It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 238: The angle is fixed, and all the "90 post-4s actresses" are present. Is the Ko

Chapter 238: The role is set, and all the "four young actresses born in the 90s" are present. Is the Korean Wave very popular? (asking for monthly ticket)
After the most important heroine was decided, the subsequent casting became much easier.

For the role of "Grandma", Chen Fei chose an experienced actor recommended by Beijing Film Studio.


In order to rush for time, everyone ate lunch directly in the conference room.

There are only two candidates for the leading role.

It is very difficult to portray the temperament of a "people from the bottom of society". It is difficult for ordinary actors to fit this image.

At this time, many people's acting skills are still quite narrow. Most of them focus on showing their "handsomeness" and "dominance", trying to win more fans by relying on their distinctive personal temperament.

Wang Zhiwen and Chen Chuang are the two actors Chen Fei has seen so far who best fit his image.

Needless to say, the former is also from Nortel. He is the first winner of the "Visual Land Slam" in China and is recognized as the ceiling of middle-aged male actors' acting skills!
Especially his script skills, Chen Fei really admires him!

After the last "Flying Over the Broken Bridge" mission, Chen Fei's line proficiency has been upgraded to Lv4 by the system.

This is already considered a very high level!
But when he compared Wang Zhiwen's lines in "Black Ice" and performed it himself, he found that the lines he read were still a little inferior in terms of empathy.

It can be seen that this person's line skills have reached the pinnacle level among domestic actors!
As for Chen Chuang... Chen Fei had collaborated with him in "Lotus Lantern", but the real reason for choosing him was his performance in that TV series "Fugui".

I have to mention Teacher Yu Hua here.

This person is really ruthless, and what he writes is simply as painful as it is painful. It seems as if the characters he writes cannot have a happy life.

Chen Chuang walked in first.

"Hello, director, and Mr. Ren."

After saying hello, he bowed slightly and waited for Fade Chen to request an audition.

Perhaps because he was too involved in the drama, he still has that "lucky" smell about him that can't be dissipated for a long time.

After briefly correcting two lines, Chen Fei shook his head regretfully.

Success is also a blessing, failure is also a blessing.

After all, he still couldn't show the feeling Chen Fei wanted.

The father in "Shoplifters" is an absurd, down-and-out but real character. He is not tall and straight, and is even wretched, cowardly, selfish, lazy, and good for nothing except stealing things.

But even so, he still has his own unique shining point.

He would eat "croquettes" for a little girl who was locked up on the balcony. He would carefully protect his "son" who was not related by blood. He would also go to work at the construction site before dawn, just to earn that thin The salary is used to support the family.

He is a real person, a man in his 50s who is impoverished but still trying to maintain his stolen happiness.

Fugui and him are two completely different types of people.


When Wang Zhiwen walked in, Chen Fei took the initiative to stand up and say hello to him.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

It seems quite fateful that Chen Fei also attended Wang Zhiwen’s lecture when he was a freshman.
After graduating from Nortel in 1988, Wang Zhiwen was assigned to serve as a line teacher at the Central Academy of Drama due to his excellent script skills and good writing skills.

In 02, the school specially invited him back to take a line class.

Chen Fei could only use the words "I benefited a lot" to describe his impression of that class!

In the domestic entertainment industry in the 90s and [-]s, the mainstream of male actors was in the "drama style", but Wang Zhiwen did not conform to the mainstream aesthetic, so he lay dormant for a long time before gradually rising to prominence.

This person can also be regarded as a representative figure who has endured hardships and gained happiness.

After the release of "Please Praise Me" in 05, he was nominated for Best Actor at the 8th Shanghai International Film Festival.

And this year, he co-starred with Andy Lau in the movie "Ink Attack"!
The 40-year-old man is slightly thin, wearing a plain blue sweatshirt on his upper body, straight overalls on his lower body, and a pair of wrinkled old-fashioned leather shoes on his feet.

Not to mention anything else, first of all, Chen Fei was very satisfied with this outfit.

"Director Chen, Mr. Ren, haha, I'm honored to get this audition opportunity."

"let us start?"

"it is good."

Wang Zhiwen nodded and immediately fell into the drama.

"Let her participate and do some things for the family, so that she will feel more comfortable at home..."

For this "family of thieves", the little girl is an outsider.

