It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 229 Graduation defense! Outstanding graduates of the 02 class!Spend [-] million yuan to buy

Chapter 229 Graduation defense! Outstanding graduates of the 02 class!Spend [-] million yuan to buy...(asking for monthly ticket)
News came from Lionsgate that the final box office of "The Morgue" was set at US$1.45 million, and they have started production on the second part.

"Try to be as detailed as possible."

This is Chen Fei's only request for them. The fans' eyes are still very vicious, and all the flaws in the first film were found.

"Fei, don't worry, we will learn our lesson."

Si Jin promised quite solemnly that the first part was indeed rushed a bit fast. They planned to extend the shooting time of the second part to two months, so they had to leave enough time.

After ending the call with Lionsgate, James Wan and Universal Pictures almost immediately delivered the news.

The post-production stages of "Dangerous Laughter" and "Insidious 1" are over, and they only have to wait until June for both movies to hit theaters.

And now... they need Chen Fei to support the propaganda.

Natasha also called immediately, and asked directly: "When are you going to come back? Marvel's integration work is over, and now I'm waiting for your script."

"Wait a few days. I will go back at the end of the month. My college is about to end and I am preparing for the thesis and defense."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you and see you at the company."

"Well, see you at the company."

After a final response, Chen Fei hung up the phone directly.

But at this moment, Liu Yifei's voice suddenly came from beside her, "Who called you just now? You actually communicated in English?"

She heard a girl's voice on the phone, so she was a little wary.

"A partner." Chen Fei explained briefly, and then changed the subject, "How are you preparing for your defense? Are you confident?"

"Hehe, there's no pressure at all."

"come on!"

"You too."


There are nearly 30 people in the acting department, but in the graduation defense part, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei can be said to be the least stressful.

After all, their resumes are so brilliant!

Both of them got A+ in their papers, and the defense was just a matter of going through the process.

The teacher who is mainly responsible for this link is Professor Wang Jinsong. Chen Fei answered all kinds of questions about performance fluently without any lag.

Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, Jiang Yiyan, Zhou Yang and others sitting below all trembled when they heard this.

Chen Fei's thesis defense was not on the same level as theirs!

All of his answers were of a high level of difficulty, and the content was already at the graduate level. Sometimes even the teachers who were observing seemed to have a sudden enlightenment.

Zhu Yawen murmured with curiosity, "What kind of brain do you think he has? He doesn't come to class all day, but he has such solid theoretical knowledge?"

"The devil knows!"

Luo Jin also looked a little confused.

They had discussed privately that Chen Fei might fail in his graduation defense, but they never expected that he would answer fluently!

Everyone below had very complicated expressions, but a few professors were very satisfied.

Closing the paper, Wang Jinsong said with a smile: "Yes, there are no problems in your defense, but it is a bit beyond our expectations."

"Thank you teachers for your recognition."

Chen Fei stood up and bowed very humbly to thank him.

Theory is just rote memorization, and it is not difficult for him at all. In the days when he was writing the paper, he had already reviewed the entire textbook knowledge.

Combined with the knowledge about performance given by the system, isn't it easy to cope with the defense and thesis?

After retreating from the podium, Chen Fei greeted several professors and left the classroom first.

Liu Yifei completed her defense before him and was waiting for him at the door of the classroom.

"Super 3's domestic promotion requires your cooperation."

"Oh? Okay, when will it be released?"

Liu Yifei was still a little excited about her first Hollywood movie, and her eyes turned into crescents when she smiled.

"December 6."

"Okay, I will fully cooperate."

While the two were chatting, they saw Zhao Zhenyang walking over from the other side of the corridor.

"Hello, Teacher Zhao." Liu Yifei greeted obediently.

Chen Fei stopped being polite to him, raised his hand and waved as a greeting.

"You boy, look at how polite Yifei is."

Lao Zhao pointed at him and said something.

"If you don't hang that banner for me and stop being polite, I'll come to your office door every day and knock one on you."

