It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 228 There’s something about this skill!Riku Taro invited the old lady?To use force to suppre

Chapter 228 There’s something about this skill!Riku Taro invited the old lady?To use force to suppress others? (asking for monthly ticket)
After packing up his parachute, Chen Fei soon heard the sound of a car engine speeding in the distance.

Apparently, Flory arrived just in time to pick him up.

Taking off the helmet on his head, he greeted the camera with a smile, "Everyone, the broadcast ends here. See you next time."

Because he couldn't see the audience in the camera, after waving his hand, Chen Fei directly pressed the power off button.

Until snowflake ripples flashed on the screen again, everyone in front of the screen suddenly came to their senses.


Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli looked at each other with regret.

I haven’t seen enough yet, is this the end?

Liu Xiaoli yawned and stood up from the sofa, urging: "You have stayed up all night, go and rest quickly. I will arrange for someone to book a flight. We will return to China tomorrow."

"Oh well."

Liu Yifei nodded obediently, picked up her mobile phone from the sofa, and sent text messages to Chen Fei while walking to the room.

"I watched the broadcast in the hotel. It was so cool. He climbed Mount Everest and also skydived from Mount Everest. This was amazing!

My mother and I are going back to China tomorrow. I have finished recording my new album. The school called me to go back and prepare my graduation thesis. Are you ready for the defense topic?What type did you choose? "

The text message was not replied in time, Liu Yifei was not in a hurry, but was secretly looking forward to it.

"When I wake up, he will definitely reply to me."


On the way back, looking at the reflection of the snow-capped mountains in the distance outside the window, Chen Fei glanced at Flory, who was whistling and steering the steering wheel, and asked curiously:

"If I ask Red Bull to increase my endorsement fee now, will they agree?"

Flory was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and replied, "I think so."

This broadcast has reached a global scale. According to statistics, the number of viewers has exceeded one billion!

No need to guess, Red Bull must be crazy about it.

You know, every piece of equipment used by Chen Fei today is printed with the Red Bull logo. The traffic and profits brought by this advertisement have already helped them earn back the endorsement fees they paid in the early stage.

Not to mention the previous "Tianmen Mountain Wingsuit Flying Challenge".

Both challenges were watched by very high numbers and were a fantastic piece of publicity for Red Bull.

"It seems like I need to buy some shares of Red Bull." Chen Fei thought to himself.

However, Flory seemed to be affected and said excitedly: "Fei, I have decided that from today on, I will obey all your orders and I will never question you."

"What? Do you believe me?"

"Yes! Just in line with the advertising slogan, your energy is beyond my imagination."



The journey back is a bit long.

Making an excuse to "rest", Chen Fei turned over and went to the back seat, closing his eyes and pretending to rest.

His thoughts sank into the system, and he began to discuss the "task rewards" with the system.

"What is skill selection?"

[Ding·As the name suggests, the host can choose the skills he wants. 】

"Huh? That means, whether it's a certain ability or a script, song, etc., I can choose the type I want, right?"

【right! 】

Chen Fei's eyes lit up, "Tsk, it's indeed an SSS-level mission, there's something about it."

Then, he asked again: "How many can I choose?"

[Due to the extremely high degree of task completion, the host can choose two skills. 】

Hearing this, Chen Fei fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about what skills he should choose.

Scripts, songs, etc. can be passed directly. There are enough of them, and ordinary tasks can also be obtained. There is no need to waste this opportunity.

Therefore, the direction of choice must be various "skills".

Well, what skills are there that will help you in your future development?

After careful consideration for half an hour, Chen Fei made a choice!

"First of all, I need a skill such as computer proficiency, which roughly means that I can master various computer skills, such as making software, making models, invading other people's computers, etc."

The reason why I chose such a skill is actually very simple.

He wants to control his own destiny!

The task assigned to Eric Kerger was too important. It related to whether he would be "ordinarily wealthy", become a "capital tycoon", or "go to jail" for the rest of his life.

In order to ensure the completion of the task, he must have everything firmly in his own hands.

To put it bluntly, Eric is just one of his employees. Who knows if something will change in the future?

If he opens his eyes to money and takes away everything that should belong to him, he will not even have a place to cry.

Therefore, proficiency in various computer skills and knowledge is a prerequisite for preventing problems before they occur.