In order to help her integrate into this big family, even though stealing is a bad behavior, her father still took her there.

He has no other ability but to use this method that is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people.

I have to say, the effect is very significant!
Like Zhou Xun's crying scene before, Wang Zhiwen's lines also have a heartfelt and moving feeling. It's obviously just an ordinary sentence, but the emotion contained in it is very strong and deeply shocking. !
Chen Fei applauded without hesitation.

"Teacher Wang, your dialogue skills are really good!"

Wang Zhiwen responded with a smile: "Haha, that's all I have."

After handing the document bag containing the script to Wang Zhiwen, the male lead was decided.

The production of "Ink Attack" has been completed. He happened to have no acting appointments recently, and "Shoplifters" just happened to have a seamless connection.

After the roles of the hero and heroine and the grandmother are decided, the rest becomes much simpler.


There were three candidates for the role of "sister-in-law."

Gao Yuanyuan walked in first.

When she was filming "Eternal Dragon Sword", she was still a little green, and her round face was full of collagen, which made people want to pinch it.

But now, after being wiped out by the interests of the entertainment industry, she has gained a lot of shrewdness in her eyes, and even her makeup has become much more mature.

"Director Chen..."

"Didn't you join Lu Chuan's "Nanjing! Nanjing!"? Why did you suddenly think of submitting your resume to me again?"

The sudden question made Gao Yuanyuan's face startled, but she quickly came to her senses.

"Actually, I came here to explain to you. I didn't know there was a conflict between you two... It happened that "Baby Project" was finished, so I agreed to his invitation without thinking too much."

Gao Yuanyuan is also very wronged. She is the kind of actress who does not have a deep foundation. She is a rootless duckweed in the industry.

Now that Chen Fei and Lu Chuan were completely at odds with each other, she was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma.

The contract has been signed and it is impossible to withdraw, but if it is because of "Nanjing!""Nanjing" is hated by Chen Fei, so her acting career may have to come to an end for the rest of her life.

Lu Chuan is somewhat capable, but he can only protect himself and cannot care about outsiders.

"Do you want me to go out first?" Ren Zhonglun asked quietly from the side.

"No, how can it be so exaggerated?" Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded, "I'm not the kind of narrow-minded person. I just go and do the filming when it's time to do it. Why do I come here to participate in the casting just to explain? This is quite interesting."

Hearing Chen Fei say this, Gao Yuanyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then...then I won't try?"

Chen Fei nodded, "You haven't prepared anything yet, so why try? It's not easy to come all the way from Changchun to the Magic City. Let's have a meal together in the afternoon?"

"it is good."

Gao Yuanyuan looked happy, turned around and left the conference room.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Fei motioned to the staff to call the next one in.

"Wan Qian, it's your turn."

As the staff's voice sounded, Chen Fei subconsciously raised his head and saw a short-haired girl walking away.

She is very pure and capable. Judging from her dress, she is very suitable for playing that kind of urban girl style.

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at the resume on the table.

A 04 graduate of the Performance Department of the Shanghai Academy of Drama, he made his debut in the TV series "The Golden Lock" and was recommended by Hu Ge.

After taking a closer look at her image and temperament, Chen Fei asked tentatively: "I need you to show that kind of charming attitude that although you are reluctant to face the guests, you have to hold on, can you do it?"

"Let me try."

Wan Qian nodded, thought for a moment, bit her lips, and her talking eyes began to exude charm.

"Okay, it's alright."

Chen Fei called her to stop, shook his head, and said: "This role is not suitable for you."

Her eyes darkened slightly, and Wan Qian nodded gently, "Thank you, Director Chen, for giving me the opportunity to audition this time. I hope I can have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future."

After all, she turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, what's the rush?"

Chen Fei stopped her and picked up another document bag containing the script from the table, "There is another role that suits you very well, but it's just a supporting role. The role doesn't count for you. Are you interested in trying it?"

In an instant, the dull eyes regained their luster.

Wan Qian nodded hurriedly and replied: "Yes, of course! Thank you, Director Chen, for your affirmation."

"Go sign the contract."

Chen Fei waved his hand, indicating that she could leave.

As soon as Wan Qian left, Zhu Zhu walked in from the door with some regret on his face.

"Director Chen, do I no longer need to audition?"

She just saw Wan Qian walking out happily with a document bag. It was obvious that she was selected, so her trip was obviously in vain. "Well, no need to try."

