It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 234: Dongfang Ticket Store enters the international market, who will play Tony Stark?Urgent

Chapter 234: Dongfang Bank enters the international market, who will play Tony Stark?Urgent reminder from Mr. Ren! (asking for monthly ticket)
Although the densely packed advertisements on the racing car and the broken bridge are a bit distracting, I have to say that this is another "unprecedented" exciting challenge!

100 meters wide broken bridge!

Chen Fei drove the racing car, just like the spiral speed car in the movie, flying around like a bullet spinning!

This operation is really appalling!
And in the end, when he walked out of the car in a cool style with a thermos cup in his hand, the audience on the scene and in front of the screen who were watching the broadcast were all excited.

"Made, this pussy makes you pretend."

"He's so handsome on horseback. I just discovered that Director Chen's looks are no less talented than him!"

"Wow! He looks like Zunlong when he was young. Oh no, he is even more handsome than Zunlong!"

"When will Director Chen act in a scene between a CEO and a secretary? Haha, I quite like watching it."

"Succeeded again? Damn it! He is indeed the number one martial arts instructor in the mainland. He has real skills!"

"Chinese Kung Fu! Awesome!"


With the help of the helicopter, Chen Fei returned to the starting point of the broken bridge.

A group of people, including Flori, Romulo, Tsuchiya Kuiichi, and Xiong Jiubanshige, gathered around him. While congratulating him on completing the challenge, they were also amazed by his behavior just now.

"You have directly set a benchmark for the entire stunt racing world!" Xiong Jiu Baoxinzhong sighed with emotion, "Fortunately, I only do drift stunts, otherwise I would have to be crushed by you from now on.

oh!wrong!I lost to you in Akinayama Drift!I still have to be held down by you! "

good guy?
"It's better for two grown men not to press each other. There's no place for guns."


The serious words immediately triggered laughter from everyone present.

Several experts were still studying on the take-off platform. Chen Fei looked back at them and then turned his attention to the camera.

The broadcast was about to end and he had to say a few words.

"Thank you for your support and encouragement. This challenge has ended successfully. You can follow the Red Bull official account in the future. If there are new challenge plans, the official will issue an announcement in time.

Oh, by the way, one more thing. At 12 o'clock tonight, "Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift", directed by me and starring in it, will be released in major cinemas around the world. I hope you can support it.

We are destined to meet again! "

After the words fell, Chen Fei bowed slightly to express his thanks.

The cameraman's hand speed was quite fast and he quickly pressed the power off button.

After saying hello to the fans who came to watch the excitement, everyone began to pack their equipment and prepare to return to Los Angeles.

Friends who came from afar were warmly received, and Chen Fei was not stingy and led everyone to a luxurious meal at the Michelin restaurant.

After playing in the evening, everyone went to the nearest cinema on time to watch the movie in person.

Needless to say, the attendance rate is obvious, Chen Fei almost didn’t get a ticket!

After the challenge during the day, everyone is very curious, what kind of exciting performance will Chen Fei have in the movie?
In fact, Fast 3 can only be regarded as a spin-off. It is independent of the entire "Fast and Furious" series, but it can also be connected to the larger series, serving as a link between the previous and the following.

For die-hard fans, it is unacceptable that the protagonist of the Fast and Furious series is not Paul Walker.

But more people said it didn't matter.

According to Chen Fei's request, Universal Pictures told the outside world when promoting that Fast 3 is not part of the series, and please watch it as an independent film.

Based on this, most die-hard fans are still willing to be patient and watch.

Different from the violent driving in the first two games, Super 3 uses "drifting" more to show a smooth driving skill, rather than purely slamming the throttle.

It is inevitable that the audience's praise will be inconsistent, but for Chen Fei's performance in the film, everyone gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

The scene of being cool in a car and driving wildly on the streets of Tokyo aroused the cheers of countless people!

After watching the movie and saying goodbye to everyone, Chen Fei returned to his villa in Beverly Hills alone.

