It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 227 The birth of heaven, 884848!The ultimate umbrella opening in the blizzard zone!

Chapter 227 The birth of heaven, 8848.48!The ultimate umbrella opening in the blizzard zone! (asking for monthly ticket)
The sun rises in the east, only me...

bah bah bah!
Forcibly suppressing the strange words coming out of his heart, Chen Fei looked at the place where the sun was rising, quietly feeling the warmth from the rising sun.

It is indeed Mount Everest, which is called the "roof of the world". The aura of "being at the top and seeing all the small mountains at a glance" filled his heart, giving him a heart-stirring feeling.

Although the oxygen content here has reached a very weak state, it will not have much impact on Chen Fei himself in the face of his super strong physique.

He opened his arms and let the golden light shine on him.

Every breath brings a strong coolness, which is refreshing!

After a while, as the sun completely emerged from the mountains in the distance, Chen Fei took out the camera from his bag and began to record this "paradise"-like beauty.

At the same time, as the sky brightened, the audience in front of the screen also enjoyed a strong shock in terms of perspective!
Among the layers of flowing clouds, the rolling Himalayas meander like a giant dragon, extending into the hazy distance.

Putting on his helmet, Chen Fei took pictures of the beautiful scenery in front of him and broadcast it to the audience in front of the screen.

"Good morning everyone, I am honored to tell you that I have successfully reached the top of Mount Everest, which is 8848.48, also known as the roof of the world.

Although there were many difficulties along the way, after a full 24 hours of climbing, I finally completed the out-of-season summit without oxygen.

very lucky!I succeeded! "

Even though the oxygen in the air was extremely thin, Chen Fei's voice did not pause and was still full of energy.

In addition to being shocked, everyone couldn't help but feel a little excited!

This is the greatest feat in history, worthy of being recorded in the annals of history and worshiped by countless others!

Even though they stayed with Chen Fei for a full 24 hours, everyone watching the broadcast did not feel sleepy at all. Instead, they were extremely passionate.

The word "awesome" has been said countless times, but even so, they can't help but want to vent their inner emotions.

But at this moment, Chen Fei blurted out a sentence that poured cold water on everyone's excitement.

“The summit has been completed, and the next step is to return. Because the window period will not last long, it is a pity that we cannot leave more time to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Next, I will use parachuting to cross the snowy area and return to the foot of Mount Everest in the shortest time. "

After that, Chen Fei first planted the fluttering five-star red flag on the top of the mountain, and then began to prepare the skydiving equipment.

Main parachute, backup parachute, parachute opening device, parachute bag appearance...

He checked very carefully, after all, it was a matter of his own life.

On the contrary, after listening to his words, everyone in the live broadcast room opened their eyes wide with expressions of disbelief.

"What the hell? Are you really going to parachute?"

"Good guy? Are you kidding me? 8848.48 Wind and snow belt, open the umbrella? Are you risking your life?"

"Oh! No! This is so crazy!"

"A highly skilled person is bold?"

"Grandma has a lot of legs. Look at her, she has more experiences in one day than I have in my whole life."

While everyone was talking about it, Chen Fei had prepared everything and successfully tied all the items he needed to carry to various places on his body.

Feeling the wind speed in the mountains, he moved his steps and came to the edge of the cliff northeast of the peak.

Although the audience in front of the screen couldn't see him, they could tell from the long breathing that this man didn't feel nervous at all!

Thinking of his previous actions, everyone gradually felt at ease.

Since things are beyond their control, just watch this wonderful challenge quietly and pray for him!


Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking around, the thick cloud waves are constantly rolling driven by the wind, creating a unique and desirable beauty.

However, when looking down, the bottomless abyss makes people shudder!


After taking a deep breath and feeling the direction of the wind, Chen Fei took a few steps back and prepared for a run-up.

It's time to start!

Everyone in front of the screen unconsciously raised their heartstrings.

"Friends, are you ready for a cool and exciting rappelling?"

As soon as he finished speaking, before anyone could react, as the screen shook, Chen Fei had already rushed into the abyss!

This time, before the demon at the bottom of the abyss could forcefully swallow him, he rushed towards the opponent like a warrior slaying a dragon.

