He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 86: Confrontation with the Alliance’s No. 1!Ryan's real goal is 56 points! ?

Chapter 86: Confrontation with the Alliance’s No. 56!Ryan's real goal is .[-] points! ?

James scored 34 points in 31 minutes and made 7 of 6 three-pointers.

Everyone is discussing how terrifying James would be with the ability to shoot three-pointers.

Under the promotion of Nike, the 34 points in these 31 minutes were even comparable to the 42-point loss by the defending champion.

This is the closest James has come to defending the championship in his career!
So after the Hornets game, James also laughed confidently: "I'm really worried about the team that will face us this season. After all, they have to face me and Larry at the same time!"

The young emperor is in high spirits at the beginning of the third year of his career!
At least this season, his performance in the opening game was on par with Ryan!
After watching the first game, Nike felt really relieved, thinking that it would be difficult for James to overturn again this season!

Why are you so confident?In addition to the fact that James' shooting has indeed improved, it is also because the league rules have also changed.

Last season, the league officially entered the "No Handcheck" era.However, this rule was still in the "trial operation" stage last season, so the changes in the game are not yet so obvious.

This season, the penalties for defensive overhand actions have really become stricter.

It can be clearly seen in the last game that in addition to being accurate in three-pointers, James can break through and score more easily.Ajan's impact is already strong, but if he doesn't let him get started now, it will be even more difficult to defend against breakthrough players.

This is where the new rules come into play!
When it comes to shooting, you can also say that James is so accurate because he occasionally feels good, but breakthroughs should not be so accidental, right?
There is no doubt that this new rule is a major benefit for breakthrough players.

If you can't stop someone else from entering, then you can only let the other person get through, right?
What makes Nike even more happy is that this new rule has very average effect on off-ball attackers like Ryan.

Therefore, James is equivalent to receiving an epic level of enhancement!And Ryan has not yet been able to get this bonus!
Therefore, Nike is certain that Ajan's points per game will definitely skyrocket this season!Will definitely overtake Ryan!

In fact, Nike's goal this season is not just to hope that James can score more than Ryan, but to hope that Ajan can become the youngest scoring champion!

In the first game against the Hornets, anyone with a discerning eye can see that James' assists have decreased.He handed over more organizational tasks to Larry Hughes, and then went to charge into the battle himself.

The reason for this change is because he is working hard towards this goal.

Ajan has one ability that is absolutely GOAT-level, and that is career planning.

When he first re-signed with the Cavaliers as a restricted free agent, Ajan was already thinking about the possibility of brother basketball.

Becoming the scoring champion this season is also part of his plan.

Judging from the momentum in the first game, the goal of scoring the championship is not impossible to achieve.

Don't worry about the playoffs or not. In basketball games, the most valuable statistic that fans talk about most is scoring.

If he can win a scoring title, it will undoubtedly give James a huge improvement in his status!

When the status of the league is discussed in the future, who dares to ignore James again?
After winning the scoring title, what kind of status does this belong to? When I, Ajan, join the ranks of the "strongest stars in the league," even the security guards won't dare to stop me.

The group of fans below had no choice but to laugh.

There is no way. He is the scoring champion of the session and has full confidence. How can I fix it?

Although Ryan made it to the playoffs twice and played in the Western Conference Finals once, he didn't win the championship.Not to mention the championship, there is no Western Conference championship.

What's the difference between Ajan and me taking a break immediately after playing in the regular season?I, Azhan, still have two months of detours to spare!
Therefore, when Ryan has not achieved any substantial achievements in the playoffs, as long as he can win the scoring title, it is not a big problem for my emperor's status to be equal to Ryan's!
Nike is full of confidence, and it has also created a lot of public opinions such as "Ryan's scoring ability is not as good as James" and "It is embarrassing to say that the 50 class is the strongest even if the highest score is less than 03".

From the beginning of the season, we must create an atmosphere of "James has super scoring ability"!

If you want to create this kind of atmosphere, you naturally have to step on Ryan, the most popular person.

What's so surprising about that?If you dare to step on Ryan today, you will step on Jordan tomorrow!
Nike is an ambitious and evil company.There is no way, the world of capital is like this, it is impossible for Nike to really watch Ryan lead Reebok to the sky.

