It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 231: Go to Marvel to reach cooperation when the movie is released!Game of Thrones plan

Chapter 231 When the movie is released... Go to Marvel to reach cooperation!Game of Thrones Project...(please ask for a monthly ticket)
As soon as he landed in Hollywood, domestic news reached Chen Fei's ears.

Lu Chuan's car accident, Professor Jiang's heart attack...

"Is anyone still there?"

"Well, still alive."

"Then don't worry about them. I'm just treating others in their own way. I can't stand a few words. You still want to play with me? Let's practice first."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei ignored the two idiots and took a taxi directly to Universal Studios.

After thinking about it, the old man and the young man could only stay in the nest, so Chen Fei had no fear of them at all.

As Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei said, Chen Fei has become a hit after filming "Chinese Partners".

Not to mention that he also won a series of international awards such as the Golden Bear, Golden Globe, and Oscar.

There is no comparison at all between Lu Chuan and him.

Unless his "Nanjing!"Only if "Nanjing" can win awards or box office, can it be possible to touch Chen Fei's toenails.


Walking into Jason's office with ease, Chen Fei just opened the door and saw him with his legs crossed, drinking coffee leisurely.

"Huh? Jason? You seem to be having a good time today?"

"Fei! You're here!"

Standing up from the office chair very quickly, Jason put down his coffee and walked over with a smile and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Fei! Let's go quickly. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go to the screening room and watch a movie.

Haha, I have actually watched it once in advance. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a movie that can make children and adults shudder.

The various horror elements, bloody and disturbing scenes in the film, coupled with the dark theme, give the film a very strong atmosphere.

This is a movie that is different from "Get Out," but is no less excellent than it..."

Jason said nonchalantly, pulling Chen Fei forward quickly.

When we came to the screening room, a staff member who was waiting here installed the master tape on the player and started a new round of playback.

In fact, when he first read this script, Chen Fei already had an intuitive and strong feeling of facing the mystery of supernatural horror.

But when he saw the finished film today, he suddenly had a more intuitive feeling.

It felt really amazing to see all the words on the paper turn into reality, and the deeply unsettling horror aesthetic shocked Chen Fei even more.

115 minutes flew by without even realizing it.

After the screening, Chen Fei stood up from his seat, did not hesitate to express his appreciation, and gave applause to the behind-the-scenes production team.

"Fei, how's it going? Is there anything you need to correct?"

"very perfect."

Chen Fei gave a very pertinent answer.

Worthy of being one of the top eight in Hollywood, Universal Pictures' film production level is obviously much higher than Lionsgate, and all kinds of details and transitions are very well done.

"Haha, please believe in our production level."

Jason smiled very happily, and then called the reporter over, and cooperated with Chen Fei to conduct an exclusive interview.

With the completion of the two challenges of "Tianmen Mountain" and "Mount Everest", it is no exaggeration to say that Chen Fei's fame is now almost surpassing that of Xiao Lizi.

With his cooperation in publicity, it will be of great help to the box office increase.


That night, a brand new poster appeared directly on the domestic portal website through Sina.

Video: "Smile"
Director: Parker Fundy

Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Producer/Producer: Universal Pictures

Release date: June 6

Netizens are frying the pot again.

"Who can tell me? On what platform can I watch these horror films for which Director Chen is a screenwriter abroad?"

"Made, the previous film "The Morgue" directly earned US$1.45 million. I heard that it was adapted from a true story. I even made a trip to Taiwan to buy a pirated CD."

"Who the hell wants to watch pirated copies? I want to go to the cinema to watch it! Which cinema can watch it?"

"I saw the broadcast news. It will be online in Hong Kong and Taiwan. If you really want to watch it, you can fly there."

"Can't it be introduced from the mainland?"

"After all, it is a horror thriller genre. This kind of film must not be introduced. You can actually wait for Fast 3, which is a film directed and starred by Director Chen himself."


