It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 233: Florida doesn’t support idle people, why should it launch the car?Please keep emergency

Chapter 233: Florida doesn’t support idle people, why should it launch the car?Please keep emergency pills ready! (asking for monthly ticket)
Add 1, owe 149

There were a lot of calls coming in from across the country.

Led by China Film, Shanghai Film, and Wanda, they all want a share of the two movies "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk."

But without exception, they were all rejected by Chen Fei.

The reason he gave is simple. These two movies were independently invested by Marvel. Even though he was the screenwriter and even had the authority to direct, he did not have a share of the investment.

On the other hand, he can try to fight for publicity in the country.

Although it is a bit regretful, several companies can only look back and sigh.

Marvel wants to invest independently and is unwilling to find external partners. This is also their right and freedom, and they have no reason to object.


In fact, when he asked Natasha to start recovering the copyright, Chen Fei already had preliminary ideas.

The later revenue of the Marvel Universe is very large, and box office revenue is part of it, but various DVDs, peripheral toys, game character licensing, etc. are the real big part!
If this part is separated, the loss will not be as simple as [-] million.

There are so many excellent cases from past lives!

Universal Studios, Disneyland, Fantawild Happy Valley...these are the goals Chen Fei longs for.

Now that we have acquired Marvel and own so many comic characters and copyrights, why not create a film and television park unique to Marvel?

Although this will be a very difficult task, Chen Fei believes that as long as he works hard, the possibility of achieving it is very high!

The follow-up movies include "Kung Fu Panda", "WALL-E", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Interstellar", etc. covering all major animation, science fiction, and virtual reality movie categories, and they can all be filled into the film and television paradise.

The moment the idea occurs, it is no longer a daydream.

However, the top priority is to complete the system's challenging tasks first.


During this period of time, apart from spending time outside the animation and special effects studio, Chen Fei spent the rest of his time doing various special trainings.

Even though he was equipped with a system and had good driving skills, he did not relax his vigilance.

50 meters and 100 meters are two completely different concepts. If you want to complete this "leap over the broken bridge" challenge, you can do it with more than just enthusiasm.

But after several indoor test flights, the longest distance Chen Fei could reach was never able to exceed 60 meters.

No matter how long the runway is and how steep the slope is, the kinetic energy is limited, and even if the mass of the car is reduced again and again, it will not have much effect.

After several discussions with experts from Red Bull, the two sides reached a complete deadlock.

Chen Fei subconsciously turned back to look at Flory, but what he received was a stern rejection from the other party, "Fei, the weight of the car can no longer be reduced, and it has reached its limit now.

Unless you don't want to live anymore, then I can consider lowering the weight again, but that will cause all the organs in your body to be directly shattered the moment you hit the ground! "

Hearing this, Chen Fei fell silent.

Who would think that life is too long?
Moreover, it was not worth risking his own life for a system task.

The problem that troubles him now is how to convert the kinetic energy of flying into potential energy across the broken bridge!
If he rushed straight out like this, the strong wind resistance would definitely stop him in mid-air. After all, the front area of ​​​​the car is too large, and it cannot be designed to be as small as a drill.

Ok? !

Suddenly, Chen Fei's eyes widened suddenly!
"Drill? Huh? Why can't I make it spin?"

At this moment, a video he saw in his previous life in 2017 suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

At that time, Jaguar invited legendary stunt driver Terry Grant to conduct a thrilling and exciting challenge!
Under dense cameras, Terry took off from one end of the ramp in his Jaguar E-PACE. After a 270-degree spin in the air, he landed safely on the other end of the ramp.

So, can I follow his move?
Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The spiral speed car uses the angle of the ramp to take off. When the car flies into the air, it spins in the air like a bullet to achieve the state of breaking the wind.

In such a state, as the wind resistance decreases, the flight distance will naturally be effectively extended.


After thinking for a while, Chen Fei told the experts at the scene his idea.

For a moment, the warehouse was eerily quiet!
Science is rigorous, and several experts did not immediately refute it, but were thinking and calculating the feasibility of this method.