As long as they are not completely dead, they will have to fight to the end with Reebok and Ryan.

Under such publicity, Ryan's words "Is it difficult to score 56 points" pushed him to the forefront.

Even in the TNT show, Kenny Smith was joking:
"Charles, Ryan is not slapping James in the face, this is clearly kicking your ass."

James:? ? ?

How the hell are you being so arrogant?

My handsome face is compared to Barkley's ass?
Kenny Smith said this because Barkley's career highest score in a single game was exactly 56 points.

The single-game scoring record of the great Flying Pig Jazz seemed nothing remarkable to Ryan.

Buckley was not angry about this:

"Kenny, you bad guy, you are so good at diverting conflicts.

Ryan was targeting LeBron, not me.

And I think Ryan does have this ability. Of course 56 points is amazing, but Ryan is also an amazing player. "

"Come on Charles, if a player has the ability to score 56 points, why wouldn't he?
It's true that Ryan is a good player, but his scoring explosiveness is indeed not as good as LeBron's.

LeBron's ball-handling offense has always been much better than Ryan's. "

"What's the use of scoring a lot of points but not making the playoffs two years in a row? Ryan just doesn't need to score that many points to win games.

Moreover, if you tell the truth, James still couldn't compare to Ryan in terms of total points or points per game in the first two seasons.

I don't even know who wrote the news that said 'James' scoring ability is far superior to Ryan'.

Look, Ryan's total points and points per game this season will still surpass James! "

Kenny Smith then scored 56 points to talk about it: "What about the highest score in your career? When will Ryan surpass it?"

"Isn't it? You really let Ryan surround LeBron from all sides? But I think it is no problem for Ryan to surpass James in his career high score. This season, Ryan will definitely win the highest score in a single game!"

Barkley didn't kiss a donkey's butt and then start licking Chinese players without thinking. He is not stupid. He knows very well that under Bird's "harem tactics", Ryan's points will definitely increase a lot this season!

Is it the same if one person feeds the ball and four people feed the ball?What's more, Ryan has also started shooting three-pointers this season.

So 56 points is really not impossible.

What's more, the media is talking about this matter against Ryan. With Ryan's character, he will definitely hold a grudge!
Whenever given the chance, Jubi will score a higher score than James!
Just like Bird, he was forced to score a career-high 60 points in this way.

Eight days before his legendary 60-point game, his teammate McHale was feeling hot, so Bird kept feeding him the ball. In the end, McHale scored 8 points that broke the Celtics record at the time. And won the game.

However, Bird and McHale had a dispute after the game. Bird felt that McHale's last few shots were too poor and wasted opportunities, so that he failed to score 60 points.

He bluntly said at the post-game press conference: "Kevin's ambition is not strong enough. He should have scored 60 points."

McHale was naturally very unhappy. I already scored 56 points. What else do you want from me? 56 points is already a record in team history. I am already very good, okay?

So McHale deliberately told reporters in a provocative tone:
"Look, I broke the team's scoring record without any intention. As for someone with such a strong competitive spirit, where is his scoring record? Oh, I'm sorry, his 53-point scoring record was passed by me. broken."

It is not difficult to imagine how much Bird, who had a strong self-esteem, wanted to squeeze McHale to death.

It's okay if you don't provoke him, but once you provoke such a star, something will usually happen.

Everyone knows the story that followed. Eight days later, Bird actually scored 8 points in a single game, letting McHale know whose team record it was.

And Bird said calmly after the game: "The Celtics' previous scoring record in team history was not even 60 points. This is not because the seniors are incompetent, but because they don't bother to score points. Similarly, I have never done it before. Just because I scored 60 points doesn’t mean I can’t.”

So, sometimes you should not provoke those who are so competitive.

When their competitive spirit is aroused, they can do anything.

In Sir Flying Pig's heart, Ryan is also a competitive person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been training all summer to defeat the Spurs, and he wouldn't have been so deadly in the opening game.

Therefore, Barkley firmly believed that with Ryan's character, he would definitely be able to respond with 56 points when being provoked like this!
Kenny Smith saw that Barkley was stubborn and wanted to bully this fat pig without a championship ring:
"Charles, I'll give you a chance for revenge."