"That won't work. The banners must be hung. As long as you are a Nortel employee, you won't be able to escape."

"I've already graduated!" Chen Fei argued.

"You still have three years to go to graduate school."

"you are vicious……"

Watching an old man and a young man bickering, Liu Yifei covered her mouth in amusement.

"Hmph! Fight with me? You're still young."

Lao Zhao snorted quite proudly, but then he seemed to think of something again and reminded him:
"By the way, there is something you need to prepare for. You have been selected as an outstanding graduate of Class 02, and you will have to speak at the graduation ceremony. Remember to prepare your speech in advance."

"OK, no problem."

Chen Fei had already expected this.

Of course, he will definitely not prepare a speech. When the time comes, he will give an unscripted speech.

Isn’t a speech just talking about a lot of things?
Isn't this easy for him?

After waiting for more than an hour, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, Jiang Yiyan, and Zhou Yang walked out of the classroom one after another.

"Is it all right?"

"No problem, an A will definitely not be able to escape."

Zhu Yawen said carelessly, not caring about the final grades. Anyway, the graduation certificate will definitely be fine, and he will not be short of filming.

Several other people also nodded, saying that getting an "A" shouldn't be a problem.

Chen Fei waved his hand, "Okay, let's go, let's go to dinner first. I don't know when we will get together next time. I will pay for today's consumption!"

"Killing local tyrants? Hey! This is good!"

Several people came downstairs laughing and jokingly, and went straight to the school gate with a very clear goal.

At the top of the stairs, Zhang Lu felt increasingly bitter in his heart when he saw that his former roommate now didn't even look at him, but he was helpless.

The last time Chen Fei visited the crew of "A City of Golden Armor", he happened to be there too.

It's a pity that Chen Fei completely pretended not to see him and didn't say hello to him at all.

He wanted to take the initiative to get closer, but thinking about the nasty things he had done before, he didn't dare to act.

If Chen Fei still hated him and sued him in front of Zhang Yimou, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to stay on the set.

To describe his current mood in one word, it is "regret"!

On the third day after the defense, the graduation ceremony was held on time.

After changing into his bachelor's uniform in the dormitory, Chen Fei came to the auditorium.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Huang Bozhao's cheerful voice, surrounded by many classmates.

The cast list for "囧囧" has been announced, and his name is clearly on it, which also means that his future will be bright.

At first no one thought that such an unattractive and even somewhat "ugly" actor like him could actually get involved in the film and television industry.

Many people are feeling emotional.

The world is impermanent!
"Director Chen."

With a shout, Huang Bo passed through the crowded crowd and came to Chen Fei with a smile.

"Aren't you busy recently?"

"I'm getting ready to join the group. After graduation, Taijiao's side will just start filming."

"Hey, that's quite a coincidence."

The two of them walked to the front row of the auditorium while chatting.

During this period, many people came up to say hello, and even asked to take a group photo. There were people from the acting department, some from higher vocational classes, and even graduates from the screenwriting and directing departments.

Naturally, the two of them accepted everyone who came.

After struggling for a while, Chen Fei sat down next to Liu Yifei and told everyone about various interesting things about the crew while waiting for the ceremony to begin.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the leaders entered the venue.

The speech was still the same. After the principal finished speaking, the vice principal said, then the director, deputy director, outstanding professor...

After finishing the whole set, the time went straight to 11:[-]!

Finally, the host began to invite outstanding graduates.

"Let us use warm applause to invite Chen Fei, an outstanding graduate of Class 02, to speak on the stage."

clap clap clap!
There was thunderous applause in the auditorium, and facing the envious eyes of everyone, Chen Fei walked to the podium with confident steps.

After shaking hands with several school leaders, he took the microphone handed by the female host and turned to face the crowded crowd in the audience.

"I am very happy to spend four years of my wonderful life with you all. This is the most important and happiest time in my life."

The first sentence at the beginning is quite common sense.

However, within three sentences, Chen Fei began to include personal items in it.

