It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 232 Who attacks and who defends?New challenge revealed!A box office hit!Domestic entertainme

Chapter 232 Who attacks and who defends?New challenge revealed!A box office hit!Domestic entertainment has encountered the strongest bombing since June!

"Miss Yiluona? Hello."

Chen Fei quickly reached out and shook hands with the white girl in the back seat, a trace of surprise appeared on his face unconsciously.

Why is she here?

Natasha explained with a smile: "Yilona no longer works as a real estate agent. I asked her to come over and help me. She is now responsible for the financial work of Marvel Company.

Like me, she graduated from MIT Business School and is a very professional financial person. "

The most important core of a company must be the financial department. It is reasonable for Natasha to choose people she is familiar with. By controlling the "finance" door, she will naturally control the entire company.

"Oh I got it."

Chen Fei nodded knowingly and said nothing more.

When he first met Ilona Berglova, he discovered the "nobility" in her that could not be hidden.

Plus she's Natasha's good friend...

Therefore, the identity of this young lady is naturally self-evident.

If Chen Fei's guess is correct, the family power behind her may still be at the same level as Natasha.


After having dinner at a high-end restaurant, Chen Fei proposed to return to Los Angeles first.

"Dangerous Laughter" was a hit at the box office, and "Dead Silence" was about to be released, so he had to go back and watch it in advance.

However, Natasha seemed to have other plans and suggested: "It's so late and the road is not safe. Let's stay here for one night and leave tomorrow morning?"

When Chen Fei thought about it, it was the same reason. Leaving late for one night would not delay anything.

What he didn't expect was that when he stayed at the hotel that night, three people actually booked two rooms?

Chen Fei lived in a room alone, while the two girls shared a room.

At first he didn't care. After all, girls usually like to whisper at night, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Young people, full of blood, who the hell can bear it?
In order to forcibly suppress the unhealthy thoughts in his mind, he thought about it and simply focused on the system in his mind.

The new tasks of the system have been updated.

[Challenge mission: drive over a [-]-meter broken bridge (S level)]

Compared with previous wingsuit flights to climb Mount Everest and Tianmen Mountain, the level of this mission is not high, but the risk index is not low.

Broken bridges spaced hundreds of meters apart are easy to find in Los Angeles. There are too many bridges here that have been interrupted for various reasons.

However, it is not easy to make a leap by car.

Before acquiring the "Driving Proficiency" skill, Chen Fei always felt that this thing would just go by pressing the accelerator to the bottom?

But in fact, how simple is it to just step on the accelerator?

Obviously, not!
Engine power, shock absorption effect, take-off angle...

All of the above are preparations that must be made before the challenge begins.

You know, the longest flying distance ever recorded in the world is only 50 meters.

The creator of this record is Ke Shouliang, known as "Asia's No. 1997 Flyer". He drove a Mitsubishi sports car across the Yellow River in [-].

But now, the system has directly doubled the difficulty!
100 meters!
What a frightening number this is!

You know, after 50 meters, for every additional meter the challenge distance increases, the difficulty of the challenge will increase exponentially!
And if you want to cross [-] meters, you can't just step on the accelerator.

Terrain, racing... these are all issues that Chen Fei needs to consider.

But, if it were in the past, he would definitely be worried about where to find a broken bridge that was exactly [-] meters wide, and where to find a suitable racing car.

But it's different now.

Universal Pictures wants to hold a promotional event in Los Angeles before the release of "Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift."

Red Bull, on the other hand, is eagerly waiting for him to start a new challenge.

In this case, just leave the question to them.


After a few hours of hard sleep, Chen Fei woke up early the next morning and contacted Super 3 producer Romulo and Red Bull investor Flory.

"Driving a racing car? Flying over a hundred-meter-wide broken bridge?"

Upon hearing Chen Fei's request, the two people in New York and Los Angeles started swearing, as if they had agreed in advance!

"Fei? Are you sure this can be done?"

