It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 224 Arriving at the Ice Tower Forest, a terrifying avalanche!Thousands of horses galloping!B

Chapter 224 Arriving at the Ice Tower Forest, a terrifying avalanche!Thousands of horses galloping!Buried? (asking for monthly ticket)
Minutes passed by.

In two and a half hours, Chen Fei experienced nine snowstorms!
The journey was extremely difficult, and in order to guard against some dark caves, he walked very carefully.

Before arriving, Chen Fei had already memorized the terrain of the North Slope in his mind. Coupled with the terrain conditions dictated to him by Messner, Jiang Xiuzhen, and Wang Shi, he roughly had a 3D model in his mind.

With the help of GPS, hiking sticks and other equipment, his speed was not too slow.

After another snowstorm stopped, Chen Fei began to describe his original plan to reach the summit.

“Starting from the base camp, I will first rest for a while at an altitude of 5800 meters, and then climb all the way to an altitude of 6500 meters, where I will take a short rest.

After replenishing energy, I will head to the North Col zone at an altitude of 7000 meters and continue to make adjustments.

Then we will reach an altitude of 8000 meters, where will be the final sprint position, and I will complete the final charge in one go..."

As he spoke, Chen Fei's steps did not stop at all.

Through the lens, viewers around the world can see the jagged and strange rocks that break out of the snow from time to time.

They were like mountain gods, blocking Chen Fei's path forward, trying to force him to return the way he came.

But Chen Fei is not afraid at all. He will choose to take a detour, but he will not choose to turn around!

The sound of "crunching" friction, accompanied by the sound of explanations from time to time, continued to reach the ears of everyone in front of the screen.

Climb to the summit without oxygen out of season!
This is an unprecedented challenge that even Messner, known as the world's top climber, would not dare to do.

Although he is bold, he also has a clear understanding of his own strength.

Not to mention now, even when he was young, he would never set foot on Mount Everest before the window period!
Just like the section of road that Chen Fei is currently walking on, during the window period, this is a river valley area with various exposed gravels.

But now?

This place is covered with thick snow, and you never know what you will step on when you step out next.

It may be solid gravel, or it may be a collapsed pit!

"Come on!"

Liu Yifei clenched her fists and made an encouraging gesture, praying secretly in her heart, hoping that he would return safely.

"Source Code" hasn't been released yet, and the two of them haven't teamed up to promote it yet. There are still a lot of unfinished things in the future.


Another hour passed quietly.

Chen Fei suddenly stopped and looked up.

A clearing appeared in front of them, and various ice towers appeared at the same time, standing proudly in the wind and snow zone.

"Phew!" He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to wipe the lens again, and explained: "We have reached an altitude of 5800 meters, which is also called the transition camp.

It is a hub connecting the base camp and the Rongbuk Glacier. Because there are many seracs, the wind and snow will be weaker, making it an excellent area for grooming. "

As he spoke, Chen Fei moved forward.

As the altitude increased, he could clearly feel the temperature dropping rapidly.

Although the blizzard was blocked, the tearing feeling caused by the cold wind still existed, and the haze above our heads became even more thick!

When we first set off from the base camp, we could still vaguely see wisps of light shining from between the clouds, but when we arrived here, everything disappeared.

In the vast white sky and earth, Chen Fei was left alone and helpless.


Perhaps because of the snow and wind, the world-famous seracs were dressed in warm white silver and looked very beautiful.

Chen Fei deliberately walked around this area in a fan-shaped route so that the audience in front of the screen could appreciate the beautiful scenery here more intuitively.

Accompanied by bursts of exclamations in front of the screen, Chen Fei started to explain the current landform with the No. 1 visual like a professional director.

“In books, the location of the Seracal Forest is also called the Rongbuk Glacier, which is distributed in a vast area from 5300 meters to 6300 meters at the foot of Mount Everest.

The Rongbuk Glacier Zone is 26 kilometers long and covers a total area of ​​1500 square kilometers. It is the most fully developed and best preserved unique glacier form in the world.