Because he carries a lot of equipment, this invisibly increases Chen Fei's weight.

Because of this, in the blink of an eye, his falling speed exceeded 100!

The clouds and mist shrouded him, accompanying him in his rapid descent.

During this free landing process, Chen Fei did not consider slowing down, but sprinted at full speed!
This is not Tianmen Mountain, and there are not so many messy obstacles. He has an unobstructed view in front of him.

Therefore, taking advantage of the current gap period and the fact that the mountain wind was not too strong, he had to quickly break through the glacier wind layer.

Otherwise, every additional minute you stay in the air will double the risk of parachuting!

A fierce hurricane roared in his ears, and the terrifying wind roar carried the ice edges and continuously impacted Chen Fei.

There was a constant tearing feeling on his cheek, and Chen Fei could even smell a faint smell of blood.

As expected, his face was probably torn open with cracks.

But it was nothing. The slight pain did not cause him any discomfort. Instead, it stimulated the surging and excitement in his heart, prompting a massive pump of adrenaline!

Chen Fei could clearly feel that there were thousands of horses galloping in his body. A strong sense of excitement was mobilized, and he faced the darkness in front of him with him!
Almost in the blink of an eye, he had descended to an altitude of 7000 meters.

And that kind of rapid descent in his first sight not only made him feel a strong sense of excitement, but even the audience in front of the screen was inevitably excited and exclaimed!

Among the clouds, the clouds all over the sky are rolling like waves!
With the camera on his head, Chen Fei shuttles through the clouds, just like an immortal in a mythological drama walking among the waves of clouds, which makes people unconsciously moved.

"Is this what skydiving feels like? It's really awesome!"

Liu Yifei murmured, feeling a little moved in her heart.

She secretly vowed that if she had time, she would experience the feeling of parachuting.

I think that must be great!


The fall continued.

According to the initial plan, Chen Fei set the parachute opening position below an altitude of 5000.

What he prepared this time was not a jellyfish-shaped parachute, but a parachute bag similar to a paraglider.

The reason is very simple. After all, the terrain and road conditions on Mount Everest are too complex. If he jumps straight down like this, he will most likely land halfway up the mountain.

Only a paraglider that could control the wind direction could allow him to land successfully.

However, Mount Everest obviously will not let this "fearless challenger" leave easily!

Just when Chen Fei descended to an altitude of 6000 meters, the originally clear sky was once again covered by haze.

The black thunderclouds completely covered the sun, leaving no room for Chen Fei!
A strong feeling of "dark clouds pressing down on the city is about to destroy it" invades him, as if it wants to swallow him whole, in order to defend the majesty of the forbidden area of ​​​​life!

An extremely loud thunder suddenly exploded, which not only frightened Chen Fei, but also made the audience in front of the screen tremble.

After the thunder, there was a dazzling lightning!


Deep in the clouds, a winding and circling electric snake suddenly opened up, tearing apart the black clouds and releasing terrifying pressure at the same time!

This scene made the audience watching the live broadcast stand on end, marveling at the horror and crisis of nature!

"Damn it! Even though it's scary! But why do you feel so handsome for no reason?"

Although Chen Fei was far away from where the electric snake was circling, he could still vaguely feel a faint numbness coming from his body.

That's why electricity is conducted through the moisture in the clouds!
Although it is quite exciting, it also means it is extremely dangerous.

Observing that the clouds gathering around him were getting thicker and thicker, Chen Fei did not hesitate at all, his body stretched straight, like a sharp arrow that broke the wind and shot downwards!

He didn't dare to bet that when the next electric snake appeared, it would hit him in the head.

Perhaps the effect of the lucky oranges was still continuing. In the following time, although there were still electric snakes dancing behind him, none of them could hit Chen Fei.

"Let me tell you, Fei's luck is the best I've ever seen!"

Bruce laughed in front of the screen.

However, before his laughter stopped, Chen Fei had already arrived at an altitude of 5000 meters.

The moment it broke through the black clouds, the terrifying glacial wind wrapped up the blizzard all over the sky and swept towards Chen Fei with lightning speed!

Although he was prepared, Chen Fei still couldn't help but frown.