Fade Chen nodded.

However, just as Zhu Zhu pouted and turned around to leave, he heard a voice coming from behind him, "She took a script for a supporting role. There is also a second female role here. Don't you want it?"

ah? !
In an instant, the girl's eyes lit up, and she turned around and ran over.

"I want it! I want it! I want it!"

"Ahem, pay attention to the way you speak." Chen Fei quickly reminded.

"Hee hee." Taking the file bag containing the script, Zhu Zhu smiled lightly, his two dimples touching his heart, "I know, thank you Director Chen for your affirmation, I will definitely work hard."

After watching her leave, Ren Zhonglun suddenly became happy.

"I mean, brother? Can we make a bet?"


"Believe it or not, among the actresses who auditioned today, as long as you hook your finger, at least two-thirds will follow you willingly."

After a moment of silence, Chen Fei shrugged and did not respond to his words.

What Ren Zhonglun said was not an exaggeration at all. Not to mention those who came to audition today, even in the entire entertainment industry, as long as Chen Fei is willing, he can even be the groom every night.

However, these are not his pursuits.

What's delicious about the grass on the edge of the nest?

If you eat it in one bite, there will be trouble later, but Hollywood is more interesting.


After the main actors were selected, the only ones left were the two minor actors.

Chen Fei's requirements were that he should make his debut as a child star, and that he should also have acting talent, be emotionally stable enough, not have stage fright, and dare to face the camera.

For the selection of these two young actors, he finally chose the recommendation system.

Those brokerage companies that have taken the initiative to greet him can bring actors they think fit the image for Chen Fei to choose from.

The first people to come in were a group of little girls.

Five pretty little girls stood up one after another, and at the same time bent down to say hello to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said tentatively: "Would you like to introduce yourself first?"

The girls didn't show any timidity, and they began to introduce their names and past acting resumes gracefully.

"I am Guan Xiaotong. I am 8 years old this year. I debuted in 01. I played the role in the TV series "The Rise and Fall of the Sea of ​​Smoke". Last year, I also played the role of Xiao Qingcheng in "The Promise" directed by Chen Kaige..."

"Hello, uncle, my name is Wen Qi. I am 4 years old this year. I come from Taiwan Province of China and have won the championship in the children's model competition..."

"Hello, Director Chen, hello Mr. Ren. My name is Zhang Xueying. I am 8 years old. I guest-starred in "The Heroic Sons and Daughters of Yongle" and was later invited by director Liu Xiaoqing to star in "281 Letters."

"Hello uncles, my name is Zhang Zifeng. I am 5 years old this year. I was born in Sanmenxia. I have filmed many commercials before..."

"Hello, director, my name is Liu Haotong. I am 6 years old today. I like to dance. I have won No. 1 in the Jilin Children's Dance Competition. I have been a children's model and have appeared in many dramas..."

The five pretty little girls introduced their ages and resumes gracefully, but Chen Fei, who was sitting behind the desk, was confused.

Good guy!
This row of noodles?

Following the introduction of these little girls, he suddenly discovered that standing in front of him was the future "Four Little Girls born in the 90s" and the post-00s actress Liu Haotong, who is known as the youngest "girl hunter"!

Recalling back then, he used to play the "Why doesn't it count" joke like crazy.

Unexpectedly, I actually met the real owner!


With a sigh of relief, Chen Fei suppressed all the messy memories in his mind, and then began to make choices from a professional perspective.

There are limits to how little girls can be.

Although Zhang Xueying and Guan Xiaotong are only 8 years old, they already look like eleven or twelve-year-old primary school students. This does not fit the image of being "domestically abused".

Wenqi is too young and inappropriate.

Liu Haotong looks like he comes from a wealthy family, and his whole body exudes a kind of "nobility", which cannot be changed with makeup.

After choosing, Zhang Zifeng is more suitable.


After the little girl actor was decided, the only thing left was the little boy who would play with the male protagonist.

It’s still a recommendation system.

However, the recommendations here are not as complicated as those for girls. The male actors of the right age must have debuted as child stars. Currently, there are only two that are suitable.

Tian Zhuangzhuang strongly recommended "Jiang Long" to him.

The Tang people recommended a young actor named "Wu Lei".