The average thickness of the ice reaches 20 meters, and the thickest point is more than a few hundred meters. The ice layer is very complete and can be called the thickest in the world. Its upper limit is 7260 meters.

The main reason for its formation is that the snow in the two major precipitation belts of the Indian Ocean monsoon belt has deteriorated and solidified here. Over time, it has accumulated..."

As he spoke, he went deep into the ice tower forest.

From a distance, it appears to be covered in silver, but up close, in the faint refraction of light, the seracs actually show a colorful brilliance, which is very beautiful.

When you get here, you have to marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature!
The shapes of these ice towers can be said to have their own characteristics. Some are like towers, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, some are like funnels, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, and some even have a blade shape, which looks really cool.

Chen Fei suddenly transformed into a professional tour guide, "Look at this icicle, it is slightly thinner at the bottom, and the occasional heavy rain wash makes its surface look like veins.

Then looking up, it looks like it is holding a disk, forming an umbrella shape.

Let's zoom out further and you can see that the disk is slightly convex, forming a mushroom shape, which is very similar to the head of a turtle that we often see in aquariums...

Ahem!Ignore this... icicle and let's look at the next area. "

Chen Fei quickly walked away from the icicle.

Grandma, why is there such a thing on the glacier?And it also soared into the sky abruptly!

Are you going to poke a hole in the sky?

Chen Fei kept walking, his voice of explanation was intermittent, and he went straight to the transition camp.

At this moment, the burst of laughter in front of the screen seemed to bring down the entire roof!
Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin looked at each other and tried their best to hold back their laughter. After all, there were many girls in the room. If they were too arrogant, they would lose their grace.

Hu Ge stood up silently, using the excuse of going to pour water.

Yang Mi blushed and took a sip of water, secretly complaining that Chen Fei was really bad.

Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying beside them both had red faces, but in order to prevent others from finding out the clues, they still kept their eyes fixed on the screen.

On Sony's side, mother and daughter Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli were stunned.

They never expected that such a strange icicle would appear in the ice tower forest.

Liu Yifei, who was still in high spirits, turned blushing, "Mom, I'm thirsty, can you help me get a glass of water?"


Liu Xiaoli stood up as if fleeing and quickly left the living room.


After passing through the ice tower forest and arriving at the real transition camp, Chen Fei found a location where the snow layer was not too thick and began to prepare supplies.

What he didn't expect was that when he cleared the snow aside, there were streaks of blue light shining under the ice, like beautiful sapphires, which was very eye-catching.

Chen Fei secretly sighed, "I'm afraid there are still very precious mineral resources hidden under the ice that has been sealed for thousands of years."

Silently covering the snow again, Chen Fei changed to another location.

The transition camp is the final point of the river valley section and the starting point of the glacier wind and snow zone.

It is surrounded by ice and rock walls on three sides, which can withstand many snowstorms, and the terrain is relatively flat, making it very suitable for rest camps.

After setting up a simple tent, Chen Fei inserted a signal rod on the top and got inside.

He took off his helmet and adjusted the camera to point at himself. While eating compressed biscuits, he began to introduce his next plan and strategy to the audience.

5800 meters above sea level is already a very high location.

Generally, people who are not in good health have to start taking oxygen to survive at this time.

But through the camera, everyone can see that Chen Fei's face is slightly shaken, but his voice is still full of energy!
"This physique! He is really strong! I also reached his current position when I was young, but it was far from as easy as he is now."

Messner couldn't help but sigh aloud.

Several other people looked at each other, secretly shocked by Chen Fei's physical strength!
No wonder he has the confidence to dare to challenge "climbing Mount Everest without oxygen out of season". It turns out he is confident!

"His adaptability is also quite strong. He has always lived in the plains, but after arriving on Mount Everest, he didn't need much time to adapt."

Flory finally understood Chen Fei, and now he was very shocked.

