and passing skills are beginning to show, and Ryan, who continues to get stronger, is heading towards the first team!"

In just one game, Ryan attracted the attention of the world and became the most trafficked player this season.

Nike is worried to death. Unexpectedly, the difficulty level will be hell at the beginning of this season.

If James doesn't show some decent performance, he won't be able to take away a little bit of traffic from the Nuggets' 42-point victory.

But don’t tell me, Ajan played very well in his first game this season!
In the first 05 minutes of the Cavaliers' first game of the 06-2 season, Cavaliers fans were in a state of excitement.

Because James actually hit 2 consecutive three-pointers in 4 minutes!
As we all know, James' long-range shooting ability has been criticized in the past two seasons.

But at the beginning of the season opener, James used 4 consecutive three-pointers to show the results of his training this summer!

In the end, James scored 24 points in the first half of the game. He went off the court to rest halfway through the third quarter. He scored 33 points in 31 minutes and made 7 of 6 three-pointers in the game!
He led his team to destroy the Hornets who had bomb disposal experts in half a game!
After the game, Hornets coach Byron Scott said with emotion: "I can't help but stop thinking and appreciate LeBron's playing. His progress is incredible!"

James himself was not very modest: "I could have scored 38 or 40 points, but I'm not the kind of player who cares about scoring data. The outcome of the game was decided, so I didn't play again."

What Ajan said was overtly and covertly complaining about Ryan who was ahead by 25 points and continued to play.

This sentence also made Cleveland fans work like crazy on the Internet as if they had received an imperial edict:
"If James played the same amount of time as Ryan, he would probably have scored 40 points in the opening game! With his three-point shooting ability, his scoring ability has completely beaten Ryan!"

"He has always been absolutely dominant. James already scored 56 points in a single game last season. Ryan's current career-high score is only 45 points. He ranks first with LeBron."

"There will be a 03 rookie entering the first team this season, but this person will be LeBron, not Ryan!"

James' performance in the first game made both the Cavaliers and Nike lift their chins to the sky.

However, these voices from the media did not affect Ryan.

He didn't care too much about James' performance, but cared more about his teammates.

In the locker room today, Ryan gave Ellis a Patek Philippe as promised.

Ellis took the watch, but he didn't expect Ryan to fulfill his promise so quickly and simply: "Brother, if you give me such an expensive gift, my sister-in-law won't talk about you, right?"

Ryan smiled and waved his hands.

"What did the second sister-in-law say?"

Ryan:? ? ?
"Where did the second sister-in-law come from? Everyone said the All-Star trio party was a rumor! A rumor!

As an upright person like me, even if I starve to death or jump from the Empire State Building, I can't play this three-person game! "

After Ellis put on the watch, his chest turned red on the spot:

"Father, if you don't mind it, I will support you in your old age from now on!
Don’t worry, in the future, if you dare to fight for something like this in your garbage time, it’s my duty to do it!
It's hard for you to take action during garbage time, I'll help you take action!

Whoever makes you unhappy, I will make him lose thirty or forty points in garbage time!

58 points is not impossible!

In short, lose until they are convinced!
I will definitely implement this concept of traveling during off-peak hours! "

Ryan nodded, yes, the young man is quite aware and has found the GOAT's way to win at a young age.

A Patek Philippe was exchanged for Popovich’s blood pressure of 280 and Ellis’s awakening.

At this time, Bird clapped his hands and reminded everyone that the media opening time was coming soon and reporters were coming in.

At the same time, I also remind everyone to go to bed early today. They will soon play against the Suns, which was first in the Western Conference last season and the only team with 60 wins last season.

The first home game of the new season, there is no room for error!

Although the previous 42-point victory was very beautiful, the season is extremely long and we cannot dwell on past victories.

Reporters quickly entered the locker room to interview the players.

But today, many reporters did not mention the 42-point victory over the Spurs.

Most reporters were asking questions related to James' 34 minutes and 31 points.

Moreover, they are all comparing James and Ryan!

"Larry, who do you think has the better scoring ability, LeBron or Ryan?"

Bird didn't even think about it: "The one who has been in the playoffs is better."

"Uh, but LeBron scored 56 points, and Ryan didn't even touch the threshold of 50. In the opening game, LeBron even scored 34 and 31 points. Can you answer my question directly?"

"Is 56 points a lot? If Ryan wants to, he can."

The reporter couldn't help laughing: "Oh, not everyone is you, Larry. I know you want to protect your players, but everyone can see the gap between the two sides! 56 points, not everyone can get it!" "

As soon as the reporter finished saying this, he heard Ryan on the side also say something when answering other reporters' questions: "Is 56 points a lot?"

Ryan's eyes were extremely firm and confident when he answered.

Seeing this, Bird smiled at the reporter in front of him:

"Not everyone is me, but it seems that some people are very similar to me. I advise you to stop talking about 56 points. Otherwise, LeBron will lose his only advantage."

After finishing speaking, Bird looked at Ryan again.

That kid really has some spirit of his own.

If he were provoked like this, he would definitely respond in the same way.

For some reason, Bird always had a hunch that in these few games, Ryan might have a high-scoring game.

Don't ask Bird where his premonition came from. Those who pretend to beep are the ones who know how to pretend to beep best!
 Today’s [-]-word update is here!An update as steady as an old dog, please beg for monthly votes!Thank you foster parents!

(End of this chapter)

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