And the future will definitely be an era of technology and computers. This ability will never be outdated and will continue to help him.

After finishing the first request, Chen Fei began to talk about the second skill he wanted.

"I need a skill in making props. I hope this skill will allow me to make anime characters, sci-fi movie props, special effects props, etc..."

What era will come next?
The era of endless blockbusters!
Chen Fei is a very staunch science fiction fan, otherwise he would not be so keen on buying Marvel.

"Iron Man", "Star Wars", "The Wandering Earth"...

You know, in all science fiction movies, every prop is forged for real.

Although director Chen Fei is not responsible for these, if he can master the skills of making props proficiently, he can easily realize the pictures in his mind.

Think about it, what is the concept of building an Iron Man suit with your own hands?
Isn't riding a horse more enjoyable than playing with a female model?

As soon as he finished speaking, the system responded immediately.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission (the birth of the ultimate eight-event, the challenger needs to climb Mount Everest without oxygen and perform parachuting at extreme high altitudes.)]

[A total of 57 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[SSS level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving rewards: Computer Proficiency (∞), Prop Production Proficiency (∞). 】

"Hey? Only 57 reputation points?"

Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded, but he could understand it. After all, there were too few people who could actually see him complete the task.

The system has previously clearly stipulated that viewers who watch the broadcast do not count as reputation points, only those who watch on the spot count.

Chen Fei didn't quite understand it before, but since the last "Tianmen Mountain Challenge Mission" was completed, he has completely woken up.

If watching the broadcasts counts, his current reputation has already exceeded one billion.

This kind of overly obvious "bug" will definitely be circumvented by the system.

Ignoring the pitiful reputation value, Chen Fei set his sights on the mission rewards.

The system had prompted before that (Lv5) was already the highest level, but when the symbol "∞" representing infinity appeared, he was completely confused.

What does this mean?
The system promptly gave him a prompt: [This symbol means "unlimited updates and iterations" and can also be seen as "can grow".

Because the current skill rewards can only cover the highest knowledge level in the world and cannot be surpassed, but as the times develop, the amount of knowledge contained in skills will also increase. 】

"I see!"

Chen Fei suddenly woke up.

The next second, he couldn't hide his excitement and unconsciously opened his eyes, his eyes bright!
What is the concept of growable skills?
This means that the knowledge in Chen Fei's mind can slowly grow with the iteration of technology!
The world's top knowledge has always been stored in his mind, and it is constantly replaced by the new and updated in real time.

At this moment, only four words can represent Chen Fei's mood.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

In the front row, Flory looked back at him curiously, "Fei? What's wrong with you? Didn't you say you wanted to rest?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just had a sweet dream."

While saying this, Chen Fei lay down on the back seat again and controlled the system to bring up his current personal panel.

Host: Chen Fei

Age: 22
Power: 99
Speed: 99
Stamina: 99
Constitution: 199

Reputation value: 318430
Task: None

Except for physical fitness, the other three basic attributes have all reached "99".

Chen Fei had the idea of ​​adding them all to 100, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

According to previous experience, a new "SSS" level mission will definitely be activated after the attribute value exceeds [-].

It's not that he's afraid, it's just that he has a lot to do in the near future and doesn't have much time to complete such an extremely difficult task.

It's okay to do a small task occasionally to change the boring life, but if it comes to a big one, it will be a bit too much.

To be honest, this Everest challenge is also thanks to the "lucky orange", otherwise just the "out of season" feature would be enough for him to drink a pot.


When we returned to the "2012" crew, it was already noon.

Sam Hardy, Messner, Jiang Xiuzhen, Wang Shi, Wang Yongfeng and others gathered around and praised him without hesitation.

Wang Yongfeng even shouted excitedly: "Chen Fei, you have solved the biggest problem for us in climbing to the top. The row of steel nails at the second step is really just right."

Chen Fei smiled and said, "In fact, the steel nails can't hold up for too long. The severe cold will soon freeze it. If there is a window next time, you can bring a ladder that can be assembled and rely on the steel nails to hold it in place." ."

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Wang Yongfeng nodded hurriedly in response. The Sports Bureau had already conveyed news to him that this summit of Mount Everest must be vigorously publicized.

This is the first case of "out-of-season anaerobic summit climbing" in the world, and it was broadcast in its entirety, leaving no doubt at all.