There is no need to mention Wu Lei. He made his debut as a child star and shot more than 50 commercials in three years. He is a proper "old drama star".

As for Jiang Long's impression, Chen Fei has always been stuck in the sketches he performed?
But when Tian Zhuangzhuang recommended him, he said that this young actor would definitely have a wide range of acting roles in the future, and his acting skills would also be very good.

Therefore, Chen Fei, who was curious, chose to interview him in person.

Wu Lei, who was born in 99, is only 7 years old this year. He still has baby fat on his face. He looks quite cute, like a milk dumpling.

On the other hand, Jiang Long was already 95 years old in 11, and he was already a big boy.

From an image point of view, Jiang Long is more suitable than Wu Lei. After all, the boy in the play is already a mature boy with the ability to think of his own.

"I want to see you release your emotions such as laughter, sadness, confusion, sadness, and reluctance."

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Ren Zhonglun was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Are you so demanding?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded solemnly, "This is a very important role. The little boy plays a decisive role in whether this drama can be filmed."


Ren Zhonglun nodded slightly, turned his head and said nothing.

The audition officially began. Wu Lei was a little younger, but after all, he still failed to show the feeling Chen Fei wanted.

However, Jiang Long gave Chen Fei a surprise. He did a very good job in showing his emotions. After a little training, he should be able to meet Chen Fei's requirements.

Tian Zhuangzhuang’s vision is indeed good!
Chen Fei secretly reviewed in his heart. People on the Internet have been saying that comedians acting in serious dramas are a dimensionality reduction attack. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

It can be seen now that Jiang Long's style is indeed very changeable.


After the audition, Chen Fei immediately reported the final casting situation through Shanghai Film's cooperative media.

The male protagonist Wang Zhiwen, the female protagonist Zhou Xun, the second female protagonist Zhu Zhu, the little boy Jiang Long, the little girl Zhang Zifeng, and the old grandmother Zhang Shaohua.

As for the supporting roles, in addition to Wan Qian, he also brought Zhang Yi over to fill the role, and most of the others were selected from artists under Guangguang.

As soon as the list was announced, netizens applauded one after another!

"Another high-quality movie is coming."

"Haha, I must watch any movie with Zhu Zhu. She is so beautiful, and her figure is amazing."

"Master Zhou has collaborated with Director Chen? Good guy! Isn't this a proper award-winning film?"

"So, another movie similar to "No Man's Land" is about to appear?"

"Come on! Fight Lu Chuan hard! I've long been unhappy with Gui Sun."

"Director Chen's attributes as a quick shooter haven't changed at all. The casting process for "Lust, Caution" has just begun, but it's over for him?"

Netizens have expressed great expectations for the combination of Chen Fei, Zhou Xun and Wang Zhiwen.

Even some artists in the industry expressed their desire to see what kind of sparks can be created by these two famous acting talents in the industry, coupled with the Golden Bear Award-winning director?

Lao Zhao called and asked excitedly: "Are you going to compete for the prize?"

"Yeah." Chen Fei didn't hide anything from him, nodded, and replied: "We are going to Cannes, how about it? Do you want to have a guest role?"

"If you don't go, I have to be busy with the enrollment of new students."

Lao Zhao refused directly.

After hanging up the phone, he hummed a tune with joy and began to fill out his application form for an outstanding counselor.

He will be teaching freshmen again after the school starts in September. The school is currently collecting teaching record sheets for the past four years. Other teachers are frowning and don't know what to write, but he is very relaxed.

Chen Fei, Liu Yifei, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, Jiang Yiyan, Zhou Yang...

These are all his proud disciples!

After the roles were decided, Chen Fei gave Zhou Xun and others a period of time to familiarize themselves with the script.

He set the start date for filming on July 7th. The filming location was in an urban village near Lujiazui. The main theme was the sharp contrast between "rich" and "poor".

During this period, some supporting actors and logistics teams will also arrive one after another for final integration preparations.

The elite team members of photographers, recorders, props, etc., headed by Feng Taoxin, were transferred back from the "2012" crew by Chen Fei to help him complete the filming of this movie.

With a few days to spare, Chen Fei thought about it and simply replied to CJ, promising that they would attend the opening ceremony of the movie "New World".

He is quite curious about the film and television industry in Bangzi. He heard that Hallyu is very popular, but he doesn’t know how popular it is.

(End of this chapter)

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