It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 237 President Han takes over?Audition, internal entertainment was a complete sensation!What

Chapter 237 President Han takes over?Audition, internal entertainment was a complete sensation!What is the audition content?Make me cry! (asking for monthly ticket)

After getting off the plane, Chen Fei saw a dense string of phone numbers and text messages as soon as he turned on his phone.

Without exception, they all asked him about casting.

There are six main characters in Shoplifters.

"The hero", "the heroine", "sister-in-law", "grandma", "son", "daughter".

These characters have different ages and styles. Each character has his own image and characteristics, and they are all the type that are impressive at first glance.

Since it was an open casting call, after Chen Fei thought about it, he simply decided to announce the requirements for these six characters.

There is an email address on the website. As long as you are an actor of suitable age, you can send your resume to the email for selection.

Of course, this is a channel for unknown young actors to participate in casting.

Most well-known brokerage companies called Chen Fei immediately and asked him if they could let their actors skip the preliminary audition and directly participate in the final audition, or even pre-determined roles.

But without exception, they were all declined by Chen Fei.

"Mr. Lu, please send it to the mailbox. My film requires very high acting skills from the actors..."


As the requests of several leading brokerage companies were all declined, instead of complaining, everyone became excited!

The requirements for actors' acting skills are high, which means that the quality of the film will be very high.

Combined with the news revealed on the Internet...

A bold idea suddenly lingered in the minds of many actors and agency bosses.

Is this movie by Chen Fei going to compete for awards?

Golden bear?Palme d'Or?Golden lion?Or the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?

Although they can't guess which award they are competing for, no matter which one it is, it is a broad road to "fame" for actors!

It is no exaggeration to say that today Chen Fei and Li Bian are almost in the same class.

The box office data is enough. He only needs to win a few more awards to become a top-notch international first-line Chinese director!
For a time, all the actors who met the requirements could no longer contain their excitement, and one resume after another floated to Chen Fei's mailbox like snowflakes.

Different from those brokerage companies, the first thing that film and television companies such as China Film, Wanda, and Enlight think of is investment.

Han Sanping took the initiative to call, and the first thing she said was, "How much is it?"

Chen Fei said bluntly: "It's not much. Even with the actors' remuneration, the total is only about 1000 million yuan. I'm going to invest myself."

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping looked slightly startled.

He suddenly thought of last year's "No Man's Land".

The total investment was less than 500 million, but it won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival, and finally sold the copyright for nearly 5000 million US dollars.

But now Chen Fei has done something like this again, and he is obviously preparing to win the prize.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly became eager.

The change of leadership is about to begin, and his current box office performance is not lacking, but if he can get another award to support it...

"How about you give me a [-]% share? I only want a share of the box office, and the copyright is all yours."

"But Mr. Ren's side..."

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at Ren Zhonglun.

The movie was co-produced by Shanghai Film Group Corporation, but now it was suddenly given [-]% to China Film Group Corporation. If he had agreed directly, it would not have been done properly.

"Give Ren Zhonglun the phone and I'll talk to him."

"Okay." Chen Fei shrugged and handed the phone to Ren Zhonglun.

"Mr. Han? You can stretch your hands long enough. Don't you, China Film Academy, support Lu Chuan? Why are you here with such a look on your face again..."

Ren Zhonglun took the phone and opened his mouth with his first sentence.

Chen Fei listened quietly to the sidelines as the two first-in-commands and second-in-commands quarreled. But while he was listening, not knowing what was being said, Ren Zhonglun's expression suddenly became serious.

After a while, he returned the phone to Chen Fei.

"Mr. Han is about to take over. Now he needs strong support. Let's give him [-]%. Shanghai Film will be responsible for the promotion."

"Oh?" Chen Fei's eyes lit up and he asked, "Is it time for a change of leadership?"

Han Sanping's rise to the top can be said to be of great benefit to Chen Fei. In the future, the import rights for foreign films will not need to be as complicated as it is now.

After all, the person at the helm now has a very strange temper, and he doesn't like me very much.

Chen Fei met him several times, and every time he had a straight face, as if he owed him money.

And this time, I participated in the investment of "Nanjing!"Nanjing! ”, it was also the one who overcame all opinions and personally came forward to make the decision.

Obviously, he is on the side of Professor Guan and the Lu family.

"Well, it's almost there."

Ren Zhonglun responded, looking slightly excited.

After the current person at the helm of China Film Group is removed, and when Han Sanping succeeds in taking over, future cooperation plans for imported films will be much easier.


After confirming the details of investment and publicity, Chen Fei declined the idea of ​​other companies wanting to participate in the investment.