On the other hand, Flory couldn't help it, and said with a bit of laughter: "Driving a car to take off and then spiral forward? Hey? Fei? Do you think this is making a movie? How is this possible?"

Chen Fei ignored this short-sighted guy.

If it were in the past, he would definitely have felt that this was impossible, but who had let him see Terry Grant's challenge with his own eyes.

In his opinion, as long as the slope and angle are designed appropriately, it can be done.


As expected, aerodynamics experts from all over the world recognized Chen Fei's method.

"Fei, the suggestion you made is indeed feasible, but only if you can control the vehicle's flight angle and rotation angle?"

Flory, who was still smiling, suddenly turned stiff.

What do you mean?
Is it feasible?
Are you kidding around the world?

He was in a daze when he saw Chen Fei nodded and said very seriously: "Yes!"

At this moment, Flory suddenly felt as if his life for these decades had been in vain.

He has been an investor in Red Bull for so many years and has been in the extreme sports equipment customization business for so many years, but he has never seen an extreme athlete like Chen Fei who has repeatedly broken his three views.

take off!


Shoot out like a bullet!

Are you sure this horse-riding person is talking about a car?Rather than some other weird stuff?


Time flew by and soon came the day when the challenge officially began.

Super 3 will be released tomorrow. Universal Pictures has high hopes for this movie, hoping to make a big profit.

Today, Chen Fei's challenge will undoubtedly attract huge attention, which will inevitably lead to a box office hit for tomorrow's movie!

Therefore, in order to maximize the use of this challenge, the two investors, Red Bull and Universal Pictures, have taken "great pains".

First, the two sides of the bridge were directly covered by advertisements for Red Bull and Super 3!

Even places such as racing cars and take-off platforms, as long as there is a corner, are filled with various advertising posters.

The heads of the two companies even wanted to put advertisements on Chen Fei's racing suit and helmet, but Chen Fei directly refused.

This is not the way to pluck wool. If you do it too much, the audience will curse you!

Don't end up losing the rice instead of stealing the chicken.


The departure time is set at ten in the morning.

Chen Fei originally thought that it was too early for him to come here at 08:30, but when he took the car and arrived at the broken bridge, he realized that what he had thought was too simple.

Watching the excitement is not only a characteristic of Chinese people, but also of people here in the United States.

When he saw him opening the door and stepping out of the car, the originally noisy and chaotic scene suddenly fell silent, and then erupted into enthusiastic cheers and shouts.

"Fei! We came all the way from New York to see you."

"I'm from Hawaii!"

"I'm the farthest! I'm from Florida!"

Upon hearing the words "Florida", Chen Fei subconsciously stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a thin and tall black young man with several gold chains around his neck and gold rings on his fingers, who was shouting. He looked like a rapper.

"Florida...surely doesn't raise idle people!"

Chen Fei secretly complained, and while greeting the crowd, he walked towards the location of the broken bridge.
The car, equipment, and special take-off platform are all in place, now it’s just waiting for him to start the challenge.


Seeing Chen Fei coming over, Red Bull's cameraman immediately started broadcasting.

The next second, all the viewers waiting in front of the TV and computer screens widened their eyes, and subconsciously began to applaud and shout.

While Chen Fei was wearing his racing suit, helmet, and airbag, the cameraman and an expert began to introduce the venue to the audience who could not arrive at the scene.

The rusty steel bridge tells of its former glory. Although the glory is long gone now, the history of hundreds of years is still shocking.

When we came to the broken bridge, as the camera was filming, the audience who was afraid of heights and the deep sea shuddered unconsciously.

The bridge is at least a hundred meters high, and the water surface looks like an ancient well without waves, but the deep dark blue color gives people the feeling that if they fall, they will not be able to come up alive!
Of course, this is indeed the case.

It's a hundred meters high. If you fall down stupidly, it's actually no different from jumping off a building.

As a challenger, even if he is sitting in the car, the powerful recoil will still destroy Chen Fei's internal organs!
Therefore, this challenge can only be won, not lost!