A group of people were chattering, and they heard Fade Chen's voice ringing in their ears:

“The next section of the road can almost be regarded as one of the most dangerous sections in the entire climb to the summit!

Especially when advancing along the glacier ridge, you must maintain the utmost vigilance throughout the entire process, because beneath the deep snow, there are cliffs tens of meters high and ice caves that prey on anyone! "

After hearing this, many people's expressions suddenly changed.

Dozens of meters?
What is this concept?
One wrong step!Abyss!There is no doubt that he will die!

Everyone was unconsciously worried, but at this time, Chen Fei was still talking: "Besides, the Rongbuk Glacier is the most prone place to ice and avalanches.

If the friction on the snow-covered surface is too small and the movement is slightly louder, it may cause a horrific disaster! "

Is it so dangerous?

Everyone's expressions changed, and the worry in their hearts reached its peak at this moment.

They couldn't imagine what kind of situation Chen Fei would end up in if he suddenly encountered an avalanche while walking.
However, just when everyone was worried about him, Chen Fei suddenly reached into his backpack and took out an orange.Skillfully peeling off the orange peel, he ate the pulp and said, "In order to cope with the upcoming difficulties, I'm going to take a nap first.

Only with adequate sleep and rest can my physical strength reach its peak, which will also help me cope with difficulties. "

After eating the orange three times, five divided by two, and solemnly stuffing the orange peel into his backpack, Chen Fei set the alarm for an hour and a half later, put his head on the backpack and began to fall asleep.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

good guy?
The brothers are still secretly worried about you, but you took a nap instead?Who are we climbing the mountain?
The group of people watching the broadcast in front of the screen were speechless.

Bruce, who was far away in Hollywood, held his Japanese girlfriend in a nanny outfit in his arms and leisurely ate the orange pulp peeled by his girlfriend while still laughing.

"Fei is so cool! I especially like his free and easy style and his durability."

"You are very strong too. It has been five minutes just now."

"Oh? Really? Haha, it seems that I can also become a stubborn and fierce horse!"


Half an hour flew by.

When the alarm clock rang, under everyone's gaze, Chen Fei suddenly opened his eyes and began to pack his backpack and tent.

Seeing this scene, everyone in front of the screen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mad, he hasn't moved for half an hour? I almost thought he was frozen solid!"

"Good guy, this guy is really awesome. With so many people waiting for him, he actually took a nap there?"

"Haha, Director Chen is alive!"

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Director Chen is not dead in the first place, he is just taking a nap."

"Hey, look, look? Why did he suddenly take out the rope and start tying it to himself?"

Everyone fixed their gazes on Chen Fei's hands in confusion, and saw that while putting away the tent, he actually took out two ten-meter-long climbing ropes from his backpack.

One of them straps the backpack securely.

The other one was tied with a knot every one meter, the first end was tied to the backpack, and the tail end was tied to the feet. This operation immediately confused everyone.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who had made all the preliminary preparations, buckled the helmet firmly on his head and explained loudly:

“In order to prevent me from falling into the ice hole during the rest of the journey, I would hold my backpack on my feet and move forward on the ridge.

This is also a way to protect myself. If I accidentally step on the ground while moving forward, the backpack and climbing rope will sink deeply into the snow immediately, creating friction, which can give me some time to survive. "

While talking, Chen Fei started to move forward again.

This method is the "Snow Mountain Survival Method" listed in the "Extreme Survival Skills" he obtained before, and it can protect himself.

Lucky orange + backpack friction, he didn't believe he couldn't overcome this danger!



Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei took out a signal rod and inserted it at the starting point, "In the next period of time, in order to prevent avalanches from happening, I will choose to move forward quietly. I hope you can understand."

After saying that, Chen Fei suddenly took a step forward!
In the lens, the endless glacier ridges spread to the end of the line of sight, winding and twisting as far as the eye can see, as if there is no end.

Walking on such a road is also a huge test for the challenger's psychological quality!