"Hey? Is it confirmed so soon?" Wang Changtian was completely speechless.

"The original cost was less than 1000 million, but Mr. Han called specifically to ask for [-]%. Shanghai Film was responsible for the publicity and distribution, and it was all divided up in a few words."

"Huh? That Pixiu of Han Sanping only got [-]%? Oh! By the way, I almost forgot. He really has to start working hard to accumulate performance during this period."

After responding with a sudden realization, Wang Changtian still refused to give up and asked again: "The main role in your movie needs to be auditioned, but the supporting role should not need to be auditioned, right? How many can I share?"

"Hey? Your idea is really novel."

Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded, but after thinking about it he still said: "Give me a list of actors, and I will choose a few myself."

"Haha, Director Chen is so open!"

Wang Changtian hung up the phone happily.


There are more and more resumes in the mailbox, and many brokerage companies such as Guangguang, Chengtian, Huayi, New Picture, Mango Entertainment, etc. all arrange for their artists to start competing for acting opportunities.

Wang Jinghua and Zhang Weiping even took the initiative to call and said that they would accompany the actors to audition in person, and the main theme was full of sincerity.

Chen Fei did not refuse. He needed actors with good enough acting skills, and these people did have many experienced actors.

Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin took the initiative to call.

But before they could speak, Chen Fei said bluntly, "There is no role suitable for you in this movie. Just wait for the next one."

After hearing this, everyone had no choice but to give up.


In addition to the recent casting turmoil in "Lust, Caution" and "Shoplifters", another thing has happened in the industry.

"A City Full of Golden Armor" has been completed!

Zhang Weiping, who had a heated argument with Wang Jing not long ago, jumped out again and made bold remarks to the media at the wedding ceremony!

"Yimou's movies have never lacked box office and awards. Bian Bian has just been filmed and the European and American rights have been sold, which is higher than the previous two movies. The distribution contract is also a guaranteed split account model.

Here’s another piece of news for you: Sony has not only promised to help “The City of Gold” win the title of Best Foreign Language Film, but will also help it compete for individual Oscars. "

There is nothing wrong with these two sentences.

But at the end of the banquet, Zhang Wei judged that he was too drunk and criticized many people in front of the media.

"'The Night Banquet' has never been our target for comparison. Feng Xiaogang and Yimou are not on the same level at all, let alone Chen Kai, who has no ability to compete in commercial films.

As for Hong Kong and Taiwan, the same generation and even the previous generation are almost all working in small projects and do not have the ability to shoot big productions at all.

At present, only Li Jian, Chen Fein and Yimou can compete. The others are just small roles. They want awards but not awards, and they want box office but not box office. If you ask me, I should retire as soon as possible..."

The news spread online the next day, and Ren Zhonglun specially dragged Chen Fei to watch it together.

While looking at the interview news, the two of them were counting, how many people did this great comment satirize?
Starting from Tian Zhuangzhuang, to Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, Wu Yu, Ye Weizhen, Gu Changwei, Wang Jing, Wang Xiaoshuai, etc., this guy almost pulled out all the directors in the Chinese-speaking circle and criticized them!
The only lucky ones are Li Jian and Chen Fei.

Even Ning Hao was ridiculed by him as a film-making machine who only follows the script and has no style of his own.

Chen Fei was very happy when he saw it, "This person has no way of talking. If he does it like this, almost all the directors in the industry will be offended by him!"

"Tsk, I have Zhang Yimou, what are you afraid of?" Ren Zhonglun sounded envious.

"That's true. He holds a pair of king bombs in his hand, and he won't be afraid of anyone."

Ever since Zhang Yimou was elected as the chief director of the 08 Olympic Games opening ceremony, his temper has been on the rise, and he is almost crazy.

But judging from the current time, he probably won't be crazy for much longer.

Lao Mouzi will finally see the true face of his partner!


After waiting for three full days, there was finally no new resume message in the mailbox.

Sitting in the office with his computer, Chen Fei carefully screened all afternoon and finally selected 30 candidate resumes.

In addition, there are also some well-known actors in the industry who have obtained the opportunity to audition for various reasons.

In the human society, some people will always look for various connections in order to prevent their resumes from being rejected, just to get an opportunity to chat face to face.

Chen Fei did not refuse strongly. After all, whether it was a face-to-face audition or a resume submission, if something was not suitable, it was not suitable, and it was useless to put so much effort into it.

Women's minds are more complicated, and competition is extremely fierce. Most of the people who do this are top-tier actresses.

Before the audition officially started, the "battle" had already begun.

Wang Zhonglei from Huayi called him several times and wanted to invite him to dinner, but he declined every time.

