It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 225: The sudden drop in oxygen content, the terrifying ice avalanche, the deep darkness, lik

Chapter 225: The sudden drop in oxygen content, the terrifying ice avalanche, the deep darkness, like a demon opening its mouth of the abyss!
After struggling for a while, Chen Fei finally figured out how to turn on the camera above his head.


As the switch was turned back on, the eyes of viewers around the world suddenly lit up and their eyes widened.

The ripples of snowflakes disappeared, replaced by dim lights that flickered on and off.

Liu Shishi shouted in surprise: "Hey? This camera also has night vision function? It looks so advanced."

"After all, it is sponsored by Red Bull. This company is famous for its well-equipped equipment."

Jing Tian was quite knowledgeable and answered casually.


Although the picture is a little shaky, if you look carefully, you can still see the surrounding ice that reflects various light sources.

As Chen Fei said, he was rushed by an avalanche into a bottomless cave. There was no other object around except the ice.

As the camera moved, the audience gradually saw what kind of situation he was facing.

There was a bottomless cave beneath his feet, and it was impossible to see the bottom with the night vision function of the camera.

Chen Fei tried to throw a snowball down, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear any response.

"The depth is at least a hundred meters, and it may even go straight to the foot of Mount Everest!"

Upon hearing this, the audience in front of the screen began to gasp.

"It's 6000 meters above sea level? Directly to the foot of the mountain? Does this mean the cave is 6000 meters deep?"

"I'm such a good boy, isn't this too scary?"

"Good guy, this is no ordinary luck, this is simply possessed by the goddess of luck, right?"

"Oh my god, if this falls, wouldn't it be possible to see God in just a few minutes?"

"He must be favored by the goddess of luck. He will definitely succeed in this challenge! He will create a miracle!"


People watching the broadcast had different opinions, and some even mentioned the patron saint, but in fact, the factor that really supported his survival was the climbing rope that was tied to his ankle!
This is his patron saint and the goddess of luck who is always by his side.


With a sigh of relief, Chen Fei climbed up the rope while mumbling,

"Actually, most of the experiences passed down by the ancients were gained with lives. We must remember their teachings. Just like now, although it is just an ordinary knot, it has become the straw that saves my life."

He was currently stuck about six meters lower in the cave, so he successfully climbed to the edge of the cave without spending much time and energy.

However, due to the avalanche, the top of the cave was currently covered by a thick layer of snow.

Helpless, he had no choice but to hold the rope with one hand and dig out with the other hand.

After a lot of effort, as a dazzling light came in, he finally managed to dig through the snow and returned to the ground!

"Haha, I'm out."

Returning to the ridge again, Chen Fei couldn't hide his excitement and shouted!
Although it was only a few minutes, the blizzard that covered the sky just now had disappeared, leaving only snowflakes flying lightly between the sky and the earth.

After retrieving the backpack stuck in the snow, Chen Fei took a deep breath, ate a pack of compressed biscuits, and continued to move forward cautiously along the ice ridge.




The heavy backpack rubbed against the snow, making bursts of sound and creating huge resistance.

Every step Chen Fei took was very difficult, but also very stable.

The previous avalanche had taken away part of the floating snow on the ridge, so on the next journey, he only needed to guard against some ice caves and cracks along the way!

In the next few hours, Chen Fei kept a steady pace.

Even with a heavy backpack!

Even facing the dangerous ice cave!
Even withstanding the lack of oxygen and cold!
But he never looked back and kept moving forward!

Although the end was completely white and there was no hope of "survival" at all, the steady breathing made the audience feel inexplicably confident.

He seemed to be sending a signal.

I can do it!
I can do it!
I was able to walk to forward camp!
Liu Shishi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Director Chen is really strong! It's so awesome! How does he do it? He always conveys a strong sense of belief to people."

"Perhaps this is the strength revealed by the real "big man"?"

Yang Mi echoed softly, her eyes shining with admiration, and she couldn't hide her excitement.

At this time, within the "Twilight Saga" crew, a group of actors, including director Woody Allen, are also paying attention to this exciting challenge.

Although they couldn't see Chen Fei's face, they could still see his unwavering belief in his steady pace!
Christine's eyes were also shining with stars, and the belief of admiration filled her heart, which could not calm down for a long time.

"Fei, that's so cool!"


As the altitude continues to increase, the oxygen content in the air gradually decreases.