"What? Kissing the donkey's butt again?"

"Don't you dare?"

"You are so vulgar, you kiss your butt at every turn. Ours is the most professional and upright basketball program!"

"Oh, you just don't dare. If Ryan scores 56 points in a single game this season, I'll let you do whatever you want."

"Kenny, don't bully others too much."

"It was you who said Ryan had this ability."

"He has the ability. I mean, the audience has already seen it, but it's not interesting at all."

"What do you want?"

“As a tight basketball program, are we going to do something positive?
Let's see, whoever loses gets the fresh abalone! "

Since he wants revenge, Barkley must play a big game.

We must get back everything we have lost!

Kenny Smith is really impressed by Buckley. You are a wild boar and can't eat fine chaff. Kissing a live abalone is obviously more disgusting than kissing a donkey's butt!

But soon, Kenny smiled confidently: "Charles, did you know there is a comic character called Captain Boomerang?"

I don’t know if Barkley can break the defense, but Cleveland fans want to turn off the TV!Kenny Smith, what's the matter with you?Already twice today!

I said before that James' face is Barkley's butt, and now I'm talking about the boomerang.

Life is unsatisfactory for you!
"I don't know what Captain Boomerang is. Don't worry, this boomerang will definitely not hit my own head.

Let me put it here, Ryan can definitely score 56 points this season! "

In this way, the topic of "Ryan's 56 points and fresh abalone" became extremely hot.

Originally, Ryan's phrase "Is it difficult to score 56 points" had a large traffic volume, but TNT's new wave of work has added a lot of traffic to Ryan.

So on November 11, before the start of the Nuggets VS Suns game, the question Ryan was asked most was:

"Can you have a 56-point game this season?"

Ryan was really annoyed and replied angrily: "So what if you score 56 points or not? What's the point of 56 points if you can't make the playoffs?"

"But this season, LeBron and Larry should be able to make the playoffs. By then, having made it to the playoffs will no longer be your advantage, and you will no longer be able to avoid the question of whether you can score 56 points."

Ryan glanced at the reporter who had been pestering him, and realized that this guy was David McMenamin, the No. [-] bad guy in the journalism world.

Mike Mainin has been successful at ESPN over the years because he has found his own traffic password, which is blowing James.

His interview articles generally have three themes: praising James, belittling James' teammates, and criticizing James' opponents.

Not to mention, Mike Mainin became very close to James and was able to obtain many exclusive interview qualifications that others could not obtain. Since then, his status in the industry has soared and he has become a famous name.

James illuminated his money path, and he defended James even more.

So much so that no matter where James transfers to in the future, he will become a reporter for that team.

Since it was him, Ryan didn't find it strange that he could ask so many highly targeted questions.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually followed him to Denver after smelling it.

You really did your best for your master.

Ryan looked at Mike Mainin and said calmly again: "You have been emphasizing this matter as if it is such a great honor. 56 points in the regular season, is that a lot?"

Watching Ryan leave after answering, Mike Mainin laughed disdainfully.

Escape will not save you!Even if I just say harsh words, I can't save you!
When this game is over, everyone will know that James' scoring ability is far superior to yours!

No matter how many points Ryan scored today, even if he really scored 50 points, as long as he didn't score 56 points, Mike Mainin would have countless ways to belittle Ryan!
Just wait and see, this season, you will definitely be suppressed by my emperor!
When Ryan walked into the locker room, Ellis immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Father, what makes you unhappy?"

Ryan waved his hand: "It's okay. Today's opponent is No. [-] in the Western Conference. But this season, we have to let them compete for second place. Everyone, perform well!"

Since defeating the Spurs by 42 points in the opening game, fans have wondered how strong the Nuggets will be this season.

I really want to know whether the Nuggets beating the Spurs so much is a coincidence or a manifestation of hard power.

Therefore, there is no better litmus test than the Suns, No. [-] in the Western Conference.

Last season, the Suns' fast-play whirlwind swept the entire league.