The system rewards have already been in place, but because he was too busy before, he never had time to pay attention to them. Now he just has time to check them.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the S-level challenge mission (driving over a [-]-meter broken bridge). 】

[A total of 32195 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[S-level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Lucky Orange, Line Proficiency (Lv4). 】

"Hey, it's pretty good, isn't it?"

After getting used to the generous rewards of "SS" level challenge missions, Chen Fei even looked down on "S" level missions.

His expectations were not actually high, but he never thought that another lucky orange would come to him!
As for the upgrade in line proficiency, overall it is quite good, which will help him dub for "Wall-E" and "Kung Fu Panda" in the future.

After briefly planning the next itinerary in his mind, Chen Fei fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, when he woke up from bed, he immediately received a message from Romulo.

The first-day box office has not yet appeared, but some professional film critics have already spoken out.

Just as Chen Fei thought, there are good reviews and bad reviews.

""Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift" is very novel. Compared with the American racing in the first and second films, the third film incorporates Eastern culture into the movie, and the technical content of drag racing has increased, which makes people feel very cool. .”

"The drifting shots in this film are smooth and sophisticated. They drive out of the circular parking lot completely in a drifting manner, drift around a car in a perfect circle, and the two cars drift close to the cliff edge. These shots are all very exciting. .”

"After being transformed, various classic models have exploded with huge speed and power. Coupled with the embellishment of beauty and love, it will undoubtedly make car fans excited!"

"Tokyo Drift was just a movie made 'for money.' If you only saw Fast and Furious 3, you'd be like 'I never want to see any Fast and Furious movies ever again.'"

"Big-name guest appearances - the only surprise you'll get from The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift."


The oriental elements incorporated into it are not accepted by many North American locals. This is something Chen Fei had thought of before filming.

But he didn't care, because this was originally an "experiment" for Universal Pictures to open up the mainland market, and its main ticket warehouses were still in East Asia and Southeast Asia.


Leaving Fast 3 behind, Chen Fei went to the animation special effects studio to look at the production progress of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and "Wall-E", and then boarded the plane to New York with satisfaction.

Marvel moved very quickly. In just a few days, they had gathered all the actors they wanted.

Kevin Feige took the initiative to send a message, hoping that he could come over and meet the actors, and if possible, sign a contract with them.

There are many candidates for the role of Tony Stark.

Kevin's suggestion was to let Nicolas Cage play Iron Man, and Perlmutter felt that Tom Cruise was quite suitable, but in the end, Chen Fei still designated Robert Downey Jr. to play the role.

No way, he was too impressed by "Robert Downey Jr."!

Especially the phrase "l am lron Man" left a very deep memory in his mind.

Downey is a talented actor and has been nominated for the Oscar and Golden Globe Awards for Best Actor. Unfortunately, he also used to be a drug addict.

However, after several years in prison, he has completely changed his ways and is determined to return to the film industry.

Chen Fei was still a little surprised when he saw Downey in the reception room.

At this time, Downey was much thinner, and his energy and energy seemed to be in a state of sluggishness, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness.

"Fei, it's an honor to meet you."

Tangni took the initiative to reach out to Chen Fei, with a trace of surprise on his face.

Obviously, even he himself had some expectations, why did Chen Fei insist on inviting him to play the role of "Tony Stark".

After shaking hands with him, Fade Chen frowned slightly, "Donnie, you don't seem to be in a very good condition now?"

The Robert Downey Jr. in front of him is obviously not suitable for the role of Tony Stark. He is too thin. Chen Fei is even a little worried that he will be crushed by the Iron Man suit.

"I've been under a lot of pressure recently, and I'm working hard to recover..."

He couldn't say that this was physical weakness caused by withdrawal reactions, and he could only cope with "stress".

This road of "returning to the film industry" is not smooth. He needs a role to prove himself, and Tony Stark is obviously a great choice.

Fortunately, Chen Fei chose to invite him to audition, but his current state is indeed not worthy of the word "superhero".