After spending several hours, with the help of hiking poles, crampons and other equipment, Chen Fei finally successfully crossed the Rongbuk Glacier area and arrived at the advance camp.

The advancing camp is also called the "Devil's Camp"!
Like the previous Stone Pillar Forest area, this place is also surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one north-facing entrance and exit.

Because of the special geographical structure, air circulation changes.

From the moment you arrive at the forward camp, the oxygen content in the air will experience a sharp drop. Many climbers who have tried to challenge the summit without oxygen usually suffer from severe altitude sickness here.

Thin oxygen daunts climbers around the world!
Messner murmured: "This will be the most difficult obstacle to overcome on the way to the top. Equipment can be used to assist other areas, but this is the ultimate test of physical fitness."

Jiang Xiuzhen and Wang Shi looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Over the years, some people in China have tried to challenge the summit without oxygen, but unfortunately they all failed here.

Even they themselves had to choose to use oxygen bottles after they arrived here because their bodies suffered from severe hypersensitivity.

In fact, theoretically speaking, the volume of oxygen at an altitude of 6500 meters is basically the same as that at sea level.

But the air at high altitudes is thinner, and the concentrations of various gaseous substances will become smaller. The volume of oxygen in each liter of air is only 0.21L, which is equivalent to 0.06L at standard atmospheric pressure.

This is data close to the human body’s oxygen uptake threshold!

So...can Chen Fei resist?

"System, increase endurance by 35 points and physical fitness by 40 points."

[Ding·The reputation value has been deducted and your physical attributes have been successfully improved. 】

The warm current surged and the improvement in physical fitness made Chen Fei not afraid of the drop in oxygen content.

To put it simply, as long as there is oxygen, he can live!

After finding an open space, he took back his backpack and inserted a signal rod again. After Chen Fei ate two compressed biscuits, he started to move forward.

The previous difficulties had wasted a lot of time, and he had no more time to stay here.

In a few hours, it will get dark.

If he could not reach the North Col ice wall before dark, it would disrupt his subsequent summit plan.

However, he left easily, but the audience in front of the screen had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!
"I thought anaerobic would be the biggest difficulty he encountered during the whole process, but I never expected that anaerobic would be the most inconspicuous problem."

Messner's face was filled with emotion.

The devil advanced to the camp at 6500 meters, blocking the steps of many people.

But in front of Chen Fei, this was just an inconspicuous little checkpoint, and it had no impact on him at all.

This strong contrast made a group of mountaineering enthusiasts deeply feel the difference between people!
"6500? Is it so easy?"

"Grandma, I can't stand it anymore after climbing 5500 meters. What he's doing... is simply appalling!"

"It's incredible. How strong is a person's physique? To do such a thing?"

"Listening to that steady breathing is like playing the most beautiful music in the world."

"I hope he can successfully reach the top!"


Accompanied by inaudible cheers, Chen Fei took one step after another.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he breaks through 6500, every step he takes will increase China's sense of honor by one point!
Looking at the entire world, there are very few people who can break through 6500 meters above sea level without oxygen!

In the eyes of outsiders, being able to reach this position is already a very impressive person.

But Chen Fei has never put "6500" in his heart, because anaerobic is only the most insignificant level of his challenge. His real goal has always been 8848.48!

The combination of crampons and trekking poles is a must-have for many mountaineering enthusiasts who challenge Mount Everest.

With the help of these two pieces of equipment, Chen Fei finally reached the North Col ice wall before the sky darkened.

And this is also one of the most difficult points in climbing Mount Everest!

The 400-meter vertical ice wall has an average slope of 50 degrees, and the steepest point is as high as 70 degrees.

Anyone who sees such an ice wall will probably be frightened and dare not move rashly while marveling at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature!

However, this place is only the first of the four major difficulties on the north face of Mount Everest.

Reaching out and stroking the smooth ice arm, Chen Fei had no fear in his eyes, only a strong desire to conquer!

It's actually quite easy to pass this level. As long as you master the ice climbing skills and have the support of your arm strength and physical strength, you can easily cross it.

After taking a few steps back, Chen Fei inserted a signal rod and explained some details of the North Col ice wall to the audience.

The dim sky shrouded the ice wall as smooth as a "mirror", just like the bronze mirror used by rich ladies in ancient times.

Chen Fei's figure was reflected on the ice wall.

It's a pity that he only occupies a small distance. In front of the huge ice wall, he is not much bigger than an ant.But now, this "ant" wants to cross this ice wall!

