It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 230 New film plan!Goal: Rush to Cannes!We are all educated people, who gets the dirty stamp

Chapter 230 New film plan!Goal: Rush to Cannes!We are all educated people, who uses swear words when swearing? (asking for monthly ticket)
The first time he got the house, Chen Fei removed the plaque from the door, then asked the housekeeper to come over and clean it carefully, and also changed the lock on the door.

Although the basic equipment here is quite complete, before going to Hollywood, Chen Fei specifically contacted a professional decoration company.

He planned to renovate the house on the original basis.

The designer arranged by the decoration company is surnamed Liu, and his full name is Liu Pingan.

This name makes people feel safe.

After meeting with Chen Fei, Liu Ping'an took out his notebook from his bag and said with a smile: "What do you think, Mr. Chen? I can write it down first."


Chen Fei nodded and led him to visit the house while talking about his thoughts.

“First of all, I need a complete security system. All the walls need to be heightened and reinforced as they are to ensure safety.

Also, night vision cameras need to be installed at every certain distance on the fence, including several blind spots, so that no blind spots are left.

In this regard, I hope your company can hire a professional construction team to implement it, to ensure that no one can get in, even a fly can see it, and everything can be documented! "

Preventing paparazzi is the first priority.

The yard is too big, so security must be set up to prevent paparazzi from climbing over the wall.

Moreover, he usually travels both domestically and abroad, so he may not be able to live here for long all year round.

Therefore, security must be in place to prevent people with evil intentions from coming in and stealing.

"Okay, there's no problem with that."

Liu Pingan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Their company works with all major customers, and their company is professional in terms of security.

"Also, get me some lights in the alley in front of the door. My vision is too poor at night and I can't see the road clearly."

"Well, okay."

Liu Ping'an was recording in his notebook while observing the supporting equipment around him.

After a while, while Chen Fei stopped talking, he suggested: "Actually, we can install a few more lighting systems in the yard. The kind of ambient lights that are very popular now can adapt to various environments and atmospheres, and can also Adjust the color.”

"Get a set."

Chen Fei accepted his suggestion.

While chatting, the two came to the backyard.

"The most important thing is that I need a backdoor, a very hidden one."

"back door?"

Liu Ping'an was stunned for a moment, this kind of request was quite rare.

Chen Fei nodded, "Yes, it's the back door. There is only one entrance and exit to this house right now, which is the alley at the door, but that one is not enough. I need more privacy protection."

Upon hearing this, Liu Ping'an instantly understood what he meant.

This client of mine is a big director or star. Reporters will stare at such people wherever they go. It is really inconvenient if there is only one entrance to the house.

After all, this kind of house is different from a villa. The villa is guarded by security guards, making it difficult for ordinary reporters and paparazzi to enter.

But similar to Chen Fei's courtyard house, if there is only one road at the entrance of the alley, then the entrance and exit will naturally fall into the eyes of outsiders.

If there were female celebrities and female models...

Chen Fei didn't want his tidbits to appear on the headlines of the portal.

"A secret door?"

Liu Ping'an looked at the surrounding environment, recalled the underground garage he passed just now, and quickly came up with a plan.

"Don't worry about this. Our company will provide you with a design drawing based on the architectural drawings of the house to ensure that the secret door is concealed enough."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."


After spending a whole morning, Chen Fei finally finished exchanging his thoughts with Liu Ping'an.

There are more than ten pages of dense records in the notebook!
Before leaving, Liu Ping'an secretly exclaimed, "No wonder so many people want to be stars. It seems they are really making money. You bought such a big courtyard house at such a young age. You are so promising at such a young age."

As soon as the decoration matters were arranged, Han Sanping's call came in.

"Did you take down that house?"

"Well, I've got it and I'm arranging the decoration. I haven't had time to thank you for introducing me to such a good house."

"That's not necessary, as long as you are satisfied..."

Han Sanping responded with a smile, secretly surprised by Chen Fei's generosity.

Buy a house worth more than [-] million yuan at any time. It seems that this guy has quite a lot of funds, right?
After chatting for a while, Han Sanping started a new topic, "The [-]th Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival will officially start in June. "Chinese Partner" has won many nominations. Can we go together then?"

Shanghai International Film Festival?
Chen Fei was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together."

The organizers of the Magic City International Film Festival also invited him last year, hoping that he could participate in "No Man's Land", but in the end he was rejected by Chen Fei.

But this year is different.

"Partners in China" has been shortlisted for the main competition, and Chen Fei also plays a part in this movie. It seems unreasonable if he doesn't go.

"How to arrange the release of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"? I looked at the release date submitted by Hollywood and it seems to be at the end of the year?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded and said, "I plan to have this movie released simultaneously around the world in December. Isn't the domestic schedule suitable?"

"It's suitable! This is so suitable!"


Listening to the "gloating" tone on the other side of the phone, Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh.

Han Sanping was holding it back again.