“I have said before at the Academy Awards ceremony that my goal in the future will be Hollywood, and I will also work hard to use my abilities to transport domestic actors to the international community.

Here I can promise you that this range is not only for those famous actors, but also for new actors.

Nortel is my alma mater. I will definitely not lift my butt and leave and never come back. You can work hard and I will contact you if there is a suitable role.

As well as students from the directing department, literature department, and even teachers, you should all know that I actually own a film and television company.

So if you have a suitable script that lacks investment, feel free to send it to me. If I feel it’s suitable, it’s absolutely no problem to invest in it.

As well as all the management majors, photography majors and other students who mainly work behind the scenes, our company is very short of outstanding talents. If you are willing, you can boldly submit your resume to me.

I have a lot of internship opportunities here, even internship opportunities in Hollywood. If you are willing to go abroad, you can boldly show your excellence..."

"Clap clap clap!!!"

The applause in the auditorium became more and more enthusiastic!


After the speeches, there will be free time.

Everyone is looking for classmates with whom they have a good relationship to take graduation photos.

The crowd in Level 02 pulled Zhao Zhenyang into the crowd, and as the camera clicked, it meant that the four-year college career was completely successful.

"Chen Fei, let's take a photo alone?" Liu Yifei said excitedly.


Chen Fei did not refuse and stood with her.

The students in the Photography Department all became professional videographers today. The camera was pointed at Chen Fei and Liu Yifei and they pressed lightly.

Zhu Yawen shouted in a cowardly manner, "Haha, handsome man and beautiful woman, talented man and beautiful woman."

Chen Fei rolled his eyes at him and stretched out his hand to wave, "Are you going to pat me? If you don't pat me, I'll leave!"

"No." Zhu Yawen hurried over and pulled Luo Jin with him, "I definitely have to take a photo. I don't know when we will meet again next time."

Many people came over, a few simply wanted to take photos, and the vast majority exchanged contact information with him.The tossing continued until the afternoon. As everyone in the auditorium dispersed, this also meant that all the Class of 02 would leave the school in the near future.

The entrance exam for Grade 06 freshmen has ended and they will officially enter the school in September.

During the exams in January, the school was still thinking about letting Chen Fei participate again, but because he was going to participate in the Golden Globe Awards, the matter ultimately came to nothing.


"Jingle Bell!"

In the afternoon, Chen Fei was packing his things in the dormitory when the phone suddenly rang.

"Mr. Han?"

After pressing the connect button, Han Sanping's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Chen Fei, I have to explain this to you. Professor Jiang found the guy above me, and I can't stop him..."

"Ah?" Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, a little confused, "Mr. Han? What are you talking about?"

Han Sanping was also stunned, "Didn't you read the news on the Internet?"

"No, what news?"

"Just go to and you will know. That guy is really disgusting. He has to step on you again to get an advantage. I don't know if his head is stuffed with feces."

Turning on the computer with some curiosity, Chen Fei opened the Sohu portal.

As soon as he entered, he saw this slogan written on the headline.

[Famous domestic director Lu Chuan’s new movie "Nanjing!"Nanjing! "Filming is about to start, investors: Nortel School, China Film Group, Huayi Brothers...]

"Huh? This row of noodles is pretty big, isn't it?"

Chen Fei curled his lips with some disdain, moved the mouse, and clicked directly.

There is an exclusive interview with Lu Chuan by a Sohu reporter, and the content revolves around his new script "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》Expanded.

However, at the beginning of the interview, Riku Taro was quite serious in chatting with the reporter about the content of the script.

What about the core of the script, the storyline, the characters...that's a eloquent conversation.

But towards the end, the interview suddenly started to go off the rails.

The reporter mentioned the situation about "Kekexili" smoothly, and then Lu Chuan had no idea what to say.

“The final winner of this lawsuit was me, which means that under the legal judgment, my film was not plagiarized in any way.