The feeling of not being able to see the direction, the end, or the hope is like a tidal wave coming over me, as if it is going to completely defeat the confidence in my heart!

With every step you take, the altitude will increase and the oxygen content in the air will decrease.

Nervous emotions spread in the hearts of everyone in front of the screen...

"It must be successful!"

Countless people prayed for him silently.

Chen Fei thinks that he is lucky. At least the lucky orange will definitely not be fake. This is one of the sources of his confidence.

However...this luck didn't seem to last long.


A gust of wind suddenly swept over, carrying a heavy snowstorm in the sky!

In front of the screen, there was originally only the sound of Chen Fei's orderly breathing and the friction sound of the backpack and the snow. But when the storm came, everything went into chaos!

"Squat down quickly! Squat down right there! Don't leave!"

Wang Yongfeng relied on his own experience to send a message to Chen Fei.

However, just as he finished speaking, Messner gave another suggestion, "Go back! You can't move forward! You can't stay where you are!"

The wind is too strong, the snow is accumulating, and an avalanche is likely to form..."

Where did the word "crow's mouth" come from?

Messner said it!


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the TV. In everyone's shocked eyes, they saw a large sheet of snow above Chen Fei's head rushing toward him like a galloping horse!

The clouds and sun-blocking snow and fog filled the lens, and in just a blink of an eye, a ripple of snowflakes appeared directly on all the TVs and computers around the world.

This is a symbol of the signal being cut off!

"Damn it, Brother Fei was buried by an avalanche!"

Zhu Yawen sat up suddenly, looking horrified!


The warm water in the cup spilled all over the floor. Liu Yifei was stunned and her whole body fell into a sluggish state.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A mouthful of orange was stuck in his throat, Bruce's face turned red from holding back, and he almost couldn't breathe.

In a single-family villa at the top of Beverly Hills, Natasha and Yi Luona were sitting on the sofa watching the broadcast. Originally, they were holding fruit plates in their hands, eating and watching.

But when the avalanche came and the screen was filled with snowflakes, the smiles on their faces suddenly froze!
"Oh my god, he's buried! He's buried!"

"WTF? Why? Why is there an avalanche?"

"I know! It's because the snow on the mountains was already very thick, and then the sudden snowstorm became the last straw that broke the camel's back!"

"Then what should we do now? Hurry up and save people!"

"Help, that horse was an avalanche, and the whole person was buried in it. Do you know where he is? If you save someone, ten days is not enough to save him!"


Everyone around the world who was watching this broadcast went completely crazy. No one thought that this avalanche would come so quickly and quickly, without giving anyone a chance to react!

Chaos begins to occur...

But it doesn't seem to make any sense.

That's Mount Everest, at an altitude of 6000 meters, and it's still a time of frequent snowstorms.

How to save?
Who dares to save?
Time is passing unconsciously.

Before everyone could fully recover, five minutes had already passed in their arms.

However, just when everyone thought that Chen Fei had been sentenced to "death", an unexpected situation occurred!

A curse suddenly came from the TV flashing with ripples of snowflakes, "Oh my god, this avalanche is coming so fast!"

Ok? ! ?
"He's not dead!"

Everyone looked confused, and many people even wondered whether they were hallucinating?
But the next second, the angry voice came again, "Don't worry, everyone, I am lucky and was not directly buried by the avalanche.

Grandma's legs were quite lucky. There happened to be a hole underneath, and I was thrown directly into it. The avalanche passed over my head!

It’s just that the camera seems to have been knocked. Please wait a moment while I adjust it. It should not be damaged. It seems that the button for image transmission has been turned off..."

No one talked to him, so Chen Fei just muttered to himself.

At this time, in front of the TV screen, hearing his voice, everyone was startled at first, and then couldn't help but started to revel!

"Damn it, you're not dead?"

"This horoscope is so tough! Can you handle it all?"

"Let me tell you, Fei's luck level has always been quite high!"

"Scared me……"

"Ouch, Director Chen is awesome!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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