It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 226 The top of Mount Everest!The sun rises!Red flags waving!Long live the motherland!

Chapter 226 The top of Mount Everest!The sun rises!Red flags waving!Long live the motherland! (asking for monthly ticket)
After crossing the North Col ice wall, we came to the second difficulty of climbing.

In the mouths of some extreme climbers, they will call this "big wind mouth".

The reason is simple, because the wind on this section of the road is very strong, and it is like this all year round.

Even during the window period, the wind here will occasionally soar to above level 12. If combined with the frequent snowstorms in summer, the wind will continue to increase, even reaching level 15!
Therefore, caution must be taken on this road because it is impossible to predict when a hurricane will suddenly come.

It is very possible that you were walking smoothly one second, but will be swept away by a sudden strong wind the next second.

And more importantly, the temperature on this section of the road will also drop sharply!


Hurricanes, hypothermia, frostbite...these three situations are problems that all climbers must face.

And more importantly, because the bottom of the snow layer is the North Col ice wall, there are often some ice caves and cracks.

Therefore, you must be careful, careful, and more careful when moving forward!

Once you make the wrong step, you will be in jeopardy!
As a former summiteer, Messner expressed his opinion, “This is a section that tests luck very much.”

"Yes." Wang Yongfeng nodded, looking a little sad. "In 01, I led the team to try to climb once. It was here that we lost three teammates one after another, and finally had to return the same way."

If you disappear in a place like this, you will really die without seeing the body!
No one knows how deep it is under the ice. Once a person disappears, it means that life has come to an end.


What surprised everyone was that although this section of the road was extremely dangerous, Chen Fei seemed to have divine help and successfully crossed half the distance along the way.

"Hey? Such luck? Are you kidding me? There's no wind? There's no ice cave either?"

Wang Yongfeng was a little confused.

Watching Chen Fei walk for more than an hour without encountering even a single difficulty, a strong suspicion suddenly arose in his heart.

It was obviously the same route, so why was it so difficult for them to come before, but why was it so easy for Chen Fei?
He couldn't figure it out, and in the end he could only attribute it to Chen Fei's good luck.

"There is another difficulty that he cannot avoid."

The sudden sound caused the expressions of several people in the room to change slightly.

Indeed, in the last 1/3 of the journey, there is a difficulty that all climbers need to face!

No matter how lucky you are, it's impossible to escape.


Another half hour later, under the gaze of everyone, Chen Fei suddenly stopped.

Following his line of sight, he could see an ice crack about four or five meters wide appearing in front of him!

Both sides of the crack extended into the darkness, with no end in sight, and the middle area was even more bottomless, like a devil with its mouth open, waiting for its prey to jump in!

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly said: "This is a naturally formed crack. It is probably caused by the movement of the earth's crust. You can imagine it as a "Y" shape."

He had already done his homework before coming, so he had a memory of this location.

"How is he going to get there?" Wang Yongfeng didn't understand.

Under normal circumstances, professional mountaineering teams will choose to use telescopic ladders to pass when faced with immediate difficulties.

But he obviously noticed that Chen Fei didn't seem to be carrying a simple telescopic ladder?

Flory added: "I had a ladder for him but he didn't take it."

While everyone was wondering, they saw Chen Fei suddenly pick up his backpack from the snow and tie it tightly behind his back.

He put down a signal baton and slowly stepped back three or four meters.

"What the hell? He's going to jump over?"

Wang Yongfeng was completely stunned.

Nearly five meters wide?Do you still have at least 50 kilograms of weight to carry?Are you going to just jump over there?What international joke are you kidding?
However, just when everyone was in shock and confusion, Chen Fei had already begun to charge.

"Bang bang bang!"

With every step he took, the soles of his feet would fall heavily on the snow, making a muffled sound.

The charge of three to four meters arrived almost in the blink of an eye.

In front of the screen, a group of people opened their eyes wide and experienced what a parabolic jump is from a first-person perspective with astonished expressions.


It wasn't until Chen Fei's feet landed with a muffled sound that a group of people reacted belatedly.

"Ouch, what the hell? Did you jump over it? Just jumped over like that!"

"Holy shit, your physical fitness is better than that of a horse-stepping athlete, right?"