The biggest danger for parachuting in a snowstorm is "covering"!
It can cover up the approaching crisis, and it can also cover up the challenger's sight, causing him to lose his way forward.

A problem appeared in front of Chen Fei.

Open an umbrella?
Still not open?

If the weather was normal, he would actually be in the position to open his parachute now, because this could significantly reduce his speed and avoid collision with unpredictable mountain peaks.

But the current snowstorm is too strong. If he opens his umbrella, he may be blown to an unknown area by the glacier wind!

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei gritted his teeth and reached out to grab the umbrella opener.

After comprehensive consideration, opening an umbrella is more suitable for the current scene.

Because of the wind and rain, he had lost his way. He had no idea whether he would face endless emptiness or a boulder that could kill him as he continued to fall!

The next second, with a soft sound, the 45 cm diameter guide parachute took the lead to poke out from behind Chen Fei and swelled in the wind.

At the moment the guide parachute was thrown, a three-meter-long nylon guide rope was pulled out immediately afterwards.With another loud "bang", the entire parachute bag was completely pulled out, and with the help of the storm, it swelled up in less than a second.

At the same time, the main belt carried on the parachute bag also completed the traction on the body immediately, and the two control ropes also naturally hung down beside him.

Chen Fei suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the control rope tightly, and began to fight against the impact of the blizzard!

The wind was very strong, and because the wind direction was extremely messy, even with the assistance of a parachute, he was still swaying left and right in the sky, very unstable.

The camera was shaking violently, and the audience secretly lifted their heartstrings for him, hoping that he could overcome this difficult situation.

"We must land successfully!"

Everyone was praying silently for him.


Facing many dangers, Chen Fei firmly grasped the control rope, sometimes pulling hard to the left, sometimes relaxing to the right.

The parachute carried him swaying left and right in the air, and even spiraled down in circles!
The snow and fog flying in the sky obscured his vision, and also made the broadcast footage blurry, so that the audience in front of the screen could only see the lens shaking crazily.

However, although the blizzard kept hitting Chen Fei, he still remained stable and worked hard to fight against the wind and rain.

Perhaps deliberately to go against him, the altitude was slowly decreasing, but the snowstorm was getting more severe!


The strong wind and snow came in force, pressing heavily on the parachute. At the same time, it also wrapped around him, pushing him towards a ridge as if he was flying.

It's about to hit it!

At this time of life and death, Chen Fei was not afraid of danger and quietly felt the change of wind direction.

With less than ten meters left from the ridge, he suddenly twisted his body to the right to meet the strong wind that suddenly came from the right.


With the help of the turbulent wind, he actually lifted up a bit, just in time to avoid the impact of the ridge!

The moment he crossed over, Chen Fei could even clearly feel that the soles of his feet briefly rubbed against the snow on the ridge!
Although it was extremely thrilling, the exciting feeling made Chen Fei feel excited, and the adrenaline in his body was also rushing crazily at this moment!


In front of the screen, everyone was cheering crazily.

The sudden crisis just now made everyone's hearts lift up in the air unconsciously, for fear that Chen Fei would collide with the ridge.

His speed is too fast. Once there is an impact, the whole person will be completely shattered under the force of the force.

But at the critical moment, his miraculous manipulation made everyone wide-eyed!

It's no wonder that before jumping off the cliff, Chen Fei would say "open an umbrella in extreme wind and snow zones".

Isn't this scene in front of me the ultimate life and death situation?

After crossing the ridge, although the view instantly broadened, without the obstruction of Mount Everest, Chen Fei's body was completely exposed to the wind.

In an instant, gusts of cold wind rushed in crazily, blowing him upside down and leaving him with mixed flavors in his stomach.

But despite this, during this period of dizziness, he still keenly observed the terrain in the distance!
As far as the eye can see, is a very open plateau ground?

And it was less than 500 meters away from where I was!
Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this an excellent landing place?

Thinking of this, he quickly pulled the control rope and tried to get closer to the plateau.

After leaving the range of Mount Everest, the blizzard stopped instantly, but the wind level surged at the same time.