While preparing the ice draft and reinforcing the crampons, Chen Fei explained: "The difficulty of climbing the North Col ice wall is about Wl6 level, which is a nearly vertical ice wall without any rest points in the middle. It requires climbing 400 meters in one go. above.

Because I didn’t know what was going on above the ice wall, I had to be careful during the climb, otherwise I was likely to encounter another avalanche.

This time I was not so lucky. Once it was washed down by the snow, I could fall into a meat pie at a height of several hundred meters! "

As he was speaking, the audience in front of the screen held their breath unconsciously.

Even though they are not required to climb, they can't help but involve themselves in it, and then they can't stop trembling...


The sharp ice drafts pierced the ice wall heavily under Chen Fei's swing, and the exploding ice flowers flew into the distance like dandelions!

"Guys, I'm going to start ice climbing now."

After announcing his plan, Chen Fei stepped on his crampons and climbed up hard with the only dim light left between the sky and the earth.

He kept swinging the ice draft, digging many small holes in the ice wall.

The tightly fastened crampons on his left and right feet could just fit into the small holes, giving Chen Fei a good place to focus and allowing his body to move forward steadily.

The nearly vertical ice surface was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting his persevering face!

The height of 400 meters seems to be connected to the sky. Even if you try hard to raise your head, you can't see where the end point is.

The hope of life seemed to be completely lost, and there was only a figure left in the world trying to climb up.

And the "bang" sound of the ice manuscript being inserted into the ice wall is more like a fearless charge!

Due to the viewing angle, most people couldn't see Chen Fei's movements clearly. They could only judge by turning his head and lowering his head occasionally. His current movements should be like a big gecko.

Think about it, what is it like for a gecko to climb on a 400-meter-high mirror?
The feeling of not being able to see the end is simply despairing!

He started climbing at dusk and climbed until dark before Chen Fei reached the 200-meter position.

He turned on the headlights he had prepared, and the bright light guided him in the direction of his progress, and also brought him hope of survival.

Luck was still hanging over him, and the most dangerous avalanche did not appear.

But frequent snowstorms still made his climb difficult!
The whistling wind and snow were like a dancer in a white dress, dancing on the white and smooth ice. While bringing about a graceful figure, it also made Chen Fei feel the fatal temptation!

The blizzard kept dragging his body, as if trying to remove the stain embedded in the ice wall, leaving them more room to dance.

The rising altitude and sudden drop in temperature made Chen Fei's hands and feet stiff, and he had to exert twice as much energy every time he swung the ice script!

But even so, he still didn't stop, like a tireless machine that never stops!
"Come on!"

Countless people silently cheered him on in front of the screen.

Even though they had been working in front of the sofa all day, neither Liu Yifei nor her daughter mentioned taking a rest.

Their high spirits did not make them tired at all.

Perhaps they will be tired only when Chen Fei successfully reaches the top.


Night fell completely, and the world was enveloped in thick darkness.

The faint light of the headlights guided the way forward.

Looking at the terrain in the camera, Messner quickly made a judgment, “He has passed two-thirds of the way and is not far from the finish line.

But the next section...will be the most difficult stage! "

Chen Fei had already felt it. When the climb came to the end, the verticality of the ice wall was infinitely close to 90!

What is this concept?
This means that it is literally climbing up a glass mirror!

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fei felt his arms were a little sore.

His body was telling him that he should take a rest now, but based on his experience in "Extreme Survival", he should continue to speed up now.

The earlier you reach the top, the less risk you will have.

Without thinking too much, Chen Fei chose to obey experience. After all, hanging on the ice wall for a long time is not a good sign.

Maybe when the next snowstorm comes, there will be an avalanche overhead, or even a terrifying ice avalanche!

Pulling out the ice draft, moving the crampons, he raised his right hand and cut hard at the upper right position.


A deep pit was dug directly.

After confirming that the ice draft was stable, he continued to use the previous action, preparing to pull out the ice ax on the left side and continue to chisel upward.

But the moment he pulled out the ice draft in his left hand, the image suddenly occurred!
"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Following a violent explosion, the ice wall in front of him suddenly shattered like a broken glass mirror!
The broken position is exactly where the ice draft was inserted in the upper right corner.

Chen Fei never expected that just now he was praying that there would be no ice collapse, but in the blink of an eye something unexpected happened!

This unfortunate thing is quite a trap.