If a film's filming location and background are somewhat similar, it can be called plagiarism. Then the film "No Man's Land" that won the Golden Bear Award appeared after "Kekexili". Is someone plagiarizing me?
I know that because of someone, many people have a bad impression of me. I respect those voices, but I will use one excellent work after another to prove myself that I am no worse than anyone else!
As for those people who are doing dirty things behind the scenes, I hope you will take care of yourself.

What's the point of laughing loudly?The one who laughs last must be me!Come and try it if you dare!See who is stronger! "

After watching the entire interview, Chen Fei suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer.

The weather has cleared up, the rain has stopped, and Rikutaro feels like he can do it again?

How old are you?Why are you still acting like a little brat?

You're suing your parents, you're saying cruel things online, and you're also making some conspiracy theories. Isn't it embarrassing?

"Mr. Han, do you know about this interview? Are you not afraid of making insider jokes?"

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping was also a little bit dumbfounded.
"He's always been like that. You don't know it. He always gets angry and loses his temper. Who in the industry doesn't know what he's like?

I’ve also read the script. If it hadn’t been for a good teacher and a good father, let alone raising investment, it would have been difficult for this movie to even pass the review. "

"Just sick."

Chen Fei complained mercilessly.

"What are you going to do? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is deliberately disgusting you."

Disgusting me?
Chen Fei's eyebrows rose, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

It just so happened that he was going to take time to make a movie for the Cannes Film Festival. Since this guy is so not afraid of death, let's give it a try.

"He is so anxious to seek abuse, so I will try my best to make him understand what dimensionality reduction strikes are."

Han Sanping's eyes lit up and she hurriedly asked, "What? Are you planning a new movie?"

Chen Fei replied: "Not yet. I just attended the graduation ceremony today. The empty beds in the dormitory have to be reserved for freshmen. I have to find a temporary place to live now."

"You haven't bought a house yet?"

"No, I have always lived in a dormitory before, but now I can't. I have to find a place to live."

Han Sanping on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then asked tentatively: "A friend of mine owns a house. Some time ago, he asked me to help him buy it. Are you interested?"

"Oh? Where is it?"

"Houhai, a three-in house with an area of ​​3500 square meters."

"Good guy?"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up instantly.

It’s 3500 square meters, and it’s a third-level house. Isn’t this just a small palace?

"Can I go take a look?"

"Of course. I'll give you a seat. You go over there first and I'll ask a friend to pick you up."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Han."

After simply packing a few clothes, Chen Fei left the school with his suitcase, took a taxi and walked towards the seat given by Han Sanping.

More than half an hour later, the taxi stopped outside an alley.

After pushing the door and getting out of the car, Chen Fei looked up and saw a blue sign erected at the entrance of the alley, which said "Yunyou Lane".

The location here is great. It faces Qianhai to the west and the Yuhe River tributary of Qianhai to the north. There are also banks, commercial streets, and supporting schools nearby...

"Tsk? This location is really central."

After actually walking into the alley, Chen Fei discovered that there were no other residents in this alley. On the left was a high green brick wall, blocking a lot of sight.

Looking to the right, a brand new door painted with red paint appeared in front of him.

There is a simple-looking Suan Ni on each side of the door, a horse-mounting stone stands in front of the right side, and a long plaque on the left side reads: Prince You's Mansion.

"What the hell? Is this really a royal palace?"

Chen Fei was stunned and couldn't hold back his inner curiosity. Why is there such a house hidden in this downtown area?

Before he could think about it carefully, the door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walked out.

"Director Chen?"

"Hello." Chen Fei nodded and shook hands with the other party.

"Come in, just call me Zhang Suo. The owner of the house asked me to come over and show you around." A warm smile appeared on the other person's face, and he stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Judging from the temperament of the other party, he should be a middle-level leader in a certain field. That kind of leadership style cannot be faked.

But... is it necessary to be so mysterious?

Chen Fei was full of suspicion and followed him to cross the high threshold.

Facing the Xumizuo is a blue brick screen wall. The center of the screen wall is made of square bricks placed at an angle of 45 degrees, with a mighty unicorn sitting in the middle.