Even though he had been an investor in Red Bull for decades, Flory still felt that Chen Fei's words were like fantasy.

That's a full 100 meters!It’s not just an ordinary meter!How is it possible to fly over?

Chen Fei didn't have time to explain to him, so he just blocked him with one sentence, "Have you forgotten your agreement with me?"


"There's nothing good about it." Chen Fei interrupted him directly, "Flory, I need your full cooperation, and if I don't have complete assurance, I will definitely not do it."

"Okay, I'll prepare the car for you."

After hanging up the phone, Flory fell into deep thought.

There is no doubt that if you want to make this leap, ordinary racing cars will definitely be impossible.

He took a piece of paper and a pen and began to calculate from the aspects of mechanics and dynamics.

Finally, he came up with an accurate figure.

The car must have at least 500 horsepower, and the front of the car must not be too heavy, which means that the engine needs to be placed at the rear of the car.

In addition, hard work must be done in terms of shock absorption, otherwise the impact caused by the moment of landing may cause Chen Fei to be seriously injured!


Red Bull has already started preparations, and Universal Pictures will not be far behind.

After repeatedly confirming that Chen Fei had the courage to complete this challenge, Romulo directly submitted the request for this event to the publicity department.

Regarding this challenge, Universal Pictures and Red Bull both attach great importance to it.

The two parties quickly completed preliminary communication.

Both parties are wealthy owners. After confirming that the car will be provided by Red Bull, Universal Pictures began to prepare other items that will determine whether this challenge can be successful.

First a broken bridge is needed.

Universal Pictures has set its sights directly on the broken bridge from Miami to Key West, the southernmost tip of the United States.

It is a broken bridge with a history of more than 100 years. The American people call it one of the "Eight Wonders".

What a coincidence is that the width of the broken bridge is exactly 100 meters, so it can be used directly without any treatment or repair.

After sending professionals to survey and set the scene, Red Bull and Universal Pictures began a series of precise calculations and designs for the construction of the speeding platform.

If you want to leap hundreds of meters, this is not something that a conventional speeding platform can do, and it must be redesigned.

Sprinting distance, starting slope, landing angle... these all need to be precisely calculated by top aerodynamicists and aerodynamics experts.


For this challenge, people from Universal Pictures and Red Bull are very busy.

As the person involved, Chen Fei and Wen Ziren were watching the finished film of "Latent" in the cinema.

Today is the first day of the movie's release. In addition to watching the movie, the two of them also have the purpose of measuring attendance.

Fortunately, even though "Dangerous Laughter" is currently showing, the attendance rate for "Latent" is still quite high.

James Wan is already a well-known benchmark director for horror thrillers, and the script was written by Chen Fei, a famous screenwriter who has won an Oscar. The popularity during the early promotion has reached a new level.

Although he had already watched it once, Chen Fei was still frightened by the scary and thrilling scenes in the movie when he watched it for the second time.

The film tells the story of Josh and Riley leading their three children into a new home happily, but that night they heard some strange noises in the room, and even a mysterious ghost appeared!

Soon after, the eldest son Dalton was accidentally injured while "exploring" the attic and fell into a coma the next day and entered the hospital.

The strange thing is that he is still in a coma three months later, and even doctors are puzzled by this.

Later, Dalton returned home from the hospital to recuperate.

But in this mysterious place, more horrific events happened one after another.

The couple suspected that the house was causing trouble, so they decided to move.

But the situation still did not improve after moving again!

Later, with the help of some exorcists, they realized that there was not a problem with the house, but that their children might be haunted by a strange spirit from the dark world.

For the sake of their children, the parents and scientists launched a desperate duel with the supernatural beings!
…Screams echoed through the screening hall from time to time.

The fans were all frightened, but you could still vaguely see a hint of morbid joy on their faces!
Some people may feel scared, trembling, or even feel very sick when watching horror movies.

