It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 236 There is no distinction between style and style, there is only one chance, the casting b

Chapter 236 There is no distinction between style and style, the only chance is the casting battle in July! "Lust, Caution" "..." (please vote for me)
After Zhou Jielun and Zhou Bichang finished singing, the award ceremony officially began.

As the saying goes, the layman sees the fun, the expert sees the doorway.

“The selection committee for the Golden Goblet Award of this Shanghai International Film Festival is chaired by the world-renowned French director and producer Luc Besson.

This is the first time that the Shanghai International Film Festival has invited a foreign director to serve as the chairman of the jury.

Among the nine committee members, three have won Academy Awards, which has greatly enhanced the authority of the "Golden Goblet Award" selection at this Shanghai International Film Festival. "

The award host's words were eloquent and resounding, but they made Chen Fei curl his lips when he heard them.

As soon as the words "authoritative" come out, it means that the Golden Goblet Award has no connection with China.

Among the male and female best actors at the previous Magic City International Film Festival, one of the awards was always taken away by a Chinese actor. However, this year, in pursuit of "internationality", both the best actor and best actress were taken away by foreign actors.

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced back.

The first- and second-tier actors and actresses were not very happy, but they still had to force their smiles in front of the camera.

"The next thing that will be announced is the Golden Goblet Award for Best Screenplay. I would like to ask the chairman of the jury, Mr. Luc Besson, to reveal the answer..."

The host on the stage shouted hard, Luc Besson slowly stood up and gave Chen Fei a smile.

In an instant, Chen Fei's eyebrows trembled slightly!
Is there something wrong?
Just as he was wondering, he saw Luc Besson open the envelope and take out a list.

"The winner of the Golden Goblet Award for Best Screenplay at the [-]th Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival is Fei Chen's "Chinese Partner"!"

Chen Fei immediately became happy. He suddenly wanted to see what Professor Guan's expression was like.

The old guy had made harsh words before, saying that he would "ban" Chen Fei from major domestic awards, but he didn't expect that the Magic City International Film Festival would turn around and award him the Golden Goblet Award for Best Screenplay.

The slap on the face made a snapping sound!

Seeing Chen Fei with a bright smile on his face, Professor Guan, who was sitting in the background, frowned and his face was so gloomy that it almost turned black.

If it were in the past, he would indeed be able to speak.

However, in order to pursue "internationalization" and "authoritativeness" this year, most of the jury chairmen and members are well-known directors and producers invited back from abroad.

There are only three judges in China: Feng Xiaogang, Xu Jinglei, and Guan Jingpeng.

He did say hello to all three of them, but the other six committee members didn't know who he was at all, and they didn't even pay him any attention when he went up to talk to them.

There is a Korean on the judging panel.

He originally wanted to break the deadlock with this person, but after asking, he found out that the other person was the director of CJ Company.

This is a bit embarrassing.

The "New World" that Chen Fei sold to CJ was directed and filmed by this director. During the chat, the other party expressed his strong admiration for Chen Fei!
That feeling of "powerlessness" filled Professor Guan's heart, making him feel very uncomfortable, but he was helpless.

Although he didn't want to accept it, the facts proved to him time and time again that his time had passed!


On the stage.

After receiving the trophy, Chen Fei hugged Luc Besson, then briefly thanked the jury, the organizers and the actors for their efforts, and walked off the podium.

After the screenwriter award, it’s time for the serious awards.

The Golden Goblet Award for Best Director was taken away by a French director, but the jury award went to "Chinese Partner".

As a director, Ning Hao walked onto the podium in person.

"I'm very lucky...Thank you very much Mr. Chen..."

He had just won the Hong Kong Film Festival's Academy Award, and then he won the Golden Goblet Award at the Magic City International Film Festival. This was a scene that Ning Hao had never experienced before.

The feeling of being envied by everyone is what he has been pursuing crazily, but he never thought that it would be Chen Fei who helped him fulfill this wish.

The final Golden Goblet Award for Best Film went to a German director. The winning film was called "Four and a Half Minutes," which tells the story of Kruger, an [-]-year-old woman who is obsessed with music, who leads a rebellious female prisoner named Jackie in a gloomy prison. The story of Ni training into a piano playing prodigy.