Anyone who has ever smashed glass knows that when a sharp object hits the "center point", the entire piece of glass will have cracks extending from point to surface, completely shattering into slag.

And this is what Chen Fei is encountering now!

The moment the ice avalanche occurred, the entire ice wall in front of him began to break.

In just an instant, the ice wall supporting him exploded into pieces and fell towards the bottom.

And Chen Fei's experience was exactly the same as this ice wall!
His body began to slide uncontrollably, and he was about to fall into the abyss!
In front of the screen, everyone subconsciously widened their eyes and looked at the picture in front of them with shock!
"Is this an ice avalanche? It's so scary!"

"Damn it, I'm going to fall!"

"Brother Fei, catch it, catch it quickly!"


The ice shards shattered and fell rapidly.

However, at this critical moment, Chen Fei made a bold move!

Taking advantage of the moment when his feet were still barely stable, he made a jumping movement, causing his body to climb up a lot!

At the same time, he swung his arms, grasped the ice manuscript tightly, rounded it, aimed at the intact ice wall in front of him, and slammed it out.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two explosions, the ice scraper dug deeply into the ice, grabbing his body that was about to fall.

However, just when everyone thought that the crisis was about to be resolved, the sound of "crunch, crunch" suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Holy shit! Are you still breaking it?"

Chen Fei's expression changed drastically. He had already realized that the ice wall in front of him seemed to be about to undergo a huge ice avalanche.

But fortunately, this did not happen all at once, but was broken incrementally from below to above.

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Chen Fei gave the order: "System, increase the strength and acceleration, increase them to 99 for me!"

[Ding·56000 reputation points will be deducted...]

Chen Fei no longer paid attention to the voice behind the system, because now that his strength and speed had increased dramatically, he transformed directly into a galloping cheetah!
The ice manuscript flew up due to his dance, and the sound of "bang bang bang" kept exploding on the ice wall. He used his hands and feet to climb up quickly!
And as his speed increased, the speed of the ice collapse seemed to be accelerating. The "click-click" cracking sound was spreading under his feet, accompanied by ice slag and ice cubes falling on the ice wall. The rumble coming from below!

In the last 1/3 of the journey, Chen Fei almost completed it in a "wild" state.

And the moment he reached the top, he didn't hesitate at all. He suddenly jumped forward and turned forward several times quickly.

In the next second, the ice block where he was just now completely collapsed and fell towards the foot of the mountain!
A massive ice avalanche occurred!

The huge sound made all the viewers in front of the screen change their expressions drastically. They couldn't imagine how they would survive if they were in that state.
The ice quality of the North Col ice wall is not very good, and the stability period is short. It will only become more stable in winter.

But now is the summer period, and the sudden rise and fall in temperature will cause ice floes and ice cracks to appear.

Maybe the outer layer looked indestructible, but in fact the inside was already melting. Coupled with Chen Fei's climbing, it became the straw that broke the camel's back!
Fortunately, he was fast enough and successfully landed on the eve of a large-scale ice collapse.


Lying in the snow, Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he responded accurately in the moment of crisis.

Otherwise, if you fall from a height of more than 400 meters, you will be paralyzed at the very least.

In front of the screen, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene of the race against time just now made everyone unconsciously feel their heart beat faster and their bodies stiffen, as if there was the God of Death chasing after them crazily!
Fortunately, Chen Fei successfully won this race with death!

"Director Chen is awesome!"

"I admire you, you are such a goddamn man!"

"I don't know what words to use to describe him. He deserves to be the number one martial artist in the Mainland. He has real skills!"

"China! China is awesome!"

"Chinese Kongfu???"

A group of people were cheering when they heard Chen Fei's voice coming again,

"Fortunately, I got over the difficulty. The altitude I am now at is 7028 meters, and we are very close to the finish line.

However, the North Col ice wall just now is only the first level and the easiest level.

In the next journey, I will encounter more and more dangerous difficulties. Although it is late at night, I will not stop walking.

Everyone, do you want to watch the sunrise on Mount Everest?Want to cheer on the peak of 8848.48?Want to experience high-speed parachuting in a blizzard zone?

Please continue to follow me. Although the road ahead is still extremely dangerous, I will not stop.

Tonight, I will cross a thousand meters of altitude and climb to the top of Mount Everest! "

After the words fell, Chen Fei stood up resolutely, threw down a signal baton, and launched a fearless charge horn into the deep darkness!
(End of this chapter)

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