But there are some people who enjoy this feeling very much and regard it as something more wonderful than male love and female love, and they are deeply obsessed with it!
After the 96-minute viewing, Chen Fei and Wen Ziren mingled with the crowd and left the theater.

"The box office is stable."

"Oh? Why do you see that?" Chen Fei looked at the confident Wen Ziren with some surprise, wondering where he got his confidence from.

"Horror movies spread by word of mouth. As long as the audience in a theater can fully immerse themselves in it, they will spread it to other people in the circle, and this spread is very fast!"

Wen Ziren's words were quickly verified.

Time came to June 6, and the North American box office of the three-day opening weekend was fixed at 10 million US dollars.

If distribution in other countries is included, the final box office will be around 3500 million.

no doubt!

Chen Fei made a lot of money again!
As for the production of "Latent" and "Dangerous Laughter", the external media has even praised them.


News from Hollywood quickly spread back home.

"Sina reported: "Dangerous Laughter," the new R-rated Hollywood film directed by Chen Fei, has exceeded US$3500 million in global box office within ten days of its release! The box office of "Insidious" has reached US$[-] million in its first weekend!"

"Sohu reported: According to announcements from Universal Pictures and Volton Pictures, the investment cost of "Dangerous Laughter" was only US$1500 million, and the investment cost of "Insidious" was less than US$500 million."

"NetEase reported: Dimension Pictures, New Line Cinema, Marvel Entertainment and many other companies announced that the R-rated horror thriller co-produced with Chen Fei has now been completed and is expected to be released in staggered order in the second half of the year. "


The mixed news was like poking a hornet's nest, and the entire internal entertainment was turned into a mess.

"It doesn't matter if the domestic box office has repeatedly exceeded [-] million. Why do you still keep making over [-] million when you go abroad?"

"I'm convinced. Less than three years after Director Chen entered Hollywood, the total box office has almost exceeded 20 billion. How much money will he make?"

"It's completely unimaginable. After all, the box office of these low-cost movies only accounts for one-third of the revenue. The subsequent copyright and DVD sharing is the most terrifying."

"I'm so envious that I can't stop drooling."

"Grandma is so stupid. No wonder people look down on China and gave the script to Ning Hao. The profit of a small-budget horror film is so high!"

Suddenly, congratulations like raindrops appeared in Chen Fei's office through phone calls, text messages, emails, etc.

But he paid no attention to it.

Compared with the income of those A-category productions, the income of these horror films is like playing house.

Despite the current momentum, based on past experience, the total box office of these two movies may eventually be fixed in the range of 1.3 million to 1.8 million.

When it comes to making money, you still have to watch blockbusters!
The recent hot hits "Mission: Impossible 3" and "X-Men: The Last Stand", two Category A productions, have both exceeded the US$3 million mark at the box office.

Even "Cars", which was released only three days later than "Insidious", quickly exceeded 2 million U.S. dollars at the global box office, and its momentum shows no signs of weakening.

Chen Fei's saliva almost flowed out.

So he simply went to the animation special effects studio to help with the post-production of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", hoping that it could be released early.

At the same time, in his spare time, he will also help the animation team to work on "Wall-E".

For "WALL-E", the process is to create the graphics first, and then hire voice actors to dub the characters later. Everything is done in accordance with the regular Hollywood film industry.

The head of the animation department is a fat man named Andrew Brocher.

He was hired by Natasha from Pixar Animation Studios, and his salary was also not low.

When faced with Chen Fei's help, he initially declined and said "no".

But when he saw Chen Fei skillfully using various software to design compositions on the computer, he was stunned.

The proficiency of the operation is no worse than mine!

After being stunned for a while, Andrew suddenly became excited when he realized that Chen Fei was also a "technician".

As a screenwriter and director, Chen Fei is the one who is most familiar with this movie. With his help, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort!
"Fei, I need you to answer some questions. In the setting of the script, WALL·E is a real robot, not an anthropomorphic entity. He cannot speak and has no particularly obvious facial expressions. The audience only Being able to infer his psychological activities based on his movements, wouldn’t this setting make the audience feel bored?”