This film received a high number of votes and is recognized as the "most suitable" film to win the award. It is both "international" and "authoritative".


After the Golden Goblet Award in the main competition unit, there are also the Asian Newcomer Award and the Movie Channel Media Award.

"Chinese Partner" won the Asian Newcomer Award's Special Jury Award and the College Student's Favorite Movie Award. Finally, it also won the Best Feature Film Award from the Movie Channel.

Chen Fei climbed onto the podium twice more.

The award presenters were Tian Zhuangzhuang and Ren Zhonglun. They were both old acquaintances and both could joke.

"When will Director Chen write a script for me and film it?" Tian Zhuangzhuang joked.

"It depends on your time, anytime."

Chen Fei showed no hesitation at all and agreed on the spot. On the contrary, he was stunned by Tian Zhuangzhuang.

He could see that Chen Fei's words were not a vague refusal, but a serious willingness to cooperate with him.

Among the fifth generation directors, compared to Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou, he is the one whose reputation is not obvious.

In recent years, I have spent most of my time teaching in schools and have produced very few works.

As a director, he actually wants to make movies, but unfortunately he has not been able to create any good scripts in recent years. He can only play in the fields of documentaries and biographies.

Now that Chen Fei said these words of promise, he couldn't help but feel excited.

Otherwise, do you have a chance to try it?


After all the awards were announced, the award ceremony officially came to an end.

Next it’s time for all parties to socialize.

The Korean director Guo Jingze came over to say hello to Chen Fei. He was very polite and took the initiative to ask for his contact information and asked for advice on problems encountered during the filming.

"CJ gave you "New World" to shoot?"

"Yes, the script is very good and I am very confident that I can show the core of it."

"When are you going to start filming?"

The script has been given to CJ for some time, but Chen Fei has never received news of the start of filming, and he almost thought that the project was going to be shelved.

"It's almost time. The casting has just ended, and filming is expected to officially start in mid-July. Will Director Chen be there to participate in the opening ceremony?"

"I will go there if I have time."

Chen Fei did not agree immediately. He was still busy with his own affairs, so he would talk about it when he had time.


As soon as the early morning of the 25th passes, it means that this Shanghai International Film Festival has officially come to an end.

But the subsequent impact has just begun to ferment.

First of all, Chen Fei's speech on the red carpet directly shocked all mainland film and television industry practitioners!
It is quite rare in the current film and television industry to laugh at oneself. For a while, even the media didn't know how to evaluate it.

A reporter wanted to conduct a more in-depth interview with Chen Fei, but in the end it came to nothing. No one knew where this person had gone.

Someone above said hello and no one was allowed to spread the word about "changing seats".

The media reporters were quite obedient, and no media mentioned this matter in subsequent reports.

But the mainstream media dare not say it, but the paparazzi don’t care!
Major forums and tabloids are going crazy, and "conspiracy theories" are constantly mentioned.

Suddenly, Lu Chuan's pressure doubled!

Someone in the circle has already said that this will be the last movie he shoots.

From now on, if anyone dares to participate in his film investment and filming, they will be against Chen Fei!
Standing on the ruins of 3000 acres of Nanjing City that cost more than 800 million yuan to restore, Lu Chuan frowned, filled with resentment.

He had repeatedly ridiculed Chen Fei before, just because there was someone behind him.

But after the "seat-swapping" incident, he took the initiative to give the other party a handle against him!

Although Chen Fei didn't say anything about banning him, after this incident, the two of them had completely lost their skin.

Several leading film and television companies, including Shanghai Film, Wanda, Enlight, Bona, etc., took the lead and began to boycott him in all aspects. Even Huayi shrank its head and said nothing in recent days.

He looked for elders and teachers at home, but there was no way to deal with it.

Suppression is impossible, and the Lu family does not have the final say in the General Administration. There are still many people above who are relying on Chen Fei to improve their political performance.

What's more, the saying "there is no distinction between style and style" is not something that is said casually.

The Sports Bureau now regards Chen Fei as a treasure. Who dares to cause trouble for him?Those people really dare to take action!

If we use "court relations" to summarize the current situation, Chen Fei has now won the support of all the military attachés, and half of the civilians are supporting him.