"I kind of know why Chen Fei repeatedly broke world records when he participated in the Iron Triathlon World Championships. With his physical fitness, I'm afraid there aren't many in the world, right?"

"I'm convinced! I'm really convinced!"

"If I have this kind of physical fitness, I can stay in bed for two hours!"


Amid the divergent opinions, Chen Fei has already embarked on the path of moving forward.

The scene just now was a very exaggerated and shocking scene for many people, but for Chen Fei, it was nothing to mention at all.

It's easy, just sprinkle some water~

Perhaps because of being slighted, Everest was a little unhappy.

Before Chen Fei could take a few more steps, he suddenly realized that the temperature around him seemed to have begun to drop sharply!

Almost in the blink of an eye, a blizzard roared in the distance and rushed towards him with a "rumbling".


Everyone in front of the screen only heard Chen Fei throw a curse word, and then the camera began to shake crazily, leaving only a ball of snow on the screen.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

The violent wind roared and the screen shook violently. Some people even subconsciously looked away from the screen and waited for the crisis to end.

10 minute passed quickly.

However...the hurricane seems to show no signs of extinguishing at all, and is still blowing crazily, like an angry giant roaring!
"Made, it's okay to just lie down like this. It seems like we have to move forward against the wind."

Chen Fei's voice talking to himself clearly reached everyone's ears.

Some viewers who chose to look away looked back at the screen, and then saw that the screen was still shaking, but the picture was moving slowly.

Obviously, Chen Fei is not ready to admit defeat and is crawling forward against the wind!
If this were an ordinary person, it would be absolutely impossible to move forward under the current circumstances, but for Chen Fei, is this a fool's errand?
He can walk slowly, but he can't admit defeat!

Minutes passed by.

Everyone's gazes continued to follow the shaking picture, their eyes gradually widened, and their hearts were filled with admiration for Chen Fei!

Although his behavior is a bit "stubborn", I have to say that moving forward in the strong wind is really cool!

The strong wind lasted for 40 minutes, and Chen Fei walked against the wind for 40 minutes.

It wasn't until the blizzard subsided that he straightened up, patted the snow on his body, and snorted, "Fighting against the sky is endless fun!"

After briefly replenishing his energy, he inserted a signal rod and began to move forward.

The journey is quite long, and as time goes by, the flat land in the early stage gradually turns into a sloping slope.

This means that Chen Fei's direction is not wrong, he is indeed heading towards the peak, but at the same time, it also means that the altitude where he is is constantly rising.

The oxygen content in the air is getting thinner, but Chen Fei can still withstand it for now.

When he really can't take it anymore, he can just add a little physical strength and he can be full of energy again!
The "system adding points" thing is much more effective than any stimulants, and stimulants are short-lived, but the effect after adding points will last forever.


As Chen Fei continues to move forward, the altitude is also constantly increasing...

When the time came to 12 o'clock in the evening, Chen Fei suddenly jumped down and slowly raised his head.

What comes into view is a huge open space.

Before anyone could react, they heard his voice ringing again, "This is at an altitude of 8300 meters. The location I am currently at is Camp Three, also known as the Assault Camp.

When I arrive here, it means I can launch the final sprint to Mount Everest! "

Hearing this, everyone was startled!
Unknowingly, he was infinitely close to 8848.48!

So, is this challenge going to succeed?
There were many people in front of the screen with hope in their eyes, but they couldn't see that Chen Fei's eyes were full of solemnity at this time!

Approaching Mount Everest means that the most dangerous zone is coming.

The altitude is 8300 meters to 8600 meters. Although it is only a short 300 meters, it is subject to the dual test of hurricanes and abysses!

Walking here is like crossing a single-plank bridge that has been tested by hurricanes.

Once you fall, you will never fall again!

"The challenge has just begun, the real crisis has already arrived."

Chen Fei murmured, suddenly sat on the ground, inserted a signal stick, and at the same time took out the tent and food from the bag.

"In order to cope with the upcoming difficulties, I am going to sleep for half an hour. I will see you in half an hour."

After saying that, just like at noon, Chen Fei directly pillowed his head on his backpack and quickly fell asleep.

Even though there was a "whooshing" cold wind blowing outside the tent, he still slept soundly and showed no signs of being disturbed by the external environment.