But in the end, they were eliminated by the Spurs 4-1 in the Western Conference Finals.Say it or not, the Spurs do have strength.They were originally a defensive team, but they suddenly faced off against the Suns and were stunned by the Suns.

The Suns were also saddened by the fact that they first snatched away Laga Bell this summer. Although it later proved that Bird did not want Bell at all and it was the Suns' own passion, this was still a beautiful signing for the Suns.

Then he won the snake oil Boris Dior.

The purpose of these two signings is to strengthen the defense without destroying the offensive system!
And Ryan knows very well that the reinforced Suns are already capable of competing for the championship.

In the original history, although the Suns once again failed in the Western Conference Finals in the 05-06 season, it was because the Suns gave up Stoudemire, who was a remnant.

Just like that, they could be ranked first in the Western Conference, and then reversed 1-3 against a certain snake in the playoffs and reached the Western Conference Finals, which clearly shows the strength of this Suns.

The next year Stoudemire returned, and sure enough, the Suns were all over the world, but they fell in the Western Conference Finals and lost to the Spurs in a tiebreaker.

But everyone knows exactly what methods Popovich used.

Otherwise, it’s hard to say who the champion will be.

In this history, Stoudemire was not injured this season.Therefore, this Suns is a guaranteed championship team!

In the first game of the season, the Suns, with Stoudemire, completely destroyed the Mavericks and beat the opponent by 18 points.

Thanks to our Texas brothers, the Spurs lost by 42 points, and the Mavericks, who lost by "only" 18 points, were not roasted on the stove.

The strengthened No. 42 team in the Western Conference met the Nuggets, who beat the defending champion by [-] points right from the start.

In a duel between the two powers, no one will let go easily.

Ryan didn't smile much until he came on the court. He was in exactly the same state as when he played the Spurs in the first game.

Everyone is a little confused. Normally, the sun has no grudge against us.

Although Stoudemire and Ryan don't get along very well, they're not at the point of deep hatred, right?

After all, the Spurs actually beat the Nuggets, and Stoudemire has been abused by Ryan. Ryan shouldn't be so angry because of him, right?

The starting lineups of both sides are in place. The Suns have a golden combination of Nash, Bell, Marion, Diaw and Stoudemire.

The Nuggets have changed their formation. Today, Birdman replaced Webber as the starting five.

Changing the lineup after just one game in the regular season, and changing the lineup after Webber performed well in the last game, is actually not common.

But everyone didn't think much about it. With Webber's glass body, everyone wouldn't be surprised if Bird allowed him to play and take a break.

As soon as the two sides gathered in the center circle, Nene came up and saw Stoudemire begging for a fight:

"Ryan! I will definitely beat you this time! I will beat you in both personal data and competition!"
It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years!What's more, it was less than four years before you defeated me in high school!
Don't drag me, I will return all the shame today! "

Stoudemire averaged 37 points per game in the series against the Spurs last season, which gave him great confidence.

After all, how many people in this league can average 37 points per game in the paint with Duncan?Ryan still had a serious face and ignored Stoudemire, but turned to look at Nene:
"Go Nene, go tell Amare what you just told me."

Nene looked confused, what did I just say?How come I don’t know?
Then, Ryan continued: "That's the sentence, 'You will make him unable to recognize his parents'. Go ahead and tell him that I am too lazy to talk to that idiot."

Bird on the sidelines also heard what Ryan said. He finally knew how much he had been beaten back then!
Before the ball even jumped, Stoudemire had already suffered tons of damage.

Now he has become the league's most explosive insider in terms of scoring ability. His only inner demon is that he has not defeated Ryan!
In the past two seasons, in the games between Stoudemire and Ryan, there has never been a game where the score was higher than that of Ryan.

As a star, he is always described by the media as "a bully in front of outsiders and a spoiled wife in front of Ryan". He also feels very uncomfortable!

When did I agree to marry Ryan! ?
Don't talk nonsense!

Miller was convinced, but Stoudemire was really defeated and defeated again and again.

Is it okay now?Before the game even started, he was beaten by Ryan's trash talk.

People, the most important thing is to learn and reconcile with yourself!

At the beginning of the game, Stoudemire tried his best to win the ball.Although Birdman can also jump very well, compared with the uninjured Little Overlord, his flying speed is still a bit shorter.