"Ink Attack" is an independent production of Huayi Brothers, and "A City of Golden Armor" is an independent production of New Picture. These two films have nothing to do with China Film, but can they not be used to cause trouble?

"It's up to you. I'm not a bad person anyway."

"It's okay, I'll be the bad guy."

Han Sanping waved her hand and didn't care.

Who doesn’t know how to make money during the Lunar New Year?Everyone depends on their ability. If you are not satisfied, you can change the period, and no one will force you to do it.


After putting down the phone, Chen Fei locked the courtyard door and returned to the company.

"Soldier Assault" has been completed, and Kang Honglei is cooperating with the editing team of Feiyue Film and Television in post-production.

"When will it be done?"

Kang Honglei didn't even think about it and said directly: "It can be completed by the end of June."

"Okay, once the finished film is finished, hand it over directly to Mango Station."

When filming "People on the Road" before, Chen Fei reached an agreement with Wang Ke, the deputy director of Xiaoxiang Film Studio.

After the filming of "Soldier Assault" is completed, it will be broadcast directly by Mango Channel.

According to the traditional model, in fact, TV stations’ quotations for military themes are generally not high, and most of them are one-time buyouts. Subsequent advertising revenue has nothing to do with the producers.

But with "Bright Sword" at the forefront, who knows whether "Soldier Assault" will regain its glory?
It just so happened that Wang Ke wanted performance, while Chen Fei wanted ratings and profits, so after agreeing to make payments based on ratings, the two hit it off.


After chatting here, Chen Fei went to the screenwriting department to check on Ni Xuelin's work progress.

"How's the script filling going?"

"It's almost done. It will be done in half a month. I will send it to your email then."

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded in agreement and said, "If you feel something is not going well, you can ask Director Kang for advice. I am going to let him film this drama."

"Hey, that's a good relationship!"

Ni Xuelin felt relieved and walked out with his laptop in hand.

This work of filling in the script made him suffer a lot. Some details of the war required a lot of information, which made it very complicated.

But it's different with Kang Honglei's help. This person is a professional. With his help, the work progress can definitely be accelerated.

"Hey, kid, run slower, be careful not to fall."

Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, followed him out of the screenwriting department, and headed to Su Guohai's office.

For such a large company, every detail needs to be reviewed by Su Guohai, and he can manage it in an orderly manner...

This made Chen Fei sigh with emotion. Lao Su's working ability and efficiency are really strong!
"Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Fei walking in from the door, Su Guohai quickly stood up and said hello.Chen Fei smiled and waved to him, "Do your business, I have nothing to do, I just came here to sit down."

With that said, Chen Fei paused in his progress and sat down on the sofa next to him.

But before he could say anything, Su Guohai came over with a pile of documents and placed them directly in front of him.

"Mr. Chen, you're here just in time. These are the documents that need to be signed."

Fade Chen: "..."


Find things for yourself!

Somewhat dumbfounded, he shook his head, grabbed the ballpoint pen on the table, and Chen Fei began to sign his name on each document.

Time came to the evening unconsciously.

Ten minutes before leaving get off work, Chen Fei completed his "signature work".

Putting the pen into the cap, he stood up and stretched, glanced at Su Guohai who was still working hard at the table, and shouted: "Old Su, let's go have dinner together."


Su Guohai didn't refuse. He had vaguely guessed that Chen Fei should have something to do with him.


At the dinner table, Chen Fei didn't have any fuss with him and directly expressed his thoughts.

"I want to make a movie, a realistic literary film."

Su Guohai cast his eyes curiously.

He couldn't figure it out. It was just making a movie. Isn't it an easy task for Chen Fei? Is it necessary to make it so... dignified?
That's right, he could see the deep solemnity on Chen Fei's face!
"This film will nakedly tear apart the failures of society and the shortcomings of human nature. After it is filmed, people who like it may not be able to put it down, but people who hate it may be hysterical.

By then, not only will I be under pressure, but the entire company will also be under tremendous pressure.

What we have to face is not the pressure from our peers in the film and television industry, but the pressure from society and audiences, but I am not sure now whether we can handle it. "

After saying that, Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It was a film that won numerous awards internationally, but it was also a controversial film.

Su Guohai asked curiously: "What kind of story does it tell?"


Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei slowly said: "This is a story about a family of thieves. Every family member has a past that they don't want to recall. In order to live, they have no choice..."

Chen Fei did not experience the feeling of playing house.

He came out of the orphanage in his last life, but he was still abandoned in this life. If it weren't for the old man, I'm afraid the orphanage would still be his final destination.

Therefore, his sense of home is not particularly deep.

He has experienced some love, but more of it is cold reality.

Therefore, he needs someone with a real "family" and someone who has experienced "love" to give him some advice so that he can better understand that feeling.

And Su Guohai is obviously a good choice.

The script "Shoplifters" tells the story of Xiaoli, but it is definitely impossible for Chen Fei to film it there.

He is going to adapt it and put the background of this script in China.