Immediately afterwards, as the camera was raised, everyone truly realized what a hundred-meter-wide broken bridge was.

"Perhaps you don't have an intuitive sense of this distance? Let me give you a simple metaphor. It is probably an adult walking forward 100 meters."

As soon as these words came out, everyone watching the broadcast took a breath.

"Good guy? Can this fly over?"

"100 meters! It's so wide! It's quite scary when you think about it." "If you ask me, it's just like that. I just step on the accelerator and drive forward. As long as the power is strong enough, let alone 100 meters, even 200 meters." Rice is not a problem either.”

"We'll see, we'll see!"

"If this challenge is successful, wouldn't it break Ke Shouliang's world record of flying across the Yellow River?"

The audience chattered nonchalantly, and at the scene, after Chen Fei put on his racing suit, he greeted his friends who came from afar to witness his challenge.

The king of drift "Tsuchiya Keiichi" and the captain of the orange team "Kumakubo Shinshige" both flew here from Japan.

All the creators of the Fast and Furious 3 crew were present and cheering him on.

"If you succeed in this challenge, it will definitely overturn the entire field of stunt racing, and it will also leave a mark in the racing world."

"It's just a small fight, it's nothing."

Chen Fei said modestly.


At this time, the cameraman and experts who had introduced the broken bridge came back.

Chen Fei did not hesitate and waved to the cameraman, gesturing for him to follow him.

When the camera officially focused on Chen Fei who had finished dressing up, everyone at the scene immediately became excited, because this meant that the challenge was about to begin!

The runway ten meters above the ground shocked everyone.

Stepping on the elevator, the two began to rise slowly...

At this time, Chen Fei's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, "First of all, I would like to thank all the experts and professors. They have spent a lot of energy on this track.

Then, I have to give you a little suggestion. If you have heart disease or other viewers, it is recommended to opt out.

Because the way I will leap later may be too exciting, it would be bad if I scare you. Even if you want to watch it, you must always have quick-acting heart-saving pills. "

While speaking, Chen Fei had already climbed onto the high platform.

He opened the door, avoiding the roll rack supported on the roof and chassis, and sat firmly in the driver's seat.


The moment the car door closed, the audience roared with cheers like a roaring tsunami again!

Waving his hands to both sides, Chen Fei began to carefully check the integrity of some functions and equipment in the car, while everyone on the runway stepped aside.

After a few minutes, everything is ready!
"It's about to start."

These four simple words, as if they were an oral decree from the emperor, instantly suppressed the shouts and cheers from both sides of the broken bridge.

The entire venue became audible, and even the audience watching the broadcast shut their mouths, for fear of disturbing Chen Fei's challenge.

After fastening his seat belt, Chen Fei first unscrewed the thermos cup and took a few sips of water, and then reached out and turned the car key.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the roar of the engine resounded throughout the audience, not only igniting the steel beast under Chen Fei's butt, but also stimulating the inner restlessness of all the audience!

"come on!!!"

The moment the cheers rang out, Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all. He stepped on the clutch, shifted gears, and filled the gas. Everything went smoothly.

When the rear wheels made contact with the ground, the custom-made racing car, covered with Red Bull advertisements and Super 3 posters, jumped out like a wild horse that had escaped the reins!

The runway of more than [-] meters seemed to be still some distance away on normal days, but when Chen Fei stepped on the accelerator hard, it almost disappeared in a flash, leaving only a dark black mark on the spot, and the sky-blocking sun. Billowing white smoke!
The spectators at the back of the track subconsciously started running along.

Thick smoke obscured their sight, and they subconsciously wanted to see through the smoke and see the wonderful scene of "flying into the sky".

Blown by the sea breeze, the smoke dissipated within a few seconds.

Then when everyone went to look, they saw that Chen Fei was already extremely close to the edge of the broken bridge, and it seemed that he would break through the sky in the next second!


Because of the pursuit of weight reduction, there is no sound insulation material in the car.

Through the rearview mirror in the car, Chen Fei could even see that the two superchargers were all red, and the drive shaft had turned out of its afterimage!