"Good guy, this guy actually fell asleep?"

"Nima, didn't you say that the challenge has just begun? Why did you fall asleep before setting off?"

"Grandma's legs are the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"...This is such a big heart!"

"Does Director Chen know how to play?"

Chen Fei fell asleep, but he and others did not dare to imitate him.

If I close my eyes and miss the final time to climb to the top, wouldn’t I be depressed to death?

Half an hour passed by, and as the alarm clock rang, Chen Fei quickly opened his eyes and began to pack his equipment under the attention of everyone.

At 12:40, he officially embarked on the "journey."

This section of the cross-section is the steepest section of the entire Mount Everest. Because of the steep slope, he could only move sideways and stick to the rock wall.

He took every step very steadily.

The reason is simple, because there is an endless abyss at his feet. Any sign of slipping means that he is likely to be swallowed by the abyss!

In addition to the very complex terrain, the unique glacial wind in this section is also very troublesome.

Due to the topography, this place is like a natural valley vent, with strong winds blowing all the time.

The ice and pebbles brought up from time to time hit the face, easily tearing open a crack!
Fortunately, Chen Fei had put on a mask before setting off, otherwise his handsome face might not have been preserved.

"The average wind speed of the glacier wind can reach ten meters per second, and the wind direction is just opposite to the route to the summit, so this section of the road still needs to be carried forward against the wind."

Messner was explaining to everyone, but he was not too worried.

Based on Chen Fei's previous state of advancing against the hurricane, this section of the road will not have a big impact on him. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is that he must step on it firmly.

Just as he estimated, this journey did not bring much difficulty to Chen Fei.

He crossed the intersection easily.

And the moment he passed through the wind outlet, as Chen Fei raised his head, everyone in front of the screen saw the looming peak wrapped in clouds and mist.

At this moment, the eyes of the audience who were still a little sleepy suddenly widened!

"It's Mount Everest! Mount Everest is coming!"

Liu Yifei screamed crazily, unable to conceal her inner excitement.

She has been paying attention to this broadcast since five o'clock in the morning, and now, hope has finally arrived in front of her eyes!
Liu Xiaoli was also a little excited, but she was a little older after all, so she didn't scream like her daughter like crazy. She just stared at the screen with a pair of excited eyes. ~

After taking a few steps forward, Chen Fei came to the ridge of the north wall of Mount Everest.

When he reached this position, it meant that he was only the last few hundred meters away from the peak.

At the same time, the sight that had been covered suddenly became clear!
Looking around, the dim skylight tilts out from the distant sky, falling on the white snow, reflecting colorful light waves.

The dark clouds that originally covered the top of the head have now been stepped on. Looking into the distance, one can see dazzling thunder flashing through the clouds from time to time, which is very sci-fi.

Secretly making an agreement with Roland Emrich, he took out the camera from his backpack and took many wonderful pictures around him.

After leaving another signal rod behind, he started climbing towards the top of the mountain!
It's already past one o'clock in the morning. Mount Everest is relatively high, so you may be able to see the sun rise earlier than inland.

Therefore, he must speed up!


A roar exploded in everyone's ears, instantly stirring everyone's heartstrings.

From the first-person perspective, you can see Chen Fei charging along the ridgeline on the first step.

This is the fourth difficulty you will encounter when climbing Mount Everest!
"Death level three."

Once upon a time, countless people fell in front of this difficulty.

The first step is located at about 8650 meters above sea level and consists of several huge granite blocks. If you want to reach the top, you need to climb these granite blocks.

This is not difficult for Chen Fei because it is only a few meters high.

In front of the screen, Messner's face was full of emotion, "I think back then, just a few pieces of granite on the first step stopped me for nearly two hours."

Sam Hardy was a little curious, "Why? Doesn't this look high?"

"It's really not high." Messner shrugged and added: "But you have to know that this place is at an altitude of more than 8600 meters, and its oxygen content is almost non-existent!

Although oxygen is called a chronic poison, without it, we humans simply cannot survive.

Without oxygen, it means there is no strength. So how can one complete rock climbing without physical strength? "

These words immediately made several people around him gasp.

What surprised everyone was that when he arrived at the first step, Chen Fei didn't stop at all.