Before the excitement of the airport speech had subsided, news emerged that "Dangerous Smile" was about to be released, which made Lu Chuan, who was preparing to "fight back," feel depressed.

"Wait a minute, I will definitely scold you back!"

Seeing the word "Dangerous Smile" occupying all major portals, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

After waiting for a day and a night, seeing that the time was almost ripe, he immediately prepared to do another interview to show his determination.

But at this moment, another brand new poster came back from the other side of the ocean.

Film: "Insidious"
Director: James Wan
Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Producer/Producer: Waltons Pictures
Release date: June 6


Unlike the excitement of the movie fans, Lu Chuan was completely confused.

This was the first time he saw this kind of scene of him and himself fighting in the ring. The movies written by the same screenwriter were only seven days apart...

Won't it have an impact on box office figures?

He couldn't understand Chen Fei's behavior, but now it was obvious that this was deliberately arranged.

The discussion on the Internet was surging like a tide. Looking at the comments praising Chen Fei one after another, Lu Chuan slammed the keyboard, but in the end he was helpless.

He just has low emotional intelligence, not a fool. If he dares to stand up and fight back against Chen Fei now, netizens will spit on him!

People are "bringing glory to the country" in Hollywood, but you are "strange" here. Isn't this just a disease?

The weather in June was so hot that when he opened a bottle of iced Coke and took a sip, Fade let out a burp regardless of his image.

For a moment, Natasha in the driver's seat was laughing so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Haha, Fei, if outsiders see you like this, the perfect image you have always maintained will be ruined."

Waving his hand, Chen Fei said nonchalantly: "Destroy it, just destroy it. Anyway, I don't rely on my face to make a living."


The interesting answer once again triggered bursts of laughter from Natasha.

The customized Rolls-Royce was driving on the streets of New York, causing many passers-by to look sideways and even raise their arms in the air, cheering enthusiastically.

Natasha did not respond, but chose to step on the accelerator and drive away quickly.

Sometimes these enthusiastic cheers may not necessarily be a welcome, they contain too much shameful evil, and those are not what she wants.

Their destination this time was New York's Fifth Avenue.

When Natasha parked the car, Chen Fei opened the passenger door and stepped out.

Looking up, you can see a sign called "Marvel" standing on the top of the building on the right side, and this is their destination.

"Marvel Entertainment!"

Of course, Marvel at this time cannot be regarded as Marvel. People refer to it more as "Marvel Entertainment" or "Marvel Comics".

Moreover, the world-famous "Marvel Pictures" has not been separated, and is now still unified under the responsibility of "Marvel Entertainment".

Entering the company door, under the leadership of Natasha, the two went straight to the elevator.

Pressing the top button very familiarly, she waited quietly for other employees taking the elevator to press the close button.

Waltons Pictures' acquisition of Marvel was carried out quietly. Except for a few senior executives of the company and some members of the board of directors, the bottom and even middle-level leaders knew nothing about it.

The only thing that can arouse their discussion is some recent personnel changes in the company.

The leaders of several important departments such as finance, human resources, and security have all undergone major changes, but other than that, there has been little movement.

Some quick-thinking people have already noticed it, and are secretly guessing in their hearts whether there have been changes in the higher-level leadership?

But most people don't take these situations seriously. They are currently thinking more about where they will go in the future.
After going bankrupt in 1994, Isaac Perlmutter took complete control of the company and began "resuscitating" the dying comics company.

The effect was quite remarkable. In the following years, Marvel managed to stabilize the situation and gradually got out of a situation on the verge of bankruptcy.

That is, last year, as expected, Perlmutter officially became the company's CEO.

But after he took office, various debt problems that had been suppressed for several years broke out again, once pulling the company to the edge of the cliff.

Up to now, every monthly financial report has already made ends meet.

Since January 06, people in the company have been laid off or resigned voluntarily every day.

But just last month, something happened that surprised everyone.

The finance department actually settled the three months' salary owed to them!
Just when everyone was wondering if this was a "comeback", some senior executives suddenly began to be fired. Except for CEO Perlmutter and head of production Kevin Feige, there were personnel changes in other departments.