"I can give you three months, is that enough?"

"Enough! Enough!"

Robert Downey Jr. nodded quickly, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Three months was enough time for him to gain weight and return to a healthy state.

Kevin Feige watched quietly from the sidelines without making any comments.

Although he didn't think Robert Downey Jr. was the best choice in front of him, Chen Fei insisted on choosing, and he couldn't say much.

But he still couldn't help but wonder, maybe there were other deeper reasons?Recalling his investigation of Chen Fei, and then thinking about the other party's record of "never losing money", it is very likely that he has other motives.


Chen Fei is not responsible for signing contracts and remuneration, these will be handled by professional lawyers and producers.

In the subsequent period, he met "Terrence Howard" who played Tony's friend Colonel James Rhodes, and "Sean Toub" who played Dr. Ethan.

After chatting for a few words respectively, both of them expressed their willingness to join the filming plan of "Iron Man".

After the two left, the actress "Gwyneth Paltrow" who decided to play Pepper Potts followed closely into the reception room.

Compared to the previous three, this one has a much richer resume!

Born in 1972, she is now only 34 years old and in her prime. In 1999, she won the Best Actress Award at the 71st Academy Awards for her love movie "Shakespeare in Love".

Taken together, among all the actors, Gwyneth has the highest appearance!

In terms of salary, she is also second only to Robert Downey Jr., the male lead who has the most roles.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Gwyneth."

"Mr. Director, it's been a long time no see. We met at the Oscars. I even exchanged contact information with you."

"Haha, long time no see can indeed be used as the word."

After sitting down and chatting with her for a while, Chen Fei asked about her personal situation.

"Can your schedule be staggered? We will probably start shooting in September and continue until next year."

"Is the shooting cycle 3-5 months?"

Gwyneth fell silent and began to calculate her schedule.

"Survival Between the Cracks" will be released on October 10.27 and "Infamous" will be released on October 10.13. Both movies require her to cooperate in promotion.

"Good Night" and "Lovesickness" were the roles she just took on last month. Both of them will probably start shooting in the near future, but the former can be postponed, while the latter is a bit urgent...

Gwyneth suddenly raised her head, "I have read the script. In fact, my role in it is not that many, so when there is no filming, can I do other work?"


Chen Fei did not refuse, after all, he often did this kind of thing.

Actors are a profession that has been involved in various crews all year round. As long as they don't go too far, most directors will choose to turn a blind eye.

"Thank you, Mr. Director, I think we can start working together."

"Okay, let's sign the contract first and officially join the team in September."


The film adaptation of "Iron Man" is actually quite tortuous.

In the early 90s, the rights to adapt Iron Man were first sold to Universal Pictures by Marvel and then bought by [-]th Century Fox.

Unable to film, [-]th Century Fox transferred the adaptation rights to New Line Cinema. Finally, due to the unsatisfactory shooting work of New Line Cinema, the copyright of Iron Man returned to the hands of Marvel Studios.

It's quite a coincidence that when Fade Chen acquired Marvel, it happened to be the time when Iron Man and Hulk returned to Marvel.

When Stan Lee, the author of the original "Iron Man" comics, created Tony Stark, he based the character on Howard Hughes.

Therefore, after discussing with the creative team, Chen Fei finally decided to set the main shooting location at Playa Vista Terrace in the west of Los Angeles.

This was once Howard Hughes' machinery assembly plant.

As for the visual effects control of the movie, after seeing the special effects level of the original "Iron Man", Chen Fei decided to hire Industrial Light and Magic to produce special effects for "Iron Man".

Waltan Animation Special Effects Studio has so much work that they don’t have time to take over the work here.

"War for the Planet of the Apes" already has enough to keep them busy.


When arriving at Playa Vista Terrace in west Los Angeles with Kevin Feige, Chen Fei saw many Marvel staff who were busy setting up scenes here.