The moment Stoudemire handed the ball to Nash, the Suns' offense immediately started!

Nash quickly ran to the three-point line, but the Nuggets retreated very quickly.

Miller immediately focused on Nash, and Kirilenko and Ryan were also ready.

Nash took two steps, and then suddenly hit the ground hard, trying to pass through the crowd from outside the three-point line and pass the ball to Stoudemire inside!

With so many people passing the ball, this ball may be outrageous in the game, but it is very reasonable in reality!
Nash's seemingly ordinary ground pass passed through the fingertips of Miller, Kirilenko, Nene and Birdman, and was accurately fed to Stoudemire inside!
Stoudemire didn't need to do anything after getting the ball, he just popped up and made a one-handed dunk!

When the attack ended, the fans looked at the game time and saw it was 11 minutes and 55 seconds.

That's right, the Suns' attack didn't even take 7 seconds!
This is the Sun of this period, this is Nash of this period!

As long as there is a chance, his pass can directly penetrate the entire defense line!
After all, a white man who is 1 meters tall, weighs 9 kilograms, is weak in confrontation, suffers from congenital spondylolisthesis, has poor athletic ability, and has never completed a dunk in an official game. If he can win the MVP in the NBA, he must have his own merits. Outstanding.

Trivia: From the 01-02 season to the 09-10 season, Nash's team's offense never fell out of the top two!

Although Nash changed teams and had many different teammates during this period, he was always able to maintain the team's offense at a very high level.It is no exaggeration to say that he is one of the best offensive players in history!
Nuggets home commentator Chris Marleau couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "He deserves to be the MVP last season. The team he led is simply..."

Marleau hadn't finished speaking, and Denver fans hadn't had time to feel sorry.

The Nuggets had already quickly taken the baseline kick and quickly pushed past half court!
They are taking the initiative to speed up!
As soon as Miller passed the midfield line, he immediately handed the ball to Ryan diagonally in front of him. Ryan entered the penalty area under Marion's pursuit, attracting the defense.

In the end, he threw the ball behind his head.

The next second, the man who had served his country with loyalty showed his wings and soared into the sky.He caught the ball thrown by Ryan with both hands in the air and smashed it into the basket!

Ryan made an alley-oop assist and Birdman scored to tie the score!
The Denver fans at the scene didn't react and even forgot to cheer.

Everyone looked at the game time again, 11 minutes and 50 seconds.

The Nuggets' attack also only took 5 seconds!
Seeing the Nuggets counterattack in 5 seconds, and seeing Birdman hanging on the rim, the whole world suddenly realized why Bird changed his formation in the second game.

It's not that Webb didn't perform well, or that he was injured.

But today, Bird is determined to directly attack the Suns!
Bird knows very well that the Suns' fast-playing whirlwind swept the entire league last season, and only lost to the Spurs because Popovich unexpectedly played offense against offense.

You know, the Spurs last season were the league's top defensive team.

Even the defense-first team never thought about using defense to contain the Suns.It is enough to prove that the sun cannot be guarded at all!
They are too fast, and the offense led by Nash is fast but not chaotic, and extremely stable.

Looking at history, the only one who can compete with Nash in terms of fast break stability is the Los Angeles Goats, who are nearly 40 years old and are still as fast as lightning.

The offense led by Nash is difficult to completely defend.

Therefore, to win against the Suns, attacking with attack is the only way!
The Spurs have proven that confrontation is the most effective way to defeat the Suns. If this is the case, then just copy the homework!
Although the Suns have added Laga Bell and French magician Diaw this season, it seems that the defense should improve.

But in Bird's view, even if you give him D'Antoni Olajuwon, he won't be able to understand defense, and it won't affect the attack against him.

It's not a matter of elegance or vulgarity to directly open the cock in front of him, but if he doesn't have sex, it would seem that Bird is a little confused about the style.

Do it, you must do it hard!

So in the first round, the Nuggets succeeded in treating others in their own way!

Although the Nuggets are not a run-and-gun team, they also attach great importance to quick counterattacks, so it is not particularly unfamiliar to play a run-and-gun team.