Therefore, there was only one chance left for Lu Chuan.

"Nanjing!Nanjing! ” was a hit at the box office and won awards.This movie will be his final chance to make a comeback. If the box office and awards are not good, then he will no longer be able to continue in the film and television industry.

"Just rely on this movie to fight to the death!"

Lu Chuan growled in his heart and turned to look at the open space next to him.

There are many props provided by Fan Jianchuan, the founder of the folk museum, including military uniforms, sabers, hand-cranked sirens, binoculars, tableware and other cultural relics and military uniforms from the Anti-Japanese War.

These props are a guarantee for box office.

In addition, he also specially invited some Japs veterans from Japan who had participated in the war, and asked them to explain the Japanese battle formations to the actors in detail, and even taught the actors step by step how to put on leggings and military uniforms, striving to make all the actors appear on stage. Characters and details better correspond to history.

He firmly believes that true history can definitely resonate with the audience.

In order to create a style that is different from ordinary war movies, he also redefined the film.

"This is a film that focuses on the resistance will of the Chinese people and the spiritual struggle of an ordinary Japanese soldier. It provides a completely different war from previous historical narratives. The film is not just about the perpetrators and the victims. It is a story between two people, but a common disaster between two nations..."

Chen Fei did not stop him from continuing to shoot, but quietly waited to see him commit suicide!


June passed quietly.

On July [-]st, Li Bian took the lead in setting the film and television industry on fire!
The movie "Lust, Caution" adapted from the novel of the same name has officially announced the start of open casting!

In fact, this matter has long been spread within major film and television companies. Even two months ago, news about some casting insider information had spread throughout the entire circle.

I just never thought that Li Bian would only start casting the film publicly in July.

The Oscar-winning director personally directed the filming. For actors in the industry, this is simply a path to immortality!

As soon as the news came out, it was like a hurricane passing through, completely sweeping through the entire mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and many other regions.

Even actors from South Korea, Japan, Singapore and other places are paying attention to it.

Not only those first- and second-tier big-name actresses, but even current students or actresses who had just graduated and were currently acting as part-timers, were all excited at this time.

It's easy to agree, because Li Jian made it clear in front of reporters that "Lust, Caution" will choose to follow the shooting mode of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

He prefers a combination of old and new, just like Chow Yun-fat led Zhang Ziyi to Hollywood.

However, many actresses are deterred by the requirements of the heroine!
“Height must be over 1.7 meters, good figure, unique temperament, expectations for desires, and maturity beyond age...

The most important thing is that you must dare to take it off! "

The reason why there is such a request, Li Bian's original words are: because the three sex scenes in this movie are the clues of the whole drama.

It is precisely because of these scenes that establish the theme of the movie, so I have to take it off!
Just like the previous Oscar-winning "Brokeback Mountain," this "Lust, Caution" also follows a "taboo" route, and it was obviously filmed for the purpose of competing for awards.

At this time, Liu Yifei, who was promoting her first Japanese single "Midnight Gate" (真夜中のドア) in Japan, suddenly called Chen Fei.

"Actually, Director Li Yin originally wanted me to be the heroine, but because there were a lot of nude scenes in the script, my mother and I disagreed."

"Well, that movie is really not suitable for you. If you go, your life will be ruined!"

Chen Fei simply replied and asked about her new album.

"The response to the single has been very good. The album of the same name "Liu Yifei" will be released in August. I will give you a signed album then."



After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei casually browsed through various headlines on the Internet.

Under the cover-up of thoughtful people, the "seat-changing incident" has disappeared from the Internet. They used a huge fig leaf to cover up all the details.

In addition to the casting of "Lust, Caution", the news about the altercation between Zhang Weiping and Wang Jing on the forum has also been very lively recently.

As for the mainstream media, they are paying more attention to the news that Zhang Yimou and Spielberg jointly inspected the Bird's Nest site.

As for those TV series and movies, there is not much movement.

After the glory of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the first half of the year, so far only the news of "Soldier Assault" and Mango Channel's cooperation has caused a lot of enthusiasm.

As for the big screen, the Hollywood blockbuster "Superman Returns" is currently in theaters.