Chen Fei's behavior deserves everyone's applause for him!

"Fei, maybe the record I set will be broken by you soon."

Messner's eyes were quite complicated.

The young man in front of him was too strong, so powerful that even he couldn't compare to him when he was young.

Everest Parachute…

Just thinking of these four words, he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart!

"You will always be my senior." Chen Fei said modestly.


After dealing with various questions from everyone, Chen Fei accepted a professional interview from Li Hongwei.

He then returned to the crew of "2012" and delivered the video he shot on the top of Mount Everest to Roland Emrich safely.

During this period, I inevitably received bursts of exclamations and compliments from the other party!
Before climbing Mount Everest, his guest appearance had ended, so after returning the camera to the crew, Chen Fei was ready to return to the capital.

"Aren't you going to play here for a few days? Our scene is almost over, and we will go back together then."

Zhu Yawen proposed to let him leave with everyone.

Shaking his head, Chen Fei explained: "I'm about to graduate. I haven't written my thesis yet, so I have to deal with the school first.

Besides, I still have some work to do in Hollywood, and I want to split my time in half. Where will I find the time to play? "

After that, he said hello to Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, Jing Tian, ​​Li Xuejian and others, got into the car of Wang Yongfeng and others who were about to return to the capital, and headed to the airport together.

On the plane, Li Hongwei suddenly came over.

"Director Chen, the bureau wants me to talk to you about something."

"Oh? What?" Chen Fei looked at him curiously.

"The sports channel wants to cooperate with you, which probably means that if you have any challenging projects in the future, we also want to cooperate with you and broadcast them."

"That's it..." Chen Fei didn't think much and nodded directly: "There is no problem with me, but my broadcast authorization is with Red Bull. You have to negotiate with them."

“There is no problem with Red Bull.” Li Hongwei said excitedly, “Because Red Bull is one of the partners of the sports channel, and it is precisely because of this that we were able to win the broadcast rights for this challenge to Mount Everest.

I am telling you this for the smooth progress of future broadcasts. "

"It's okay. Whoever broadcasts it broadcasts it. I have no objection."

Chen Fei doesn't care about this. As a director and actor, what he needs is exactly global popularity, which can effectively improve the box office performance of his movies.


After getting off the plane, before Chen Fei arrived at Nortel, a strange phone call came in.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard the person introducing himself: "Hello, Director Chen, I am the person in charge of our sports side. I am very happy to be able to cooperate with you."

"That's what I can do."

"Sports is a manifestation of national self-confidence..."

The other party suddenly spoke in an official tone, and his words made people feel dizzy.

After chatting for a while, just when Chen Fei was about to find an excuse to hang up the phone, the other person suddenly said:

"We have noticed that Director Zhang Yimou submitted your application form to run for the torchbearer. Don't worry, we will attach great importance to this matter."

In an instant, Chen Fei suddenly found that his head didn't seem to hurt anymore and his head was very clear.


After returning to the dormitory and grabbing some clothes, Chen Fei specially found a hotel and began to "retreat" in time for his graduation defense.

Three days later, he took the paper bag containing the paper to the school and handed it to Lao Zhao.

Then you can wait to get your diploma.

After taking the document bag, Zhao Zhenyang handed him the Golden Bear trophy and Oscar trophy on the table.

"Here, take away your two trophies quickly and find a safe to lock yourself. I won't keep it for you."

Chen Fei was a little surprised, "Hey? What? Didn't you still love it before? Why do you suddenly dislike it now?"

"Both of these trophies are not suitable for me!" Old Zhao was very annoyed and muttered nonchalantly, "I am an acting teacher, so what does it mean to have a director trophy and a script trophy on the table?"


Chen Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

He quickly guessed that it must be Zhao Zhenyang who was showing off with these two trophies during this period, and then he was criticized by others.

Although Chen Fei studied acting, the only serious acting trophies he had were Golden Horse Best Newcomer and Hundred Flowers Best Actor.

If it were any other actor, these two trophies would actually be awesome enough.

But when it comes to him, and comparing the Golden Bear Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Oscars, etc., the identity of this Hundred Flowers Best Actor seems a bit difficult to grasp.

Looking at Zhao Zhenyang's bored expression, Chen Fei said tentatively: "How about I bring you an Oscar for Best Actor next time?"