The ice draft was thrown out by him, and it was heavily chiseled into the cracks in the granite.

Just like climbing the North Col ice wall before, he directly used the gap in the rock wall to easily cross the first step.

Everyone: "???"

"Why do you suddenly feel like you're walking on flat ground?"

Wang Yongfeng was quite depressed, but he couldn't hide his envy.

He could see that this was the reason why Chen Fei's physique was so strong.

If all the members of his mountaineering team can have such a physique, then Mount Everest... should have become a country's resource extraction site by now.


Stepping on the top of the first step, Chen Fei directly aimed at the second step.

The altitude of the second step is about 8670 meters to 8700 meters, and this step is also the most difficult step on the way to the top!
Seen from below, the steps are very steep.

Compared with the first step, there are almost no support points available here, and the entire rock surface has a slightly wrinkled pattern shape.

There are no gaps and no obvious concave and convex points, which means that ordinary people cannot climb at all.

More importantly, there is a nearly vertical smooth cliff in the middle of the steps!

The height of eight meters was like an insurmountable bridge, standing in front of Chen Fei and Dingfeng, preventing him from completing the crossing!
The viewers in front of the screen who were watching the broadcast widened their eyes.

so tall?
So slippery?
How to climb?
At a glance, this stone wall looks like an insurmountable dragon gate, and Chen Fei seems to have turned into a carp.

Wanting to cross the dragon gate and transform into a real dragon is not something that can be done simply.

The audience felt that it was too difficult, and Chen Fei, who stood in front of the stone wall, had the most intuitive feeling, that kind of insurmountable and prohibitive oppression!


The wind suddenly rose, and a new round of snowstorm seemed to mock his overestimation, arriving in front of him again.

Suddenly, the camera began to shake, and Fade Chen also started to act.

He suddenly took off the backpack behind him and took out more than ten hand-length special steel nails. This was his preparation in advance for the difficulties before him.

There are many ways in which humans are superior to animals.

The most critical ones are "action" and "wisdom."

Since there is no road, why not carve out a road yourself?

The rock wall is indeed quite high, but so what?Human wisdom is infinite!

Holding a steel nail in one hand and a tool hammer in the other, Chen Fei inserted a signal rod again and slowly approached the rock wall of the second step.

The rock wall covered with frost reveals a kind of simplicity and desolation. No one knows how it was formed here, and no one knows how many years it has existed.

Today, Chen Fei is going to give it a new look.

He picked up the hammer, aimed at the steel nail, and slammed it down!

With a muffled sound, the steel nails easily shattered the ice and were firmly inserted into the inner rock wall.

After shaking it left and right to make sure it was stable, Chen Fei climbed up the rock wall without hesitation and stepped on the protruding part of the steel nail with one foot.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a steel nail from his pocket again, aimed the hammer at the upper right position and squatted down again.


In this way, as one steel nail after another penetrated deeply into the rock wall, Chen Fei also climbed up.

At the same time, after each nail was driven in, he would use the climbing rope to tie a knot at the top.

After he successfully reached the top, a whole row of steel nails had been successfully embedded in the rock wall, and a very strong nylon rope was tied to the top.

Seeing this scene, Messner was stunned.

"He's anaerobic, right? He's really anaerobic, right? Why can he swing a hammer at an altitude of 8600 meters as if he's walking on flat ground?"

The 60-year-old foreign man looked astonished at this time.

He really couldn't imagine, how did Chen Fei do it?
Even if ordinary climbers carry oxygen tanks, their bodies will already feel weak and their limbs will begin to feel sore and weak when they climb to such a high altitude area.

But what about Chen Fei?

He actually swung a sledgehammer at an altitude of more than 8600 meters?

What exactly is this horse riding operation?
Wang Yongfeng on the side was quite confused at first, but as one steel nail after another was embedded deeply into the rock wall, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face!
You know, when they first climbed the mountain, most of them chose to take a detour after encountering these three steps.

But now Chen Fei relied on his super physical fitness to drive so many steel nails on the stone steps.

Doesn't this mean that if someone wants to climb a mountain in the future, they can successfully reach the top by relying on the steel nails left by Chen Fei?
Thinking of this, Wang Yongfeng couldn't help but feel a little moved!
"This is laying the foundation for mountaineering enthusiasts around the world..."