In order to succeed, Chen Fei has stepped on the accelerator to the extreme, leaving no room for himself!

In the blink of an eye, he has reached the end of the runway!

"Brothers! Help me fly high!"

The slightly arrogant words echoed through the loudspeaker.

At this moment, all the viewers in front of the screen once again experienced what is called the No. 1 challenge!
The moment before taking off, Chen Fei's eyes were as precise as a hunting falcon.

His eyes were always on the inclined ramp at the end of the take-off point. Although his speed did not slow down, he turned the steering wheel gently and made fine adjustments.

And all this is to be able to successfully fly over at the perfect angle!


Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Fei drove out completely in his car!
Even though he was flying in mid-air, he still did not let go of the accelerator, but continued to run the engine at high load.

The purpose is very simple, just to have more kinetic energy.

At the same time, with the perfect take-off operation, when the car officially reached mid-air, it was already tilted at a 45-degree angle due to the influence of the slope.

This tilt did not stop there, it broke through the 90-degree angle almost in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, the perfect combination of kinetic energy and potential energy finally took effect.









When the 360-degree rotation was completed, everyone on the broken bridge widened their eyes and showed an expression of extreme astonishment.

Too late!Soon!
From their perspective, the process from takeoff to start of rotation did not even take two seconds.

The racing car flying in the center of the broken bridge was like a high-speed rotating bullet, breaking through the wind resistance in front of it and shooting towards the other side of the broken bridge!

The rumbling sound of the engine echoed throughout the venue, like the roar of a dragon and a tiger, completely covering up the cheers and screams of the audience.

The billowing white smoke spewing out of the exhaust pipe streaked across the void, just like the traces left by a jet aircraft as it soared in the sky!
At the same time, the audience in front of the screen finally understood why Chen Fei asked people with heart problems to prepare quick-acting heart-saving pills in advance.

Just do it!

Who of the average person can bear it?
"Phineas is awesome!"

"Fuck! This is really awesome! It's so awesome!"

"Okay, I take back what I just said. This thing can't be accomplished by just stepping on the accelerator."

"Mom? Are you driving the car like a plane?"

"Good guy? Are you kidding me? I'm afraid this isn't a Hollywood special effects blockbuster, is it? Can the car still drive like this?"


The screams and discussions outside the car did not affect Chen Fei, because all sounds were covered up by the roar of the engine.

Not surprisingly, the Spiral Leap method works.

He could clearly feel that he was very close to the other side of the broken bridge.

But even so, the crisis has not been resolved.

The leap is just one of the difficulties, the final landing is the most important thing!

This kind of flip is uncontrollable. All Chen Fei can do is step on the accelerator, control the direction, and leave the rest to luck.

If he is lucky, he may be able to land safely, and then the shock-absorbing system prepared in advance will come in handy.

But if you are not lucky, you can only pray that the portable airbag and roll rack can come in handy.

Before setting off just now, he specially soaked the peel of a lucky orange in water and drank it. He thought it might be of some use.

The centrifugal force of the spinning world made Chen Fei's stomach churn a little, and it was as if there was a hand holding his body tightly outside his body.

Relying on his super physical fitness, Chen Fei reluctantly arrived, while praying for the arrival of the landing moment.

Finally, as the car flew a full hundred meters in the air, a beautiful parabola finally reached the lowest point after passing through the peak.

Lucky Orange gave him a hand again!

The moment the four wheels landed, Chen Fei felt that his head was spinning, his body was numb, and he had no strength at all.

Fortunately, he pulled the handbrake after taking off, so when he landed, the forward momentum did not last long before he was pulled back by the brakes.

What replaced it was a black tire mark that stretched for more than ten meters, and the front suspension was completely broken!
Kicking open the car door, Chen Fei picked up his thermos cup while walking down, unscrewed it and took a sip.

This free and unrestrained picture fell into the eyes of the audience on the other side of the broken bridge, and it immediately caused a huge sensation!
Challenge succeeded!
(End of this chapter)

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