Walking around the screen wall, I suddenly feel enlightened!
What comes into view is a three-story main building facing north and south. The shape of the blue tiles and red walls is a typical combination of Chinese and Western architecture, which looks quite unique.

There are red lanterns hanging under the eaves of the wing rooms on both sides, and the stone pavement is in the shape of a cross, dividing the evenly trimmed lawn into four pieces.

In the middle is a very huge crabapple tree, which looks to be at least five or six hundred years old.

The shape of the tree has obviously been specially adjusted. The branches on the north side are pointing up to the sky, while on the south side they are crawling on the ground, looking like a golden dragon about to soar into the sky!

The middle-aged man who claimed to be Zhang Suo introduced as he walked,

"This used to be a prince's residence, covering an area of ​​3563 square meters. There are three courtyards in total. The garage is underground in the first courtyard, and the entrance is at the end of the alley."

Chen Fei nodded and followed.

Passing through the arch, you come to the second courtyard.

In the middle of the yard is a pavilion. Inside there is a long bluestone table about seven or eight meters long. The stone table looks very old and is surrounded by stone benches.

There are also several pomegranate trees in the corner, and under one of the trees there is a large fish tank with several chubby carps swimming back and forth.

There is a winding verandah on the east side. After passing through the veranda, you come to the third courtyard.

The quiet garden is surrounded by rockeries, shaded by green trees, and surrounded by clear lakes. There is a lively scene everywhere.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon came to a two-story building.

Zhang Suo continued to introduce, "This is the owner's house. It is newly renovated and no one has lived in it. Everything is brand new and all the layout and structure are newly designed. As long as it is simple, After some cleaning, it’s completely ready to move in.”

Chen Fei listened silently and began to make calculations in his mind.

He inquired about it when he came by taxi. According to the current market situation, the house price here should be about 4 yuan per square meter.

3500 square meters, which is 4000 million.

It’s so worth it!

It is no exaggeration to say that if this house were to be bought in another ten years, I would not be able to buy it without 20 billion!

And with Zhang Suo's introduction, Chen Fei's eyes gradually lit up.

Don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again.

Such a big house, and the location and area are quite suitable. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, he will be a complete fool!

After spending more than an hour looking at the entire house, including the basement, garage, storage room and other details, the two came to the bottom of the crabapple tree in the yard again.

"How do you feel? Is there anything else I need to learn more about?"

"How much does this house cost?" Chen Fei said bluntly: "If the price is right, I won't take this suitcase out. I just don't have a place to stay tonight."

Zhang Suo was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Fei carefully, and suddenly smiled, "It seems that making movies is quite profitable?"

Chen Fei smiled and did not answer the question.

"I'll help you ask."

With that said, he walked straight to the side.

After a while, the other party came to Chen Fei again and said bluntly: "The master said that based on your identity and San Ping as the middleman, I will give you a fixed price of 2000 million. If you can, I will give it to you." is you."

"Okay, I want it, what are the procedures?"

Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all.

This horse is already 2000 million cheaper, what kind of bicycle do you need?

"Oh? Are you sure you want it?" Zhang Suo's tone was full of surprise.

"OK." Chen Fei nodded solemnly.

It's only 2000 million. Compared with the huge amount of money in his account, this amount of money is just water and is completely worth mentioning.

"Okay, I'll take you to go through the formalities."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."


In one afternoon, Chen Fei followed him to several departments.

Most of these old houses left over from history have permanent property rights. Although the land belongs to the state, there is no such thing as a 70-year property right.

Pay by swiping card, handle transfer...

Everything went very smoothly!
Logically speaking, this kind of transfer requires the owner of the house to do it in person.

But what surprised Chen Fei was that Zhang Suo easily completed the complicated procedures with just a few phone calls.

This also made him more certain that the owner of this house definitely held real power in the court, and his status should be quite high.

In addition, the other party and Han Sanping knew each other...

This also means that the owner of the house is likely to be in the same circle as him!
The answer is about to come out!

Obviously, it's from the "headquarters" side...

(End of this chapter)

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