Dark clouds cover the sky and the sun, and weigh heavily on the top of the mountain, making people feel depressed unconsciously!
The "whooshing" strong wind echoed in the ears. The strong wind seemed to have materialized at this moment. The people in front of the screen could even see the trajectory of the wind flowing in the air!
This cool scene made everyone open their mouths unconsciously.

Jing Tian murmured: "It's so handsome! Flying on the wind! Just like those gods in mythological dramas!"

No one responded to her words, because everyone saw the plateau ground hidden in the gaps between the clouds.

Judging from Chen Fei's current flight trajectory, he obviously wanted to complete the landing at that location.

So...can he succeed?

Gradually, as the height continued to decrease, the wind force also gradually decreased a lot.

The shaking parachute slowly calmed down, and everyone in front of the screen clearly felt that the shaking of the screen had slowed down a lot.


Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Although he was facing a biting cold wind, he still felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The feeling of being crazy against the wind was extremely depressing to him. The constant adjustment of the parachute rope made his whole body feel hot and his arms felt sore.

Fortunately, he managed to withstand the strong wind.

"Everyone, we're getting ready to land."

The sudden sound made everyone in front of the screen blink unconsciously.

Since the landing, this is the first time that Chen Fei has spoken to deliver news to them!
At this moment, all the viewers around the world who were paying attention to this challenge opened their eyes wide and stared at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing the wonderful scene.


The endless plateau landscape comes into view, stretching to the end of the sight.

Chen Fei's hands were always holding on to the operating rope to maintain the balance of his body.

At this moment, his spirit has entered a state of high concentration, and every part of his body is preparing for landing.

As he continued to decline, Chen Fei also kept paying attention to his height with the ground.

When he was only a hundred meters away from the ground, he immediately stretched the control ropes on both sides backward and adjusted the center of gravity of the umbrella until it completely fell behind him.

The moment the adjustment is completed, the gliding speed slows down again!




The altitude continues to decrease.

When the distance to the ground reached 50 meters, Chen Fei made a quick decision and quickly released the operating rope. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the parachute rope on the outside of the parachute and pulled it down suddenly.


Everyone in front of the screen clearly heard a muffled sound.

When they were curious about where the sound came from, they saw that the speed of landing dropped sharply again!
"He's controlling the canopy's sinking rate."

As a wingsuit challenger, Sam Hardy came to a conclusion in a split second.

The sinking rate is an important indicator of gliding landing. The larger the value, the slower the descending speed will be, which can also effectively reduce the impact caused by landing.

The altitude is still slowly decreasing.




Finally, the canopy height reached a reasonable landing range.

Chen Fei's eyes flashed. While letting go of the umbrella rope, he used all his strength to hold on to the brake line directly above the umbrella surface.

"Bang bang bang!"

The air flow was continuously squeezed, making bursts of explosive sounds.

At this moment, Chen Fei's feet were only one meter above the ground.

At this critical moment, his body responded quickly like a precision-operated machine.

He raised his feet and raised his center of gravity, following the gliding trend of the parachute, and first touched the snow on the ground with his heels.


Accompanied by bursts of friction, his speed slowed down rapidly.

When the kinetic energy of the parachute disappeared, he quickly straightened his legs and stood steadily on the ground without any shaking feeling.

Cheers resounded around the world!
"Awesome! Damn! You're so awesome!"

"I'm such a good boy. I jumped from more than 8000 meters and can still stand so firmly on the ground? Is this any different from a bird?"

"Oh my god! So good! Fei! You are my god!"

"Successful! Finally successful! This unprecedented challenge has come to a perfect end!"

"This should be considered a world record, right?"

"Oh! Is this the legendary qinggong? I'm going to China! I'm going to learn from my master!"

"All stand up! Salute!"

At this moment, the audiences around the world who were watching the broadcast all stood up and screamed and cheered wildly, venting their inner excitement and excitement.

At the same time, the system's notification sound also sounded in his mind on time at a very appropriate time.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first SSS-level challenge!Please select your skills! 】


Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Why is it not a random reward from the system this time?
After being in a daze for a while, Chen Fei did not act immediately, but prepared to leave the current scene first.

The broadcast is still going on. He can't just squat on the ground and study the system rewards, right?

(End of this chapter)

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