At the same time, he also met Sandra Netback, a special effects artist sent by Industrial Light and Magic.

After greeting the other party, Chen Fei made his request,
"In the movie "Iron Man", Tony Stark's "transformation" is very different from other superheroes. My request is to make his transformation as ritualistic as a knight putting on armor. .

The steel armor needs to be divided into parts. At the beginning of the transformation, all the armors have sensors and thrusters flying from all directions, and are assembled on his body..."

In the next week, Chen Fei lived and ate directly with all the staff, and worked together on the preparatory work on the Playa Vista platform.

During this period, he communicated with Sandra Netback for a long time.

From the design and production of props, to the model construction and post-rendering of special effects, we finally talked about the audience’s senses and screen presentation!

While chatting, the two of them were building models on the computer.

Until the end, Sandra looked at Chen Fei as if she were looking at the God he believed in!

After saving the model drawing of the steel armor helmet to the computer, Sandra turned her head and looked at Chen Fei in surprise,

"Fei? I'm very curious? What else can't you do? Your special effects production level is even better than most people in Industrial Light & Magic!"

Director, screenwriter, photography, actors, props, special effects...

It’s no exaggeration!Chen Fei alone is equivalent to an entire crew!

If he had the magic of cloning, he could even make a movie without anyone's help!

"I don't know how to have children." Chen Fei said seriously.

"Huh? You do it again!"

Sandra was a little dumbfounded, this kind of sudden joke always made him laugh.

After stretching, Chen Fei stood up and said, "The follow-up work will be left to you. I have to go back first."


The night of the 25th was the final red carpet awards ceremony. Today, I am 24, and time is still quite tight. He promised Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun to attend.

"Back to downtown Los Angeles?"

"No, I am going back to China. From July to September, I still have a movie to shoot in China."

"I wish you a smooth journey."

"Okay, I also wish you good luck in your work."


This edition of the Shanghai Film Festival is quite interesting.

The vice chairman of the jury turned out to be Feng Xiaogang, and the judges also included Xu Jinglei and Guan Jingpeng.

Unfortunately, only three domestic films were shortlisted for the competition, namely "Tengu", "The Barber" and "The Chinese Partner".

The other shortlisted films are all over the world, and the farthest ones are even in South America. These judges can be considered to have taken great pains.

When we landed at the airport, it was already the afternoon of the 25th.

Preparations have begun for the film festival. More than 170 Chinese and foreign film and television stars and guests have arrived to cheer and cheer for this film festival.

The person in charge of picking up the guests was Zhong Lun, the host director of Shanghai Film Festival.

What Chen Fei didn't expect was that as soon as he got in the car, Ren Zhonglun frowned, with a very troubled look on his face.

"Mr. Ren? Why are you looking like this? Did something happen?"

Ren Zhonglun's face was gloomy, "I got the news that someone has sent a message to the organizer of the film festival and wants to give you a kick."

"Oh? A show of force?" Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, very interested, "How can I do this?"

"I don't know." Ren Zhonglun shook his head, "I only know that there is such news, but I don't know who is going to do it. Have you offended anyone recently?"

Suddenly, Chen Fei laughed out loud,

"Haha, I know who it is. Someone threatened me some time ago and said that I would not be able to survive in the country. It might be that person."

"Hey? Who has this ability? Tell me about it?"

Chen Fei didn't hide anything, he told Professor Guan and Lu Chuan.

After hearing what happened, Ren Zhonglun frowned and was very angry.

"Old guy! Just because he relies on his seniority to rely on his old skills, he is only qualified to play dirty tricks."

After pondering for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't worry about this. After all, he is a teacher in your school, and it is not convenient for you to come forward.

And the old guy does have some qualifications, and he has a good relationship with the current chairman of China Film Group Corporation, and he also has a few classmates above him.

Leave this matter to me, and I will ensure that everything is properly arranged for you, but you have to be careful tonight, that old guy has his own tricks, so don't get in his way. "

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Chen Fei smiled and nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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