Moreover, several players currently on the field have excellent athletic abilities and fully meet the needs of a fast whirlwind.

Bird looked at D'Antoni and stood on the sideline with his hands folded across his chest.Come on, let’s fencing!
After that, the game really turned into a crazy battle.

Nash had just assisted Marion for a dunk. After the Nuggets came over, Ryan was able to return the favor with an alley-oop.

Laga Bell hit a three-pointer, and Miller immediately fired back with a sudden assist and an AK47 shot from outside the three-point line with a headshot.

The offenses of both sides were going smoothly, the fans were extremely happy to watch, and the scores of the two teams were also rising crazily.

But because neither team could guard the other, even though they attacked vigorously, the score difference between the two teams was never large.

The two teams fought in a stalemate until the end of the second quarter.

And the balance of victory officially began to tilt towards the end of the second quarter.

The person who breaks this balance is undoubtedly the owner of the Pepsi Center!

In less than 2 minutes of the second quarter, with the Suns trailing by 1 point, Nash launched an attack.

After he broke through to the mid-range position, he attracted Kirilenko to attack from a flank.

Although Nash has never averaged more than 20 points per game in a single season in his career, his independent offensive threat is actually T0 level among point guards.

This is also the biggest difference between point guards such as Nash and Kidd. Since Kidd does not have a strong personal offensive ability with the ball, he has to wait for his teammates to run tactics to find openings in positional battles.

But Nash is different. He can use his own threats to induce the opponent's position at any time, forcing the opponent to change their defensive position, so that his teammates can get opportunities.

The reason why he averages less than 20 points per game is because he uses his own threats to help his teammates score instead of scoring himself.

This time, Kirilenko knew that if he didn't help defend, Nash's mid-range pull-up jumper would definitely hit.

But he helped defend, and Nash suddenly made a back pass and handed the ball to Marion.The latter took the ball and went straight into the penalty area, leaning on Nene and leaping for a layup.

Nene didn't have time to jump, so she could only raise her arms to interfere.

But Marion, whose appearance and wingspan are inversely proportional, will not be stopped by this interference at all. He easily sends the ball from Nene's fingertips.

Watching the basketball fall past Nene's defense toward the basket, Marion had a smile on his face.

The score is about to overtake again!
As a result, a colorful arm quickly rose from behind Nene, its palm completely covered the basket, and slapped Marion's layup away with a hard slap!The birdman rushed back to the restricted area in time and staged a flying adventure!
AK47 caught the blocked basketball and threw it forward in a rugby style.The camera quickly followed up, and people realized that Ryan had already crossed the half court.

The moment Ryan saw Birdman running back to the penalty area, he had already started.

He believed that the bird would not let the hackers take advantage, and the birdman did not disappoint Ryan.

But there is also a problem with this fast break, that is, Stoudemire has already retreated and stood between Ryan and the basket!
Stoudemire also started to retreat early. The Suns had very few offensive rebounds. D'Antoni's basketball has a bit of a Dutch flavor, focusing on total offense and total defense.

They attack quickly and retreat quickly. This results in the Suns' offense being mostly a one-shot deal, with players rarely taking the initiative to fight for offensive rebounds.

This time Stoudemire simply retreated completely regardless of the offensive rebound, retreating very promptly.Looking at the flying basketball, Stoudemire was already ready to intercept it in the air.

In terms of athletic ability, he never thought that he was worse than Ryan!

But Ryan jumped up in advance, and because the two stood very close to each other, Ryan jumped up and rode all over Stoudemire!

Stoudemire was too pressed to jump, but he wondered if Ryan jumped so early and before the ball landed, so he couldn't reach the ball at all, right?

It can only be said that Stoudemire underestimated Ryan's jumping and speed that were only 1 point away from reaching full level.

Under the dual effects of 98 speed and 98 bounce, Ryan's take-off height after a complete run-up is quite exaggerated.

His head had already popped out of the basket, and then he rode Stoudemire to catch the basketball in the air, and swung it into the basket with one hand!An alley-oop dunk, no one can stop Ryan's quick move!
The little bully used his strength to chop Huashan every day, but this kid was finally hacked once too!
"After launching an alley-oop dunk from the backcourt, Ryan rushed up and just did whatever he wanted, and couldn't stop it at all!
No one can stop Ryan after gaining speed, not even Stoudemire!