"Really?" Lao Zhao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, of course it's fake. That's Oscar. How can I do that?"

"roll roll roll!"

"Hey! Don't push! Don't push! Can't I leave on my own?"

The two were joking, but as soon as they walked outside the office door, they saw Zhang Huijun, director of the acting department, Tian Zhuangzhuang, professor of the directing department, and Wang Hongwei, deputy director of the directing department, approaching from the other side of the corridor.

"Director Zhang..."

Chen Fei was just about to say hello when he was interrupted by Zhang Huijun.

"I was just looking for you. Are you busy now? Come to the office with me?"

"it is good."

Chen Fei didn't think much and followed the three of them upstairs, saying hello to Tian Zhuangzhuang and Wang Hongwei along the way.

As if he thought of something, Zhao Zhenyang also came closer behind him.

While the people in front of him weren't paying attention, he quickly scratched Chen Fei's back a few times.


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and suddenly had a suspicion in his mind.

As expected, when I walked into Zhang Huijun's office, there were already many people inside.

The head of the screenwriting department, the director of the directing department, the head of the dubbing department, and several old professors from higher vocational classes...

Of course, these people are not the focus of Chen Fei's attention. After entering the door, his eyes have always been on Professor Jiang and Lu Chuan standing behind him.

"Huh? Are you planning to set up a dragon gate formation for me?"

Chen Fei muttered to himself, but he didn't speak and just stood aside.

It's just that... the hands holding the Golden Bear trophy and the Oscar trophy were placed in front of him intentionally or unintentionally. The main theme was a "sense of oppression"!
As expected, a group of people in the office turned their attention to his trophy intentionally or unintentionally.

Especially the two directors of the directing department and screenwriting department, their eyes were wide-eyed and they wanted to go up and snatch the trophy from his hand.

No one said anything, and Chen Fei didn't speak either, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

As the leader, Professor Jiang must speak.

He withdrew his eyes from Chen Fei and coughed twice, causing everyone's attention to focus on him.

"Ahem... I have no other intention of calling you here this time. I just want to chat with you. We are all from the same school and are all involved in the film and television industry. We often look up but not look down. We still need to pay attention to the principle of harmony. expensive…"

The machine strikers struck out one after another, and they almost immediately understood that they were talking about Chen Fei and Lu Chuan.

The plagiarism issue in "Kekexili" was quite big.

Although Lu Chuan spent a lot of money to suppress this matter, the impact on him was not small.

Now he is a bit of a nuisance in the industry, and no one is willing to cooperate with him.

But the root cause actually lies with Chen Fei!
After all, Chen Fei was leading the lawsuit behind the scenes, but he did not come forward in person and only provided lawyers and evidence.

And this is why Professor Jiang set up this "Dragon Gate Formation" today.

This Professor Jiang has a very deep seniority in the industry, and can be regarded as an old-timer, even higher than Tian Zhuangzhuang.

In the past few years, he has even served as the chairman of the jury for the Golden Rooster Awards, and his status in the literary and art circles is considered to be second to none.

The reason why everyone showed up in Zhang Huijun's office today was actually because he called them to be lobbyists.

He had only one purpose, which was to make Chen Fei and Lu Chuan shake hands and make peace.

However, his calculation was obviously wrong.

It is impossible to shake hands and make peace. After all, it was Taro Rikushitaro who started this conflict. Unless he hides or publicly apologizes, Chen Fei will tease him every time he sees him!

After Professor Jiang's words, he had almost made it clear, but Chen Fei still had an attitude of being unconcerned and having nothing to do with him.

Suppressed by force?

If he had just entered school, he might have had to think carefully.

But now that the situation has been established, are you still doing this in front of him?

Who the hell gave you confidence?

Was it Liang Jingru who gave you the courage?

Seeing Chen Fei's posture, Lu Chuan's face suddenly flashed with anger, but he was helpless.

He could not be scolded and scolded, and beaten again and again, and the lawsuit even made him wet all over his crotch - it was either shit or shit.

He felt very aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do about Chen Fei, so now he could only rely on his teacher.

"Chen Fei, do you think what I just said makes sense?"

Seeing that he was in a state of confusion, Professor Jiang's expression became much gloomier. If this had happened before, he would have started cursing a long time ago.