In the end, he was really annoyed. Chen Fei could only reply solemnly: "Mr. Wang, there is no need to be so polite. What I want is an actor, the kind of pure actor with acting skills.

The role can't be decided over a meal. If it's suitable, it doesn't matter if all actors from Huayi are used. If it's not suitable, it doesn't matter how much you eat. "

This was a bit harsh, and he never called me again.

However, Li Bingbin took the initiative to call me that afternoon and secured an audition opportunity.

On the contrary, Zhou Xun, who had just joined Huayi not long ago, got the audition opportunity by submitting his resume.

Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Liying and other post-85s florets all expressed their thoughts on the role of "sister-in-law".But without exception, they were all killed by Chen Fei.

In terms of acting skills, these people are still too young, and the "sister-in-law" character's occupation is "custom shop girl", so they can't give the feeling that Chen Fei wants.

"Aren't you busy releasing an album? Why are you joining in the fun?"

Looking at Liu Yifei's resume in the mailbox, Chen Fei rolled his eyes unconsciously.

"There is no conflict between releasing an album and filming."

Liu Yifei pouted and looked at the reply in her mailbox, feeling a little unhappy.

She didn't expect that she would be knocked down by Chen Fei.

"If you have time, remember to come back and prepare for the release of "Source Code" after the album promotion is over."

Chen Fei didn't chat much with her. After giving her a warning, he hung up the phone.


July 7th is the official audition time. On this day, the actors who received the audition news arrived at Shanghai Film Group one after another.

Ren Zhonglun specially arranged a conference room for Chen Fei for his audition.

Although the audition will not officially start until ten in the morning, the time has just reached [-]:[-], and people are already entering the company one after another.

By the time Chen Fei arrived at the conference room, the atmosphere was already very strange.

The male actors are okay here, everyone is quite friendly.

But even though the actress was shouting "sister, sister", there was always an atmosphere of tension, as if a fight was about to begin in the next second.

"get ready."

Chen Fei ignored them, shouted to everyone, and walked into the conference room on his own.

Ren Zhonglun rushed over after hearing the commotion and wanted to join in the fun.

After the two sat down behind the desk, the first actress to audition walked in.

"Hello, Director Chen, I'm Shu Qi. We met at the Academy Awards. I'm honored to get the opportunity to audition."

"Ah hello."

Chen Fei nodded, without saying much, and said bluntly: "I have only one request. I need you to express a feeling of emotional breakdown, sadness, and unwillingness to accept reality."

"it is good."

Shu Qi was considered an experienced actor, so he nodded and began to prepare his emotions.

The excerpt of the line about the heroine's emotional breakdown had already appeared in the hands of every actor auditioning for the heroine in advance, so she knew what Chen Fei wanted.

Crying scenes are a necessary skill for every actor, but everyone cries in a different way, and the micro-expressions and demeanor expressed during crying are also different.

Within a few seconds, tears welled up in Shu Qi's eyes. A hot tear fell from the corner of her eye and slid down her cheek...

"All right."

Chen Fei shook his head slightly, interrupted her directly, and said bluntly, "I'm sorry, this is not the feeling I want. If there is a suitable role next time, I will notify you in advance."

Hearing this, Shu Qi's face was slightly startled.

She didn't expect that the audition ended so quickly.

"Okay, thank you, Director Chen."

She stood up from her seat, bowed slightly, turned and left the conference room.

Outside the door, some of the actresses who were still waiting looked slightly startled when they saw Shu Qi walking out within three minutes of entering.

how so fast?
Just as they were surprised, they heard the staff starting to call people.

"Teacher Yan Danchen, it's your turn."


In the corner, Yan Danchen, who was specially dressed as a domestic worker, stood up hurriedly and walked into the conference room.

Unfortunately, she came out faster than Shu Qi.

Seeing this scene, a group of actresses were even more surprised!

In the crowd, Zeng Li couldn't suppress her curiosity after all, and asked softly: "Dan Chen, what are Director Chen trying? Why are you so fast?"

Yan Danchen didn't hide anything. He pouted and said softly: "He just made me cry, and then I failed to meet his requirements."

cry? ? ?
Hearing this, a group of actresses looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

Only Zhou Xun, who was sitting silently in the corner, had a flash of understanding in his eyes. He put down the script in his hand as if he had a profound enlightenment, and his face was filled with confidence.


Li Bingbin walked in wearing a long dress. She has rarely had any masterpieces in recent years, so she took this audition very seriously.

Moreover, there were many competitors outside, and she was very ambitious and unwilling to lose to others.

However, her crying scene still failed to satisfy Chen Fei.