Some people suspect that new shareholders may have invested in the company, while others believe that Perlmutter is starting to turn the tide again.

However, because there was no notice issued within the company, the middle-level and lower-level employees only discussed a few words in private while fishing, and most of the time they were silently doing their own jobs.

Their wish is simple, as long as they can continue to receive a salary.

After all, Marvel's salary is quite generous.


All the way to the top floor, Natasha and Chen Fei were the only ones left in the elevator. "Fei, follow me."

After getting out of the elevator, Natasha felt as if she had returned to her own home and walked to the president's office not far away.

However, just when Chen Fei thought he could meet Marvel's current CEO Isaac Perlmutter first, Kevin Feige, the current head of the production department, suddenly walked out of his office and appeared in In front of the two of them.

"Hi, Natasha, we meet again."

He first said hello to Natasha, and then his eyes naturally fell on Chen Fei.

Looking at that familiar face, Kevin Feige was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened with disbelief on his face!

"Fei Chen?"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kevin." Chen Fei took the initiative to extend his hand to the other party.

"Oh! I am the one who should be happy the most!"

Kevin Feige took a few steps forward excitedly and came to Chen Fei's side. "I am also a mountaineering enthusiast. I followed the entire Everest challenge. It was really cool!"

"Haha, thank you for your support."

Chen Fei could tell that the words of the famous producer in front of him were not hypocritical. He really liked mountain climbing, and the yearning in his tone could not be faked.

The laughter of the two people began to sound in the corridor.

Natasha stood quietly by the side, saying nothing, just smiling as a foil.

The movement outside quickly attracted the attention of CEO Isaac Perlmutter.

When he opened the office door and walked out, he immediately saw Fade Chen and Kevin Feige chatting animatedly, as well as Natasha standing aside.

The arrival of the financial sponsor did not surprise him, but Chen Fei's appearance was unexpected.

This producer, who has been in the limelight in Hollywood recently, is the one that major film and television production companies are vying to cooperate with.

But why did he appear here?
Speaking of which, Marvel seems to have a cooperation plan with him on a horror thriller, but that cooperation was handled by a subsidiary below, and he didn't pay much attention to it...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Natasha looking over.

"Good morning, Mr. Perlmutter."

"You too, ma'am, good morning."

This $30 billion acquisition allowed Waltons Pictures to successfully acquire 100% control of Marvel, and Perlmutter's shares were converted into U.S. dollars.

Logically speaking, Natasha can fire him now, or he can even take the blame and resign.

But both of them had a tacit understanding and did not do so.

Walton Pictures needs Perlmutter to stabilize the situation, and he himself is also curious, what is the purpose of this unknown small company acquiring Marvel?
So the two sides hit it off and renewed the contract for another three years.

Perlmutter needs to stay until May 09, when he will once again decide whether to "go" or "stay."

After saying hello, Perlmutter specially invited Chen Fei and Natasha to his office for a chat.

Seeing this, Kevin Feige was about to leave, but was stopped by Chen Fei, "Mr. Kevin, I think you should come in and listen to my decision, and I also brought some gifts to your production department. .”

Production department?

Kevin Feige's eyes lit up, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Could it be... a script?
His focus was on that "gift", but Perlmutter keenly noticed another word in Chen Fei's words.

decision making!

Did he...


Entering the office, Natasha did not hide anything and took the lead in introducing Chen Fei's identity to the two of them.

"In addition to being a famous director, screenwriter, actor, and producer, Fei is currently my partner and the second shareholder of Walton Pictures."

Hearing this, Perlmutter's eyes suddenly widened.

He guessed it right!

The real boss of Marvel is actually this young Chinese man in front of him!

Combined with his multiple identities as a director, screenwriter, and producer, the purpose of Walton Pictures' acquisition of Marvel is also obvious.

The real goal of this Chinese director is Marvel's many copyrights!

"Please two of you keep this secret for me for the time being."