The Nuggets lead to 3 points, can they open the score before halftime? "

After one round, Laga Bell's shot bounced out of the frame.

Ryan quickly counterattacked again. This time, Ryan directly pushed Marion away while passing through at high speed, and then went straight inside and succeeded in a two-handed dunk.

The score difference is 5 points.

D'Antoni did not pause. After all, a 5-point difference was nothing in this fast-paced game.

This time, Nash found French magician Diaw in the middle distance on the right. Diaw took the shot directly after receiving the ball without hesitation.After all, he saw Ryan still two steps away from him.

But once again, Ryan risked his opponent's shot when the opponent thought it was safe!
Ryan's speed and size allow him to always provide this kind of "surprise block".The kind of ball you think is absolutely impossible to cover, but Ryan can actually hit it.

The defensive value he provides is unmatched by other perimeter players in the league.

The basketball fell into the penalty area after being touched by Ryan. Kirilenko stood out from the crowd, stretched out his long arms in the crowd to grab the basketball, and then directly dribbled the ball and pushed it quickly.

As soon as they approached the midfield line, AK47 pushed the ball forward vigorously again.Ryan, who had just finished covering the risk, had already rushed to the front again!

Today, Ryan's desire to score quickly is extremely high!
After receiving the basketball, Ryan ignored Diaw who was following behind him, and jumped up directly for another one-handed dunk!
After blocking the shot, he immediately counterattacked and completed a one-stop dunk. Ryan's fast break ability is unparalleled!

The score difference comes to 7 points!
At this time, D'Antoni began to frown as he saw the point difference gradually widening.

At the same time, looking at Ryan's body, D'Antoni, like Theron, actually started to drip.It's just that D'Antoni is drooling!
This body, this impact, this speed, this ability to forcefully attack the frame.
If it can be used to fight run and gun, why can't I just win 82 consecutive games?Directly guarantee five consecutive championships?

Simply delicious!

On the other side, Stan Kroenke, the king of soft rice, wants to strangle Vandeweghe to death.

After all, last summer, the Nuggets didn't have a chance to get Nash.

If Nash and Ryan played on the same team, the scene would be so beautiful that I could only dream about it.

Ryan's continuous impact made the Nuggets' offense never stop.

On the contrary, the Suns did not play very smoothly in these rounds.

Nash is very aware of the importance of "momentum" on the court. The Suns often take the game away with a wave of momentum.

Now, the momentum is clearly with the Nuggets.

Therefore, the Suns' attack must be successful and the Nuggets cannot continue to gain momentum!

There were exactly 22 seconds left in the game, which cut off the Nuggets' momentum before halftime!
Nash controlled half the court, and Stoudemire came to cover.

Nene had no choice but to switch defense directly, giving the Suns a chance to misplace the ball.

Under normal circumstances, Nash will feed the ball directly to Stoudemire who is passing down and let him eat Miller.

But Nash knew very well that AK47 and Birdman, two perverts with white skin but black athletic ability, would not let Stoudemire easily succeed.

So Nash didn't pass the ball, but prepared to torture Nene in small and big ways!
Nene's agility is good in the paint, but facing Nash, he still feels as slow as Webber!
Weber sneezed on the bench. Damn it, the field was in full swing, but I was about to catch a cold!
Nash didn't pass or call another screen.Instead, he faced Nei directly and moved his hands to the right, as if to break through to the right.

Nene hurriedly moved to the left, but the next second, Nash immediately changed his pace, changed his center of gravity, and immediately rushed to the left!
Nash's dribbling is not that fancy, and the change of direction is not large, but it is better than it is fast and sudden enough.And the details of the pace changes are also very subtle.

Nene immediately changed her center of gravity, but she stumbled and was knocked down, using her hands to support the ground!Nash's dribbling was so beautiful that some Denver fans almost couldn't help but applaud!
Passing by Nene, Nash broke through to the mid-range, and then shot a jumper directly.