After passing the second step, Chen Fei put away the hammer, inserted a signal rod, and then continued forward.

Soon, he arrived at the bottom of the third step.

As the altitude increases, the temperature here drops more and more, and even glacial winds become the norm.

With no choice but to do so, Chen Fei could only lean down slightly to minimize the contact area between himself and the wind to avoid being carried away by the storm wave.

In front of the screen, Messner's eyes were filled with memories.

He still clearly remembers that he spent countless efforts when arriving in this area!

In order to fight against the glacier wind, he almost paid the price with his life!


Arriving at the third step, Chen Fei looked up.

It is still a huge piece of granite, but it is shorter than the second step, and there is still a foothold suitable for climbing.

But this time, he did not use ice drafts as an aid, but chose the most primitive climbing method!
Putting his hands into his waist, he grabbed a ball of magnesium powder and spread it evenly on his palms.

Seeing this scene, some rock climbing enthusiasts were shocked!

"Good guy? Why did you take out the magnesium powder? Are you doing rock climbing on Mount Everest?"

"Damn it, I almost forgot, Director Chen seems to be a rock climbing enthusiast!"

"Damn my legs, this has made rock climbing a lot more difficult!"

"How many more world records does he want to break?"

"Just wait and see, I'm quite submissive..."

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Chen Fei came to the rock wall, stretched out his hands, and clasped the two rock cracks and bulges that could be used for strength.

Immediately afterwards, as the arms exerted force, the feet were dragged upwards, and at the same time they found a point of strength for stepping on.

Left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot...

His limbs were like mechanical arms controlled by a computer, constantly repeating the upward climbing movement, while his body clung tightly to the rock wall, transforming into a big gecko again!

It took nearly half an hour. When a snowy area appeared in the shot, a burst of warm cheers suddenly sounded in front of the screen!
"Success! He successfully crossed the third step!"


Time passed quickly, and the darkness before dawn completely enveloped the entire Mount Everest.

Chen Fei stood up slowly, facing the glacier wind blowing from the front, gritting his teeth and working hard to move forward!
After crossing the third step, the altitude has reached 8800 meters.

There are only 48 meters left to the final peak!
However...this is also the area where hurricanes are strongest!

Category 12 hurricanes are raging crazily, and the wind direction is extremely unstable. Strong storms may break out left, right, front, or behind.

Chen Fei endured the discomfort of being torn apart by the hurricane and looked forward firmly, with only the towering mountain peaks in his eyes!
In front of the screen, everyone did not dare to breathe out, for fear that a violent breath would be implicated in the terrifying hurricane on the mountain top.

10 minutes have passed!

10 minutes passed!
Three ten minutes passed quietly!
When Chen Fei's feet stepped on the towering mountain top, cheers resounded all over the world!

"Yeah! Got to the top! He made it to the top!"

"Damn it! You're so awesome! You're so awesome!"

"8848.48?! Damn it, labor and management watched it all day and night, and finally conquered!"

"Oh my god, this is going to be a historic moment!"

"Fei! I love you so much! This is so cool!"


Audiences in various regions around the world who were watching the broadcast jumped up at almost the same time, roaring and roaring crazily!

However, at this moment, a scene appeared that brought tears to the eyes of the audience in the Chinese region.

Chen Fei suddenly took off his helmet and put it aside, and pointed the camera at himself.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his backpack and took out a bright red color from inside!

At this moment, the cheers suddenly stopped!
Everyone froze on the spot, looking at his actions in disbelief.

He unfurled a five-star red flag and raised it high above his head, aiming at the deep and oppressive darkness!

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, the singing of victory is so loud, singing about our dear motherland, from now on we will be prosperous and strong..."

A song "Singing the Motherland" resounded on the world's highest peak - "Mount Everest" at an altitude of 8848.48 meters!
When the last sentence "From now on we will be prosperous and powerful" fell, the originally deep and oppressive darkness was suddenly torn apart, and a dazzling light exploded directly from the clouds, rendering it on the top of Mount Everest!
The top of Mount Everest!

Yaoyang rises!
Red flags waving!

Long live the motherland!

(End of this chapter)

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