Chen Fei said with a smile, opened his backpack, took out two scripts, and handed them to Kevin Feige sitting next to him.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Perlmutter's face became much more complicated.

As expected, the other party was about to take action!

Compared with his philistine, Kevin Feige is purer and simpler.

Since joining Marvel in 2000, he has been responsible for the production of Marvel movies and television, such as "X-Men", "Spider-Man", "The Incredible Hulk", etc.

He is not responsible for the management of the company, and his work direction has always been in film shooting and production.

Because of this, he was not particularly concerned about who the big boss behind Marvel was. In comparison, he was more curious about the two scripts handed over by Chen Fei.

"Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk".

"Both of these scripts are what the company is preparing to shoot next. The content is based on comic elements and will be adapted and filled in..."

Chen Fei talked about the production and shooting of the film in detail, and there was a hint of no doubt in his tone.

Marvel is a very mature film and television production company.

From scripts to production and shooting, to post-production, special effects, etc., the company has a very complete process within the company.

Although the company system is not as large as the Big Eight, Marvel's film industry will not lose too much to them.

And this is what Chen Fei longs for. As a director, he only needs to shoot what he wants, and let others take responsibility for the tedious little things.

He liked it very much.


After staying at Marvel for a whole day, Chen Fei finally discussed with Kevin Feige how to prepare for the two movies in the early stage.

As for the company's internal structure, he did not request any changes.

Perlmutter is still CEO, Kevin Feige is still the head of production, and Marvel Entertainment and Marvel Studios have not immediately split up.

The meal must be eaten one bite after another, and the road must be walked step by step.

He now needs box office results and more dollars... and a stable company is the prerequisite for achieving all this.

Even if you want to make changes, you have to be like boiling a frog in warm water to achieve your goals peacefully and steadily.


Before leaving, Chen Fei took out another script from his bag and handed it to Perlmutter.

"Mr. Perlmutter, I need you to find a suitable producer for this script."


Perlmutter looked down curiously and saw five big words written on the cover of the script.

Game of Thrones

After leaving Marvel, Chen Fei and Natasha quickly returned to the car.

"Fei, your aura is so strong!"

Natasha did not hesitate to praise him.

When discussing the script in the office earlier, she finally witnessed Chen Fei's professional strength with her own eyes!
Faced with Marvel's huge copyright structure, he talked eloquently and put forward many very bold ideas and development plans.

Recovering the exiled copyrights, hiring "Father of Marvel" Stan Lee to come back as a consultant, planning to form the Avengers...

Every time an idea is thrown out, Kevin Feige and Isaac Perlmutter are dumbfounded and bluntly say that this is impossible.

But Chen Fei would always fight back their various excuses by saying "it depends on the person".

Finally, in terms of "war of words", Chen Fei easily won!
Facing the compliment, Chen Fei smiled casually and said, "Haha, it's all a small scene. Let's go first, find a restaurant to eat, and then return to Los Angeles."

"Wait a moment, there is still one more person to wait for..."

Natasha had just finished speaking when the phone suddenly rang in the car.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

The caller ID was Jason. If Chen Fei guessed correctly, it should be that the first-day box office of "Dangerous Laughter" was released.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard Jason yelling excitedly on the other side of the phone: "Fei! Your promotion has played a very big role. Our single-day box office has been fixed at 1542 million US dollars, which has exceeded the production cost." Line, this is so cool..."

Waiting for him to vent his inner excitement, Chen Fei smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, you have more experience than me in the subsequent announcement, so you must be stable."

"No problem, I'll wait for you to come back. Universal Pictures has prepared a grand celebration banquet for you."

"Ok, then let me look forward to it."

Chen Fei responded with a smile.

After chatting for a few minutes, he hung up the phone.

But just when he put down his phone, there was a sound of a car door closing behind him.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw a familiar face breaking into his sight.

"Ilona Berglova?"

It's the girl who sold him the Beverly Hills mansion!

(End of this chapter)

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