This kind of adaptation is not difficult, because the characters and background in the story all have similar living conditions, and the underlying survival logic involved in the film, including pensions, housing, medical care, funerals, etc., is also roughly the same.

But what Chen Fei needs to consider now is whether today's society can withstand such a cold dissection if such a movie is released in this era!
After listening to Chen Fei's story, Su Guohai was silent for a long time.

At first glance, this seems like a bittersweet fable.

But as the story progressed and the layers deepened, he suddenly realized that this was not only a touching family feature film, but also a deep sigh and review of the failures of society and the shortcomings of human nature.


With a sigh of relief, Su Guohai's tragic childhood memories emerged unconsciously in his mind, but then his current beautiful life appeared in his mind.

The two emotions were intertwined in his heart, touching him deeply.

"Actually, I feel that the beauty and ugliness of human nature has always been difficult to comment on. Good and evil in a simple sense are not enough to constitute the world. We are all mortals, living a miserable but happy life in the mortal world.

This story is very ordinary, but the people in the story all have extraordinary lives. I believe that this story will definitely resonate with many people! "

Chen Fei nodded slowly.

He picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and finally made a decision.

Gotta shoot it!

It's just "stealing" a family relationship that others don't want, and "stealing" a little warmth in the world. What can't be reflected?


The next day, after arranging some preliminary preparations for Su Guohai, Chen Fei went directly to the airport, preparing to fly to Hollywood first.

"Dangerous Laughter" and "Latent" are both films that he values ​​​​very much. Now that they are about to be released, he must keep an eye on them.

Horror movies pay most attention to details. As the final reviewer, he must devote 100% concentration to pass the final level.

However, as soon as he arrived at the airport, he was "recognized" by reporters and blocked directly outside the gate.

"Director Chen, what do you think of Director Lu Chuan's speech in the interview?"

Yo?When you first come up, you stick to your face and open it up?
A group of reporters gathered around, their eyes widened in shock, and they looked at the questioner curiously.

For a moment, a group of reporters were stunned.

what's going on?Why are Sina reporters suddenly so aggressive?

Moreover, Chen Fei seems to have a good relationship with Sina. Shouldn't this kind of question be asked by the paparazzi?How can you ask this from a Sina reporter?

They were wondering when Chen Fei said: "The film and television industry is a very strange place. There are many directors who were very good when they were in school, but once they stepped in, they couldn't adapt to the environment and couldn't recognize their own status. , confusion will occur.

A normal person will gradually become stupid, and will also talk nonsense and say things without thinking.

For this situation, my suggestion is to "reinvent the wheel"!
If possible, try to choose a new stove. After all, our ancestors also said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

When will you get your head cured and your mind clear before you go out to film? Otherwise, you will really become stupid. If you continue to hold on, you will fall into the abyss sooner or later, and you will never recover! "

After that, Chen Fei left directly.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then completely exploded!

"Damn it! As expected of a screenwriter! Your scolding is so good!"

"Mom, you hit the nail on the head!"

"Good guy, there's obviously not a single curse word, but there are so many curse words in every word of Ta Ma!"

"Quick! Send a message! Grab the headlines!"

"Made, let me tell you how dare the Sina family ask such a question. They must have cooperated in advance. That thief kid ran away after asking the question."

"Hurry up and chase..."


Chen Fei has already boarded a plane to Los Angeles.

On the other side, led by Sina and assisted by many other media, what he said at the airport was directly spread throughout the entire film and television industry!

Including punctuation marks, there are a total of 209 words, which were posted intact on the headlines of major media and newspapers.

After a night of fermentation, when Lu Chuan woke up from bed the next day, these paragraphs had completely spread throughout the film and television industry!

Even netizens enjoyed watching it.

"Lu Chuan got slapped in the face again!"

The very short seven words directly made the headlines on Baidu Tieba, triggering countless netizens to leave comments below.

Without exception, they were all mocking voices.

Netizens really can't understand Lu Chuan's behavior.

Even if you want to touch porcelain, you can still touch her. What kind of mentality do you have to touch Chen Fei?
Indeed, you debuted earlier than Chen Fei.

But even starting from "Looking for a Gun", then extending to "Kekexili", and even adding the "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》, it’s simply not enough for others to fight!

Is "No Man's Land" plagiarizing "Kekexili"?How dare you say this?
They got a golden bear, but you didn't even enter the main competition unit, so why are you so embarrassed?

On the Second Ring Road, after receiving the call, Lu Chuan angrily used the accelerator as a brake, and the newly purchased imported Volkswagen ran rampant and hit the guardrail on the roadside!

On the Nortel campus, Professor Jiang was sipping tea and listening to a tune in the garden. After receiving the call, the collector's teapot fell to the ground and broke into several pieces with a "click".

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!
The power of this word was so great that he couldn't bear it!
His blood boiled and his heart ached. He clutched his chest and fell to the ground in a daze!
(End of this chapter)

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