At the same time, the movie "Dragon and Tiger Gate", a collaboration between Dongfang Film, Shanghai Film, China Film and Bona Film, has now started intensive publicity activities.

The final release date of "Eavesdropping" is August 8th, which happens to miss the peak period of "Dragon Tiger Gate" and "The Night Banquet".

There was also a lot of good news coming back through the mail from Hollywood.

The box office of "Dangerous Laughter" exceeded 1.6 million US dollars, and the box office of "Insidious" exceeded 1.4 million US dollars. Although the reputation and praise of "Fast 3" are widely divided, it is also heading towards 2 million US dollars.

Overall, everything is moving towards the original path.

While visiting the crew of "囧囧", Chen Fei asked Su Guohai to issue an announcement, officially announcing the new film plan, as well as the required actors' ages and character characteristics.

He is also planning to imitate Li Bian and hold an open casting call.

However, the announcement from his side has not yet been officially issued, but Zhang Ziyi has taken the lead in setting off a wave.

Some media revealed that after hearing that Li was selecting a candidate, Zhang Ziyi, who had been favored last time, was the first to run to the scene, and she came wearing makeup and delivered a promise.
"I completely respect the original work. I dare to take off my clothes! I dare to act!"

After seeing this revelation, Ning Hao sighed repeatedly: "The International Chapter is so awesome!"

Chen Fei was not surprised.

A drama of this scale is indeed a "challenge" for Zhang Ziyi, who has just won the Best Actress crown.

However, the dividends she received in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" still prompted her to give it a try, further break through her acting style, and gain greater international exposure.

As long as Li Bian agrees, she will definitely dare to take it off!

Huang Bo came over and murmured in a low voice: "I seem to have heard that Big S Xu Xiyuan and Shu Qi are among the choices of Director Li Yin?"

"It's impossible for them."

Chen Fei directly denied Huang Bo's speculation.

Big S has a big face and Li Yin won't like her style.

The focus of Shu Qi's work in the past few years has been to "wear" the clothes back. Lust Caution is completely trying to get her to go back, and it is impossible for him to agree.

"So many A-list actresses are looking forward to it. Is it really important to become famous? After this kind of movie is filmed, people will be completely ruined, right?"

The sudden sound from behind attracted the attention of Chen Fei, Ning Hao and others.

Turning around and looking at Tian Yu with a complicated expression, Chen Fei opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak.

He is someone who knows the inside story, so he can understand Tian Yu's depression.

But Ning Hao and Huang Bo didn't understand this. They said almost in unison: "If nothing else happens, after filming this movie, the actress will have to settle down for a few years."


Tian Yu sighed, his expression becoming increasingly gloomy.

The meaning of "precipitation" is easy to understand, that is, "resistance". After filming "Lust, Caution", it will be impossible to continue to take roles in the mainland within three to five years.

Seeing that something was wrong with Tian Yu's state, Ning Hao couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

"My girlfriend passed the primary election very early and has been training for several months. If Zhang Ziyi is ultimately defeated, she will become the leading heroine."

As soon as the voice fell, a needle could be heard on the spot.

"I'm sorry...I..." Ning Hao wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know where to start.

"It's okay. We broke up when she insisted on going. I'm just a little regretful. I hope she won't regret the choice she made."

Chen Fei patted his shoulder and didn't say much.

No matter which man this happens to, I'm afraid he would not be able to accept it.

Breaking up is also inevitable.


After the visit, Chen Fei took a plane to Shanghai.

He had previously told Su Guohai that "Shoplifters" would be filmed in an urban village in Shanghai.

Now that the scenery work there has been completed, we are just waiting for the actors to arrive.

Just like Li Bian's "Lust, Caution", when Su Guohai announced through Sina that Chen Fei's new movie "Shoplifters" would be open for casting at Shanghai Film Studio, the entire domestic entertainment industry exploded!
“What’s so magical about July?”

This is a question that all actors in the industry are curious about.

Previously, Li Yi's "Lust, Caution" announced an open casting call, and later Chen Fei's "Shoplifters" also announced an open casting call.

What is this for?
Do you want to completely overturn the entire domestic entertainment industry?

(End of this chapter)

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