With his field of vision, he had just scanned the entire half.Seeing that no one had time to flank or help defend, Nash shot with confidence.

But as soon as the basketball was released, Nash's heart suddenly went cold.

Wait, it seems like I missed one person just now!

Ryan was just on the right side of the three-point line, in Nash's blind spot.

The reason why Nash ignored that point is that under normal circumstances, it is impossible for someone to cover the ball that has been thrown from behind, but
There's nothing normal about that guy Ryan!
Soon, Nash could feel a shadow approaching, making him breathless.

Sure enough, Ryan came up from behind, flicked the basketball hard with his fingertips, and completed the block!

The whole place suddenly felt like a volcano erupting, and shouts were everywhere.

Chris Marlowe also stood up:
"Steve's attacking options have been perfect, but
He is facing a more perfect defensive player! "

Nash was right, Ryan's defense was indeed not normal at all!
After Ryan blocked the basketball, he turned around and ran towards the front court. Stoudemire immediately pursued him.

But Ryan's speed of 98 is too fast. In addition, Ryan starts from outside the free throw line and Stoudemire starts from inside the penalty area. Therefore, although he immediately rushed to the forefront of the pursuit, there was still no possibility of catching up with Ryan. .

He could only watch as Miller passed the ball long to Ryan, and then Ryan ran to the basket unguarded.

Just when everyone was guessing what action Ryan would use to end the offense, Ryan ran to the basket and held the ball with both hands, stopping where he was!

The next second, Ryan turned back and glanced at Stoudemire who was chasing after him!He actually stopped on his own initiative, waiting for Xiaosi to catch up!
This is so pretentious that Bird even wants to score 9.9 points!
Xiaosi felt that he had been humiliated, but the more humiliating thing was yet to come.

After Ryan glanced at Stoudemire, he jumped directly on the spot, then changed his hands in the air, and performed a jump-up dunk with his hips!

Stoudemire failed to catch up in the end. When he flew over, Ryan had already smashed the ball into the basket!

With 0.3 seconds left in the second quarter, Ryan used an exaggerated crotch switch dunk, severely humiliating Stoudemire who was chasing him!

After dunking, Ryan glanced at the basket in confusion:
"Damn it, you actually stayed 0.3 seconds! I want to hit the buzzer! Amare, come on, you almost caught me!"

Numb, Xiao Si’s scalp is numb!

D'Antoni was also numb. In the last period of time, Ryan defended and defended, and he scored 8 points in a row, opening the point difference to 9 points in one breath!
This kind of freak who combines offense and defense is really scary!
The atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited, but Nene didn't understand it.

Ryan, he had severely humiliated Stoudemire who provoked him before the game, and also expanded his advantage before half-time.

But why doesn't he look happy at all?

That's right, Ryan still had a straight face at this time, as if someone owed him millions.

But Bird on the sidelines had already guessed what Ryan was thinking.

Stoudemire?That idiot has never been Ryan's opponent today!
All Ryan could think about today was James' 56 points!

And now, after the last wave of impact in the second quarter, Ryan has already scored 28 points at halftime!

The fast-paced offense and defense and Ryan's invincible impact allowed him to score 28 points in the second half without shooting a three-pointer!
As for Stoudemire, that poor guy, it was just Ryan who killed him easily!
At this time, Bird couldn't help but take a breath.

The current story is that after McHale provoked Bird, Bird immediately responded with a 60-point game.

But in fact, Bird did not respond to McHale immediately.Between McHale's 56 points and Bird's 60 points, the Celtics actually played three games.

Bird didn't respond until the fourth game.

But Ryan.
He wanted to respond in the first game after the media brought up James' scoring ability!
Bird shook his head, Ryan, this kid has a stronger desire for revenge than me!I originally thought that Ryan would have the possibility of getting high scores within a period of time, but it turned out
Mike Maining, Mike Maining, this time, you have caused great harm to your master.

The only thing he can show off will soon be covered by Ryan's light!

 Thanks to Hayashida Wanzi and other big guys for the reward, thank you all!Today is another two-in-one chapter, one step at a time, 10600 words!The [-] words update every day as steadily as an old dog, conscientious friends kneel down and beg for monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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