But now that there are so many people in the office, it's hard for him to put on airs, so he can only ask Chen Fei by name to realize it on his own.

"Ah? I'm sorry, what did you just say? I was thinking about the new script, and I didn't hear what you were saying clearly."


Professor Jiang almost couldn't catch his breath, and his face became increasingly gloomy!
Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he raised the topic again: "You were thinking of a new script just now, right? I think you are a pillar of talent, and I happened to know many judges at the Golden Rooster Awards. After the movie was filmed, I can recommend it to you.”


Ha ha!

threaten me?
Chen Fei rolled his eyes silently, inexplicably wanting to go up and slap that old face.

The meaning of the old guy's words just now was very obvious, he wanted to warn Chen Fei that if he could "put peace as the most important thing", his movies would be able to participate in the Golden Rooster Awards in the future.

But if you can't...

This old professor is not going to be polite!
But will Chen Fei scare him?
With a slight smile, Chen Fei said casually: "Thank you for your kindness. No need. I'm going to take the new movie to the Cannes Film Festival."

These words did not give any face, Professor Jiang stood up directly, and his sharp eyes shot straight over.

"I have made friends at the Baihua Film Festival, the Shanghai International Film Festival, and the Huabiao Film Awards at the Radio, Film and Television Awards."

"Oh," Chen Fei responded nonchalantly, and said casually: "Then you are quite powerful. I have only received invitations from the Berlin International Film Festival and the Academy Awards to become a judge for next year. It is so far away from you. It’s still far from enough.”

Professor Jiang: "..."

The "spear" thrown out was blocked by Chen Fei's "shield", which made him very depressed, but he was helpless.

In this era, the Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award, Shanghai International Film Festival, and Huabiao Award, even if these four awards are bundled together, they are not enough to beat the Golden Bear.

He subconsciously looked at the other people in the office, but in response to his gaze, they quietly moved away.

How does this compare to riding a horse?
There is absolutely no comparison!

Even if they wanted to lighten the atmosphere, they didn't know how to speak.

A Golden Bear judge and an Oscar judge, Chen Fei is bringing glory to the country so that domestic actors can go global.

But what about you?
"Old man, you don't mind being embarrassed. This is good. Are you being slapped in the face?"

Lao Zhao suppressed his laughter and turned his head silently, for fear that others would see the corners of his mouth that could not be suppressed.


He took a deep breath and opened his mouth several times, but Professor Jiang couldn't think of what to say next.

Chen Fei is not a director, and his connections are all in China. Even if he wants to use his power to suppress others, he can't find a place to suppress him.

But he was unwilling to give in to a stupid boy in front of everyone...

"Hmph! Take care of yourself! Young man, there is still a long way to go. I hope you can go smoothly."

With a cold snort, Professor Jiang strode out of the office without any hesitation.

That's it?

Chen Fei curled his lips, but said goodbye with a polite smile, "Professor Jiang, please walk slowly, and go down the stairs more slowly. Your eyes must not work well as you get older, so be careful not to fall."

The figure outside the door staggered and almost fell.

"Teacher, I will support you."

Lu Chuan shouted and ran out quickly.

"I want you to help me? I'm not too old to move yet!"

"Pfft...cough cough cough!"

Zhao Zhenyang couldn't hold it in, but there were too many people in the office, so he could only cough wildly.

It's so cool to ride a horse!


The farce soon ended, and only Zhao Zhenyang, Chen Fei, and Zhang Huijun were left in the office.

The corners of Lao Zhao's mouth were still raised, and he couldn't suppress it no matter what, looking as if he was happy.

Chen Fei was very indifferent, because Professor Jiang's threats seemed to him like an ant provoking an elephant with a matchstick, and were not worth mentioning at all.

Zhang Huijun, on the other hand, frowned slightly and said, "I heard the news that Lu Chuan's new script "Nanjing! Nanjing!" has received investment, and I heard it was from China Film.

You have to be careful. Professor Jiang has a lot of connections in the mainland. If you refuted his face today, the matter will not end so easily. "

China Film?

Chen Fei frowned slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, I will pay attention."

Beat up the young ones and bring out the old ones. This is the current situation in the domestic film and television industry.

Chen Fei was quite curious, what was Professor Jiang going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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