This problem has been the biggest challenge faced by the entire animation team since the production of the film began.

How to show the audience the development of the story without dialogue?

Today I finally had the opportunity to cooperate with Chen Fei, and Andrew couldn't wait to get the answer from him.

After a moment of silence, Chen Fei gave the answer.

"This film will mainly use visuals as the main narrative method, and the dialogue in the film will be carried out from beginning to end, but it will not use traditional language dialogue, but a unique communication method between robots."

How do robots communicate with each other?

Andrew seemed to understand something. He always felt like there was a light flashing in his mind, but he couldn't catch it.

Chen Fei didn't explain too much to him, he just spent a few hours and made one of the fragments with exquisite techniques.

"WALL·E, after installing a new chip, forgot about Eve. Eve and WALL·E told a series of past memories. When they met and held hands, WALL·E finally remembered Eve, and Eve looked at him with a smile... "

In this storyline, the two robots did not communicate with each other verbally, but only used their eyes and movements to express their inner emotions.

After reading it, Andrew was completely enlightened!

Some words don’t have to be spoken, just actions can express the core of a great story.

Long-term companionship is more shocking than saying I love you verbally!

"Fei, thank you for clarifying my doubts."

"You're welcome, let's get on with our work."


All work is done simultaneously.

While Chen Fei was busy in the animation studio, Marvel also announced plans to start filming "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk", and based on Chen Fei's suggestion, auditions were sent to some people in the Hollywood circle invite.

At the same time, the props and post-production special effects department there have also officially entered the preparatory and production period.

"Iron Man" Chen Fei plans to direct it himself, which can be regarded as fulfilling one of his dreams.

As for Hulk, Marvel Company already has many cooperating directors, so just choose a suitable director.

As soon as the news came out, it sparked heated discussions among major Hollywood film companies and also attracted the attention of many interested people.

The first thing to be announced is the list of producers.

Producing, photography, scoring, editing, etc., most of these are veteran Marvel employees.

But when they saw the names of other people on the list, the whole of Hollywood was completely shocked!
"iron Man"

Director: Fei Chen
Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Investment budget: US$1.5 million

"The Incredible Hulk"

Director: Tentative

Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Investment budget: US$1.5 million

When the name "Fei Chen" appeared in front of the CEOs of major film and television production companies, everyone felt inexplicably in a trance.

They vaguely remembered that last year Chen Fei was just a young Chinese director who had just entered Hollywood. How come that in a blink of an eye, he started cooperating with Marvel to shoot large-scale A-type productions?


While the news spread in Hollywood, it also appeared in China through major portals.

After it was determined that "Fei Chen" on the list was "Chen Fei", the major domestic film and television companies went completely crazy!

Two 1.5 million U.S. dollars, which adds up to 3 million U.S. dollars.

Convert to RMB…

That's 24 billion for riding a horse!
If he could get an investment share in it, wouldn't he make a lot of money based on Chen Fei's "guaranteed profit without loss" record?
However, before they could fully recover, the sports channel, in conjunction with Sports Network, the three major portals, and major newspapers and magazines, urgently announced an announcement.

“At eight o’clock sharp, Capital Time, Red Bull and Universal Pictures jointly issued an announcement:

Famous director, actor, screenwriter, producer, and extreme athlete Chen Fei will complete the challenge of "driving over a 6-meter bridge" on the Miami Broken Bridge, known as "one of the eight wonders of the United States" on June 15. .

This will be a thrilling but thrilling extreme challenge!

At that time, the sports channel will broadcast the entire event, please wait and see. "

Once the news was released, it directly triggered discussions and support from netizens and extreme sports enthusiasts across the country!
6 month 15 day.

Driving over a [-]-meter broken bridge?

For a time, countless "fuck" sounds resounded in the homes of every netizen who saw this news!

(End of this chapter)

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