"What a pity." She sighed and stood up from her seat, a glimmer of hope flashing in her eyes, "Next time if there is a suitable role, I hope Director Chen can give me a chance."

"Okay, definitely."

Chen Fei stood up and watched her leave.

Soon, Fan Bingbin walked in. She was dressed like a village girl today, and her makeup suited the character very well, but her face was so beautiful that she was born to play a role like "Daji".

"Do you want to cry?"

"Try it?"

After the brief conversation, that charming temperament emerged instantly.

Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, "You have read the script. It's not that I won't give you a chance to show off. You are too beautiful in terms of image and temperament. You are really not suitable."

"Haha," Fan Bingbin quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with a smile, "It's okay. I can hear your words, so my trip is worthwhile.

If there is a suitable role for me in the future, I still hope that Director Chen can give me a chance. I don’t want to just be a vase. A capable actor is my goal. "


Chen Fei nodded slightly, with complicated eyes, secretly thinking it was a pity.

Fan Bingbin's personal studio has been established, and this is her first step to completely push herself into the abyss.

Sometimes the failure of a team may ruin one's future. After all, the first shot will always be the first bird.


Zeng Li's appearance was facilitated by Chen Fei. He really wanted to meet this actress who is known as "the most beautiful woman in Chinese dramas".

Now that I see her, her temperament is indeed outstanding, and her appearance is worthy of the title of "the most beautiful woman in Chinese dramas".

From Chen Fei's perspective, this face is more beautiful than Zhang Ziyi's.

It's just...this one seems a little unphotogenic?
The resumes of the actors at China Theater are almost full of experience in various drama performances. For example, for this person, the list of dramas he has participated in takes up three A4 sheets of paper!
"No wonder other people's theaters produce actors, but Nortel only produces stars."

Chen Fei muttered to himself, and after saying hello, started the audition.

She was still crying, but this crying scene made Chen Fei feel like a lady was being humiliated. It didn't feel like he wanted a low-level worker to have an emotional breakdown due to the cruelty of reality.

Helpless, Chen Fei could only shake his head.

"Thank you, Director Chen, for giving me this opportunity to audition."

After thanking him, Zeng Li took the initiative to hand over her business card.

It was a worthwhile trip to be able to make friends with Chen Fei.


Once she left, Zhou Xun was the only one left outside.

Zhang Ziyi originally called and said she was coming today, but "Lust, Caution" happened to be holding an event, so she simply chose to go to Li Yin's place to declare her sovereignty.

"Isn't the requirement very high? There are so many people, but you have passed them all?"

Zhou Xun was in a very relaxed state, and even joked with Chen Fei after entering the office.

"The acting skills are beyond doubt, but they can't give me that feeling."

"Then let me try?"

"Okay, looking forward to your performance."

The acting skills of the person in front of me can be said to be well-known in the industry, and Chen Fei still has full confidence in her.

If Zhou Xun cannot express the feeling he wants in the end, then he will have to look for the needle in the haystack among the extras.

"Maybe it's because I hate my mother."

Chen Fei didn't expect that Zhou Xun would choose to read the lines, but he still quickly picked it up.

"What do these two children call you? Mom? Or mother?"

This line completely tore apart the heroine's fantasies and dreams. She had no blood relationship with the two children, and they had never really called her...Mom!
Tears began to pour out of his eyes. Zhou Xun raised his hand and began to wipe it on both sides of his face. But for some reason, he couldn't stop the tears!

Her fantasies were shattered, her dreams shattered, and the beauty she had so carefully cared for was completely gone.

Cry, but have to hold on...

Her emotions broke down again and again, and she gradually went from holding on and not caring, to completely breaking down, and finally crying without concealment...

"This is it!"

Chen Fei suddenly slapped the table and stood up, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

This is what he wants!
It is worthy of being recognized as one of the ceilings of actresses' acting skills in the industry. "Mr. Zhou"'s ability to understand the script and the appeal of the crying scene are simply amazing!
"Oh, I'll go. Just take it easy."

Ren Zhonglun was still immersed in the crying scene, but was so frightened by Chen Fei's slap that he almost fell off his chair.

"Ahem, sorry, I got a little excited."

Chen Fei smiled, picked up the file bag containing the script from the table, and handed it to Zhou Xun, "Sister Xun, how are you? Are you interested in trying this film? Come to Cannes with me. ?”

"Of course there is."

Zhou Xun smiled charmingly and reached out to take it.

She could feel the feeling of emotional resonance from Chen Fei. This was a very special state, and this also made her firmly believe that she and Chen Fei would definitely gain something from this cooperation!

(End of this chapter)

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